My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 949: People rely on clothes, changing the shape immediately changes

  Chapter 949 People depend on clothes, changing their appearance immediately changes

She said to Zhaodi: "If you want me to help you, I can definitely help you dress up for you, but let me tell you, if he likes you because he likes your appearance, then this kind of man , you don’t care. After all, I feel that if I like you just because I like your appearance, then I don’t really like you, so you have to be mentally prepared.”

   "And, if he really doesn't like you, he won't like you just because you changed your appearance. Do you know these reasons?"

  Zhaodi nodded when she heard this, she knew it, but she wanted to work hard, just in case it was possible.

  She thought that if she could do it, that would be fine... if not, then forget it.

  She just wants to work harder, if possible, she really likes Jiang Dahe so much.

  He is different from the men I met in the village. He is good-looking and smart, and he looks like a man who does great things.

Zhao Di has never seen such a good-looking man since she was a child, so now she sees Yixin all over him, and feels that she will not regret it if she works hard. If he doesn't like herself, she has to go home and listen to the family's arrangements. Zhao Di doesn't like marrying a pig butcher casually.

After all she said, Gu Yuehuan has no choice but to help if he can. After all, it would be great if the two of them could make a couple. Otherwise, Jiang Dahe, with his withdrawn personality, might really be a bachelor for the rest of his life. Well, if the two of them were paired together, he wouldn't be a bachelor for the rest of his life.

It just so happens that get out of class is over now, there is nothing to do, there is a two-hour break at noon, and class does not start until 3 pm, so now I take Zhaodi to eat, the two of them found a shopping mall for dinner, and went shopping directly after eating .

  Zhaodi is probably the same as herself, because she has been doing farm work since she was a child, so she looks thin, and her face is sallow, without any nutrition.

  But because of thinness, it shouldn’t be too difficult to buy clothes. Thin people look better in any clothes.

  As for the sallowness on the face, this should be due to lack of nutrition. In the future, supplementing nutrition and using some skin care products should be able to treat it.

  Thinking about it, Gu Yuehuan already knows what clothes to choose for her. She is thin and short, so it's best not to wear wide-leg pants, as it will make her look even shorter, so she wears skirts to elevate her figure.

Zhaodi was taken by him to choose a skirt. It is winter now, and almost all shops sell that kind of woolen skirt. I chose one for Zhaodi that reaches to the ankle, and I wear leggings inside, red flannelette Quality, is the lotus-shaped skirt, a little flared.

   Then I bought her a black coat.

  The coat is very thick. Put it on for her and buy a scarf. The scarf is black and white with checkered stripes. It looks very simple and elegant. I bought a pair of boots with fleece inside to keep warm.

  Zhaodi's hair is jet-black and bright black, and it was not cut short, so it was a bit long, and she was directly tied into a ball head. She has a small face and is quite pretty.

  Zhao Di opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror, thinking that she was wrong, otherwise how could she be so good-looking, a little unbelievable how this is so good-looking, the clothes she was wearing before were very rustic. Because it's winter, I wear that kind of patterned padded jacket, which I bought at home, and I wear a padded jacket and cotton trousers. It's very earthy, but now people really change their clothes with clothes, and they feel different instantly.

  (end of this chapter)

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