My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 269: Obtain the spiritual seed and cut off his arms (asking for monthly votes)

Chapter 269 Obtaining a spiritual seed and cutting off his arms (asking for monthly votes)

 The consciousness that swept over from outside the cave, as well as the monks approaching quickly, told Chu Ning that he was not the only one in the small valley here.

"Although I have used the Forbidden God Technique, it seems that the golden spirit seed has attracted the attention of the monks outside."

 Feel the somewhat familiar consciousness just now, and then think of my own speculation about the teleportation location just now.

Chu Ning naturally knew that the person coming from outside was Ao Langtian.

However, Chu Ning did not sense the presence of the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect.

 It made him feel slightly reassured.

 I think the other party may have teleported to other places. After all, everyone lives in more than one place.

At this moment, Chu Ning no longer hesitated and grabbed the golden spirit seed.

At the same time, he used the earth escape technique and flew directly towards the top of the cave.

Chu Ning naturally knew that in such a hasty escape, even if he used the Forbidden God Technique, it would still be difficult for the mana fluctuations to be hidden from Ao Langtian outside.

But I can’t care about that much at the moment.

 Compared to being stuck in this hole, it is naturally more beneficial to oneself to fly out of the hole.

However, just when Chu Ning escaped more than ten feet into the cave wall, his consciousness suddenly sensed that there was an additional figure on the top of the cave.

 “Iron Lion?”

 Ch Ning felt happy when she found out the identity of the visitor.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth and did not continue to fly upward, but stayed directly in the earth wall.

While performing the Forbidden God Technique, he opened his mouth and directly sucked the golden spirit seed into his belly.

Chun Ning didn’t know whether this golden spirit species should be dealt with in this way, but he couldn’t care less at the moment.

Only in this way can he use the Forbidden God Technique to block the aura of this golden spirit species.

If only Ao Langtian showed up, the other party would naturally be able to detect traces of earth escape as long as they investigated carefully.

It would be unrealistic for Chu Ning to muddle through like this, but the appearance of Iron Lion made him feel that it was possible.

 As long as two people discover each other's existence, they will not have so much thoughts to worry about themselves.

 Especially when Ao Langtian may have sensed the golden spirit species just now, but did not sense Chu Ning himself.

"Who? Who took away the golden spirit seed? Or did the golden spirit seed escape again?"

At this moment, Ao Langtian had already rushed into the cave.

 Just now I clearly felt the presence of the Golden Spirit Seed, but now I didn’t see it.

 This made Ao Langtian a little crazy.

 Being able to discover the golden spirit species immediately after the teleportation is definitely the best opportunity for him.

 After all, if the remaining late-stage Jindan monks appear in the three camps.

Especially if the three monks appear, his chances of competing for the golden spirit seed are quite slim.

Just when Ao Langtian was about to investigate again to see if he could find any clues.

 He suddenly felt a powerful divine consciousness scanning down.

Ao Langtian's expression changed slightly, but he didn't bother to look any further and flew out of the cave.

 “Iron Lion!”

 “Ao Langtian!”

The two of them shouted at the same time, but their tone was not consistent.

Ao Langtian's voice sounded somewhat frightened.

 The Iron Lion's tone was full of surprise.

 The next moment, this late-stage Jindan cultivator from the Tianji Alliance burst into laughter.

“Okay! Okay! This golden spirit species ran away, but he happened to meet you, Ao Langtian.

 In this case, let’s take it out on you! "

 While laughing, the iron lion rushed towards Ao Langtian as quickly as a tiger.

The magic power on his body exploded instantly, and fist shadows that seemed to penetrate the void were emitted from his hands, constantly intertwined, and blasted towards Ao Langtian.

 In front of it, an area full of killing atmosphere formed.

This iron lion is not only arrogant, but his skills and spells are also extremely domineering.

 And the pair of bracelets on his arms are obviously not just decorations, but a very offensive magic weapon.

 Feeling the fierce attack of the iron lion, Ao Langtian's face changed slightly at first.

 But he also yelled loudly.

“Iron Lion, you really think I’m afraid of you!”

He casually took out a long knife with a cold light, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he struck down with the knife.

Accompanied by a deafening knife whistle, a blade of light was like a big wave, heading towards the fist figure.

For a moment, the shadow of the fist was like a mountain, and the light of the sword was like the sea. The two late-stage Jindan monks took action without any scruples, and the ground shook.

 Both of them are known for their domineering skills.

However, Iron Lion can be the leader of the Tianji Alliance this time, and his cultivation level is not inferior to that of He Feng and Nahua Scholar.

His strength is naturally much higher than that of Ao Langtian.

At first, the two were evenly matched, but after just a while, they faced the iron lion's fierce attacks one after another.

Ao Langtian clearly felt a little strenuous.

 He himself naturally knew about this, and it would not do him any good to continue fighting.

Ao Langtian could not help but grit his teeth at this moment and said:

“Tie, I have told you many times that our Da Luo Sect had nothing to do with the death of your junior brother.

 You are struggling here to fight each other. The golden spirit seed is nearby but you don't chase it. Do you really think it's a good deal? "

“Golden Spirit Seed? You said this Golden Spirit Seed is nearby?”

Hearing Ao Langtian's words, Iron Lion was slightly startled and stopped attacking.

As soon as Ao Langtian heard that the other party was indeed interested in this, he immediately said without hiding anything:

“That’s right! I just discovered that the golden spirit species is in this mountain peak.

 It's just that after I arrived, the spiritual seed had already escaped. If it hadn't been disturbed by you, I might have found the location of the golden spiritual seed by now. "

 Hearing this, Iron Lion suddenly became dubious.

Ao Langtian hummed again:

“If you don’t believe it, you can go into this cave and check it out.

Even if the golden spirit species escapes, with your cultivation level, you will naturally be able to sense some clues. "

When Iron Lion heard this, his eyes flashed slightly, and then he gave Ao Langtian a cold look.

"Let's go in and have a look together. If what you say is false, this cave will be your burial place."

Although Iron Lion was very upset about the death of his junior brother, a Da Luo Sect monk, he was obviously more concerned about the Golden Spirit Seed.

Ao Langtian's eyes flashed with anger when he heard Tie Shi's obvious threats.

But when I thought about the opponent's strength, I had to endure it.

Immediately, the two of them got into the cave directly.

At this moment, Chu Ning, who had been hiding in the rock wall, secretly complained when he heard this.

 When the two of them were fighting, he had thought about escaping again.

 But this thought just crossed his mind and was thrown away by Chu Ning.

Given the cultivation level of the two late-stage Jindan monks, the mana fluctuations caused by his Earth Escape Technique at such a close distance would definitely be noticed by the two of them.

 Originally, he wanted to see if the two of them could fight to the death, but he would find another opportunity to escape.

Unexpectedly, the two of them stopped fighting before the fight reached the point of life and death.

Since the two of them entered the cave to investigate carefully at this moment, some subtle traces of the earth escape technique he just used will definitely be detected by the two of them.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately stopped hesitating. Just as the two of them entered the cave, he quickly flew out towards the top of the mountain.

Although he also learned the art of earth escape after awakening the Xu earth spirit body.

 But compared with Kamikaze Dun, the speed is still inferior.

The iron lion entered the cave, and after just a brief sweep of his consciousness, his eyes suddenly flashed with light.

“Yes, there is indeed the aura of the golden spirit species here.

Um? "

 At the next moment, Iron Lion looked towards the direction of the stone wall in front, and at the same time, the figure flashed and ran out of the cave entrance again.

That Ao Langtian also felt the abnormal fluctuations in the mana of Chu Ning's Earth Escape Technique.

At this moment, the Iron Lion also flew out of the cave.

As soon as the two people came out of the cave, they saw Chu Ning flying out from the peak.

 They were all slightly startled.

They all made a sound of surprise.

"who are you?"

"Chun Ning? Keep your life!"

Chun Ning, who had just escaped, could not think of answering the words at this moment. In a flash, he used the divine wind to escape and flew away into the distance.

But his figure just moved and moved more than ten feet away.

Chuning stopped again with an ugly expression, and sighed inwardly.

 Just now, I felt that I was really lucky to be able to obtain the golden spirit seed so easily.

 But now it seems that this luck is really not that good.

But in the direction Chu Ning was flying forward, two more people were flying towards him at this moment.

Chuning actually knew these two people.

One of them is the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect.

 The other person was surprisingly You Jing, who made Chu Ning feel very strange.

 They also saw Chu Ning and the other three at this moment.

Then their eyes fell on Chu Ning, and their eyes became a little playful.

You Jing's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness at this moment, and at the same time there was a sarcastic smile. “Surnamed Chu, I was regretting that I didn’t meet you in this spiritual realm before, but I didn’t expect that I would meet you here now.

It seems like you are really unlucky! "

“Brother You, do you know him too?” The old man surnamed Zou naturally recognized Chu Ning as the person Ao Langtian told him to kill before.

At this moment, I was surprised to hear that You Jing seemed to be having some trouble with Chu Ning.

"Know?" When You Jing heard this, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

“This person is one of the monks I want to kill the most.”

When the old man surnamed Zou heard this, he let out a dry laugh and looked at Chu Ning, looking very curious.

“Junior, I’m really curious.

 Who are you that can actually make Ao Langtian and Brother You want to get rid of you quickly? "

Hearing the words of the old man surnamed Zou, even the iron lion flashed a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

At this moment, Chu Ning did not reply to the words of the old man named Zou, but turned around slightly.

The iron lion and Ao Langtian stood in the sky not far away after seeing Chu Ning stop and not run away.

Chun Ning turned his attention to Iron Lion.

“Railway friends, how about we cooperate.

I will contain this Xuanyin Cult protector, and you should have no problem with the other two. "

When Iron Lion heard this, he looked at Chu Ning, then at Ao Langtian and the other three, and burst into laughter.

“Interesting! It’s really interesting! You should be from the Yunxiao League, right?

The Daluo Sect monks who are also members of the Yunxiao Alliance not only fail to support you, but actually want to get rid of you and then quickly.

 Boy, I am a little interested in you. "

 Speaking of this, Iron Lion also showed a playful smile on his face.

 “But why should I cooperate with you?

If I want to leave, do you think the three of them can keep me?

 But if I promise you, after you die, I will still have to face three people. Why should I bother? "

Facing Tie Shi’s obviously contemptuous words, Chu Ning’s face was extremely calm at this moment.

He spoke again:

“You should have noticed that the Daluo Sect and the Demonic Alliance are close to each other because they are colluding with these two people.

Since your junior brother was killed by Da Luo Sect, maybe it was because he discovered their secret.

  Putting aside the matter of avenging your junior brother, you just forced Ao Langtian to beg for mercy in this embarrassment.

 Now that the secret of their collusion has been discovered, do you think they will let you leave peacefully like this? "

As soon as Chu Ning said this, the expressions of the other four people present changed slightly, except for You Jing, who seemed to have something to do with himself.

 “What a good boy, you are so eloquent!” Ao Langtian suddenly shouted loudly at this moment.

“Brother Tie, we have no ill intentions towards you, please do as you please.

But this guy from the Jiuhua Sect has a deep grudge against me, so I’ll deal with him first! "

As he spoke, Ao Langtian waved his hand, and a long knife with a cold light appeared in his hand.

A sword light condensed and struck towards Chu Ning.

 The sword light was like a wave, sweeping towards Chu Ning.

Chun Ning's face changed slightly when he saw this, and the Divine Wind Escape suddenly flew away.

 But under the control of Ao Langtian, Daomang was chasing after him.

 But at the same time, the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect and You Jing also took action.

The latter had an extra magic flag in his hand, which was the natal magic weapon that Chu Ning had seen before.

As he was waving, streaks of black light condensed by black mist shrouded Chu Ning.

And in the hands of the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect, a black staff appeared.

Pointing towards Chu Ning, several powerful golden awns were fired out, and the faint sound of clashing golden swords could be heard, like several golden lightnings piercing the sky and rushing towards Chu Ning.

The three of them attacked Chu Ning in three directions at the same time, trying to force Chu Ning to hide.

Chuning simply stopped hiding at this moment.

 While waving his hand, a flaming red flying sword appeared in his hand.

At the same time, above Chu Ning, **** of fire suddenly appeared falling from the sky.

 After these fireballs fell, they quickly rotated around Chu Ning.

As Chu Ning swung the flaming red flying sword in his hand, these fire **** formed a sword light on Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

He went straight towards Ao Langtian's wave-like sword light.

At the same time, double fire rings flew out of Chu Ning's hands, facing the thunderous golden light of the old man named Zou.

   It was vaguely visible that a crimson spirit bird had condensed inside.

The black light inspired by You Jing has now reached Chu Ning's head.

Chun Ning raised his hand, and several talismans could be vaguely seen disappearing into nothing.

At the same time, various rays of light shot up into the sky, but they also washed away all the large black light.

 In an instant, the sound of various spells bursting in the air intertwined.

 After all the rays of light had faded away, Chu Ning's figure was revealed.

At this moment, Chu Ning's face was calm. He held the flying sword in one hand and caught the double fire rings that flew back with the other hand.


The Iron Lion let out a cry of surprise at this moment.

As for Ao Langtian and You Jing, they also had a look of astonishment on their faces.

 The three of them took action, although none of them used the strongest killing move.

However, under the joint attack of the three of them, Chu Ning received it so easily, which was undoubtedly far beyond their expectations.

Chu Ning ignored the expressions of several people and turned to Iron Lion and said:

“Railway friends, I wonder if Mr. Chu is qualified to join forces with you.”

 Hearing this, Iron Lion burst into laughter.

“Okay, this little friend of yours is indeed interesting!

A golden elixir early stage monk was actually able to withstand the attacks of three people, including two late golden elixir monks. "

As he spoke, Tie Shi looked at Ao Langtian.

“Ao, we haven’t had a good fight just now. Since you’ve called for help, let’s come together!”

After finishing his words, Ao Langtian did not wait to say anything else.

 Iron Lion had already waved his fists, condensing fist shadows and attacking Ao Langtian and the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect.

Chun Ning was flashing at this moment, using the divine wind to quickly distance himself from the old man named Zou from the Black Cloud Sect.

 The Fire Spirit Sword in his hand pointed and shot towards the wandering thorn.

The Fire Spirit Sword cut through the air, but wherever the sword tip passed, there was a faint flash of red flames.

Exudes extremely powerful fire aura power.

At this moment, the Dharma flag in the hand of You Jing was flying.

With a casual finger, it turned into a black light and headed towards Chu Ning's Fire Spirit Sword.

 The cold power on it is stronger than it was more than ten years ago.

The red spiritual sword and the pitch-black flag met in the air, and the fire aura and cold power above them also quickly dissipated.

At this moment, Chu Ning continued to use magic formulas with both hands, and streams of sky fire fell down and condensed on the flying sword.

 Let the flying sword, which was already carrying the power of fire, exude an increasingly hot aura.

You Jing felt that what he was facing was not a flying sword, but a blazing sun.

 While a hint of solemnity flashed across his cold face, a cold glint flashed in You Jing's eyes.

A group of dark light condensed on the fingertips, and then quickly landed on the Dharma flag under that finger.

The Dharma flag, which was about to be repulsed, suddenly glowed with black light.


 Feel the black evil energy that is completely different from the cold power before.

Chun Ning couldn't help but be slightly startled.

I don’t know what kind of black demonic energy it is, but it is actually stronger than the Xuanyin skill practiced by You Jing.

 Furthermore, it gave Chu Ning a very uncomfortable feeling.

Chun Ning's heart was trembling, and the magic trick continued to activate, and the red flames on the fire spirit sword quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye, a flaming spiritual bird emerged from the spiritual sword.

 Flying towards You Jing.

At this moment, You Jing snorted coldly when he saw the flying spiritual bird, and black demonic energy emerged from it.

 Suddenly transformed into a demon that wants to choose people to devour.

The blazing sun bird that was transformed into the Fiery Flame Technique collapsed instantly as soon as it came into contact with the black demonic energy.

Chun Ning had a look of surprise on his face, but his movements were not slow at all. He opened his mouth and sprayed out two flying swords.

It turned into two rays of light, one green and one yellow, piercing the sky. In the blink of an eye, it had arrived three feet away from You Jing.

A contemptuous smile flashed across You Jing's face, shrouded in demonic aura at the moment.

He saw his hands raised, and he used both hands to grab the two flying swords flying towards him.

 “Can’t catch! Hide quickly!”

At this moment, a harsh and unusual sound suddenly sounded on You Jing's body.

 The expression on You Jing's face froze, and he immediately took his hand back.

 But it is already slow now.

The two rays of green and yellow light disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, they bypassed You Jing's two retracted palms.

  It passes directly through the left and right shoulders of You Jing.


With a scream, both of You Jing's arms were cut off and fell from the air.

 (End of this chapter)

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