My Talent For Cultivating Immortals Can Be Refreshed

Chapter 222: Da Luo Zong comes to visit, Chu Ning breaks through (please subscribe)

Chapter 222 Daluo Sect comes and Chu Ning breaks through (please subscribe)

Chun Ning is in seclusion to attack the late stage of foundation building, but the Jiuhua Sect is not peaceful at this moment.

At this moment, in the mission hall on Jiuhua Peak, many disciples were looking at the sect mission, but they were discussing another matter.

“I heard that the Yunxiao Alliance’s split battle three thousand years ago was found in Wolong Mountain.

 The site where our Jiuhua Sect and Daluo Sect fought with the enemy. "

“I’ve also heard that the Daluo Sect wants to take that site as its own and won’t let us, the Jiuhua Sect, enter.”

“How can we do that? When the Yunxiao Alliance was in civil strife and our Jiuhua Sect was attacked, we carried many things from our predecessors’ sects with us.

Later on, he fell in Wolong Mountain. If our Jiuhua Sect could not enter, wouldn’t these inheritances fall into the hands of Daluo Sect? "

“That is, the Daluo Sect was initially just a small sect attached to our Jiuhua Sect.

 Later on, he rose to prominence because he obtained many treasures from our Jiuhua Sect predecessors, and now he is so arrogant. "


The lower-level disciples were indignant, and at this moment, they were in the main hall of Jiuhua Sect.

 Eight of the nine Jindan elders gathered together.

Except for the Yuan Ying ancestor who is still in retreat, and Yu Changge and Gong Yuyuan are not outside, the other elders are all here.

 “Too arrogant!” In the main hall at this moment, the rough-looking Ge Liuyang looked indignant.

“The Daluo Sect took advantage of that battle, and then took advantage of the fact that the sect’s vitality was seriously injured to rise.

 Now, it is the son who disowns me! "

“It’s useless to say all this. During the first battle, many of our predecessors died, and many of our sect’s inheritances were lost.”

 Ling Cang also stood up at this moment.

“Now that the ruins have appeared, we have to fight for the qualifications to enter no matter what.”

Among these many inheritances, the Alchemy Pavilion and the Weapon Refining Pavilion have the most inheritances, and the two Jindan elders are also the most restless.

That Ge Liuyang looked outside the hall from time to time and kept muttering:

“Why hasn’t the sect master returned yet? I don’t know what the alliance said about this matter?”

A hint of worry flashed across Yuan Zhuo's cold face, and he said:

“The Daluo Sect now has two monks in the early stage of Yuanying, and one may even advance to the middle stage of Yuanying. In terms of strength, it has surpassed our Jiuhua Sect.

  I'm afraid that other people in the alliance may not be willing to say something fair for us. "

As soon as Yuan Zhuo said these words, everyone in the hall immediately sighed.

Everyone is a golden elixir cultivator who has been cultivating for many years. How could they not know that in this world of immortality, strength is still the most important thing?

Even though many people know that Daluo Sect was just a subsidiary of Jiuhua Sect before.

But now the opponent's strength is stronger than our own sect, so its status in the alliance has always been higher than that of Jiuhua Sect.

It is precisely because of the situation of Jiuhua Sect that the whole sect is more focused on its prosperity.

 Just that battle thousands of years ago really damaged Jiuhua Sect’s strength too much.

 Being where we are now is the result of the hard work of generations of monks.

It is not so easy to get back to the top.

The ruins discovered this time may indeed be an opportunity.

 But the crux obviously appears here.

 At this moment, a ray of light flew from outside the main hall.

 “The suzerain is back!”

 In the hall, the eight elders could no longer sit still and stood up one after another.

 Then, they saw Yu Changge walking into the hall with a calm expression.

 “Sect Master, what did the alliance say?”

Ge Liuyang couldn't bear his temper the most, so he immediately asked.

Yu Changge actually remained calm and composed until he walked back to the main seat and sat down, then he slowly spoke:

“The alliance adopted a compromise method, allowing both sects to enter.

  However, the number of people entering will depend on the results of the competition. "

“The result of the competition? What result of the competition?” Everyone was stunned.

Yu Changge said in a deep voice: "We have already gone to visit the ruins of Wolong Mountain, and the palace elder is still guarding them."

Yu Changge did not directly answer everyone’s questions, but was the first to talk about the ruins information.

“The small space of this site was previously in the space crack. Although it is now visible, the space is not stable.

Of course, monks with a gold elixir or above cannot enter, and even foundation-building monks can only enter thirty.

 So the Daluo Sect proposed that the foundation-building monks from the two sects compete to determine the final entry quota.

 The winner will enter twenty people, and the loser will enter ten people. "

Hearing this, the elders had different expressions on their faces. Yuan Zhuo took the lead and asked:

 “How to compare the methods?”

“Daluo Sect proposed that each sect send out three monks to compete in elixir refining, weapon refining and fighting techniques.” Yu Changge explained at this moment.

“Two people compete in pairs, and each monk must compete in these three competitions. There are nine games in total. The one who wins five games wins.”

 The elders did not ask Yu Changge whether he agreed to this competition method, they all knew it well.

If it were Daluo Sect Yuanying monk who proposed this method, Yu Changge would have no reason to refuse it.

At this time, Yu Changge continued calmly:

“I fought for the competition to be held in our Jiuhua Sect.

 One month later, Daluo Sect will come to bring people to our Jiuhua Sect.

 Now we need to think carefully about how to choose the right three people to participate in the competition. "

As soon as Yu Changge said these words, everyone's eyes fell on Ling Cang and Ge Liuyang.

Alchemy, weapon refining, and fighting skills all have to be tested. Naturally, the Alchemy Pavilion and the Weapon Refining Pavilion both have talented people.

 The problem is that fighting skills depends on one's cultivation, and those who can reach this level have some means.

The sect can only give you more good things.

However, Jiuhua Sect does not have people who are proficient in alchemy and weapon refining at the same time, so this is difficult to deal with.

“Chun Ning is one of them. Among the foundation-building monks, I don’t think anyone can surely beat him in alchemy.”

 Ling Cang was the first to speak at this time.

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded.

Yu Changge also nodded slightly at this time.

“And judging from the method he used to kill the black dragon in the Black Dragon Pond.

Although he is only in the middle stage of foundation building, his fighting skills are also good. He can compete with those in the late stage of foundation building, and he can be given a magic weapon according to his needs. "

 Chun Ning’s quota was determined first.

Ge Liuyang spoke up at this moment: "Let Lu Jiakang fight in the Lianqi Pavilion.

 His weapon refining skills are second only to mine in the Weapon Refining Pavilion, and he is in the late stage of foundation building.

Although there is nothing particularly outstanding in magical powers, he has been in the late stage of foundation building for a long time. He has improved a lot in the past five years and has learned several magical powers.

 Playing steadily, you should not be at a disadvantage against most of the late-stage foundation-building monks.

 If I give him another magic weapon, he should still have a certain chance of winning. "

Yu Changge nodded, agreeing with Ge Liuyang's statement.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at Ling Cang again and said:

“Chun Ning and Lu Jiakang are not sure that they can win two games, so the last person still needs to come out of your Alchemy Pavilion.

 One more person must have a chance to win even one game, so that we can have a chance to win this competition. "

Ling Cang thought for a while and said, "Then let's go to Yuan Rongzhang."

   Yu Changge was a little surprised when he heard Ling Cang said that Yuan Rongzhang would go out to fight.

“I thought you would choose He Yanmao to fight.”

Ling Cang shook his head and said: "Yuan Rongzhang's alchemy skills have improved rapidly in the past few years, and he is not much worse than He Yanmao.

However, in terms of fighting skills, Yuan Rongzhang is more eager to win, and he has received guidance from senior brother Yuan, so he is more suitable than He Yanmao. "

Yu Changge also nodded when he heard Ling Cang's words.

 “That’s it, let the three of them come here now.”

 After a short while, Yuan Rongzhang and Lu Jiakang came to the main hall.

 “Senior Brother Chu has gone into seclusion.”

 Hearing Yuan Rongzhang's words, no one felt surprised.

 After all, Chu Ning is famous for his fondness for seclusion.

Yu Changge said in a deep voice at this time:

“Then let’s wait until he comes out of confinement. Let’s talk to you two first so that we can be prepared.”

Yu Changge said that he waited until Chu Ning came out of isolation, but he didn't expect that a month had passed and there was still no sign of Chu Ning coming out of isolation.

 “Chun Ning is still in retreat?”

Seeing that the Daluo Sect was about to come to the Jiuhua Sect, even Yu Changge, who had always been calm, became a little uncomfortable at this time.

Hearing Yu Changge’s question, Ling Cang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“I went to see his cave, and the defensive formation was so strong that even I couldn’t break in.

However, the movement I made when I broke the formation yesterday made a lot of noise. It stands to reason that he should be completely aware of the formation within it. "

 Speaking of this, Ling Cang paused slightly and said hesitantly:

“Sect Master, how about I call on Senior Brother Yuan to break the ban?”

 “No!” Yu Changzong immediately waved his hand.

"In this case, Chu Ning is most likely at a certain cultivation point. There is no need to wait any longer, start the alternative plan and let He Yanmao take over."

 “That’s...ok!” Ling Cang sighed softly.

Yu Changge reached out and patted Ling Cang's shoulder gently at this moment:

“I know what you want to say, but for us, disciples are more important than inheritance!

 We were not sure of winning this competition.

 If it is really impossible for more people to enter this time. Even gaining inheritance is not a desperate situation. "

 Speaking of this, a look of determination flashed across Yu Changge's face.

"Jiuhua Sect will definitely prosper, and it will definitely prosper in our hands!"

 When he said these words, Yu Changge, who had always looked unassuming, suddenly burst out with an astonishing momentum!

 The power of Jin Dan in the later stage was fully revealed at this moment.

 Looking at Yu Changge's appearance, a hint of excitement flashed across the faces of Ling Cang and others.

This is the Yu Changge they know!

 In recent years, the other side has quietly endured the pressure and tempered its edge.

Not many people in the sect even knew that the person in front of him had been pursued by all the disciples of the Jiuhua Sect during the Qi Refining Stage, and had suppressed all the geniuses of the entire Yunxiao Alliance during the Foundation Establishment Stage.

 Instead, he entered the Danjie stage, especially after taking over the position of the head of the Jiuhua Sect.

I have never seen him as excited as before!

Just when Ling Cang and others were still thinking of saying something, Yu Changge suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.

 “Let’s go, the people from Daluo Sect are coming.”

With that said, Yu Changge took the lead in leaving the hall, and the other eight elders also filed out.

Except for the great elder Gong Yuyuan who is still guarding the ruins, the others have all gathered.

The nine people flew out to the gate of Jiuhua Sect. After a while, a huge flying boat flew in the distance.

This boat is nearly a hundred feet long, but its speed is astonishing.

At the very front of the flying boat, an old man with black hair and thick eyebrows stood with his hands behind his back. He was also a late-stage Jindan monk.

 Behind them, stood three Golden Core monks and nearly a hundred Foundation Establishment monks.

 Looking at the flying boat, Ge Liuyang's eyes flashed with complicated expressions.

 Can’t tell whether it’s envy or anger.

 Obviously, this spaceship also has some origins.

At this moment, the flying boat flew to the mountain gate of Jiuhua Sect but had no intention of falling.

The black-haired old man stood under the flying boat, looked at Yu Changge and others below, and laughed loudly:

“Sect Master Yu, you brought so many fellow Taoists to greet you. This is too polite!”

Yu Changge stood there, the wind was clear and the clouds were calm.

“But Fellow Daoist Ao seems not to be polite. Is this the etiquette of Daluo Sect?”

 The black-haired old man laughed again.

“I am also letting you fellow Taoists take a look at our Daluo Lingzhou. I heard that Jiuhua Sect also had a flying boat before.

The attack and defense capabilities are astonishing, but it’s a pity that I never had the chance to see it. "

Upon hearing this, Ge Liuyang couldn't suppress the anger in his eyes and immediately shouted:

"Ao Langtian, don't be too arrogant. You just made a replica of our Jiuhua Star Luozhou. What the hell."

“Hey, Ge Liuyang, it seems you still look the same after all these years.

The ability is not great, but the tone is very big. "Ao Langtian stood on the flying boat and said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Ge Liuyang's face changed slightly. He was about to say something, but Yu Changge raised his hand and interrupted him.

He looked into the distance and said in a deep voice:

“Elder Ge, there is no need to argue. Don’t let other fellow Taoists think that our Jiuhua Sect doesn’t understand etiquette either.

If Fellow Daoist Ao can really drive this flying boat into the mountain gate of our Jiuhua Sect, then that is his ability. "

While Yu Changge was speaking, Ao Tianlang suddenly turned his head and glanced into the distance.

Immediately, his eyes flickered, but he still dropped the flying boat outside the mountain gate.

Although Ao Tianlang was arrogant, he was not so arrogant that he thought he could forcefully break into Jiuhua Sect's mountain-protecting sect by driving this flying boat.

Jiuhua Sect was indeed greatly weakened by the death of many monks, and the sect was also affected by the civil war.

However, this sect's sect formation was not seriously damaged at that time, and was repaired later. In terms of defensive capabilities, it is also recognized as being among the top three in the Yunxiao League.

Not long after Ao Langtian and everyone from Daluo Sect landed, several rays of light flew from the horizon in the distance, and then landed in front of the mountain gate.

 The first person was an old man with white hair and white beard, with a kind face and an air of immortality.

 There were four other people behind him, three men and one woman.

There are three men, one is dressed as a Confucian scholar with a smile on his face, one is dressed as a Taoist priest with three long strands of beard, and the third one is wearing a fancy outfit, just like an ordinary martial arts person.

 The female nun looks about forty years old and is wearing a white palace dress.

Without exception, all of them are Golden Elixir monks.

At this moment, the white-haired old man in the lead smiled and said:

“Sect Leader Yu, the alliance arranged for me to come as a witness this time, so it seems that I won’t be late.”

"Fellow Daoist Peng came just in time, and we have just arrived." Ao Langtian took over the words as if he were a guest.

The old man surnamed Peng chuckled and turned to look behind Ao Langtian.

“Only three people went out to fight, but I didn’t expect Fellow Daoist Ao to bring more than a hundred people.”

Ao Langtian laughed and said:

“Our Daluo Sect is a small sect, and none of our disciples have seen the world, so take them out to gain their knowledge.

It just so happens that I have the opportunity to observe and learn from the geniuses of Jiuhua Sect at close range, so as not to become a frog in the well and think that I am some great sect. "

When several Jindan elders from Jiuhua Sect heard this, their eyes showed anger.

Yu Changge glanced at Ao Langtian lightly at this time.

“Ao Daoist fellow said that Sang and Huai were yin and yang weird, just to show off to our Jiuhua Sect.

But what's the use of showing off your words in front of your disciples like this except making people laugh? "

Hearing Yu Changge’s words, Ao Langtian laughed and said:

“Okay! Sect Master Yu is just like the rumors, he likes to talk about everything openly.

Since that's the case, let's not talk so much nonsense. Let's go directly to the local place to compete and see the real results. "

At this time, Yu Changge stretched out his hand towards the old man named Peng and others and made a gesture of invitation.

The group of people then entered the Jiuhua Sect’s mountain gate, and then flew towards that sect’s dojo.

 Not long after, we arrived at the Jiuhua Peak Dojo.


At the same time, on Lingyan Peak.

Chuning slowly opened his eyes in the training room, and two streams of red and green light flashed in his eyes.

 Soon, it completely returned to normal.

 “Later stage of foundation building!”

Chuning muttered softly and stood up with a smile.

After breaking through the third level and entering the fourth level in the Yanhuo Shenmu Kung Fu, it took another three months of hard training.

And with the help of a lot of elixirs, Chu Ning finally broke through the middle stage of foundation building and entered the late stage of foundation building!

“It seemed that someone had tried to force their way into the cave before. Judging from the fluctuations of the formation, it seemed that the cultivation level of the person who came was not low.

Even the Jindan elders in the sect most likely don’t know what urgent matter they have to deal with. "

Chun Ning was muttering to himself as he quickly walked out of the practice room and walked outside the formation.

He could naturally feel it if someone broke into the cave before.

 But at that time, he was at the critical moment of breaking through the late stage of foundation building, so he naturally ignored it.

At this moment, Chu Ning walked out of the cave and saw Su Yuqing and Wang Ping standing outside the cave.

At this moment, the two of them were looking in the direction of Jiuhua Peak in the distance, as if they were looking at something.

   Even Chu Ning was not noticed when he came out.

“Junior sister Su, Wang Ping, why are you here?”

Chu Ning’s words made both Su Yuqing and Wang Ping turn their heads in surprise.

 “Senior Brother Chu, you are finally out of seclusion!”

Su Yuqing shouted with joy, and then said with an anxious look on her face:

“Hurry, come with me to the Jiuhua Peak Dojo! Otherwise, it will be too late.”

Chuning couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he heard Su Yuqing's urgent words.

At this time, Su Yuqing stepped forward and pulled Chu Ning's sleeve and walked out.

“I know you have a lot of questions, senior brother, let’s go and talk as we go!”

Immediately, a group of three people got on the flying magic weapon and flew towards the Jiuhua Peak Dojo.

Su Yuqing also briefly explained the matter to Chu Ning.

“You mean, the Daluo Sect will go up to the sect to challenge today? It’s already up the mountain now, and it should be at Jiuhua Peak?”

At this moment, Chu Ning finally knew the whole story and asked in a deep voice.

Su Yuqing nodded, and Chu Ning said directly:

“Then you guys follow me, I’ll take the first step.”

As he spoke, Chu Ning turned into a blue rainbow and headed straight for Jiuhua Peak.

With the magic robe and magic boots refined by Ge Liuyang, and the fact that Chu Ning has reached the late stage of foundation building at this moment, his divine wind escape speed is really astonishing.

Su Yuqing didn’t react until Chu Ning’s figure disappeared into the air.

 The next moment, she suddenly blinked.

“I didn’t even notice it just now, but Senior Brother Chu seems to be in the late stage of foundation building. This is really great!”

 (End of this chapter)

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