Chapter 282 Still young

Chuning has many types of elixirs, including those he has refined and the prescriptions he has seen.

Furthermore, in Jiuhua Sect, I also used the red flame beast’s demon pill to refine pills.

So when he took the elixir from Tang Jinchuan's hand, he could feel that the elixir was made from demon elixir.

And it is different from the previous time when he used the red flame beast to refine the elixir.

 At the beginning, he only used part of the liquid elixir in the demon elixir for refining, and used it as an auxiliary material to improve the quality of the elixir.

The elixir in his hand at the moment is obviously made from demon elixir as the main material and mixed with several elixirs.

Although I guess in my heart, the elixirs in this Icelandic Fairy City are probably mainly refined with demon elixirs.

But at this moment, Chu Ning still said to Tang Jinchuan with a hint of expectation:

“Fellow Taoist Tang, I feel that this elixir is not very suitable for me to use. I wonder if there are other elixirs with this effect.”

Tang Jinchuan nodded slightly after hearing this, then took out three more elixirs and handed them to Chu Ning.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, there are not many elixirs suitable for Jindan monks to improve their cultivation. These four elixirs are the most popular among Taoist friends in this pavilion.

 In the Northern Cold Land, there are probably not many people who can produce four different types of elixirs with the same effect. "

 When he said this, Tang Jinchuan sounded quite proud.

Chu Ning took the four elixirs in his hands and felt them for a while, and found that without exception, these four elixirs were all made of demon elixirs.

It is roughly understood that the alchemy skills in this northern cold land are probably similar to the demon elixir.

Soon he roughly guessed that this was related to the fact that this place was connected to the boundless sea with the Xuefeng Mountains as its back.

In the Eastern Saint Continent and the Western Alliance Continent, there are also many monsters and beasts.

 But most of the monsters are in various spiritual mountains.

 The two continents are connected to the Boundless Sea, although there are also legends about monsters living in the depths of the Boundless Sea.

 But basically no monks will go to the depths of the boundless sea.

 But this northern cold land is different.

 It is separated from the boundless sea by the boundless sea.

 There is life in this sea, and there are also a large number of monsters.

On the contrary, although the Xuefeng Mountains also have spiritual veins.

  But because of the climate, compared with places like the Yunxiao Mountains where it is like spring all year round.

 The elixir resources are relatively less.

 This is also the reason why so many Golden Elixir monks came early when Snow Mist Valley opened.

 There are few elixirs, but there are many monsters and monsters in the sea.

 Perhaps this is also the main reason why the alchemy here is mainly based on demon elixir.

While thinking about it in her mind, Chu Ning took four more pills and carefully felt the quality of the pills.

Combined with the tone of Tang Jinchuan's words, we can roughly infer the level of alchemy in this northern cold land.

 Compared with the alchemy level of Jiuhua Sect, which has a complete inheritance, this place is far behind.

In the Jiuhua Sect, there are several types of elixirs suitable for use by Jindan monks to strengthen their spiritual consciousness.

 There are more than ten kinds of elixirs suitable for different golden elixir monks to refine their magic power.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning chose two elixirs that he thought were more suitable for him and said to Tang Jinchuan:

“Fellow Taoist Tang, I don’t know how many spiritual stones this elixir contains?”

Tang Jinchuan smiled and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu has great eyesight. These two are high-grade middle-grade elixirs, and they are very expensive.

 A bottle of nine, worth five thousand lower-grade spiritual stones. "

When Chu Ning heard the price, she was originally planning to buy two types, but now she pointed at one of them and said:

 “In that case, I’ll take this bottle.”

Tang Jinchuan immediately handed over a bottle of elixir, and Chu Ning also took out the corresponding spirit stone from the storage bag and gave it to him.

 In fact, what Chu Ning wants most is to study the corresponding elixir recipe, so that he can not only refine it himself, but the cost will be lower.

 And correspondingly, you can also refine the spirit again, and the effect you can exert will be better.

 But since this elixir is so precious, let alone the elixir recipe.

Chun Ning knew without thinking that the other party would definitely not sell it.

“We can only see if there will be corresponding elixirs or elixirs for sale at the next trade fair.”

Chun Ning was muttering in her heart at this moment, and she no longer wanted to visit the Shuangyue Pavilion.

 After all, what he wants most is to get some elixir.

As for other treasures, Chu Ning is really not lacking.

When Tang Jinchuan asked Chu Ning to go to the trade fair together, Chu Ning immediately agreed.

 In the past few years, he has been practicing asceticism in seclusion.

 But now Chu Ning feels the need to communicate more with other monks.

After all, whether he wanted to obtain the elixir or return to the Western Alliance continent, Chu Ning had to find out some information from the other monks.

Taking advantage of this time, Chu Ning briefly asked if Shuangyue Pavilion would recycle talismans and the like.

 The answer he got was that he would accept it, which made Chu Ning feel a little relieved.

 If you want to stay here for a long time, you will have to spend so many spiritual stones.

 I can’t say, he can only make some talismans to sell.

While the two were chatting, Tang Jinchuan took Chu Ning to a small hall used for trade fairs. There were only two monks inside at the moment.

There is a man with a face of more than fifty years old, wearing a yellow robe. The most eye-catching thing is the pair of long arms, with a middle-level Jindan cultivation level.

The other person is younger, wearing a blue gown, and his face is a little cold, but he is in the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

The two of them looked surprised when they saw that Chu Ning was so young and that Tang Jinchuan had brought him here.

The long-armed old man couldn’t help but take the initiative and said:

“Fellow Taoist Tang, this fellow Taoist is so young and I have never seen him before. Can you introduce him to us?”

Tang Jinchuan roughly knew what the long-armed old man meant as soon as he heard it, but he didn't explain too much.

He smiled and introduced:

“This is fellow Taoist Chu Ningchu, who lives in this fairy city in Iceland.”

As he spoke, he introduced to Chu Ning:

“Fellow Taoist Chu, these two are Taoist friends Chang Lingshan and Shen Qian. They have been in the Fairy City of Iceland for a long time.

 He is also a frequent visitor to our Shuangyue Pavilion. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning immediately smiled and cupped his hands at the long-armed old man named Chang Lishan and the middle-aged monk in blue shirt named Shen Qian:

“I am Xia Chu Ning. I came to live in Fairy City in Iceland a few years ago. I had little contact with my fellow Taoists before. I would like to ask my two fellow Taoists to take care of me in the future.”

Chun Ning didn’t want to be misunderstood by others as having anything to do with Shuangyue Pavilion, so he simply made it clear at this moment.

Hearing Chu Ning's words, Tang Jinchuan couldn't help but glance at Chu Ning.

Chang Lishan and Shen Qi'an also stood up and returned the favor to Chu Ning.

At this time, Tang Jinchuan had something to do and left, so there were only three people left in the hall.

Then Shen Qi'an seemed to have a relatively aloof personality. After saying hello, he closed his eyes and rested, looking like he was not willing to communicate with many people.

 But Chang Lishan was very talkative and took the initiative to chat with Chu Ning.

I heard that Chu Ning was in retreat some time ago and had not come out, so he took the initiative to tell Chu Ning about some major events that had happened around the Fairy City in Iceland in recent years.

“Five years ago, an eighth-level monster appeared in the southeastern sea, and many fellow Taoists lost their lives.

However, this big demon seems to have only stayed in that area for a short time and left three years ago. "

“I’m afraid there will be a fierce battle in Snow Mist Valley this time. Some Taoist friends said that they saw a thousand-year-old Snow Crystal Zhizhi there ten years ago.

It is said that he has turned into a spirit, and the Taoist friend at that time escaped without paying attention.

This time, I’m afraid many people came here for this thing. "

Hearing this, Chu Ning couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This Xue Jingzhi was known to him even when he was in Jiuhua Sect.

This elixir is the best medicinal material for refining elixirs, and the Snow Crystal Zhi that is more than a thousand years old is generally not something anyone would be willing to take out for refining.

Because the Snow Crystal Zhi that is more than a thousand years old can extract a few drops of Ganoderma lucidum every six months, which is very effective in improving the mana of monks.

 Comparable to the effect of thousand-year spiritual milk on restoring mana.

Chuning couldn’t help but said at this moment:

“Thousand-year-old Snow Crystal Zhi? Will the opening of Snow Mist Valley attract Nascent Soul monks to take action?”

 “That’s not possible!” Chang Lishan laughed and said.

“The three palace masters of Changkong Palace have been in seclusion for many years. Although this kind of treasure is not bad, it is not enough for them to come out of seclusion.

As for the rest of the Nascent Soul monks, after all, Snow Mist Valley is located near the Fairy City in Iceland, and they are also worried that if they go there, they will disturb the three Nascent Soul monks of Changkong Hall.

 So it won’t appear rashly. "

Chuning nodded and continued chatting with Chang Lishan.

 Gradually, other monks came in one after another, and it was naturally inconvenient for the two of them to talk to each other like before.

Chang Lishan took the initiative to invite Chu Ning to his cave.

Chun Ning originally intended to make friends with the monks here. Seeing that Chang Lishan was quite easy-going, he took advantage of the situation and asked:

"I don't know where Chang Daoyou lives. After this, I will definitely go to visit you at Daoyou's house." "I live in A18 on the fourth floor of the upper city."

 Chang Lishan said, seeing a slightly weird smile on Chu Ning's face, he couldn't help but be surprised.

Chu Ning said with emotion at this moment:

“It’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect that Daoyou Chang would be my neighbor. I live in Jiajiu.”

 “What?” Chang Lishan also showed a surprised expression when he heard this, and then he smiled dumbly and said:

“A few years ago, I knew that someone lived in the cave next door, but I had never met him, and I didn’t expect it to be Daoist Friend Chu.”

 When the two of them said this, they suddenly felt a little more intimate.

  Simply continued the conversation through voice transmission.

After about a stick of incense passed in this way, nearly 30 Jindan monks gradually appeared in the hall.

Chang Lishan said to Chu Ning at this moment:

“People should be here almost there, and Snow Mist Valley will be open in about two months.

 There should be fewer Jindan monks coming now. There will be more people in a month, and then the trade fair will be more lively. "

Chuning nodded and began to look around the entire hall.

It was discovered that among the more than thirty people in the hall at this time, there were only four late-stage Jindan monks, and the rest accounted for about half each of the middle-stage Jindan and early-stage Jindan monks.

At this time, a tall, middle-aged female nun wearing a gorgeous dress appeared in the hall.

And Tang Jinchuan followed behind him.

Chun Ning glanced at this graceful middle-aged female cultivator, and her face was slightly stern.

 This person is clearly a late-stage Jindan cultivator.

And judging from the aura on his body, he should have entered the late stage of Jindan for a long time.

 In fact, they were comparable in strength to the He Feng, Tie Shi and the Chinese scholar that he saw when he was in the Spiritual Realm.

“Wu Lingwei from Shuangyue Pavilion, welcome all fellow Taoists to this pavilion. As usual, we will first display a few treasures in this pavilion.

 Then all fellow Taoists can do their own transactions..."

Wu Lingwei said and began to take out some treasures.

 Perhaps it’s because big trading days that happen once every ten days are also very frequent for Shuangyue Pavilion.

Although there are many monks today, after all, it has not yet reached the highlight of the real open day of Snow Mist Valley, which happens once every ten years.

So what Wu Lingwei took out this time, in Chu Ning's opinion, is not top-notch.

  And the number is not too much.

However, both the elixir and the refining materials seem to be carefully prepared, so they are still popular.

With the addition of more than thirty Jindan monks, it is actually not a small number.

 In a short period of time, all the golden elixir monks were wiped out.

 Suddenly everyone entered the stage of free trading.

Chun Ning glanced around and found that most of the people took out their belongings and put them in front of them, and there was no shield to facilitate everyone's spiritual consciousness to detect, so he followed suit.

 Taken out several things from the storage bag.

As soon as Chu Ning's things were taken out, many people couldn't help but look over.

At this moment, in front of Chu Ning, there were not only a pile of high-end high-grade talismans, but also several elixirs that obviously looked to be of high grade.

What surprised everyone even more was that there was a pile of small green swords in front of Chu Ning at this moment.

With everyone's knowledge, they can naturally see at a glance that this is a magic weapon, and it is a complete set of magic weapons.

Northern Cold Land is not like the Ximeng Continent. The sects here are far less powerful than the Ximeng Continent.

 Especially near the Fairy City in Iceland, there are mostly scattered cultivators.

Without the inheritance of the sect, neither alchemy nor weapon refining can be called prosperous.

 Even in this Shuangyue Pavilion, magic weapons are not common.

 After forming an elixir, the average monk does not even have his own magic weapon for a long time.

But at this moment, Chu Ning took out a set of magic weapons similar to flying swords. How could this not surprise them.

 In comparison, the talisman in front of Chu Ning and the several elixirs that were obviously of high quality did not attract much attention.

 Soon, a voice came towards him.

“This fellow Taoist? What do you want to exchange for these magic weapons?”

This was obviously a voice transmission. Chu Ning didn't know who it was from for a while, so he looked up.

 Then he discovered that not far away, a middle-aged monk was nodding towards him.

Chu Ning immediately sent a message to the other party:

 “Some special elixir.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning told the other party the names of several elixirs he needed.

 After seeing a look of embarrassment on the other person's face.

Chuning sighed slightly in his heart.

He then tried to ask:

“Do you have any golden elixir monks who use elixir prescriptions of high-level, middle-grade or above?”

 Hearing what Chu Ning said, the middle-aged monk showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Then he shook his head and sent a message:

“I’m sorry, fellow Taoist, I can’t get what you mentioned, but I do have a lot of demon elixirs and some good weapon refining materials here.

 I wonder if fellow Taoists are interested? "

After Chu Ning rejected the other party, the deal ended without any problem.

Several people came to Chu Ning to inquire, but when they heard about the elixir or elixir Chu Ning needed, they all shook their heads.

Chu Ning did not wait and began to actively contact the monks one by one.

Especially those monks who took out the elixir and looked more like alchemists, Chu Ning asked emphatically.

 Just after going through this circle, almost no one could give out the prescription, which made Chu Ning very disappointed.

 Selling some talismans with low interest, Chu Ning immediately chatted with some golden elixir monks out of boredom.

 Thinking that there may be no gain from this trip, just think of it as getting to know some people.

At this moment, a voice came into Chu Ning’s ears.

“Fellow Taoist Chu, I wonder what you want to exchange for this set of magic weapons? So many fellow Taoists can’t satisfy you.”

As this message fell into his ears, Chu Ning raised his head and found that there was an additional figure in front of him, it was Wu Lingwei.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be interested in this, Chu Ning was moved in her heart, and without hiding it, she said to the other party:

“Fellow Daoist Wu, the elixir I want to exchange for has just been seen by Daoist Tang in your pavilion.

  If there is no elixir, I would like to exchange it for some elixirs. "

 “Alchemy?” Upon hearing Chu Ning’s words, Wu Lingwei’s expression changed slightly.

This thing is their Shuangyue Pavilion's money-making treasure, so naturally it cannot be easily exchanged for Chu Ning.

Thinking like this, Wu Lingwei turned around and left.

But at this moment, she seemed to suddenly think of something, paused, and said to Chu Ning:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, if it is the elixir that is currently being used, this pavilion cannot provide it.

However, we do have some ancient elixirs here. I wonder if fellow Taoists are interested in them? "

 “Ancient elixir?” Upon hearing this, Chu Ning’s heart moved.

 The ancient elixir that Wu Lingwei will take out must have been studied by Shuangyue Pavilion and cannot be refined.

But I don’t know whether these pill recipes are because of the demon pills I need, or because the elixir can’t be found.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning asked the other party:

“Wu Daoyou, is this the complete ancient elixir recipe?”

Wu Lingwei nodded and sent a message:

“Fellow Taoist, don’t worry, they are all complete elixir recipes, but because they are ancient elixir recipes, I’m afraid many of the materials can no longer be found.

 What I obtained in the pavilion is actually a complete alchemy book. If fellow Taoist is interested, you can let fellow Taoist take a look at one or two of the elixir recipes first. "

 “Complete alchemy classics?”

This time, Chu Ning was even more surprised.

“If it’s convenient, Chu would like to take a look first.”

Wu Lingwei nodded, "Fellow Daoist Chu, please come with me."

 After half an hour like this, the small transaction here will end.

Chun Ning walked down from the third floor of Shuangyue Pavilion, with a tangled expression on his face.

Wu Lingwei, who sent Chu Ning downstairs, had a smile on her face.

“Using an almost useless alchemy book in exchange for a magic weapon, this is a very good deal.

This fellow Taoist named Chu Ning doesn't really think that these elixir recipes can be improved, researched and refined, does he?

If it were so simple, our alchemists at Shuangyue Pavilion would have developed it long ago.

  Some old foxes had inquired about it before, but after learning a little more detailed information, they were no longer interested.

This fellow Daoist Chu is still young! "

 (End of this chapter)

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