Chapter 255: Pill formation

 “Fake alchemy realm!”

Upon hearing Ling Cang's words, everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Chu Ning.

Judging from the cultivation level of everyone present, it is impossible to tell whether Chu Ning has reached the realm of fake elixir.

 However, everyone naturally knows what this situation means.

That is equivalent to stepping into the realm of golden elixir with one foot.

Chuning smiled slightly when he heard this.

Judging from the fact that he has perfected the Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique, he is indeed in the realm of false elixirs at this moment.

  In other words, mana cannot be improved, and one can only cultivate spiritual consciousness and adjust physical condition to prepare for future elixir formation.

 This time can range from one or two years to decades or even hundreds of years.

 There are also monks who are stuck in this state their entire lives.

 It varies from person to person.

However, for Chu Ning, after converting to the Five Elements Chaos Art, his magic power can still be further improved after transformation and tempering.

So in a sense, Chu Ning cannot be equated to the realm of fake elixir in the traditional sense at this moment.

Of course, Chu Ning didn’t explain it deliberately.

 After all, it does take some time for him to practice in this state.

 He is not sure how long the distance will be after completing the transformation and tempering of mana.

It is not wrong to call it the realm of false elixir.

At this moment, He Yanmao was just coming out of the alchemy table. He was very surprised when he heard this.

He then sighed and said:

“Senior Brother Chu entered the late stage of foundation building nearly twenty years later than me. I didn’t expect to reach the realm of fake elixirs so quickly.

 It seems that it won’t be long before the golden elixir is formed. "

Chu Ning shook his head at this moment and said:

 “It can’t be so simple, so many people have been stuck here their whole lives.”

Ling Cang nodded and said: "Yes, to form the golden elixir, you need your energy and spirit to be in optimal condition, and it also depends on the opportunity."

 Speaking, Ling Cang asked Chu Ning:

 “What are your plans during this time?”

Chun Ning also explained his purpose at this moment.

“I came to the Alchemy Pavilion this time to refine a batch of elixirs, and I will continue to be in seclusion for a while.”

 “Alchemy? Retreat?”

Ling Cang glanced at Chu Ning, but after all he said nothing more and nodded slightly.

 Then he said to Chu Ning:

"That's good. We can refine it in this dojo and let the disciples observe it."

Chu Ning did not refuse. After agreeing, he asked the person in charge of the elixir in the pavilion to fetch the elixir for him.

 I then entered the alchemy table and started refining pills one after another.

Although Ling Cang was very surprised that Chu Ning was actually refining earth attribute elixir, he didn't ask any more questions.

And after seeing Chu Ning refining several batches of pills, I couldn't help but sigh.

"Chun Ning's understanding of alchemy is far beyond that of ordinary monks. If he condenses the golden elixir, he will not be as good as himself."

 When he thought that Chu Ning had now entered the realm of fake elixirs, Ling Cang smiled secretly.

He vaguely guessed that this day seemed not too far away.

Chun Ning refined several batches of elixirs under the observation of everyone in the alchemy pavilion, and also exchanged some alchemy techniques with everyone.

Today's alchemy exchange in the Alchemy Pavilion can be regarded as officially over.

Chu Ning originally wanted to leave directly, but after thinking about it, he went up to the second floor to get a bunch of elixirs, and then got into the alchemy room again.

In the past few years, Chu Ning has researched elixirs, and naturally it is impossible to only have this kind of earthy elixir.

Based on the characteristics of the Five Elements Chaos Art, Chu Ning spent a full year developing a spiritual elixir with the three attributes of wood, fire, and earth based on the twin elixirs.

Since he has arrived at the Alchemy Pavilion this time, he simply refined it together while he had the materials.

 After staying in the Alchemy Pavilion for three days, Chu Ning finally successfully refined both elixirs.

Out of the alchemy room, Chu Ning was preparing to leave the alchemy pavilion.

Su Yuqing came up to him at this time and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, have you been in seclusion for too long during this time?

I met Rongrong outside just now. She said that you asked the Refining Pavilion to help collect several materials.

They have been preparing it for almost two months, but no one has gone to get it. "

“Oh, I haven’t been there for a while, so the materials are not that urgent.” Chu Ning responded casually.

 In the past two months, he first thought about cultivating the Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique to perfection.

 Now he is thinking about practicing the Five Elements Chaos Art to complete the conversion of mana as soon as possible.

He temporarily put aside the matter of refining weapons.

Su Yuqing nodded after hearing this, and the two exchanged a few words casually.

Chu Ning did not stay here for too long, and then left with the elixir.

Looking at Chu Ning's back, Su Yuqing blinked slightly, showing admiration.

“Everyone says that I have a quiet temperament and am suitable for cultivation, but compared with Senior Brother Chu, I am still inferior.

Senior Brother Chu has outstanding talents, but he is able to practice hard for ten years.

 It has been more than ten years since I returned to the sect from Honghukou, but I have not gone out even once. "

It is precisely because of his nature that he likes to be quiet, Su Yuqing knows how difficult it is to achieve this.

 “The heart of seeking truth!”

Su Yuqing recited these four words softly, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Just when Su Yuqing was sighing, Chu Ning had already returned to the cave.

 Then he dived directly into the practice room.

 In the next few months, Chu Ning spent most of his time in his cave.

 While continuing to take one pill for several days, he continued to complete the conversion and tempering of mana.

However, unlike the previous month when he only practiced the Five Elements of Chaos Art, Chu Ning also continued to practice the Jiuyan Body Refining Art and the Divine Refining Art during this period.

 So that your energy and spirit can be maintained in an excellent state.

 Six months have passed in a flash.

In the Lingyan Peak cave, Chu Ning sat in the training room and let out a long sigh of relief.

“Due to the reasons of body refining and **** refining, the improvement of the Five Elements Chaos Art is one month slower than I expected.

However, there is no harm in it. At this moment, the tempering of mana has been completed.

The dual-attributed mana of wood and fire in his Dantian has now been completely converted into the three-attributed mana of wood, fire and earth in the Five Elements Chaos Art.

  Compared to before the transformation, my own mana is even stronger.

 In fact, at this moment, I am the real false elixir state. "

With this muttering in his mind, Chu Ning checked the cultivation proficiency in his mind.

 【Five Elements of Chaos Technique (mid-level heaven level), first level (1000/50000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, First Level (14415/45000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (33701/64000)】

Just as Chu Ning was about to get up, a very mysterious feeling suddenly came to his heart.

Chun Ning was startled at first, and then looked inside to see the condition of his Dantian.

"This is…"

When he saw the state of mana in his dantian, Chu Ning's eyes suddenly showed a hint of surprise.

 Because he suddenly discovered that the normal liquid mana started to rotate slightly at this moment, squeezing toward the center.

 At the center of the vortex, there are faint signs of mana condensing!

 “Is this...a sign of elixir formation?”

 Realizing this, Chu Ning, who was unprepared, was immediately surprised and delighted.

 In the past ten years, Chu Ning naturally knew nothing about pill formation.

 In fact.

Because I know that after cultivating the Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu to perfection, the next step is to refresh the spirit body, modify the technique, and form elixirs.

 So Chu Ning naturally knows more about these.

 At this moment, it is natural to be able to identify that this is a sign that the golden elixir is about to condense.

This is undoubtedly far beyond Chu Ning's expectations. In his imagination, after the magic power has completed the relevant transformation and tempering.

 It will take a period of practice before you can face such a critical point.

But I didn’t expect that just by completing the transformation and tempering, I would usher in the formation of the pill.

“Perhaps this is because during the six months of seclusion, my essence and body have been adjusted to the best state?”

With this thought flashing through his mind, Chu Ning immediately felt a chill in his heart, and his expression immediately became serious.

 Energy formation is a big deal and cannot be accomplished casually.

  Quickly and completely calm down your mind.

 Immediately, Chu Ning started the Five Elements Chaos Art.

At the same time, the spiritual consciousness fell directly into the mana of Dantian, guiding the mana to rotate and condense toward the middle.

At the same time, the spiritual energy around Chu Ning also quickly poured into Chu Ning's body.

The role of the three spiritual bodies of Yinmu Spirit Body, Wuhuo Spirit Body, and Xutu Spirit Body allowed him to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth at an alarming rate.

 But even so, it still cannot satisfy the gap of spiritual energy in the body. Chu Ning quickly took out the elixir he had just refined from his storage bag and took one.

 Hand-level low-grade elixir, under normal circumstances, it would take Chu Ning three days to refine and absorb one.

 But at this moment, it has only been refining and absorbing for only three hours.

 The spiritual energy and mana in Chu Ning's body immediately became full.

 However, this state did not last long.

Chu Ning once again felt the lack of spiritual energy in his body, so he immediately took out a pill and took it.

 Taking pills one after another, time passes day by day.

 Five days have passed.

 Ten days have passed

 One month has passed.

Chuning originally refined a hundred pills, but now they have been completely consumed by Chu Ning.

 Feeling that the state of mana condensation in his body is far from complete.

Chun Ning immediately took out all the many spirit stones in the storage bag.

More than ten years ago, Chu Ning had already exchanged all the tens of thousands of spiritual stones he had obtained from the two sects of the Demonic Alliance for mid-grade spiritual stones.

Chun Ning has also received a lot of spiritual stones in Jiuhua Sect these years.

 All these spirit stones were taken out by Chu Ning, and there were nearly a thousand middle-grade spirit stones.

 Whenever he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was not enough, he would pick up a spiritual stone to absorb the spiritual energy.

Chun Ning was still completely immersed in cultivation without any distractions.

Gradually, more and more spiritual stones around Chu Ning turned into powder.

The mana in Chu Ning's body is becoming more and more concentrated, and the aura on his body is becoming more and more powerful.

 Finally, I don’t know how long it took.

In Chu Ning’s dantian, a three-color bead was faintly visible at this moment.

 At its periphery, there is only an extremely thin layer of liquid mana wrapped around it.

 What’s surprising is that the golden elixir condensed by a normal golden elixir monk is only about the size of a thumb.

At this moment, Chu Ning's golden elixir, which has not yet fully formed, is already the size of a small egg.

“Perhaps it’s because of the Xuanling Baodan method used in foundation building that my magic power is much higher than that of monks of the same level?”

Chun Ning had an idea flash in his mind, but he didn't hesitate at all.

  Controlling this last ray of mana, he pressed towards the three-color round pill in his dantian.

 At the same time, a huge impact burst out from the golden elixir.

Chuning felt that his Dantian, sea of ​​consciousness, and even his entire body were being impacted by this huge force.


Chun Ning knew that this was the most dangerous moment for condensing the golden elixir.

 Immediately hold the Yuan Shouyi and stabilize the mind.

 However, perhaps because the golden elixir was so large, the impact was far stronger than Chu Ning's imagination.

  Within Chu Ning’s sea of ​​consciousness, the consumption of divine consciousness fluid was rapidly decreasing.

And outside Chu Ning's body, the mana shield of the immortal golden body also spontaneously appeared.

 But even so, Chu Ning still felt as if he was about to be overwhelmed by the impact.

His consciousness became increasingly blurred, and the golden light on the magic shield of the Immortal Golden Body outside his body became weaker and weaker.

The vague feeling of exploding to death made Chu Ning feel a sense of fear in his heart.

At this moment, waves of majestic energy surged out from Chu Ning's sternum, hand bones, leg bones, and skull.

After this vital energy surged out, it was immediately injected into Chu Ning's limbs.

 Suddenly, Chu Ning's feeling of bursting disappeared, and was replaced by vigorous vitality.

 It seems like every part of the body is being reborn!

Feeling the condition of his body, Chu Ning no longer hesitated at this moment. He controlled the free mana that could not be integrated into the golden elixir, and once again concentrated it towards the golden elixir!


With the powerful impact of the golden elixir, all the last traces of mana were condensed into the three-color beads!

 Jin Dancheng!

 Suddenly, the powerful impact disappeared instantly.

 Instead, Chu Ning felt that his body was in a state of extreme hunger and thirst.

 Aura! He needs a lot of spiritual energy!

At this moment, the aura of heaven and earth began to pour into Chu Ning automatically!

 But the aura in this room is obviously not enough.

The dozen remaining spirit stones around Chu Ning turned into powder almost instantly, turning into streams of spiritual energy and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and were sucked into Chu Ning's body.

 However, this is obviously not enough.

Immediately, the spiritual energy of the entire cave and the entire Lingyan Peak converged towards Chu Ning’s training room.

At the same time, the surrounding spiritual energy is still gathering here.

 Over the Lingyan Peak, at this moment, black clouds suddenly came over the top, and silver snakes danced wildly.

The spiritual energy that covers the sky over Jiuhua Sect for nearly two hundred miles.

They all converged toward Lingyan Peak like crazy, forming a whirlpool of spiritual energy visible to the naked eye above Chu Ning's cave.

Such a shocking change naturally attracted the attention of all Jiuhua Sect monks.

"What's going on? Why is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in chaos?"

 “Hey, why is there a big vortex of spiritual energy there?”

Some Qi Refining monks looked at the vortex of spiritual energy in the sky with horrified expressions on their faces.

At this moment, the foundation-building monks all showed expressions of surprise.

 “Make an elixir! Someone wants to form an elixir!”

“That seems to be the direction of Lingyan Peak. Could it be...Senior Brother Chu!”

Everyone shouted in surprise and flew towards Lingyan Peak one after another.

Monks in the Qi Refining Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage can all detect such strange phenomena, especially other monks in the sect.

 In fact, when the spiritual energy just started to change, Tang Xuan, Yu Changge, Gong Yuyuan, Ling Cang, Ge Liuyang, Liu Zhaolin...

 Golden elixir monks have already flown out of their caves and are flying quickly towards Lingyan Peak.

Except for the two Golden Elixir monks who were rotating at the entrance of Honghu Lake, Tang Xuan, the Yuan Ying monk, and the other eight Golden Elixir monks all arrived not far from Lingyan Peak at this moment.

“Chun Ning, it was Chu Ning who successfully formed the elixir! I have never heard him say that he wanted to retreat to form the elixir.”

 Everyone has come from the Dan Formation, so they naturally know that such strange phenomena in the world are caused by the successful absorption of spiritual energy by the Dan Formation.

Ling Cang’s eyes were full of surprise at this moment and he said:

“Six months ago, when Chu Ning came to the Alchemy Pavilion, I saw him enter the realm of fake alchemy.

However, in just half a year, he actually succeeded in forming an elixir? "

Hearing Ling Cang’s words, Tang Xuan, Yu Changge and others all showed surprise on their faces.

Ge Liuyang directly exclaimed at this moment:

“It only took half a year to go from the fake elixir realm to the elixir formation? So fast.

 Furthermore, after he condensed the golden elixir, why did he need so much spiritual energy to replenish it? "

  Not only Ge Liuyang, but also everyone else had a look of surprise on their faces.

Yu Changge was looking in the direction of Lingyan Peak at this moment, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

“Then there is only one possibility. The golden elixir condensed by Chu Ning is extremely powerful.

 If nothing else happens, a powerful Golden Elixir monk will appear in our Jiuhua Sect! "

Hearing what Yu Changge said, everyone’s eyes fell on him

  Several people remembered that when Yu Changge formed the elixir before, the visions of heaven and earth were also far beyond ordinary people.

 In this way, Yu Changge’s words are naturally very credible.

Ge Liuyang who was on the side immediately asked:

“Sect Master, how does Chu Ning’s vision of forming pills compare with yours?”

When Yu Changge heard this, he immediately laughed and said:

“If you look at it from this vision alone, you are much better than me!”

Hearing what Yu Changge said, the eyes of all the Jindan monks immediately showed shock.

You must know that Yu Changge himself is a talented person.

 Among the monks of the same level, his magical power is the one that surpasses everyone.

At this moment, Tang Xuan also slowly spoke from the side:

“Yes, this kind of vision was not something you could achieve back then, Changge.

To be precise, it is the first time in my life that I have seen someone who can absorb such a large range of spiritual energy when forming a pill. "

Since even Tang Xuan said so.

 The rest of the people looking at Lingyan Peak were naturally more curious.

 At this moment, the spiritual vortex began to slowly weaken after continuing for a period of time.

 Then, it disappeared directly.

 And the dark clouds, lightning and thunder on the Lingyan Peak also disappeared in an instant.

Upon seeing this scene, Tang Xuan laughed directly and said:

"Chun Ning is about to leave seclusion. Let's go and see our sect's newly promoted Jindan monk!"

As soon as Tang Xuan said this, everyone moved closer to Lingyan Peak.

When the other foundation-building monks saw this, they were also very surprised and chased after him.

 (End of this chapter)

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