Chapter 272 Soulless Island

Chuning saw the white mist in the distance.

 The Iron Lion, who was only a few dozen feet away, naturally saw it too.

The two of them couldn't care less about anything else at the moment. They looked at the white mist sweeping towards them and subconsciously turned around and ran away to avoid it.

Although Chu Ning vaguely felt the astonishing spiritual energy in the white mist, his consciousness could not penetrate it at all.

 Hide naturally if you can.

 Soon, Chu Ning's heart sank.

The white mist swept in too fast, much faster than his speed.

 If we continue like this, we may not be fifty miles away before we are overtaken by it.

 Taking another drop of Millennium Spiritual Milk, Chu Ning used his Divine Wind Escape to the extreme.

He no longer flew forward, but flew sideways, trying to avoid the endless white fog.

 However, it turns out that Chu Ning's choice is not effective at all.

This white mist stretches endlessly and seems to have filled the entire space.

Chuning could only grit his teeth and keep flying forward, and then watched the white mist approaching with some reluctance.

 In the blink of an eye, the white mist was less than a thousand feet away.

 “Space storm! This thing is a space storm!”

At this moment, the iron lion who was also flying shouted.

Hearing Tie Shi's words, Chu Ning's heart sank slightly.

He has naturally heard of space storms, and heard that such storms often originate from space cracks.

 It is full of unknown space power.

 If you are swept away by it, you will be teleported by the power of these spaces, but the destination of the teleportation is completely random.

It could be nearby, or it could be hundreds of thousands of miles away, or it could even be directly transmitted into the space cracks of the space storm.

“So, this space storm most likely originated from the top of the mountain range.”

Chun Ning had some vague guesses.

Realizing that it would be useless to fly forward again, Chu Ning sighed softly in his heart and immediately activated the Earth Spirit Rock Armor Technique and the Immortal Golden Body Protection.

 The next moment, white mist swept in, submerging his body.


At Honghukou, Yuanying monks and Jindan monks from the three camps were all paying attention to the movements outside the three spatial boundaries.

 However, since everyone entered, there has been no movement.

 Everyone could only wait patiently on the periphery.

“This time, I don’t know which monk from which alliance or sect was lucky enough to obtain the golden spirit seed.

If those few late-stage Jindan monks obtain it, there is almost an 80% chance that there will be one more Nascent Soul monk.

  No matter which alliance it is, having one more Yuanying monk will greatly increase its strength. "

The Yuan Yingshi of several parties thought silently at this moment.

 But they also know that since some people benefit, others will naturally fall.

 This is the cruelty of the world of immortality.

The fight for rare resources can be said to be likened to the detriment of one general to the detriment of thousands.

As for those sects that do not have late-stage Jindan monks, they are all thinking about whether the monks in their sects can obtain a ray of spiritual energy.

 Or maybe you can bring some heavenly and earthly treasures to your sect.

 These natural and earthly treasures within the spiritual realm are often not available in the outside world.

  Time passes slowly amidst everyone’s expectations.

 Then at a certain moment, the eyes of many Yuanying monks suddenly turned to somewhere.

"What a strong spatial fluctuation! Could it be that the spiritual seed has been obtained by some monk, and this small spiritual world is going to disappear?"

On the Yunxiao Alliance side, Qin Changkong, the leader of the alliance, was the first to sense the spatial fluctuations.

 The next moment, the rest of the Yuanying monks and many Jindan monks also discovered the violent spatial fluctuations.

Immediately, everyone flew away towards the point where the fluctuation was the strongest.

The same is true not only for the people from the Yunxiao League, but also for the monks from the Tianji League and the Demonic League.

 After a while, the monks gathered on an unknown mountain peak within the original Tianji Alliance territory.

The monks from the Tianji Alliance were naturally the first to arrive.

However, they did not prevent the monks from the other two alliances from arriving.

 After all, the land occupied before was just to have spatial boundary points, but now everything that the monks can enter has already been entered.

 And they are not willing to offend the public.

Just after the monks gathered together for a while, the space here became more and more violent.

Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a dazzling white light flash by.

 The next moment, the violent fluctuations disappeared instantly.

 In front of everyone, there were more than twenty monks.

Seeing these twenty or so people, the eyes of all the monks present lit up at first, and then many of their faces darkened slightly.

 A golden elixir monk even exclaimed.

"Why are there so few people? There are two hundred people from the three alliances in total, but only about twenty people came out. Are there any others?"

"In the end what happened?"

 All the Nascent Soul cultivators also looked gloomy at this moment.

 Of course they also knew that some monks would be damaged if they entered this time.

However, at the level of a Golden elixir monk, even if the difference is only one or two small realms, it is not that easy to kill him easily.

What's more, only a small number of early-stage Jindan monks entered it this time.

 So everyone speculates that the loss rate is about 10% to 20%.

 But now, only about 10% of the monks have come out.

 Such a huge loss, no alliance can bear it.

Especially for the Demon Alliance and Tianji Sect, they found that even the leader of the trip did not show up.

  People on both sides could not help but stare closely at He Feng, who had the highest cultivation among the people.

As soon as Qin Changkong saw this, he blocked He Feng behind him in a flash.

“Monks from the Yunxiao Alliance, please return to your base quickly and tell us about the spiritual realm in detail.”

Hearing Qin Changkong’s words, the late Nascent Soul monks from the Tianji Alliance and the Demonic Alliance took a deep look.

However, when he saw the monks in his own alliance, he didn’t seem to have any particular hatred towards the monks from the Yunxiao Alliance.

 The two parties also knew that the Yunxiao Alliance should not have taken any big advantage.

  But other accidents happened.

  Immediately, the leaders of the three major alliances took away the monks in their alliances and returned to their respective stations to understand the situation.

From the Yunxiao League, only six people came out this time.

He Feng and Jia Yumin of the Guiyuan Sect, Luo Jie of the Jiuhua Sect, and three other Jindan monks from other sects.

He Feng, as the leader of this trip, naturally told everyone about it.

 After hearing what He Feng said, all the monks at the scene couldn't help but fell silent.

After Qin Changkong thought for a while, he finally sighed and said:

“More than 50% of the damage was lost after passing through the space rift. After a fight, he was teleported out and encountered a space storm again?

 The golden spirit species is also missing.

Has anyone among you received the spiritual energy? "

He Feng and others looked at each other, but no one answered.

Seeing this, the monks became even more silent.

Jia Yumin sighed softly and said:

“Junior Sister Xuerong told me that she received a ray of aura.

 But since the spirit escaped from the teleportation, he and she have never been seen again. "

 Qin Changkong's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this.

Shi Xuerong is a talented monk from Guiyuan Sect, and he also practices metal-based skills.

If you can get the spiritual energy this time, it will be a good opportunity.

 But now there is no sign of anyone.

At this moment, Tang Xuan looked at Roger, and after realizing that Roger had not obtained the aura, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But in comparison, Yuan Zhuo and Chu Ning did not show up. This Roger did not get the aura of aura, but he didn't care so much.

Tang Xuan frowned slightly and said directly:

“If you are teleported in a space storm, you may not have died, and you may have been teleported to other places.


 “I know that.” He Feng replied.

Roger also immediately answered:

“Uncle, Senior Brother Yuan and Junior Brother Chu have all entered the core area.”

Hearing this, Tang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

 He Feng and others began to reveal the identities of the more than 20 people who entered the core area.

 Hearing these names, everyone had different expressions.

 Appearing there, at least means that it has not fallen before.

 Even the core area did not appear.

 That naturally means that there is a high probability that it has died early.

Qin Changkong saw everyone's expressions and said in a deep voice at this moment:

"Okay, fellow Taoists, we are all clear about things in the spiritual realm. Next, let's talk about another thing. If my guess is not wrong, those who participated in the robbery of the golden spirit seeds are most likely to be demons from outside the realm.

  An extraterrestrial demon has appeared in our Western Alliance continent. This is a big deal..."


Moist, mixed with a light smell of sea.

 This was Chu Ning’s first feeling after landing.

 Although the environment was extremely strange, at least Chu Ning was relieved that he was still alive.

 Hits were not transported into the space rift.

Looking up, Chu Ning found that he was currently in a mountain col.

There are not many trees around, and most of them are species he doesn't recognize.

Although the line of sight was blocked, the faint sound of crashing waves could be heard from not far away.

 Let Chu Ning guess that he should be on an island at the moment.

But when Chu Ning tried to use his spiritual sense to investigate, his expression changed slightly.

 His consciousness was unable to leave his body at this moment.

Mingming felt the existence of divine consciousness fluid in his consciousness sea, but Chu Ning was unable to use his divine consciousness at this moment.

 The next moment, Chu Ning felt something different again.

 There is no aura, there is no aura at all here.

"How can this be?"

Chun Ning's face was full of astonishment. You must know that Chu Ning has also been to some places, whether in the Eastern Holy Continent or the Western Alliance Continent.

Even if it is a mortal city, its spiritual energy is thin and not suitable for cultivation.

 But this was the first time he encountered a place like this where he could not feel the presence of spiritual energy at all.

And when Chu Ning tried to activate the magic power in his body, he was equally surprised to find that he couldn't activate it at all.

This place turned out to be a place where mana and spiritual consciousness could not be used at all.

However, Chu Ning could feel the situation inside his body.

 At this moment, in addition to a three-color golden elixir, there is also a golden seed in his Dantian.

 Besides, there are six golden spiritual auras.

At this moment, they were all staying peacefully in Dantian. Chu Ning could feel their presence, but he couldn't mobilize them at all.

However, Chu Ning can feel that the physical strength brought to him by body training is still there.

Chun Ning raised his hand and waved, trying to strike a Tiangang Fist.

I found that although it was not as powerful as after mobilizing the mana, the power of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique to strengthen the physical body was still there.

This made Chu Ning feel slightly relieved.

 In this way, although he cannot use other means, at least he can use the secret technique of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

Moreover, I have already cultivated the Immortal Golden Body to great perfection, and I have also completed the second evolution of the Immortal Golden Body, even though I cannot use the magic power to use the Immortal Golden Body Shield.

 But the body’s own defenses are still there.

If there are any rules here and no one can use mana and spiritual consciousness, then at least it is not too bad for yourself.

 It's just that I can't even open the storage bag and the spirit animal bag, which is a little troublesome.

But now, we can only take one step at a time.

Chuning raised his head and looked at the endless mountain peaks behind him. After thinking about it, he chose to walk towards the seaside not far away.

Even though he can't fly, Chu Ning, who has practiced the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, can move at a very slow speed.

 A few miles away, Chu Ning arrived quickly.

  “Why does this sea look like a boundless sea…”

Chun Ning looked at the dark sea water and frowned slightly.

Whether it was the information obtained from Qingxi Sect or Jiuhua Sect, Chu Ning knew that the continent of Tianyan Realm was divided into pieces by the boundless sea.

For example, the Eastern Saint Continent and the Western Alliance Continent are separated by the boundless sea.

For example, the Beiya Continent where the Beichuan Kingdom where Master Shenmeng was born is located, although it is connected to the Ximeng Continent by the Skyrim Grassland.

 However, its east, west and north sides are still boundless seas.

“Could it be that what I am coming to now is the area of ​​the Western Alliance continent near the boundless sea?”

Chun Ning had this thought in his mind and looked up.

 I found that the sea was boundless and I could not tell the direction at all.

“Let’s go to this island first to see if there are any other humans there and if we can find some clues.”

Chun Ning was muttering to himself.

 Suddenly, sounds came into his ears one after another, although their pronunciation was a bit weird.

However, Chu Ning could still understand it.

“Hurry up and don’t let that beast get away!”

After hearing this, Chu Ning did not rush to meet him, but hid behind a rock on the seaside.

Through the cracks in the rocks, Chu Ning followed the sound and saw that at this moment, a monster with red hair and wolf-like lengths was rushing out.

“Why does this wolf have demonic power fluctuations?”

Even though this monster is only a first-level high-level monster that is close to the perfection of Qi refining, it still surprised Chu Ning.

Since there is no spiritual energy here, how can this monster achieve such strength?

 Even vaguely reaching the level of second-level monsters, and that is comparable to the existence in the early stage of foundation building.

 “It seems there are other secrets here.”

Chun Ning muttered to himself and continued to look, only to see seven or eight people chasing the red demonic wolf with various weapons.

Although these people have no mana fluctuations, they are all very skilled.

“Body refining monks! These people are all body refining monks, and several of them are at the second level of body refining, which is equivalent to the middle stage of qi refining.”

Chun Ning once again had a look of surprise on his face.

 Seeing that although several people tried their best, they still couldn't catch up with the red-haired demon wolf, Chu Ning thought about it.

While dodging out, he reached out and picked up a stone from the ground.

 Then he threw it fiercely at the red-haired demonic wolf.

 Although the body no longer has any mana.

However, with the powerful power brought by Chu Ning's formidable body after refining his body, the stone shot out like a meteor.

The red-haired demon wolf had just reacted, and the stone had already hit the demon wolf hard.


The red-haired demon wolf only had time to let out a scream, and the next moment it twitched and fell to the ground.

When the people chasing behind saw this scene, they were all shocked and stopped one after another.

 The next moment, he looked at Chu Ning who was walking out from behind the reef with a horrified expression.

One of the people was a muscular man in his thirties, wearing an animal skin suit, with animal teeth and bone products hanging around his waist. He looked like the leader.

 After he and his companions looked at each other, he asked Chu Ning with a hint of caution:

"Thank you to the strong man for taking action. The strong man looked angry and wondered who he was?"

Chuning felt a little awkward listening to this slightly weird sound, but he still raised his hands towards the other party and said:

“This brother, I am Chu Ning. I have just arrived in your place...”

 “You are an outsider from the island!”

Before Chu Ning finished speaking, the muscular man said with a strange expression.

Chuning knew that the other party could tell it from his accent, so he nodded directly.

 Then he handed over his hands again and said:

“Brother, I just said that it is outside the island. I don’t know what kind of island it is and where it is located.”

Hearing Chu Ning's words, the strong man's face showed a look of astonishment.

“You don’t know what kind of island this is? Then why did you come here?”

“I came here accidentally.” Chu Ning replied.

 When the strong man heard this, his face was still full of doubts.

He hesitated for a moment and then said:

“This is the Innocent Island, and we don’t know where this island is.

 We have never left this island, and we have never seen anyone outside the island.

I have only heard of it before, but you are the first one we have seen. "

 “Wuling Island.” Chu Ning muttered softly.

The name of this island is quite appropriate.

 Immediately, his eyes lit up slightly.

Since this island is called Spiritless Island, it means that at least someone here once knew that the outside world has spiritual energy.

  It also means that this island is not isolated from the world as the strong man said.

Immediately, Chu Ning asked the strong man expectantly:

“Brother, I don’t know if anyone on this island knows anything about the outside world.”

 The muscular man looked at Chu Ning and the red-haired demonic wolf at his feet, and hesitant expression appeared on his face again.

At this moment, Chu Ning kicked the corpse of the demon wolf in front of the opponent.

Then he smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, brother, I don’t mean any harm, I just came here accidentally and wanted to see if I could leave.

If you want this demon wolf brother, you can just take it. "

Hearing Chu Ning's words, the muscular man's eyes lit up.

He pondered for a moment and finally said:

"In this case, I will take you to meet the clan leader. He may know something."

Thank you fellow Taoists, I have reached 1,000 votes this month. Tomorrow, the 1st, I would like to ask all fellow Taoists for your guaranteed monthly ticket support in advance, so as not to have to rush to ask for votes at the end of the month~


 (End of this chapter)

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