My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 248: Wouldn’t it be possible for a golden spirit seed to have golden spiritual roots (overh

Chapter 248: Golden Spirit Seeds, can’t they have Golden Spirit Roots? (Overhaul)

Chun Ning did not use his true identity at this moment, and was naturally worried about being met by Ao Langtian or other Daluo Sect Jindan monks.

However, what he is using at this moment is the appearance of Li Qun when he entered Wolong Valley.

This is of course also so that if any monks from the Jiuhua Sect come here, they can recognize themselves.

 The person opposite does not know me.

Chun Ning recognized the middle-aged monk who asked the question at this time.

This person was one of the monks who came to Jiuhua Sect with Ao Xuan and others in the late stage of foundation building of Daluo Sect.

 At first, because there were not many people from Daluo Sect, Chu Ning waited for a long time on the high platform for the competition.

 So he basically recognized all the Daluo Sect monks.

 For the vast majority of immortal cultivators, they can basically achieve photographic memory.

What's more, this person is still a late-stage foundation-building monk, so Chu Ning paid more attention to him at first.

Immediately, Chu Ning cupped her hands towards the woman in green and said:

“Junior sister, I just received an order from the master’s sect and came to Honghukou from somewhere else.

 And in terms of strength, it is even stronger than the Daluo Sect.

Since Shang Xiaohan is here, the Jindan monk from that sect should also be here.

Upon hearing what the woman in green said, a hint of joy flashed across Chu Ning's face.

 In this way, less than a cup of tea was passed, and several figures quickly flew towards this direction.

 As long as the Da Luo Sect family does not have the final say here.

Hong Maple Valley usually doesn’t hear much about it, but Tianyin Pavilion Chu Ning heard a lot about it and knew that this sect has always been on good terms with Jiuhua Sect.

The one at the front is none other than Shang Xiaohan.

The older monk from Red Maple Valley had a normal expression, while the face of the middle-aged man from Daluo Sect turned cold instantly.

 “Jiuhua Sect!”

 “Okay!” The woman in green nodded and agreed readily.

 Immediately, she took out a transmission talisman and activated it.

I don’t know where our fellow sect members from Jiuhua Sect are. I want to find them and join them. "

Fellow Taoist, are you also from the Yunxiao League? I wonder which sect he is from? "

 And the woman in green immediately showed joy on her face.

“Senior brother, are you from the Jiuhua Sect? Senior Sister Shang Xiaohan and the others are also here. They are patrolling and guarding in the other direction.”

However, the other two monks, a man and a woman, looked very familiar to each other, and Chu Ning had never seen them before.

The middle-aged man from Daluo Sect in the middle was about to speak out and scold him.

Chun Ning murmured in his heart and said:

“I am also a monk from the Yunxiao Alliance. I came here specially to stay at the sect. I wonder which sect these fellow Taoists are from?”

“Yes, you said you are from Jiuhua Sect, do you have any proof?

 “This Daluo Sect monk is so arrogant.”

As soon as Chu Ning said this, the three people in front had different expressions.

The older monk from Red Maple Valley was much older now, and he immediately said:

“Wait a minute! This senior brother says he is from Jiuhua Sect, but we don’t recognize him.

Hum, I also know some of the Jiuhua Sect’s late-stage foundation-building monks, but why have I never seen someone like you? "

Chun Ning knew that the people from Daluo Sect would not be happy when they saw him, so he did not care about them at this time.

The green-clothed woman's ignorance of worldly affairs and the way she pocketed everything made the two male cultivators from Daluo Sect and Red Maple Valley smile bitterly.

Chu Ning immediately spoke directly and said: "I, Li Qun of Jiuhua Sect, have met three fellow Taoists."

 After the competition three years ago and the subsequent incident in Wolong Valley, the relationship between the two sects has reached a freezing point.

 When she saw Chu Ning, she immediately looked happy.

He opened his mouth and said: "What some fellow Taoists said makes sense. Junior sister, I wonder if I could trouble you to send a message to Junior Sister Shang, just saying that I am here."

Instead, he was very curious and asked:

“I am from Tianyin Pavilion, and these two senior brothers are from Da Luo Sect and Hong Maple Valley respectively.

Shang Xiaohan and Chu Ning have been to Wolong Valley together, and they are very familiar with this appearance.

 “Junior sister Han, you...”

Although he had a vague guess based on the clothes of the other two people, he still had to ask one more question at this time.

"Okay, then I'll take you there!" the woman in green said, about to take Chu Ning away.

To be on the safe side, it would be better to invite fellow Taoists from Jiuhua Sect to come over. "

 After all, if the three of them were Daluo Sect monks, he said that he would naturally have to be more cautious about his identity.

The middle-aged man from Da Luo Sect was also staring at Chu Ning with an unkind expression on his face.

When Chu Ning heard this, he felt relieved.

To the side, a young woman in green clothes who was in the early stages of foundation building heard Chu Ning say she was from the Yunxiao Alliance, and the look of caution on her face suddenly disappeared.

Thinking about Chu Ning dragging You Jing to let her leave before, and then not hearing anything from her in the next few days, he opened his mouth to call out "Elder Brother".

However, after Chu Ning winked slightly, she reacted and immediately changed her words:

 “Senior Brother Li, you are really a fool!”

 “Junior Sister Shang!” Chu Ning nodded, and then asked:

"Which elder in the sect is here? Why don't you take me to meet him first?"

“The Supreme Elder is here, and the Great Elder and Master are also here.” Shang Xiaohan said, turned to the others and said:

“Brothers, this is our senior fellow from Jiuhua Sect. I will take him to see the elder first.”

When the older monk from Red Maple Valley saw what Shang Xiaohan said, he knew he was right, so he raised his hand towards Chu Ning and said:

“Senior Brother Li, I offended you a lot just now, please forgive me.”

Jiuhua Sect’s status in the Yunxiao League has increased slightly in the past two years, and Red Maple Valley is a middle-to-lower sect in the League.

In addition, Chu Ning is a late-stage foundation-building monk, and this person is only a mid-stage foundation-building monk, so his words are a little more polite.

As for the Daluo Sect monk, he turned his head away with a cold face at this moment.

 “You’re welcome, fellow Taoist!” Chu Ning smiled and arched his hands towards the Red Maple Valley monk.

 Then he said to the young monk in green:

“Junior sister, thank you very much just now.”

 “You’re welcome, you’re welcome!” The girl in green waved her beautiful hands.

 Then a pair of round eyes rolled around, scanning the faces of Shang Xiaohan and Chu Ning.

He then said with a smile:

“It turns out that Sister Shang said before that she was going to find a senior brother here, that is senior brother Li. I...”

 “Han Qiaoer, don’t talk too much!”

Shang Xiaohan was afraid that the woman in green would talk too much and expose Chu Ning's identity, so she immediately stopped her angrily.

The woman in green, known as Han Qiaoer, clearly misunderstood the meaning of Shang Xiaohan's words.

 After waiting for Chu Ning and Shang Xiaohan to leave, Han Qiaoer's eyes started to roll again.

 At the same time, I was muttering in my heart.

“Sister Shang looks so nervous, she was so angry just now, she seems to care about this senior brother very much.

 However, this Senior Brother Li doesn’t look very good either. "

Chun Ning and Shang Xiaohan both wanted to ask each other a lot, but they also knew that this was not the time to chat.

 So he flew forward without saying a word.

Soon, Shang Xiaohan took Chu Ning to an unknown mountain peak.

At this moment, Shang Xiaohan opened his mouth and said:

“Senior brother, each sect in the alliance has its own station here. The seniors and brothers in the sect are stationed on this peak.”

Chun Ning nodded, looked down, and found that the peak must have been temporarily transformed, and not only a formation restriction was installed.

On this mountain peak, various caves of different sizes have also been opened.

 It's just that the mountain peak is not that big, so naturally the caves cannot be as big as those on Mount Jiuhua.

 Furthermore, they are relatively close.

Shang Xiaohan threw a transmission talisman in. The formation restrictions on the mountain were opened, and she took Chu Ning into the cave.

The two of them had just entered the cave, and Fu Lihong's figure had already appeared.

 “Chun Ning!”

Of course, Fu Lihong had seen Chu Ning's appearance, and she immediately expressed surprise.

After she finished speaking, two more figures quickly appeared outside the cave.

It is Tang Xuan, the supreme elder of Jiuhua Sect, and Gong Yuyuan, the great elder.

Once they saw Chu Ning back safely, everyone on their faces breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Chu Ning knew that there was a restriction on this mountain peak, and it was impossible to let others listen casually, so he directly restored his appearance.

Then he raised his hands and saluted a few people and said:

“Disciple Chu Ning, I have met the Supreme Elder and all the elders.”

Before Tang Xuan and the others spoke, Shang Xiaohan, who had been holding back his words for a long time, couldn't help but said:

“Brother Chu, where have you been these past few days? You asked me to escape first when I met the monk from the Xuanyin Sect that day.

 But when I returned to the sect to report to the master, and then came back, there was no news from you for several days. "

Fu Lihong also answered the conversation at this time:

“Hearing that you had encountered a strong enemy, the Supreme Elder came to Honghukou immediately. He was even worried that you would encounter a monk from Daluo Sect.

 with the Nascent Soul monk from Daluo Sect, luckily you are safe and sound. "

Hearing this, Chu Ning cast a grateful look at Tang Xuan, and then said:

“That day, my fellow monk and I met a golden elixir protector from the Xuanyin Sect named You Jing.

After Junior Sister Shang left, the two of us were fighting when Ao Langtian suddenly came over.

I was worried that he would be unfavorable to me, so I fled quickly. I did not dare to go back to the clan, but hid in Honghu City for a few days. "

Hearing this, a hint of coldness flashed across Tang Xuan's calm eyes.

“It is really related to their Daluo Sect. Fortunately, you are fine this time, otherwise, even that Ao Langtian, I want him to look good.

Fortunately, Ao Langtian poured cold water on our Jiuhua Sect and told all the monks in the alliance that the people from the Xuanyin Sect were injured by our Jiuhua Sect. "

“What he said is correct.” Chu Ning smiled at this time.

“That You Jing was really injured by me at that time, but Ao Langtian didn’t really see me.

Possibly because he couldn't find me, he chased after You Jing. I heard that he had a fight with a late Jindan monk from the Xuanyin Sect later on. "

 “Did you hurt You Jing?”

Upon hearing this, even Tang Xuan and the other three couldn't help but look at each other in confusion.

Gong Yuyuan was staring at Chu Ning at this moment, and said in a strange tone:

“This You Jing is not an ordinary Golden Core monk, he should be a monk whose peak in the early stage of the Golden Core is close to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

I have heard some news about this person before. It is said that the Xuanyin Sect’s golden elixir protector and magical powers are quite good.

Master Nephew Chu, you were actually able to escape unscathed from his hands, and you were even able to cut off one of his arms. Tsk, tsk, good! good! "

"We don't want to spread the word about this matter." Tang Xuan said immediately at this moment.

"Honghukou is in a mess now, and it will be detrimental to Chu Ning if the news spreads."

 Everyone naturally didn't care and nodded one after another.

Chu Ning had made his affairs clear for the time being. At this time, he asked everyone curiously:

“I heard from the monks in Honghu City these days that the chaos in Honghukou was due to the birth of spiritual seeds, but I don’t know what the specific situation is?”

"This news is accurate." Tang Xuan responded at this time, and then told Chu Ning the general situation. Overall, it is roughly the same as what Chu Ning heard before.

However, as a Nascent Soul monk, Tang Xuan naturally learned more detailed and accurate information than what Chu Ning heard from the Foundation Establishment monks.

According to Tang Xuan, the spiritual realm of this spiritual species is being born and formed, so the spatial boundary with the outside world is not fixed.

 So as rumored by the outside world, the three major forces are all competing to occupy territory.

 So that after the final spiritual realm is formed, there will be a spatial boundary point within your own sphere of influence where you can enter the spiritual realm.

But what Chu Ning didn’t understand before was this.

 After several days of fighting, the Demonic Alliance and the Tianji Alliance have each occupied about 40% of the territory.

 The Yunxiao Alliance only grabbed about 20% of the territory.

 They each occupied territory before, but there wasn’t much conflict.

 But it started yesterday.

 The Demonic Alliance and the Tianji Alliance have all divided up their existing territories.

 There are already signs of extending their hands into the Yunxiao Alliance's territory.

Hence, Tang Xuan and other monks who were already at Honghukou were naturally summoned by the Yunxiao Alliance and began to work together to defend the territory of the Yunxiao Alliance.

“The Great Luo Sect was the first to intervene here, and now they have the most say. Even the talkers in the alliance are betraying their opinions.

Our Jiuhua Sect was placed at the very edge of the area controlled by the Yunxiao Alliance, at the border with the Demonic Alliance. "

When Tang Xuan said this, his eyes were slightly angry.

 But it seems that the Yunxiao League also put some pressure on Jiuhua Sect, so Tang Xuan could not directly refuse.

At this time, Tang Xuancai continued to say to Chu Ning:

“If nothing goes wrong, the Demonic Alliance will officially start launching some attacks in a day or two.

Since our Jiuhua Sect has been assigned this task by the alliance, we cannot relax. The sect will arrange for some more personnel to come tomorrow.

 You can simply stay here as Li Qun, they won't be able to recognize you.

Even if you recognize me, no one from Daluo Sect would dare to take action against you at this time with me here. "

 “Okay!” Chu Ning did not refuse at this moment and agreed.

Since the sect needs it, he should naturally contribute.

Moreover, there are Yuanying monks sitting here, and there are so many Jindan monks here.

 In higher-level battles, they will naturally take action.

Chun Ning is not too worried about just dealing with the foundation-building monks.

Chuning can even kill ordinary foundation-building monks, even late-stage foundation-building monks.

At this time, Chu Ning remembered some information about spiritual seeds that she had learned before, and couldn't help but asked curiously:

“I heard that this spiritual species only appears once every long time, and each time it has different attributes. I don’t know what the attributes of the spiritual species that may appear at Honghukou this time are?”

"If nothing else happens, it should be a metallic spirit species." Tang Xuan replied at this moment.

“There are two monks in the alliance who practice metal-based skills, and they both have obvious reactions.”

 “Metallic spiritual species?”

After hearing this, Chu Ning felt hesitant at first, but then, he suddenly realized...

 The attribute of this spiritual species is actually a golden spiritual species. This is great!

The Five Elements Chaos Technique he wants to practice, and if he wants to practice it to the strongest power, he must naturally practice it with fellow practitioners of the Five Elements.

 However, Chu Ning does not have golden spiritual roots.

Just because he cannot practice the Five Elements together is not what Chu Ning values ​​the most.

Chun Ning clearly remembered that when he refreshed the Wuhuo Spirit Body, the system prompted him to refresh it after detecting that he had fire spirit roots.

 So if you really refresh your spirit body according to the principle of the five elements' mutual generation, then the earth attribute spirit body should be a metallic spirit body after that.

 But I don’t have a golden spiritual root, so I may not be able to refresh it!

It would be fine if the spirit body could not be refreshed. It would be really bad if the refresh talent was cut off.

Before that, even if Chu Ning vaguely guessed this, there was nothing he could do.

But it’s different now. According to the spiritual root cultivation method left by Master Shenmeng, if you can obtain the aura of the golden spiritual seed, you can cultivate the golden spiritual root!

Thinking of this, Chu Ning suddenly realized how important the formation of the spiritual realm and the appearance of spiritual seeds in the future were for him!

But at this moment, he naturally won't talk about it with everyone for the time being.

Even if there is no need for Chu Ning, Jiuhua Sect will try its best to fight for this opportunity.

  After all, there are also many people in Jiuhua Sect who practice metal-based skills.

 Elder Luo, whom Zongli went to Wolong Mountain with last time, and the monks on Jinyuan Peak led by him, majored in metal-based exercises.

I think the sect probably hopes that after putting in some effort this time, when the spiritual realm opens later, the sect can also get a share of the pie.

Immediately, Tang Xuan and others also gave Chu Ning a brief introduction to some of the sects and forces of the three alliances here, as well as the famous monks.

 After the general matter was figured out, everyone dispersed.

Shang Xiaohan enthusiastically took Chu Ning to choose a cave.

Hmm, right next to her cave.

Chuning also vaguely felt at this time that Shang Xiaohan, who was still a bit reserved before, had experienced the interception by You Jing a few days ago.

  Seems a little less reserved and a little more enthusiastic.

At this moment, a beautiful figure appeared in Chu Ning's mind involuntarily.

“In total, it has been more than ten years since I was separated from Cen Zijin.

 But I don’t know how she is doing in Yaochi Palace? What kind of cultivation level is he now? "

Chun Ning entered the cave, thinking about the thousands of lakes and islands, and because he had not rested in recent days, he fell asleep slowly.

 Wake up feeling refreshed.

When we left the cave, we found that there were many more colleagues in the peak.

But it was Elder Luo from Jin Yuan Peak who brought some disciples to help.

Only the monks of Jiuhua Sect with a cultivation level of Foundation Establishment or above gathered here, nearly a hundred people.

This went on for two days in a row, but nothing happened.

Chun Ning, Shang Xiaohan and other foundation-building monks were also arranged to go outside for alternate patrols.

The area that Jiuhua Sect is responsible for covers a radius of a hundred miles, and the actual border with the Demon Alliance is about thirty miles long. The area is not particularly large.

 As for other areas bordering the Demonic Alliance, other sects are responsible for them.

There are many Foundation-Building monks patrolling the border of Thirty Mile Land, and there are Jindan and Nascent Soul monks stationed at the Yunxiao League station in the rear. Those who want to come to the Demonic League will not attack rashly.

Chun Ning also met many sect acquaintances here, including Lu Jiakang, Yuan Rongzhang, Cui Rongrong, and even Wang Ping.

On this day, Chu Ning and others were about to go out for patrol, but they were stopped by Tang Xuan who came back from outside.

Tang Xuan opened his mouth and brought extremely surprising news to everyone.

“After discussion among our three parties, Yunxiao League, Tianji League and Mo Dao League, all Yuanying monks will withdraw from Honghukou.

 Golden elixir monks can sit in command, but cannot participate in specific turf battles. "

“Uncle, why is this?”

Before Chu Ning could speak, Fu Lihong had already asked.

 Everyone also looked at Tang Xuan in confusion.

 The Supreme Elder of Jiuhua Sect said slowly:

“The main concern is that there will be a big fight, and too many Nascent Soul monks will die at this stage.

It will take quite some time for the spiritual realm to be formed. At present, some other alliances in the Western Alliance Continent are getting news one after another.

They naturally want to come and get a share of the pie, and our three alliances are also very resolute in their attitude. This place will be divided among the three, and no other forces will be allowed to come in.

 If the situation is divided like this, the Yuanying monk will intervene.

In the event that a full-scale battle breaks out and causes too many Nascent Soul cultivators to die?, it will give other forces an opportunity to take advantage of it. "

As soon as Tang Xuan said this, everyone roughly understood it.

 As for the fact that Jin Dan cannot participate in the war, it is probably for the same reason.

Sure enough, Tang Xuan continued:

“The same is true for the Golden Core Monk. According to our speculation, the power of the spiritual seed this time is quite high. After the spiritual realm is formed, the stability of the spiritual realm will be relatively strong.

However, in the end, Yuanying monks may not be able to enter, and there is a high probability that Jindan monks from various alliances and sects will become the main force entering the spiritual realm.

 Hence, all three of us do not want too many Golden Core cultivators to end up participating in the war and thus perish. "

 The three Jindan elders looked at each other, and then looked at Chu Ning and other foundation-building monks.

 In this way, the battle for control of the area falls on the foundation-building monks.

Tang Xuan continued at this time:

“At present, all the major sects have sent messages back to the sect to invite the relevant formation masters to come over as soon as possible to prepare to set up formations at the edges of their respective control areas.

In this way, if Yuanying and Jindan monks do not take action, the probability that the foundation-building monks can break through the formation control is relatively small.

 The territory scope is relatively solid.

However, if the formation masters from various sects need to prepare relevant formation equipment, they may not be able to arrive until tomorrow at the earliest. "

As he spoke, Tang Xuan's face became more serious.

“So the next half day and tonight will be the most critical moment for various forces to compete for control!”

Chu Ning and others can naturally understand the meaning of this statement, which also means that this period is also the time when they are most likely to face attacks from the Demon Alliance monks.

 It can even be said that from this moment on, the dangerous moment has arrived.

Gong Yuyuan said at this moment:

"In this case, we will send all our foundation-building monks. No matter what, we must hold on for most of the day."

Tang Yu nodded, "That's what I meant!"

“During the discussion today, all the Yuanying monks in the alliance agreed.

The size of the contribution in the battle for control of the territory will determine the number of people entering each sect and the proportion of resource allocation after the opening of the spiritual realm.

Every time the spiritual realm is opened, it will always help some sects or monks to rise.

 We cannot miss this opportunity. "

 Speaking of this, Tang Yu's eyes fell on Chu Ning and other foundation-building monks.

"In this case, whether the sect can get this opportunity depends on you."

The people of Jiuhua Sect have always valued the sect’s honor. Before Tang Yu and others could continue, behind Chu Ning, a group of foundation-building monks were already shouting.

“We will definitely defend this territory!”

“We have people on the sidelines, and we will never let the people from the Demonic Alliance step even half a step into the territory controlled by our Jiuhua Sect.”


Even the female monks such as Shang Xiaohan and Cui Rongrong looked as if they were ready to die.

Chun Ning, on the other hand, looked relatively calm at the moment.

At this time, Yuanying monk Tang Yu, who was the supreme elder, turned his eyes to Chu Ning and said solemnly:

“Chun Ning, I have something to ask you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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