My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 958: I want to live in a big villa!

  Chapter 958 I want to live in a big villa!

  Su’s mother is a typical woman’s concept of the older generation. She thinks that men can make money by using it, but women can’t make money. Men make money outside, and women have to depend on men to live!

Su Yiyou felt uncomfortable listening, "Mom! Why can't I make money selling milk tea? My sister also made a lot of money selling milk tea. She can already buy a house by herself, so why can't I make money by myself? I will also be able to in the future Make money by yourself, buy you a house and let you live a good life, can't you? Why do you have to rely on my dad? After being humbled for so many years, your life is not as good as a servant. Although I am called Miss Qianjin, but I have to listen to my family's arrangements for everything I do, I don't want to live this kind of life anymore!"

"Besides, I'm afraid I didn't even come out to persuade you to stay now. You are dispensable in my dad's eyes. You are my dad's favorite object. It may be that he doesn't like you after all these years. Now that you have done something wrong, he Don't! You still pin your hopes on this kind of man, are you waiting to be tortured to death in the future?"

These words were completely like needles on Su's mother, and it hurt so much to be stimulated. He himself never thought that the two of his pillow people had spent so many years together, but because of this matter, he listened to him. If the eldest daughter is concerned, she doesn't care about her little wife.

  She has been with him for so many years without credit or hard work. In the end, it was not such a big thing that happened. She felt ashamed of her and kicked their mother and daughter out.

Su's mother broke down and yelled at her, unwilling to admit the fact: "Why can't this kind of life work? Did it make you starve to death? Don't forget that your father raised you to grow you up! You can go to school, get an education, and go to college, all these years I have earned like a servant! You are so old now, you just despise your mother! Your father is because you are so angry, so You don’t want to see me, if the two of us coax your dad well! We’ll be fine! If you promised me to kneel down earlier, you **** girl, nothing would happen, it’s just that you don’t want to kneel down!”

  Mother Su became more and more angry as she talked, and then suddenly thought of a question, she and Jiang Luyou.

The Jiang family is rich and powerful, and if she marries him, she can give a lot of bride price, so marrying him may not be a bad thing, so Mother Su took her hand and said, "You and I Go, come with me now, that kid has made you so bad that you won't be able to get married even if you want to marry in the future, the matter is so serious, the Chen family will definitely bad-mouth you and talk about it everywhere. So you can only marry him. The two of us will go to him now and let him be responsible! Anyway, don’t you like Jiang Luyou? If you want to marry him, then mother will marry him now as you wish, let If he marries you, as long as you are his young mistress and he is willing to give us mother and daughter two dowry money, then we will have money, and we won't be sleeping on the streets."

When Su Yiyou heard this, she felt that her mother would not change her mind and wanted to use her to ask others for money, so she was very angry, "Mom! Why do you rely on men, I can support you, let alone me Now I also need to marry him right away, this kind of thing just happened, what will his family think of me if I marry him?! Can't you calm down? I have some money on me now, let's go to a hotel!"

"I don't want to live in a hotel. Who knows if the environment in the hotel is clean or dirty? Are there any bad people around, so I want to live in a big villa now. If I don't live in a big villa, I'm not happy, I just have to Live in a big villa!"

  (end of this chapter)

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