My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 942: At best, you are just giving birth to our family.

  Chapter 942 You are at best giving birth to our family

  Everyone was excited when they heard this, but Gu Yuewei was so angry when she saw him take out a large stack of wallets.

  The money should be given to her and the children, but he wasted all the money on these women, these dirty women.

  If he touches these women, he doesn't know if he will get sick. If this person gets sick, it affects himself, so what should he do?

So Gu Yuewei rushed up and called him very angrily: "Huo Linwen! Is there something wrong with you? The money clearly belongs to our family, but you actually gave it to this woman. I don't allow the money to be mine. I don't allow you to give these girls the money, so hurry back with me."

   After Gu Yuewei finished speaking, she wanted to take his wallet, no matter what, she couldn't be taken by these women.

  Huo Linwen was very unhappy seeing Gu Yuewei coming, and thought she was here to embarrass him.

When she saw her asking for money, she slapped her hand away, "Get out of my way, and you want my money. I want to spend a lot of time outside, so I just spend a lot of time outside. What does it have to do with you, hurry up Go back, don't let me see you, I'll be disgusted, yellow-faced woman."

  Gu Yuewei went crazy when she heard that she was a yellow-faced woman. How could he look like a yellow-faced woman now? He is only so young, not yet 20 years old, so he doesn't look like a yellow-faced woman. It's just that she has been fattened by his mother recently, so she may have gained a lot of weight, but it is absolutely impossible to be a yellow-faced woman.

   Sure enough, all men look the same, the **** outside is more fragrant than the flowers at home.

  Whether he has money or not, he looks the same. Now he's just out and about!

Hearing this was very exciting, Gu Yuewei rushed forward and yelled at him fiercely: "Huo Linwen! You still have to be shameless, you did such a nasty thing, I gave birth to you, and you ended up like this Pay me back? I've been waiting for you to come back at home, but you came out to find a woman, if you don't go back with me, I will tell grandma and your father now. Look at your unbelievable appearance!"

   "Your company was going to be robbed by Huo Qingyue, but in the end, not only did you not plan to take it back, but you also looked so depraved? Look at what you look like now, you really make me sick!"

  The thing Huo Linwen hates most in his life is to compare him with Huo Qingyue. He feels that every time he compares, he can't win against Huo Qingyue, so he is very angry and pushes Gu Yuewei to the sofa.

He is now out drinking with a woman, but he was so disturbed by him. Those who didn't know thought he was listening to his wife. It was really a man who lost all face, so he was very angry and slapped him. to her face: "Are you saying enough? Are you teaching me how to do things now? I can do whatever I want. It's none of your business. Get out of here quickly. Don't think you are my wife. You can ignore me, neither of us has a license, and we have no wine, at best, you are giving birth to our family. You are a child, you are not qualified!"

   Huo Linwen came up drunk and directly exposed his heart, pointed at her head, and treated her fiercely.

  Gu Yuewei had known for a long time that this man was disgusting and unworthy, but she didn't expect him to be so disgusting and humiliating her so much in front of others, so she was so **** off by him, she pushed him away and went out crying.

  (end of this chapter)

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