My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 251: What does Li Qun’s fame have to do with me?

Chapter 251 What does Li Qun’s fame have to do with me?

 “Senior Brother Gong? What’s wrong?”

Seeing Gong Yuyuan's strange expression at the moment, Fu Lihong couldn't help but asked anxiously.

Elder Luo also had a look of concern on his face.

"What did Chu Ning say? Could it be that the Netherworld Sect took over the territory?"

Gong Yuyuan has now recovered from his initial shock.

Hearing the two people’s questions, the strange expression on his face disappeared and he immediately burst into laughter.

"The Netherworld Sect is grabbing the territory? Ha, you are telling the truth. It was Chu Ning who led the disciples from the sect and grabbed the Netherworld Sect's territory!"


“Senior Brother Gong, did you hear the content correctly?”

Not only Elder Luo and Fu Lihong were surprised, but Elder He and Yi Wenliang and others behind them also had surprised expressions on their faces at this moment.

 They already knew the purpose of their trip before they came.

It is to set up a formation outside the territory area that Jiuhua Sect is responsible for guarding, to prevent people from the Demon Alliance from coming back from behind to attack.

 Furthermore, according to the news that Yi Wenliang and others received, the situation of Jiuhua Sect was not very good.

The Youluo Sect is very powerful. Once captured, the Jiuhua Sect will face great pressure.

It is precisely because of this that after receiving the relevant news, everyone made some preparations and rushed over night.

But now, it was suddenly said that the Jiuhua Sect did not lose its territory, but instead occupied the territory of the Netherworld Sect. How could this not surprise them?

 Everyone has not recovered from the surprise of this news, but Gong Yuyuan has already laughed and said:

“I heard it right, that’s what Chu Ning said in the transmission notes.

They not only occupied a little territory, but also occupied more than a hundred miles of territory that the Netherworld Sect was responsible for.

Not only that, they also took away nearly half of the Demon Spirit Sect’s territory. "


Everyone who was a little surprised at first was stunned when they heard Gong Yuyuan's words.

After a while, everyone seemed to be sure that Gong Yuyuan's words were not a joke.

 Elder Luo's face showed a joyful expression.

Fu Lihong murmured:

 “How did they do it?”

“We don’t care about how it was done for now.” Gong Yuyuan’s majestic face was full of smiles.

“The most urgent thing is, Master Nephew Yi, you hurry up and take all the formation masters there.

Hurry up and set up the formation before other forces from the Demon Alliance come over. "

As soon as Yi Wenliang heard this, he immediately responded:

 “Yes, Uncle Gong!”

Immediately, more than ten people quickly flew towards the address indicated on Chu Ning's transmission note.

 While waiting for Yi Wenliang and others to leave, several Jindan elders still looked in that direction.

 After the expression on Gong Yuyuan's face gradually faded away, a light flashed in his eyes.

“If this is really what Chu Ning said in his transmission notes, then our Jiuhua Sect will be very proud!”

“That’s right!” Elder Luo immediately responded:

“Among the three major alliances, our Yunxiao Alliance occupies the least territory.

Now our Jiuhua Sect can suddenly occupy an additional 140 to 50 miles in radius, which can give a lot of help to the alliance.

This group of apprentice nephews really exceeded everyone’s expectations. "

A few people were chatting, and after about an hour, they received the transmission note again.

But it was a message from Chu Ning. Yi Wenliang and other formation masters had already initially set up the formation restrictions.

 In this way, although the formation will continue to be improved, the first defensive line has been officially established.

Even if the people of the Demonic Alliance want to take back this territory now, it will not be that easy.

When several Jindan monks received this news, they looked at each other and smiled, feeling greatly relieved.

Gong Yuyuan immediately said:

“In this case, I will immediately send a message to Zongli to tell him the news.

I think that until the spiritual realm is completely formed and the spiritual seed appears, our sect should be responsible for this territory.

Now the territory has expanded a lot. Although there are defense formations, disciples still need to be stationed. Let’s see how the Supreme Elder and the sect leader make arrangements and considerations. "

As soon as Gong Yuyuan said this, his eyes narrowed, and he reached out to take the ray of transmission notes that came from him.

 After opening it and listening to it, he immediately said to the other three Jindan monks:

“Let’s go, the alliance has urgently summoned all the sects to discuss matters. Let’s go over and have a look.”

Immediately, several Jindan elders of the Jiuhua Sect flew out of this unknown small peak, and then flew to the peak where the Yunxiao Alliance was stationed here.

The Yunxiao Alliance is composed of various sects. Matters within the alliance are decided by the Nascent Soul monks of each sect, but there is also one alliance leader and five deputy alliance leaders.

The leader of the alliance is Qin Changkong, a late-stage Yuanying monk who has returned to the Yuan Sect and has the highest cultivation level in the alliance.

This Guiyuan Sect is also the largest sect in the Yunxiao League. There are five Yuanying monks in the sect alone.

Now that all the Yuanying monks are away, the one who summoned everyone is a late Jindan monk from Guiyuan Sect named Jiang Cheng.

Gong Yuyuan and others entered a large cave stone room temporarily opened in the peak, and saw Jiang Cheng standing in the middle.

Jiang Cheng is not that tall. He is wearing a white robe, his eyes are as clear as water, and his aura is not as sharp as Gong Yuyuan's.

 But when Gong Yuyuan saw Jiang Cheng, his heart trembled slightly.

“This late Jindan cultivator from Guiyuan Sect seems to have improved in cultivation. He is as good as the sect master and is considered to be one of the most promising cultivators in the alliance to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

 We are monks of the same level, but at this moment, he makes me feel a little confused.

But I don’t know who between him and the sect master can become a Yuanying monk first. "

With this thought flashing through his mind, Gong Yuyuan immediately raised his hands to greet the monks here.

 At the same time, I also vaguely felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in this stone room.

He couldn't help but asked a familiar Jindan monk who was standing nearby with some surprise:

“Fellow Daoist Qiu, what happened?”

Hearing Gong Yuyuan’s question, this person shook his head slightly and sighed:

“The territories that Biyun Sect and Black Stone Valley were responsible for were all snatched away by people from the Demonic Alliance and the Tianji Alliance respectively.

I heard that there are two other sects that have also been robbed of a little bit of their territory, but fortunately not much.

 But as a result, our Yunxiao League originally only had about 20% of the territory, but now we don’t even have 20%. "

Gong Yuyuan's eyes flashed slightly when he heard this, but he did not tell the news about Jiuhua Sect immediately.

 He knew that he might be talking about this matter when he summoned everyone here.

As expected, after all the sects gathered together, Jiang Cheng said:

“Fellow Taoists, you must have heard just now that the territory responsible for Biyun Sect and Black Stone Valley within the alliance has been taken away by the other two alliances.

Please tell us about the situation of other sects, and we will ask for instructions from the Long Alliance to see how to deal with the layout next. "

As soon as Jiang Cheng said these words, the faces of the several golden elixir monks from Biyun Sect and Black Stone Valley suddenly looked a little unsightly.

At this moment, Ao Langtian from Daluo Sect stood up immediately and said proudly:

“The territory that our Daluo Sect is responsible for is second only to the Guiyuan Sect, and everything is normal.

Now we are all under control, and the relevant formations have been arranged. "

Hearing what Ao Langtian said, the Jindan monks of the Biyun Sect, who had looked a little ugly before, all looked at him angrily.

One of the black-haired old men with a slightly swarthy face spoke directly at this moment:

“Ao Daoyou, you are not ashamed to say this?

 The territory that your Da Luo Sect is responsible for basically does not border the other two alliances.

Last night, two factions of the Demonic Alliance made a sneak attack and captured the Biyun Sect's territory. Our sect's disciples have obviously asked you for support, but you have ignored them at all.

Our Biyun Sect is fighting against the two factions of monks as one sect. Can we not lose this territory? "

Ao Langtian laughed when he heard this.

“Fellow Daoist Wu, as you said, later your sect’s monks retreated to our Daluo sect’s territory, did we protect them?

If our sect really sends people out, if there is any loss, wouldn't it mean that we will lose more territory. "

When the old man surnamed Wu from the Biyun Sect heard this, his face became even more ugly, and he was about to say something.

Wang Cheng suddenly spoke at this moment:

“Well, there is no need for you two Taoists to quarrel. We are here to discuss the situation today, not to talk about right and wrong.

 Let everyone explain the situation clearly and I will report it to the alliance. The specific steps are decided by the alliance leaders and the Council of Elders. "

Once they heard what Jiang Cheng said, the two of them immediately stopped talking.

Other sects are also talking about the situation at this moment.

 The territories that the subsequent sects were responsible for were basically held. One or two sects did lose some territory, but not much.

  This made everyone present feel relieved. After all, the combined territory of the Biyun Sect and the Black Stone Sect was only over a hundred miles away, so the losses were not particularly large.

  Jiuhua Sect and Tianyin Pavilion were responsible for the territory at the very edge, so they were ranked last.

At this moment, it was the turn of the Jindan Elder of Tianyin Pavilion. A black-haired female cultivator who looked over fifty years old laughed and said:

"Our Tianyin Pavilion side is doing well, we have defended our territory. We have also captured about 50% of the Demon Spirit Gate's territory, which may be about seventy miles in radius."

Upon hearing this, the Jindan monks from various sects in the room looked over one after another.

Even Jiang Cheng looked surprised at this moment and asked hurriedly:

“Fellow Daoist Xu, are you serious about this?”

 “It’s true!” The female cultivator named Xu said with a smile at this moment:

“This is all thanks to the Jiuhua Sect. If they hadn’t restrained half of the demon cultivators in the Demon Spirit Sect, we still wouldn’t have been able to capture it.

By the way, Jiuhua Sect should also occupy part of the Demon Spirit Sect’s territory. "

As soon as the female cultivator surnamed Xu said these words, everyone's eyes immediately fell on Gong Yuyuan and the others.

The eyes are full of surprise and suspicion.

“Aren’t the people from the Jiuhua Sect the right Netherworld Sect? Why did they try to contain the Demon Spirit Sect and occupy the Demon Spirit Sect’s territory?”

Facing everyone’s gaze, Gong Yuyuan chuckled, and then said to Jiang Cheng and others:

“I was just about to tell you fellow Taoists the news.

Our Jiuhua Sect captured all the territory of the Netherworld Sect and half of the Demon Spirit Sect last night.

 At this moment, the preliminary layout of the formation has been completed. "


 “Do you, fellow Taoist, really mean what you say?”

“Are the two sects, Netherworld Sect and Demon Spirit Sect, now in our hands?”

As soon as Gong Yuyuan said these words, all the Jindan monks in the stone room were also surprised.

Jiang Cheng looked overjoyed and was about to ask clearly, but Ao Langtian had already asked:

“Gong Yuyuan, are you kidding me?

How many foundation-building monks are there in the Netherworld Sect and the Demon Spirit Sect combined? Can they allow your territory to be captured? "

When Gong Yuyuan heard this, he also looked over and said sarcastically:

“Why, your Daluo Sect has been hiding and refusing to contribute for the past two days, so why don’t you look at other sects?

 Is it true? Didn’t Fellow Daoist Xu just say it? "

 “You…” Ao Langtian was about to say something else, when Jiang Cheng already said somewhat unhappily:

“Fellow Daoist Ao, let’s let fellow Daoist Jiuhua Zonggong explain everything in general.”

Ao Langtian heard Jiang Cheng speak and glanced at Gong Yuyuan, but said nothing more.

Although the Daluo Sect ranks relatively high in the league, it is incomparable to the Guiyuan Sect.

 In terms of personal strength, there is a big gap between Ao Langtian and Jiang Cheng.

But the look in his eyes was still full of suspicion.

Gong Yuyuan said at this moment:

“We haven’t received specific information about how it was captured, and we are preparing to summon a disciple to come and ask for details.

We came here to discuss it later, but just now we received a message from the front and the formation has indeed been arranged. "

"I know a thing or two." The female cultivator surnamed Xu from Tianyin Pavilion answered with a smile.

“A disciple from our pavilion just returned and explained the matter in general.

It is said that half of the monks from the Demon Spirit Sect went to support the Netherworld Sect. They wanted to take advantage of the Netherworld Sect to consume the Jiuhua Sect monks first, and then they would take the opportunity to capture the Jiuhua Sect's territory together.

However, the Jiuhua Sect's foundation-building monks actually had insight in advance and quickly eliminated the Netherworld Sect monk.

 At last, when the Demon Spirit Sect monk came to support again, he was held back again and was also wiped out. "

 Speaking of this, the female cultivator surnamed Xu glanced at Gong Yuyuan gratefully and said:

“Fellow Taoist Palace, if your disciples had not conveyed this news to the disciples in the pavilion in time.

 And if we drag down and exterminate the disciples of the Demonic Spirit Sect, I am afraid that our Tianyin Pavilion will not be so smooth.

 Speaking of which, I have to thank you Jiuhua Sect for this. "

Hearing what the female cultivator surnamed Xu said, the Jindan cultivators finally understood the general situation.

 Immediately, everyone turned their attention to him.

Jiang Cheng also smiled at this moment and said:

“Fellow Taoist Palace, it seems that your Jiuhua Sect has made great contributions to our Yunxiao Alliance.

Calculated in this way, the territory controlled by our Yunxiao Alliance has not only not become smaller, but has actually expanded.

However, I don’t know which hero from Guizong is commanding this battle. I really want to meet him. "

“Brother Jiang, don’t tell me it’s you, I’m still confused right now.

 If fellow Taoist Xu hadn’t mentioned it just now, I wouldn’t know it yet. "

Gong Yuyuan continued with a smile, but naturally there was a bit of pride on the faces of the Jiuhua Sect's Jindan monks.

On the other hand, Daluo Zong Ao Langtian and others, who had always disliked Jiuhua Sect, were quite unhappy at this moment.

Especially when the old man named Wu from the Biyun Sect was talking to Gong Yuyuan later.

 Intentionally or unintentionally, he said something like "Jiuhua Sect and Tianyin Pavilion have the overall view", which made Ao Langtian feel angry and bitter.

 Overall, knowing that the Yunxiao Alliance's entire control territory has not been reduced, the atmosphere in the entire stone room became much more relaxed.

 The Jindan monks briefly discussed the follow-up matters and then dispersed.

 As for Chu Ning and others, after arranging relevant formations on the front line, the pressure they faced was also reduced a lot.

 As a result, Chu Ning was directly summoned back.

The first thing I did when I returned to the station was naturally that I was asked by Gong Yuyuan and others about the details.

Chun Ning didn’t hide anything and told the general story of what happened.

 The eyes of Gong Yuyuan and several Jindan monks were shining brightly when they heard this.

 While he was still scared, he was also very happy that Chu Ning and the monks had achieved such a result without losing a single person.

 It was inevitable to praise Chu Ning again.

“Master Nephew Chu, I am afraid that after this battle, your reputation as Li Qun will be spread throughout the Yunxiao League.”

Chuning listened to Fu Lihong's words, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said with a smile:

“Li Qun is famous, so it has nothing to do with me.”

 Several Jindan monks looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

Gong Yuyuan smiled directly and said:

“It’s better not to let other sects know. I’m afraid that in the eyes of the outside world, our Jiuhua Sect’s talented young monks are just one after another.”

Chun Ning was concerned about another issue at this time.

“Elder, I wonder what the alliance or sect will do next?”

 Chuning is quite concerned about this point.

 After the formation is completed, it stands to reason that there will be no need for so many monks here.

It is impossible for so many monks to stay here for ten or twenty years.

As for Chu Ning, he naturally hopes to return to the sect as soon as possible to practice peacefully.

 After all, even if the Jiuhua Sect obtains a quota to enter the spiritual realm, only Jindan monks will be able to enter.

 Chuning is still far away from forming the elixir, so he naturally has to put down his mind and practice.

“I was about to tell you.” Gong Yuyuan said at this moment.

“According to the alliance’s plan, we intend to set up a large formation in the territory controlled by our Yunxiao Alliance to defend the entire territory.

 Next, each sect only needs a few people to stay behind.

However, before the deployment is completed, each sect may still have to guard against the monks of the two alliances from attacking.

 So you should stay here for about another month. "

 Hearing Gong Yuyuan say that he only had to stay for another month, Chu Ning immediately felt relieved.

 For him who has now reached this state, a month is indeed nothing.

 After all, every step of his improvement will be in years or even ten years.

Since he returned to the station, Chu Ning was no longer in a hurry to go back to the front line and went to his cave.

Chuning casually took out a pile of storage bags.

 In this battle with the monks from the Nether Demon Sect and the Demon Spirit Sect, quite a few monks died in the hands of Chu Ning.

There are more than ten monks in the late stage of foundation building alone, and there are even more monks in the middle and early stages of foundation building.

These people’s storage bags are personal trophies.

Although Chu Ning is now within the Jiuhua Sect and does not lack many resources, naturally he will not ignore these things.

 The storage bags were opened one by one, and strange things were taken out, and then Chu Ning randomly sorted them into different categories.

 Finally, five things that Chu Ning carefully selected were placed in front of Chu Ning.

 A piece of silver material the size of a fist, a piece of crystal with red fire as big as the mouth of a bowl of blood.

 Two unknown monster eggs, as big as three goose eggs.

 A short sword that was green and exuded a cold aura, and a few seemingly ordinary spiritual plant seeds.

 (End of this chapter)

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