My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 253: The magical effect of Xuanming Jue, practiced for fifteen years

Chapter 253 The magical effect of Xuanming Jue, fifteen years of practice

 “Can’t hatch?”

When Chu Ning heard this, he felt a little regretful, but he still said to Qi Guangshou:

“Uncle, can’t you do anything about it?”

"Let me give it a try." Qi Guangshou shook his head and said.

“But don’t hold out too much hope. The monk from the Demon Spirit Sect must have obtained this thing for quite some time.

If it has been kept in the spirit animal bag, you can also use some secret methods to help it hatch.

 But they should have been placed in storage bags to isolate the spiritual energy, and it has been so long..."

With that said, Qi Guangshou stretched out his hand, and a milky white light appeared in his palm.

Immediately, he brought the light group close to one of the golden thunder eagle eggs.

This milky white light group immediately enveloped the entire carved egg.

After continuing the technique for a stick of incense, Qi Guangshou took his hand back and shook his head.

“No, the breath of life in it is too weak to hatch.”

Chuning couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard this.

But then, his heart moved, and then he said to Qi Guangshou:

“Uncle Master, I don’t know if the magic related to egg hatching can be passed on to my disciples.

 Disciples are somewhat interested in this Tao. "

 Qi Guangshou glanced at Chu Ning, seemingly surprised that Chu Ning was still interested in cultivating this spiritual beast.

Immediately, he took out a jade slip directly from the storage bag and handed it to Chu Ning.

“This sect is not good at cultivating spiritual beasts, so there are not many techniques and spells for this purpose.

 There was a senior before the sect who made great achievements in this way.

This is a method of cultivating spiritual beasts that I combined with what this sect senior left behind and collected and compiled by myself, including the incubation spell I just used. "

 “Thank you, uncle!”

After hearing this, Chu Ning immediately took it over and thanked the other party.

After putting the jade slip into the storage bag, Chu Ning thought about it and asked again:

“Uncle Qi, I wonder if you have done any research on ancient spiritual beasts.

Do you know if there is any ancient spiritual beast that has the magical power to penetrate restrictions at will before it is fully mature? "

"A magical power that can penetrate restrictions at will?" Qi Guangshou suddenly had a puzzled expression on his face when he heard this.

“Some spiritual beasts with powerful supernatural powers can break through the restrictions set by our monks when their cultivation is extremely high.

I even heard that the ancient demon clan had a method of cultivation, and could even set up restrictions similar to monks.

However, I have never heard of a completely immature spiritual beast possessing magical powers that can penetrate restrictions. "

Chun Ning just asked casually, and was not too surprised after seeing that Qi Guangshou didn't know the relevant information about Ling Xiaobai.

 The origin of the little guy is indeed a bit mysterious. He has read many classics, but has not found any relevant information.

So Chu Ning didn't stay here much, just said goodbye and left.

"If this golden thunder eagle can be cultivated, it will indeed be a great help, but it is a pity..."

Looking at Chu Ning's retreating back, Qi Guangshou shook his head slightly.

 He could naturally see that Chu Ning wanted to learn this spell and was obviously determined to not give up on these two carved eggs.

However, given his temperament, he would naturally not expose this.

Chuning returned to Lingyan Peak where he was, and immediately took out the two golden thunder eagle eggs.

After his eyes flashed slightly, Chu Ning stretched out his hand, cut a small cut on his finger, and dripped a drop of blood into one of the carved eggs.

 Immediately, Chu Ning cast several spells.

 Suddenly, a white mysterious mark was formed in the air.

 After Chu Ning pointed, the mark fell on the golden thunder-carved egg.

When Chu Ning saw this, he suddenly felt happy.

“After all, this egg still has the breath of life, so it can still make a contract.”

At this moment, Chu Ning was using the life contract technique he learned from Ling Xiaobai.

Chun Ning had learned from Ling Xiaobai before that the life contract was not limited to signing with Ling Xiaobai.

However, because I have never encountered any particularly top-notch young spiritual beasts or monsters.

 Chun Ning naturally did not use it lightly.

 The monsters that have matured themselves will resist signing such a contract and will not be able to use it.

At this moment, Chu Ning wanted to try this golden thunder carving egg. The main purpose was actually to practice the Xuan Ming Jue.

Xuanming Jue can be used between monks and spiritual beasts who have a life contract.

Chun Ning has seen the miraculous effects of this secret technique before.

At the time Ling Xiaobai was dying, he practiced this Xuan Ming Jue himself and saved the other party from the edge of death.

And when he was seriously injured by the Yin Demon Sect elder, he didn't know who was involved. It was also Ling Xiaobai who practiced the Xuan Ming Jue to wake him up.

Now that the life breath of this golden thunder eagle egg is weak, Chu Ning wants to try to see if this Xuanming Jue can save it.

 Immediately, Chu Ning placed the carved egg in front of him.

 The magic power surges in his hands, holding each magic formula.

At the same time, a series of obscure curses came out of his mouth.

 It is the cultivation spell of Xuan Ming Jue.

 Suddenly, traces of spiritual energy quickly gathered towards Chu Ning.

And Chu Ning's body also magically appeared a mana channel connected to the carved egg.

The spiritual energy was converted into some kind of energy and poured into the golden thunder eagle's egg through this mana channel.


At this moment, Chu Ning's heart moved slightly.

This time using the Xuan Ming Jue, Chu Ning had a different feeling than before.

At this time, Chu Ning could clearly feel the energy injected into the Golden Thunder Eagle Egg through the mana channel.

It is vaguely similar to Chu Ning absorbing the refined life breath from the jade bone.

 “Is this the power of vitality?”

Chun Ning thought of the functions of Jade Bones and Xuanming Jue, and had some guesses.

At this moment, when Chu Ning is about to use the Xuanming Jue, all the aura energy is no longer gathered together as before.

Rather, he intentionally captures the breath of life in the aura that is like the jade bone.

 After trying this for a short period of time, Chu Ning's eyes lit up.

 “It’s really effective!”

I don’t know whether this is the original function of Xuan Ming Jue, or whether Chu Ning, who has refined many jade bones, is better able to capture the energy in it.

At this moment, the spiritual energy gathered around Chu Ning seemed to be a little more alive.

 And the energy injected into the Golden Thunder Eagle Egg is full of majestic vitality.

Just after a short while, Chu Ning clearly felt that the breath of life on the golden thunder eagle egg gradually became stronger from the extremely weak before.

 Although this increase in strength is very slow and almost unnoticeable.

 However, because of the Xuan Ming Jue, Chu Ning was still clearly aware of it.

“Perhaps I can really save these two little things!”

Chun Ning was very energetic at this moment and immediately continued to use Xuan Ming Jue.

 After this continued for three full days, Chu Ning finally stopped.

 Looking at the carved egg in front of him that was so full of life and seemed about to burst out of its cocoon at any moment, a smile appeared on his face.


Chuning can clearly see that life is born in this.

It should be that as long as the hatching spell given by Qi Guangshou is cast, the golden thunder eagle can be completely hatched.

But at this moment, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to hatch it.

Instead, his eyes fell on another carved egg.

 This carved egg, he has not used the Xuan Ming Jue in the past three days, but he has always kept it by his side.

After three days, the breath of life inside has actually become stronger.

Chun Ning immediately had a flash of thought on his face.

“This carved egg can have this effect just by being wrapped in spiritual energy for a few days.

Thinking about it this way, isn’t the vitality in your body also increasing? "

No wonder Chu Ning felt that after three consecutive days of casting spells, not only did he not feel tired at all, but he became more energetic.

With this thought in mind, Chu Ning did not hesitate and immediately signed the contract with blood.

Then he followed the same pattern and used the Xuan Ming Jue to try to revive the carved egg.

Three days later, two vibrant carved eggs were placed in front of Chu Ning.

In his hand, he held a jade slip and looked at the method of hatching and cultivating the spiritual beast given by Qi Guangshou.

 Half a day later, Chu Ning put away the jade slip.

 “It’s not particularly difficult.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning moved the magic formula in his hand repeatedly, and soon a milky white light group condensed in his palm.

However, Chu Ning was not in a hurry to hatch the golden thunder eagle.

 It took several more days to fully master the incubation technique.

 This morning, Chu Ning finally started incubation.

 The milky white light in his hand enveloped one of the carved eggs, about two sticks of incense behind it. Chu Ning felt that something was about to break out of the eggshell.

  It means to put away the spell at once.

 A mass of milky white magic was condensed again, wrapping another carved egg.

At the same time, his eyes were fixed on the carved egg that already had some cracks.

 After a while, the eggshell completely cracked.

 A petite and cute baby bird emerged.

The feathers were golden yellow, and his eyes sparkled with curiosity, and after looking at Chu Ning.

The eyes were full of joy.

Chun Ning also had a look of surprise on his face at this moment.

 “Second level!”

This newly hatched golden thunder eagle has already reached the level of a second-order monster beast comparable to that of a monk in the early stages of foundation building.

“Is it because of the powerful vitality brought by Xuanming Jue?”

Chun Ning was a little surprised at this moment.

You must know that even Ling Xiaobai, a guy with extraordinary origins, was only a first-order monster when he first picked it up.

 Obviously, this golden thunder eagle has undergone some kind of change for the better because of Chu Ning's incubation.

Chun Ning could not help but begin to look forward to the hatching of another golden thunder eagle at this time.

If this is the case with this one, it is most likely because I used the Xuanming Jue before, which gave the two little guys strong vitality inside the egg.

Another two sticks of incense passed, and another carved egg shrouded in Chu Ning's spell finally broke out of its shell.

“It is indeed a second-level monster!”

 Looking at the pair of young golden thunder eagles in front of her, Chu Ning was overjoyed.

I didn’t expect that I would be able to get a pair of second-level monsters with early foundation-building strength in this way.

The two little guys are now at the second level. If you put some effort into cultivating them, you might be able to cultivate a fifth-level monster comparable to the early stage of the Golden Core.

Chun Ning immediately went to Spirit Beast Peak again, but this time he did not go to Qi Guangshou, but went directly to others to buy some low-level spirit insects.

 Prepare to feed these two golden thunder eagles for a while.

“When Xiaobai gets promoted, he will probably be very happy when he finds two friends.”

Chun Ning thought to himself after placing the two golden thunder eagles.

Just then he returned to his practice room, and there was a jade slip in front of him again.

 It was the second volume of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique that Chu Ning had obtained from Jinfeng Castle.

It has been more than a month since I got the second volume of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique. Chu Ning has naturally understood the cultivation methods in it.

However, it was not convenient for Chu Ning to practice in Honghukou before, and he never practiced. Now he used his spiritual consciousness to read the contents of the jade slip again.

Chun Ning officially started practicing the second volume of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

With the perfect immortal golden body and the existence of the nine-evolution spirit body, Chu Ning has no obstacles to his cultivation in the second volume.

 After such an hour, Chu Ning looked at the proficiency in his mind.

 【Yanhuo Shenmu Kung (high grade Xuan level), fourth level (7900/40000)】

 【Nine Evolution Body Refining Techniques, Volume 2, First Level (1/45000)】

 【Refining the Divine, Fourth Level (16187/64000)】

“You can increase your proficiency by 1 point without relying on any external objects. This progress is not bad!”

Chuning took a look at his proficiency and nodded with satisfaction.

However, after seeing the 45,000 proficiency points at the back, Chu Ning couldn't help but secretly shook his head.

 As his level of cultivation improves, his proficiency can easily reach tens of thousands.

Even if you have various talent bonuses, the time it takes to fully cultivate is still measured in ten years.

I just don’t know how the 45,000 proficiency levels in the first level of the second volume of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique are divided.

You must know that each level contains three evolutions.

According to the records in the second volume of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique, every time you practice one step, your lifespan can be increased by 10%.

  Based on the previous practice situation, there is a high probability that such proficiency will not be evenly distributed.

It’s just that Chu Ning’s current practice of the second volume of the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique is too short, and he can’t sense it yet.

 After returning to Zongmen Cave, Chu Ning’s time became more regular.

Except for going to the Alchemy Pavilion and the Weapon Refining Pavilion from time to time, Chu Ning spent most of the rest of the time in the cave.

 Occasionally make talismans, cultivate some spiritual plants, and feed the two golden thunder eagles.

 The rest of the time, Chu Ning focused on cultivation.

The improvement of Yanhuo Divine Wood Technique, Jiuyan Refining Rest Technique, and Divine Refining Technique has finally returned to normal.

But Chu Ning is not as blindly taking pills as before.

 In fact, his various talents are now very powerful, and his cultivation speed is much faster than ordinary people.

It has only been a few years since he entered the late stage of foundation building, and he did not want to be too aggressive in his cultivation, which would leave some hidden dangers in the future.

Of course, from time to time, Chu Ning would also refine several batches of elixirs to speed up his cultivation.

 Half a year has flown by like this.

On this day, Chu Ning was practicing in the training room, but he felt something in his heart.

 “Hey, Xiaobai has successfully advanced to the next level!”

Chun Ning has a life contract with Ling Xiaobai, so at such a close distance, he naturally senses Ling Xiaobai's condition very clearly.

With a flash of his body, Chu Ning arrived at the spirit beast room where Ling Xiaobai was.


Sure enough, the next moment, Ling Xiaobai turned into a white light and appeared on his shoulder.

 Then he rubbed Chu Ning's head affectionately.

Feeling the aura of the fourth-order monster beast in the late foundation building stage on Ling Xiaobai's body, Chu Ning smiled and said:

“Little guy, you’ve finally woken up. You’ve slept long enough for this promotion.

 It adds up to almost eight months! "


Ling Xiaobai shouted, and then immediately sent a message:


 “Look at the one who makes you greedy.”

Chun Ning smiled and cursed, then reached out and took out a few spirit fruits from the storage bag and threw them towards Ling Xiaobai.

Ling Xiaobai took a look and saw that this was still an ice-attributed spirit fruit, and made a cheerful sound.

 Swallowed it in one gulp.

 The next moment, Ling Xiaobai was called out again in grievance.

 At this time, Chu Ning took him directly to the Lingzhi Garden.

“Come here, help me grow these new spiritual plants quickly, otherwise I don’t know how long they will grow.

 Don't be reluctant, I will introduce you to two interesting friends later. "

 At this moment, what gave birth to Ling Xiaobai was naturally those purple phoenix trees.

More than half a year after planting, with the help of Chu Ningxuan Qingchunhuashu, the purple Phoenix tree is growing well.

It is already about half a foot tall, and its leaves have turned from green to purple.

But Chu Ning will naturally not forget the magical effect of this little guy Ling Xiaobai, and this purple phoenix tree will have to bear fruit.

 So I mentioned it as soon as possible.

 Immediately, Chu Ning whistled lightly again.

 Suddenly, two golden shadows flashed through the air and came to Chu Ning.

 Ling Xiaobai was immediately attracted and looked at the two golden thunder eagles curiously.

 Compared with half a year ago, the two golden thunder eagles have also changed significantly.

The head is already the size of an ordinary eagle, with extremely sharp eyes, and a pair of black and gold intertwined sharp claws flashing with cold light.

There is a golden lightning mark on the forehead and at the tips of two sharp claws.

While Ling Xiaobai was staring at the two golden thunder eagles, Chu Ning also introduced the little guy:

“These are the two newly cultivated spiritual beasts, the Golden Thunder Eagle, named Dajin and Xiaojin respectively.”

Before Chu Ning could finish speaking, Ling Xiaobai called out to the two golden thunder eagles several times.

Then, Chu Ning saw that the golden thunder eagle, which he called Dajin, fell directly next to Ling Xiaobai.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy jumped up and jumped on Dajin's back.

This golden thunder eagle suddenly soared into the sky carrying Ling Xiaobai!

 Seeing this scene, Chu Ning couldn't help but smile.

This golden thunder eagle hasn't sat on it yet, but this little guy did it first.

He didn’t expect that the Golden Thunder Eagle would be so obedient to the little guy Ling Xiaobai.

However, he didn’t know whether it was because he had signed a life contract with him, or because Ling Xiaobai himself was at a higher level.

 After going around in a circle, the Golden Thunder Eagle came back carrying Ling Xiaobai.

 The three spirit beasts were having fun.

For Chu Ning, Ling Xiaobai’s promotion and release did not bring any other changes to his daily practice.

Chun Ning lives in seclusion and is as simple as ever, practicing diligently and diligently.

 Fifteen years have passed in a flash.

 (End of this chapter)

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