Chapter 240 Nascent Soul

Chun Ning also looked serious when he heard Ling Cang's words.

“You died when you were forming a pill? How could the impact of this pill be so strong?”

Ling Cang and Liu Zhaolin nodded at the same time.

“So, the younger you are and the stronger your body is, the better!”

Liu Zhaolin took the words at this time, and then said with some regret:

“There was a senior brother in Zongli who was facing pill formation a few years before Shouyuan came.

At first, the sect spent a lot of elixirs on him to strengthen his body, thinking that after forming the elixir, he would not only be able to enter the golden elixir stage, but his lifespan would also be extended by nearly two hundred years.

 But in the end, he ended up exploding to death. "

Chuning’s eyes flickered slightly when he heard this.

He has practiced the Jiuyan Body Refining Technique and is so young. Logically speaking, he is physically stronger than ordinary monks.

But this incident also made Chu Ning understand that this body refining and **** refining are obviously very important for improving one's own strength, as well as improving one's Qi refining skills.

 In addition, after the incident in Wolong Valley, the Daluo Sect may still be keeping an eye on us, making it inconvenient for us to go out. "

Liu Zhaolin smiled at this time and said:

“I also accidentally learned during my previous travels that the Golden Peak Castle was actually passed down by an outstanding disciple of the Sky Eagle Sect.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the jade slip in Chu Ning’s hand and said:

“But since Tian Ying Zong was famous for his body training in the beginning, it stands to reason that there should be a collection of these exercises.

However, I took a look before and found that these body-refining techniques are quite good, but there is no such thing as the Nine-Evolution Body-Refining Technique. "

Ling Cang said from the sidelines at this time:

Since Junior Sister Fu’s relative has passed away, she will naturally no longer have much connection with the Golden Peak Castle. "

Liu Zhaolin took Chu Ning to one of the shelves with several jade slips, and said:

But since then, Junior Sister Fu seems to have had little contact with Jinfeng Castle. "

Ling Cang said, then smiled at Chu Ning:

Liu Zhaolin shook his head and said:

 This actually solidified his idea to continue to find the follow-up skills of Jiuyan Body Refining Technique.

“It seems that we have no chance to take a look. I heard that the Eagle Sect lost its inheritance about a thousand years ago after the civil war in the Shuangyun Alliance.”

 Sure enough, I did not see the existence of the Nine Evolution Body Refining Technique.

“Although the Tianying Sect is gone, the inheritance may not be broken.” Liu Zhaolin said suddenly at this time.


Although not many people practice it, it seems to be widely spread.

He couldn’t help but blurt out and asked:

“Elder Fu is familiar with the Jinfeng Fort?”

 With these inheritances, the alchemy skills of everyone in the sect will surely reach a higher level.

“These jade slips were all obtained from the Eagle Sect.

But Ling Cang seemed to know this and asked:

“What about Jinfeng Castle, which has some connection with Junior Sister Fu?”

“This time, many of the sect’s inherited alchemy techniques have been recovered, and I was just about to invite you to study them together.

“I have read it in the sect’s classics. It is said that this Jiuyan Body Refining Technique was during the heyday of our Jiuhua Sect.

Perhaps it was because no one practiced this technique at the beginning, so it was not carried by these monks. "

And Chu Ning finally came to his senses, Ling Cang said that Junior Sister Fu should be Fu Lihong, the female Jindan elder of the sect.

 “There is indeed some origin.” Ling Cang replied:

 Speaking of this, Liu Zhaolin said to Chu Ning:

“But if you ask, Junior Brother Chu, Junior Sister Fu should still ask for you.”

“By the time we have reached our level of cultivation, our longevity can be neither long nor short. Unless we are both Golden Elixir monks, most of our relatives have passed away.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Cang and Chu Ning both looked over in surprise.

 Liu Zhaolin nodded at this time.

 So the family affection is relatively weak.

Chuning felt very strange when he heard this name.

That must have been more than two hundred years ago. Junior Sister Fu had just formed an elixir at that time, and in a fit of rage, she went to help the Jinfeng Fort repel the enemy.

Chuning nodded after hearing this, and then said:

“We’ll look at it later, there are a lot of things going on in the sect during this period.

 So we all have some impressions about this matter.

When Chu Ning heard this, he sighed slightly and said:

 “That’s true.”

 In the past thousand years, it seems that very little news about this technique has been heard. "

After hearing this, Chu Ning frowned slightly, picked up a few jade slips and inspected them briefly.

 At this time, while the three of them were talking, they had already arrived at the exercise collection room on the third floor.

  It can bring more cultivation resources to everyone. "

“Junior sister Fu has a cousin who seemed to have been married to someone from Jinfengbao before, but something happened to her later.

Chun Ning nodded and said: "Okay, elder, I am also just trying to see if there is a suitable elixir recipe."

Chu Ning now has two fifth-level demon elixirs in his hand, and is preparing to use their elixirs to refine elixirs.

However, this elixir cannot be improved from the Yanmu Lingdan. We have to see if any of the other inherited elixirs of Jiuhua Sect are suitable.

So, for the next nearly one month, Chu Ning basically spent half a day practicing and half a day going to the Alchemy Pavilion.

 Study the elixir together with Ling Cang and other deacons.

The Danfang Chu Ning hopes to find also has some clues.

 From among the many inherited elixir recipes of Jiuhua Sect, Chu Ning found a strange elixir called Twin Pills.

It is said that this elixir is specially prepared for Earth Spirit Root monks.

 Because there are many Earth Spiritual Root monks who practice dual-attribute exercises.

 This elixir is composed of different materials and can be used to refine elixirs suitable for two attributes of the five elements.

 Depending on the different elixirs, both high-level elixirs and intermediate-level elixirs can be refined.

 Although according to the prescriptions, many medicinal materials are actually not easy to find.

However, with his previous experience in developing flame wood elixirs, Chu Ning already had a very deep understanding of elixirs with wood fire properties.

 It took about twenty days to develop a twin elixir with wood and fire attributes.

And these two demon pills were also directly refined by Chu Ning to produce nearly thirty furnaces of pills.

 It is enough for Chu Ning to practice for two or three years.

Many monks in the Alchemy Pavilion are developing elixirs, as are the disciples in the Weapon Refining Pavilion and other peaks and pavilions.

This time Chu Ning and others got too many things from the Wolong Valley ruins.

Even though Yu Changge and others are not so short-sighted as to take them out and throw them all away right away.

 However, with the increase in the number of people refining elixirs in the Alchemy Pavilion and other places.

Even ordinary disciples can get twice as many resources as before.

 All the disciples of the Jiuhua Sect were also inspired by the hope of inheritance and revival, and they all began to practice hard.

 At the same time, Jiuhua Sect was in a state of excitement.

In Wolong Mountain, Ao Langtian was staring at the space boundary wall in front of him.

After sensing the signal transmitted inside, he immediately joined forces with several monks to open a space passage.

 Then, five foundation-building monks flashed out of the space passage.

Ao Langtian saw a few people coming out, but there were no others behind them, so he stopped casting spells.

 Let the space channel be closed, and then asked quickly:

 “How was it? What did you find?”

The leader was Gu Guanlin who had gone to Jiuhua Sect to participate in the competition.

 Apparently, Daluo Sect discovered that the monks in their sect had not returned, so they organized a few more foundation-building monks to go in and investigate.

Hearing Ao Langtian’s question, he shook his head and said:

“No one from the sect has been found. We have used various communication methods of the sect, but no news has been returned.”

Ao Langtian immediately asked:

“Are there any particularly powerful monsters or restrictions there?”

Gu Guanlin nodded.

“In here, I explored the caves of several fifth-level monsters and a sixth-level monster.

 After using the secret method, it was not discovered.

 These monsters are very scattered, and they are also some of the more common monsters in this mountain range. Nothing special has been found. "

"Then it can't be an accident due to the appearance of the monster." Ao Langtian said in a deep voice.

“Even if one or two people encounter the monster, it is impossible for everyone to encounter the monster.

 What's more, I had specifically stated beforehand that when encountering monsters, I would try to avoid them as much as possible. "

As he said that, Ao Langtian asked again: "What about the restrictions? Are there any special restrictions?"

"I was just about to report this." Gu Guanlin immediately said with a solemn expression.

“I found a large hall in the sect ruins in Wolong Valley, with formation restrictions.

 With the cultivation level of a few of us, we are unable to open this restriction. I suspect that the brothers and sisters were trapped or attacked by people from the Jiuhua Sect who took advantage of this restriction. "

When Ao Langtian heard this, he said coldly:

 “This is possible!

  Damn it, the people from the Jiuhua Sect must give us an explanation for this!

 No matter what, we have to open the ban and take a look. "

Ao Langtian’s eyes flickered slightly as he spoke.

 Then he landed on the youngest of the three golden elixir monks beside him, a middle-aged yellow-faced monk, and said:

“Junior brother Xiao, among all of us, although you have entered the elixir-formation period the shortest, you are well versed in prohibitions.

 Let's open the space channel again, and you try to see if you can enter. "

 The yellow-faced monk suddenly hesitated when he heard this.

“Senior Brother Ao, it’s not that I’m unwilling to take risks.

It’s just that we have explored this space, and the boundary wall cannot support the Jindan monks from entering. Junior Brother Sun’s cultivation method is special.

But I don’t have this kind of technique that can suppress my cultivation and avoid the detection of space forces.

If you get halfway through and encounter a space passage collapse, I'm afraid..."

When Ao Langtian heard this, he pondered for a while, and finally said: "What you said makes sense, I'd better ask the two Supreme Elders for instructions.

This matter must be investigated eventually. If Junior Brother Sun and others are really trapped in that formation restriction, we will naturally have to rescue them. "

During the discussion among several people, they never thought that Sun Shifan and others would be directly killed by the Jiuhua Sect members.

 After all, in their opinion, with the strength of the monks from Daluo Sect who entered the valley.

Unless the Jiuhua Sect members resort to some kind of prohibition method, it is absolutely impossible to cause trouble to Sun Shifan and others.

 Half a day later, an astonishing aura fell on Wolong Mountain.

Ao Langtian and others sensed this aura, and their faces suddenly showed joy.

 “Uncle Master is here!”

Just as Ao Langtian finished speaking, a short old man with bright eyes appeared in front of everyone.

I don’t know what kind of technique this person is practicing, and his aura is extremely amazing.

 Even though he is a Yuanying monk, he does not have any aura of restraint.

 “I’ve met the Supreme Elder!”

As soon as this person appeared, everyone in Daluo Sect immediately saluted respectfully.

The old man glanced at it, and then landed on the invisible space wall in front of him.

 After a long while, he shook his head and said:

“There’s no need to make any decisions, the boundary wall of this space is extremely unstable, and it’s impossible for Golden Core cultivators to enter.

Even if the foundation-building monks go in, because it has been opened frequently recently, there is great danger when passing through the space boundary wall. "

 Hearing what the old man said, all the monks in Daluo Sect looked a little ugly.

At this moment, the old man snorted softly:

“You are still so timid about doing something, you should have stopped Yu Changge directly to ask what happened.”

As he spoke, the old man raised his head and glanced in the direction of Jiuhua Sect, with a glimmer of light in his eyes and a hint of confidence and pride in his tone.

“No need to go to such trouble, just go to Jiuhua Sect and ask about the situation.

 Don't say that Tang Yu has not come out of seclusion, he has come out of seclusion.

I came to them and asked them to tell me everything. What other tricks could the Jiuhua Sect do? "

Upon hearing what the old man said, Ao Langtian and others were greatly relieved.

 At the same time, there was also an eager look on his face.

 It is the Yuanying monk who has the confidence to say these words.

 At this moment, the old man waved his hand and said:

"Ji Ji disciples, please don't follow me. All of you should return to your sect. Langtian, you guys will go with me."


Ao Langtian and others immediately responded.

The old man immediately released a treasure, and carrying several people, it turned into a roar and flew away in the direction of Jiuhua Sect.


 Jiuhua Sect, Lingyan Peak.

Chuning was looking at the jade bones at the metacarpal position, his eyes flickering slightly.

“In one month, this jade bone was roughly one-fifth fused, and the proficiency level increased by 300 points.

 It seems that this piece of jade bone can bring about 1500 points of proficiency to the Nine Evolution Body Refining Technique of Immortal Golden Body.

But the problem is not big, after all, this is just the smallest part of it. "

At the same time, Chu Ning also glanced at his own cultivation proficiency.

 【Yanhuo Shenmu Kung (high grade Xuan level), fourth level (1155/40000)】

 【Nine-Evolution Body Refining Technique, Volume 1, Immortal Golden Body (5300/10000)】

 【Alchemy, fourth level (11677/64000)】

 For the cultivation of jade bone fusion, the greatest improvement is naturally body training.

However, refining Qi also helps. After this month, the proficiency of Yanhuo Shenmu Kung has been increased by more than 100 points compared to normal circumstances.

 Obviously, it is the side effect brought by refining jade bones.

While thinking about it in his mind, Chu Ning was about to refine and practice again.

At this moment, he felt a strong pressure hanging over him.

Even though he was separated from the sect's formation and the formation restrictions in his own cave, Chu Ning felt extremely uncomfortable.

 This made Chu Ning reveal a look of horror.

“This kind of coercion has never been felt by Yu Changge and other late-stage Jindan monks. Could it be that...

 Is he a Yuanying monk? "

Thinking of this, Chu Ning immediately couldn't sit still and walked towards the outside of the cave.

At the same time, Yu Changge’s voice also sounded in the air.

 “Which senior visited Jiuhua Sect? Junior Yu Changge didn’t welcome him from afar.”

Hearing that Yu Changge called himself a junior, Chu Ning knew that his guess was not wrong. The person who came was indeed a Yuanying monk.

At the same time, a slightly domineering voice sounded.

 “Old man Daluo Zongsang Pingnan!”

 “Da Luo Zong!”

Once he heard the identity of the visitor, Chu Ning couldn't help but exclaimed.

At the same time, in various corners of the Jiuhua Sect, many Jiuluo Sect monks also walked out of the training ground with exclaims.

 Like Chu Ning, he looked up at the sky.

At this moment, he saw a figure standing in the sky above the mountain gate of Jiuhua Sect.

This person has obviously done nothing and is still far away from everyone.

 But the domineering and fierce aura on his body can be clearly felt by everyone.

Chun Ning was looking at the figure in the air at this moment, with a solemn look in his eyes.

“Daluo Zong Sang Pingnan, one of the two Daluo Zong monks in the early stage of Yuanying, is also considered to be a person who is very likely to advance to the middle stage of Yuanying.”

If he could face the Golden Core cultivator calmly.

Facing such monks, Chu Ning felt that just one thought from them could destroy him.

 “Monk Yuanying, you are too strong!”

 While feeling such emotion in his heart, Chu Ning also felt a chill in his heart.

“After entering the Jiuhua Sect, my cultivation has gone very smoothly. In addition, my spiritual consciousness can be compared with that of monks in the early stage of forming pills, and I possess many important treasures.

 Even killed an early stage Jindan monk.

 Unconsciously, I seemed to be less cautious than before. "

Chun Ning felt a flash of fear in his heart.

“It should be noted that there is heaven outside the sky, there are people outside the human beings, and I am not even the Lianjie Dan.

 Let alone the Yuanying monks! "

Taking a deep breath, Chu Ning suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and then his eyes returned to calmness.

 Although this person is strong, he naturally does not need a monk of his level to face him.

While Chu Ning was thinking like this, Yu Changge had already taken off and stood in the sky as well.

However, Chu Ning also saw that Yu Changge did not go outside the formation restrictions.

 Obviously, even with Yu Changge's late cultivation level, he was still very afraid of Na Sang Pingnan.

 “It turns out that senior Sang is here, and junior...”

Just as Yu Changge spoke, Sang Pingnan interrupted:

“Yu Changge, our two sects competed to determine the rules for entering the Wolong Mountain ruins.

Entered it, but by chance, why did the disciples of the Jiuhua Sect secretly murder the disciples of this sect?

 Hmph, do you really think that our Daluo Sect is easy to bully? "

Sang Pingnan's last words were like rolling thunder, and even Chu Ning felt his mind tremble.

Yu Changge said in a deep voice at this moment:

“Senior Sang, where do you start from? I, a disciple of the Jiuhua Sect, entered the Wolong Mountain and did not encounter any disciples of the Guizong at all.

 Having returned to the sect as early as a month ago, why did Senior Sang come to the sect to question him? "

 “Have you not met any disciples of our sect?” Sang Pingnan snorted softly when he said this.

"This is just your one-sided statement. Call your dozen or so disciples from Wolong Mountain and confront them."

As soon as Sang Pingnan said these words, the faces of many monks in Jiuhua Sect all changed drastically.

Yu Changge’s face was still neither humble nor arrogant at this moment:

"Those disciples are all foundation-building monks. How can they be qualified to speak in front of seniors? If seniors have any concerns, they should tell the juniors."

 “You?” Sang Pingnan asked lightly at this moment, and then coldly snorted:

“Before you enter the Nascent Soul stage, you are not qualified to talk to me on an equal footing.”

 “Sang Pingnan, he is not qualified, what about me?”

At this moment, a slightly old voice sounded in the air.

 Subsequently, a figure slowly appeared in the sky.

He is an old man of medium height and white hair.

 Different from Nasang Pingnan, this old man looked completely devoid of any aura.

 But just standing there, he gave people the feeling that he had the world under his control.

 “The Supreme Elder!”

With the appearance of this voice, a series of exclamations suddenly sounded in Jiuhua Sect.

 (End of this chapter)

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