My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 271: The late stage of the Killing Golden Pill! (asking for monthly ticket)

Chapter 271 The late stage of Killing Golden Pill! (asking for monthly ticket)

 While Chu Ning and others were fighting fiercely.

At this moment, the top of the mountain range at the core of the spiritual realm continues to be shrouded in the rich white mist of spiritual energy.

 But at a certain moment, around a huge space crack, a thick white mist of spiritual energy began to roll up for no reason.

 It was like an invisible hurricane suddenly appeared.

 The next moment, all the white mist around here was swept up.

Then, the same is true around another space crack.

In just a few breaths, all the spiritual energy white mist rolled over this huge ring-shaped mountain range.

 It was as if driven by a mysterious force, sweeping all the spiritual mist away from the mountains.

 Near the mountains, there are two Tianji Alliance Jindan monks at the moment.

 When they saw this vision, they were also greatly surprised for a while.

 When they saw that the white mist of spiritual energy was rolling towards their location, the expressions of both of them changed slightly.

 “Hide quickly!”

An older monk shouted, and the two quickly used their escape skills to fly away, trying to avoid it.

 Though neither of them knew what was going on.

But the intuition of the Jindan monks still made them full of fear for such unknown things.

However, the white mist swept in too fast.

And getting faster and faster, the two Jindan monks escaped less than a hundred feet, and the white mist was already approaching.

The two people's expressions changed drastically, and they tried to fly to the side to avoid.

But the white mist covered the sky and the sun and stretched endlessly, making it impossible for the two of them to escape.

 “What the **** is this!”

With an unwilling roar, the two of them were sucked into the white mist and disappeared instantly.

 And this large piece of white mist continued to sweep outward.


 Over the small valley.

 After Chu Ning sprayed out a burst of elixir fire, a three-color sword light condensed on the giant sword.

 The three rays of light are intertwined and have no influence at all. Instead, they complement each other and combine to create huge power!

 With one slash of the sword, it was as if it was going to split the entire world.

With the help of Chu Ning Danhuo's sword, its power is even greater than before!

Even Ao Langtian didn’t dare to be careless at this moment.

He also opened his mouth and spit out a stream of white clouds that fell on the sword, and then drew a white wave to meet the three-color sword light in the air!

 The next moment, four-color rays of light flew out!

But Chu Ning did not stop at all, and swung the sword again as usual.

 One sword after another!

 One knife after another!

The two of them continued to spray out elixir power and landed on the natal magic weapon, and began to fight!

 After the exchange of blows more than ten times in a row, a sneer flashed across Ao Langtian's face.

He admitted that the power of Chu Ning's magic weapon was indeed beyond his expectation, and its powerful magic power was far beyond that of ordinary early-stage Jindan monks.

However, he firmly believed that a monk in the early stage of the Golden Core was an early stage Golden Core monk, and that the Golden Core could not be stronger than him, a late-stage Golden Core monk.

 It is impossible for Dan Li to be more powerful than him.

 “I want to see how many more swords you can use!”

While sneering, he swung a knife and struck Chu Ning.

 Under this blow, Chu Ning's sword light was even more disintegrated than before.

Even Chu Ning was thrown several feet away by the blow, and it was only when he fell backward that he could dodge the remaining power of the sword light.

Ao Langtian was overjoyed when he saw this.

 “This guy’s magic power is gone!”

  I immediately stopped hesitating and struck out quickly with another knife!

 At this moment, because he was in sight of victory, he naturally did not see it.

Chuning just fell backwards.

There was a very small jade bottle in his hand and he poured a drop of something into his mouth.

 When Chu Ning straightened up again, the sword light that looked like a sword had already flown to Chu Ning.

At this moment, Chu Ning seemed to have no time to activate his natal magic weapon to face the enemy.

 But several defensive shields suddenly lit up around the body.


Seeing this scene, Ao Langtian sneered slightly.

Even a high-grade high-grade talisman cannot withstand the attack of a late-stage Jindan monk using his natal magic weapon, not to mention that he is not an ordinary late-stage Jindan monk.

Sure enough, the next moment, the defensive shields of several talismans outside Chu Ning instantly collapsed.

The sword light hit Chu Ning's earth spirit rock armor heavily, defeating the earth-attribute defensive shield.

Ao Langtian naturally saw that under the continuous defensive shield, Chu Ning got a chance to breathe. At this moment, the giant flying sword had once again sent out a sword light attack.

 Different from the previous one where the power was obviously weakened, the power of this sword light is actually much stronger.

 “Are you fighting to the death?”

The contemptuous smile on Ao Langtian's face became even brighter.

 He had realized that Chu Ning was running out of power at this moment, so he fought with all his strength.

 Hands out a sword, and Ao Langtian also strikes with all his strength. With his elixir power, even a few more attacks will be no problem at all.

At the sight of it, the sword light and the sword light struck each other.

 “Well, that’s not right!”

At this moment, Ao Langtian vaguely felt something was wrong.

 Because at this moment, he had already felt that there was something obviously powerful behind the sword light.

 “One-time attack magic weapon!”

As the sword light and sword light dissipated, Ao Langtian finally saw clearly.

At this moment, an ice blue bead was flying towards me.

With Ao Langtian’s knowledge, how could he not recognize this thing?

Ao Langtian subconsciously wanted to fly away, but it was already a little too late.


With Chu Ning's soft drink, the ice soul bead obtained from Guiyuan Zong Jia Yumin's hand suddenly burst open!

 A powerful ice-blue cold light shot out.

Suddenly, the temperature within a few feet of the surrounding area dropped instantly, and it seemed that the entire area was about to be frozen.

Ao Langtian's face changed slightly when he felt the cold light, which was comparable to a full-strength blow from a late-stage Jindan monk.

He had just launched an attack, and now he had to hurriedly swing out a sword.

 At the same time, a defensive shield was quickly activated outside the body.

He naturally knew that this hasty sword attack could not withstand the attack of the ice-blue cold light at this moment.

Sure enough, as soon as the sword light came into contact with the ice-blue cold light, it immediately dissipated.

The icy blue cold light even instantly froze Ao Langtian's magic weapon along the sword light.

It wasn't until it came into contact with Ao Langtian's defensive shield that it gradually collapsed.

 “What a domineering ice attribute attack!”

Before he could express too much emotion, Ao Langtian's expression suddenly changed and he raised his head.

At this moment, a huge flying sword was slashing down hard!

"How is it possible? Doesn't he have a lot of power? How can he still launch such a powerful attack!"

Ao Langtian's face was full of surprise and doubt at this moment.

 However, the power on the giant sword actually told him that this was the fact.

At this moment, Ao Langtian had no time to unfreeze his magic weapon immediately.

  The defensive shield outside the body had just collapsed and there was no time to gather it again.

He could only wave a powerful spell at random to meet the giant sword slashed in the air.

Trying to be able to block one or two.

 But the power of the giant sword at this moment was beyond every sword he had received before.

The newly condensed spell dissipated directly without any resistance under the giant sword.

The giant sword was slashed from the top of his head at this moment!

 The powerful power made Ao Langtian feel the breath of death at this moment.

In desperation, Ao Langtian could only raise his head and open his mouth to spray out a stream of golden elixir towards the giant sword in the air.

 But at the same time, the giant sword in the air split into two.

The green and yellow flying swords continued to merge into one and slashed towards Jin Dan.

And a red flying sword, at this moment, separated from the giant sword, wrapped in flames to avoid its golden elixir, and slashed hard towards the head!

Ao Langtian's eyes were wide open, and he felt that the frozen magic weapon could finally be wielded. He hurriedly raised his own magic weapon, trying to catch Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

Of course he knew that such a move would most likely result in the direct destruction of the magic weapon before it was too late to inject mana.

 But at this moment, even his life is almost gone, and there is no way to care about the magic weapon.

But at this moment, Chu Ning’s giant sword, which was composed of the wood spirit sword and the earth spirit sword, had already struck **** the golden elixir! “Pfft!”

 The powerful attack power was used on the golden elixir, causing Ao Langtian to spurt out a stream of blood.

 The whole person’s movements were also stagnant.

The next moment, along with the clear sound of birdsong, he felt an extremely hot breath appearing between his neck.

This scorching heat also vaguely carries the aura of death.

"How is it possible? How could I die in the hands of an early-stage Jindan monk!"

Ao Langtian's eyes widened at this moment, full of unwillingness.

However, before he could think about it any further, the fire sword had already passed through his neck.

The glaring head separated from the body, and both fell toward the valley below.

 At the same time, the golden elixir in the air also turned into dots of white light and fell downwards!

 Ao Langtian, die!

Such a huge movement, the other two late-stage Jindan monks who were fighting could naturally also see it.

 In fact, during the fight, the two of them also carefully observed the fight between Chu Ning and Ao Langtian.

It’s just that the scene at the last moment happened too fast. When the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect reacted and wanted to help, it was all over.

“A gold elixir early stage monk was actually able to kill a golden elixir late stage monk, and he was also a late golden elixir great monk!

 This is really incredible! "

This thought flashed through the minds of the two of them, and at this moment, the old man named Zou from Heiyun Sect had only another thought in his mind.


Ao Langtian didn't take advantage just now. Now, he had to face two people alone. If he didn't escape, he would definitely die.

 And Iron Lion obviously saw the thoughts of the old man surnamed Zou.

He was just coping a little at first, but at this moment, he kept pumping out his fists, and the shadows of extremely domineering fists were blasted towards the old man surnamed Zou in an instant.

This made the old man surnamed Zou, who was about to escape, couldn't help but secretly complain.

At this moment, the old man surnamed Zou suddenly felt something.

With a sweep of his consciousness, he discovered that from the side, a red light was shooting towards him.

Hunted in his heart, he hurriedly flew away. At the same time, several golden lights were fired from the staff to meet Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

 The one he faced was the Iron Lion in the late Jindan period.

He was already at a disadvantage, but now that he had such a big flaw, how could he not be caught by the Iron Lion?

 Almost as soon as his figure had finished moving, an extremely sharp fist shadow had already struck him.

The next moment, a red light shot out and penetrated directly through his Dantian.

This great protector of the Black Cloud Sect, in a panic, was killed directly in just one round when faced with the flanking attacks of Chu Ning and Iron Lion.

 In the blink of an eye, two late-stage Jindan monks died one after another.

“Fellow Daoist Chu has amazing magical powers. He can kill two late-stage Jindan monks with one person.

Tsk, this is really an eye-opener for Tie. "

Chuning just breathed a sigh of relief at this time and heard Iron Lion's praise.

He immediately looked at the other party, cupped his hands and said:

 “Thank you very much for the railway friends for your help!”

Chun Ning also knew very well that even though Iron Lion had not tried his best to deal with the old man named Zou just now.

 But if the other party really left, he would have no choice but to run for his life when faced with Ao Langtian and the old man surnamed Zou.

Hearing what Chu Ning said, Iron Lion laughed and turned around and said:

“Fellow Daoist Chu, what you said is very polite. If you really want to thank me, how about doing Tie a small favor?”

When Chu Ning heard this, he was slightly startled, but he quickly said:

“Railway friends, please tell me, if I can help, I will do my best.”

Those who are allies are not necessarily friends, and those who are not allies are not necessarily enemies.

Chun Ning felt that he still had to acknowledge Tieshi's actions no matter what.

Of course, the premise is that the request made by the other party is not excessive.

At this moment, Iron Lion's rough face showed a strange smile, which made Chu Ning feel that something was wrong.

 I saw that the Tianji Alliance's highest cultivation level in this spiritual realm was staring at Chu Ning and slowly said:

“If I’m not wrong, the golden spirit seed should be in the body of fellow Taoist, why don’t you transfer it to me.

  Don’t worry, Tie will never give up on you with nothing, and he will definitely provide many heavenly materials and earthly treasures to fellow Taoists.

 Fellow Taoist, after all, you are only in the early stage of the Golden Elixir. Although the Golden Spirit Seed is of great use, it is not enough to support your cultivation to the Nascent Soul stage.

 This golden spirit seed is of great use to Tie. "

Hearing Tie Shi's words, Chu Ning's heart sank slightly, but on the surface he remained calm.

“What do you mean by this, fellow railway fellow? How could Mr. Chu have such a treasure as a golden spirit seed?”

"Fellow Daoist Chu, don't be too busy denying it." Tie Shi immediately smiled and waved his hand.

“Just now Ao Langtian said that the golden spirit seed was in the cave. I went in to investigate and there was indeed the aura of the golden spirit seed inside.

 At that time, except Daoist friend Chu, there was no one else nearby.

Furthermore, the place where Fellow Daoist Chu performed the Earth Escape Technique happened to be where the golden spirit seed appeared before. There is only one possibility, that the golden spirit seed is on Fellow Daoist! "

Hearing Tie Shi's words, Chu Ning sighed secretly.

This iron lion looks rough on the outside, but in fact it is very delicate. Just after taking a brief look in the cave, it has already noticed so many details.

These late-stage Jindan monks are really not easy to fool.

Of course, Chu Ning would never admit it at this moment, and just said with a wry smile:

“What the railroad friends said is only partially correct.

I did find a golden spirit seed in this cave just now, but before I could capture it, the spirit seed had already escaped through the soil.

At this time, Ao Langtian arrived just in time, and I had no choice but to use earth escape to escape.

Originally, I wanted to pursue it further, but then my fellow railway friends came too.

I was worried about being discovered by you, especially by Ao Langtian, so I just hid in the soil and didn't dare to come out.

The golden spirit species had already fled far away by then. "

Hearing Chu Ning's words, a trace of doubt flashed across Tie Shi's face.

Although what Chu Ning said was very reasonable, it obviously did not dispel his doubts.

After pondering for a while, Iron Lion shook his head and said:

“It’s not that I don’t want to believe Fellow Daoist Chu, it’s actually that this golden spirit seed is of great importance to something like Iron.

 Well, how about embarrassing fellow Taoist and asking me to investigate? "

Although Tie Shi's words sounded like a discussion, how could Chu Ning not hear the unquestionable meaning in his tone.

Knowing that it was useless to say anything at this time, Chu Ning's tone naturally changed and she said calmly:

“Why do railway friends have to force others to do things difficult for them? I would like to replace them with any monk.

They would not be willing to let a late-stage Jindan monk explore at will. "

When Iron Lion heard this, he laughed again and looked directly at Chu Ning, flashing with a wild aura like a monster.

“Fellow Daoist Chu, this is not something you are willing to do.

 You don’t really think that you will be my opponent if you kill Ao Langtian?

Although I don’t know what heavenly materials and earthly treasures you used to restore your mana, but in front of me, these tricks are of little use. "

 Hearing Tie Shi's words, Chu Ning's face remained calm.

 But my heart was slightly shuddering.

When he just fought with Ao Langtian, Chu Ning did take a drop of Iron Year Spiritual Milk while the opponent was not paying attention, and quickly restored his mana.

 That's why he was able to launch two powerful attacks unexpectedly in succession.

  Combined with the use of the Ice Soul Pearl, Ao Langtian was killed.

Unexpectedly, Tie Shi even observed this detail.

Moreover, the opponent was able to survive the battle between two late-stage Jindan monks and was indeed more difficult to deal with than Ao Langtian.

 If you can't fight hard, then...escape!

Chun Ning had a look of embarrassment on his face, and the next moment he suddenly swayed and dodged more than ten feet away.

 While he quickly distanced himself from the iron lion, the man immediately used the divine wind to escape.

"Want to escape? It seems that this golden spirit seed is really in your body!"

 Iron Lion's eyes were flashing at this moment, and he quickly chased after Chu Ning.

But the next moment, Iron Lion was a little stunned.

 “His escape technique is so fast!”

In the later period of Jin Dan, he was fully performed at this moment, but found that he could not get closer to Chu Ning.

“There are so many amazing things about this guy!”

With this thought in his mind, Tie Shi had no intention of giving up.

Since this is the case, the next step is to fight for mana. As a late-stage Jindan monk, it is possible that he can really lose to Chu Ning.

 Feeling the hot pursuit of the iron lion from behind, Chu Ning could not help but look slightly depressed.

Even though he used his divine wind escape with all his strength, he still couldn't get rid of the opponent. Obviously, the escape speed of the late-stage Golden Core monk behind him was not slow either.

 He does still have two drops of Millennium Spiritual Milk in his hand, but he is not sure whether Iron Lion also has treasures that can restore mana.

The two of them were chasing each other for nearly a hundred miles.

At this moment, Chu Ning suddenly stopped and looked at the white mist rolling in front of him, with a look of shock on his face.

"what is that?"

 (End of this chapter)

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