My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 1160: I plan to open another milk tea shop in the department store

  Chapter 1160 I plan to open another milk tea shop in the department store

  Working overtime to catch up with this batch of things was finally completed on the 27th. I thought it would be completed on the 29th, but it was completed on the 27th.

  Everyone didn’t take much rest, so they thought that it would be finished sooner, and they could also go home earlier for the New Year.

  Gu Yuehuan has troubled Li Hui and his brothers to go to the next city in the past two days. He introduced a total of five brothers to come here, so he bought five large trucks, and now they are loaded with goods and run back and forth twice.

  Two trips a day, all these goods can be delivered within two days.

  Gu Yuehuan is mainly because it is too boring to raise a baby at home, so I came here specially to check their situation. Now they have been packed and ready to go out for delivery, and the final payment can be made after delivery.

When Li Hui saw Gu Yuehuan approaching, he was startled, and quickly stepped forward to support her and said, "Ma'am, I told you not to come out if you have such a big belly. We can take care of these things. When the time comes, I will take care of the account book myself." I will send it to your house for you to have a look at, it is absolutely unmissable, you are now the proprietress, you don’t have to come out by yourself, lest there is something in my stomach that I am so afraid of.”

  Gu Yuehuan couldn't laugh or cry every time she heard this. Although she has a big belly, she can't walk around at all. It's good for the child who has a belly.

   Besides, she's only five months old, and she can't move around after five months. How can she survive in the next five months? Now she's just bored to come and have a look.

  Plus, the weather is not too cold recently, and the sun has come out to bask in the sun, which is good for the body.

   "Brother Li Hui, don't worry about me. I'm only five months old. It's just five months. It's nothing. I can't even walk as you said. It's okay."

   Li Hui was afraid that there was something wrong with her, so he took a stool and helped her to sit down, "Then you sit down. After you sit down, I will show you the account book and count the number for you."

  Gu Yuehuan agreed, and wait outside to see the bill.

  The end of the year is near, and all the recovered money is here, so I have to repay the bank loan and my own mortgage at that time. I have worked hard for several months and made a lot of money.

   Looking at these numbers, Gu Yuehuan felt that if she saved up more, why not expand the milk tea shop.

She wants to find another milk tea shop and open another milk tea shop. The space here is too big, and there are many places in the school. It would be a bit of a loss to open a milk tea shop in only one place. If you open a few more milk tea shops , The whole process is spread all over, so is it possible to earn more money?

She actually wants Zhaodi to be a store manager. Zhaodi moves very fast. Although she has never read a book, she is very clever and very good at learning. She has only been here for half a year, and she is already good enough. Now that she's done, she can take care of herself when Jiang Lu is away.

  She was going to open another store, let Zhaodi be the store manager, and hire some employees to share the bulk of the income with her.

   This time, if you open it, you can open it a little bigger.

   It is also okay to find a larger store to open in the mall.

  Why didn't she think of opening it in a shopping mall? Not many milk tea shops will open in department stores in the future.

  The traffic here is definitely okay, in schools and department stores, so after Gu Yuehuan had this idea, he calculated in the factory whether he could open a new one in the next year with his own money.

  She calculated the reason that was just right, so she could find a location to open a milk tea shop after the year.

  If she wanted to choose, she would choose a place with a lot of traffic, which happened to be on the east side, so she planned to open a milk tea shop in the department store on the east side.

  (end of this chapter)

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