My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 797: It's inappropriate for you to introduce the two of them

  Chapter 797 It is inappropriate for you to introduce the two of them

  Jiang Lu is quite noisy doing it alone now, after all, there are too many people and it is very complicated.

  She was so busy that she really didn't have time to rest. She didn't even care about the children going to school and let them go back by themselves, but the law and order is relatively safe now. So it's no big deal to go back by myself, it's just that I'm too tired, so I mentioned to Gu Yuehuan a while ago that I want to invite another worker to help out at the milk tea shop.

Gu Yehuan thinks it makes sense, after all, the milk tea shop is very busy here, and her mother-in-law and Jiang Lu used to be in the town and it wasn't very busy, but this is a city, so many people, if it is really Jiang Lu Lu alone can't do that.

  Jiang Lu mentioned to her before that she had a niece in the countryside who wanted to come here, but she didn’t have a job, so she asked if she could help out at the milk tea shop.

  She believes that Jiang Lu's Jiang Lu's proposal is probably true, so she agrees to Jiang Lu.

   Now that girl has been working in the store for a while, and she is quite agile in helping the store.

  Jiang Lu saw her coming now, and hurriedly greeted her.

  Now the guests have all packed away, so they are the only ones left. The girls all sat inside, and Gu Yuehuan took a look at her niece.

   She is really pretty. I didn’t say I’m dressed well now, but I just have facial features. She looks really beautiful. Although she is dressed plainly, she can tell that she is a good person.

  Gu Yuehuan looked at her curiously. The girl's name was Jiang Zhaodi.

   It can be seen that it is probably because my family wants a younger brother, so it is quite common to choose this kind of name. The name is so hard-working. I guess when I was young, I often did heavy work like myself.

  Jiang Zhaodi is quite a hardworking person. Gu Yuehuan looked satisfied, but she was too thin, just like herself, especially unnutritive.

Jiang Zhaodi was cleaning the table now, and seeing Gu Yue was still staring at her, she was a little scared and went to Jiang Lu's side and asked in fear: "Auntie, look, the proprietress has been staring at me, why is she always staring at me? I, don’t you like it very much, that’s why I’ve been staring at me, and I’m a little scared to be looked at by the lady boss like this.”

  Jiang Lu comforted her: "Don't worry, the proprietress likes you for being so hardworking, so how could she not like you? The proprietress probably sees your hard work, so she took a few more glances, it is impossible not to like you."

  Jiang Zhaodi only agreed after hearing this.

Jiang Lu handed Gu Yuehuan a drink, fearing that her niece had done something wrong, so she asked her quietly: "Did my niece do something wrong to make you unhappy, keep staring at her, what are you doing, what are you doing?" Seeing your expression is not quite right."

   "Then how can it be, how can it be possible to do something wrong, I think he is very flexible in his hands and feet, and his speed is very fast. You are right in introducing him. It is because this girl is very good-looking, so I stare a few times."

Jiang Lu was relieved when she heard this. She had asked Zhaodi to go out to throw out the trash just now, so she didn't whisper to Gu Yuehuan in the shop now: "You also think she is pleasing, don't you think I introduced her to How is Jiang Dahe?"

Gu Yuehuan was shocked when she heard this, and quickly persuaded her: "Sister Jiang Lu, what are you doing? You introduce her to him, and the two of them don't match at first glance, okay? Jiang Dahe, he People are a bit... strange. I feel that Zhaodi is not the person he likes. Besides, Zhaodi, didn’t you say that you haven’t read a book, didn’t you go to school for a day? If you put the two of them together, how will you get along with each other in the future? ? This is an obstacle to daily communication. After all, Jiang Dahe has a high IQ."

  (end of this chapter)

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