My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 1199: Here at home, be careful!

  Chapter 1199 Here at home, be careful!

  What's so good about that little **** Su Yiyou that she likes it so much, and can take revenge for her.

  Su Yishen was so angry that he was scolded and beaten again, and there was nothing he could do.

  Although Su Yishen doesn't speak now, but Su's father has a headache, is there anything he can do?

He thought for a while and said to Su Yiyou: "Jiang Luyou just doesn't like you staying here and wants you to leave, so I have promised him and bought you a boat ticket for tomorrow, and you will leave here from tomorrow When you go abroad, you studied there before, and you will stay there for the rest of your life, and you can’t come back.”

  Su Yishen was dumbfounded when she heard this. It was okay to be beaten and scolded by him, but now she is allowed to go abroad. If she goes abroad, how can it be so easy to stay abroad, and there is no way to go back to the country to see her family alone in a foreign country. So she is unwilling, "Dad! I will not go abroad. If you ask me to go abroad, I can't go out. If I offend them, I can apologize to them, but if you ask me to go abroad, I will never go. This is going abroad. , I won’t be able to see you when I go abroad, I’m going to die there for the rest of my life, I don’t want to go.”

"That's exactly what he wants. He tells you not to come back after you go abroad. You can find a boyfriend abroad. I'm fine with you and foreign devils. Anyway, don't come back. He will suppress us when you come back. family." Su's father said ruthlessly: "Our family has no ability to fight with the Jiang family. The Jiang family has a deep family background and a lot of contacts. Many people will sell them face. I can't treat you as an unfilial daughter. The century-old foundation has been ruined. So you listen to me and leave tomorrow."

  Su Yishen broke down and cried even more when he heard this, but Su's father had already made a decision, and she couldn't just withdraw it by crying.


   When Jiang Luyou came back the next day, he went to the dessert shop and bought a cake.

  Su Yiyou talked to him all day yesterday, saying that he wanted to eat cake, and asked him to buy a cake when he came back today, so that the family can eat together.

  He forgot yesterday, so he kept talking about it, and he had to remember it today, so he brought the cake back when he came back.

   While eating the cake, Jiang Luyou told Su Yiyou about this. Su Yiyou didn't like his sister these two days, so she was quite happy to hear this.

   "So my sister has gone abroad now."

   "The time when I was sent away early in the morning has already left the country. So now I am satisfied and happy, and I will not appear again in the future to destroy us."

  Su Yiyou was relieved and happy after hearing this: "Isn't that happy, but this person deserves it. What's wrong with you, you have to be a mistress to destroy us."

  Jiang Luyou heard her so happy, smiled and went to pinch her mouth and licked the cake at the corner of her mouth.

  Su Yiyou felt that she was becoming more and more hooligan. Although the two of them were married, they couldn't restrain themselves because they were at home anyway. Every time they did these things to make her shy.

  Jiang Luyou clearly couldn't restrain himself.

   It doesn't matter if it's at home or not, the little wife I married back can kiss whenever I want.

  But after solving this big trouble, I am also comfortable, and I will not be afraid of being beaten by my wife in the future.

  Su Yiyou's beating is really heavy.

  (end of this chapter)

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