My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 1120: When a wife is in confinement, a man can gain ten catties

  Chapter 1120 Wife confinement, man can gain ten catties

   After Li Hui agreed to buy it in this way, he was ready to go back. He went back to the cake shop to buy cakes for his children, and Jiang Lu bought cakes.

   When Li Hui returned home, he told Jiang Lu about this matter, saying that he bought a house and got married at that time, and after the decoration was completed, he would move all his things in and live in the new house.

  Jiang Lu felt a little sorry when she heard that he bought such a big house for herself and her children.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Li Hui grabbed her hand and said to her, "Jiang Lu, don't tell me you are sorry, you are married to me now, and it belongs to me. Wife, your daughter is my daughter, so I should do all this."

  Jiang Lu could control it at first, but when she heard these words, she burst into uncontrollable tears. She nodded, but her voice was so choked that she couldn't speak.


  Gu Yuehuan has been on vacation recently. She didn't go to school, nor did she go to a factory or a milk tea shop to raise her baby at home. Now that she ate half a piece of cake, she couldn't eat any more, for fear of gaining weight.

   When Huo Qingyue came back, he called Huo Qingyue: "Help me finish the rest of the cake. I can't finish it. I'm so full. Now my stomach is bulging."

Huo Qingyue has also gotten used to it recently, because as long as his daughter-in-law can't eat anything, she will wait for him to come back, and then feed it to him. The rice and cakes she ate before are all like this, as well as the supplements she bought, bird's nest, etc. Yes, Huo Qingyue will eat if he can't finish it.

  Huo Qingyue doesn't like to eat sweet things, and originally wanted to throw them away, but Gu Yuehuan felt that it was too wasteful, after all, it's not something that can't be eaten, it's just a cake, and you can still eat it. And it was delicious, so if I couldn't eat it myself, I gave it to him.

  Huo Qingyue had no choice but to grit his teeth and eat it.

  Gu Yuehuan is sitting next to him now, coming out to weave towels with a ball of yarn, seeing him eating the cake, he suddenly smiles.

  Huo Qingyue asked her: "What are you laughing at?"

"No, I suddenly remembered a sentence I heard before, saying that women are in confinement, and men are fat. I thought you are the same as what I have heard. If I am in confinement, Will you gain a lot of weight?"

  Huo Qingyue shook his head and said seriously, "No."

  Gu Yuehuan was taken aback when she heard his words of determination, and she didn't know where her confidence came from.

   "Are you so sure? If I feed you like I do, maybe I won't. I will gain a lot of weight when I reach confinement, and no little girl will like you by then."

  When Huo Qingyue heard this, he looked up at her: "No. Because I can't get fat."

  Gu Yuehuan: "..."? ? ? Isn't this obviously bullying? Really?

  Gu Yuehuan looked at him angrily, but it was also because he didn't seem to get fat, no matter how much he was fed, he wouldn't get fat. Grandma said before that he was too thin when he was young. Hey, he ate a lot of food, but he couldn't get fat. After he grew up, he exercised and he was reluctant. He didn't look like a sick child. It would have been really scary if I was young, the skinny sick man hoped.

   This is so bullying.

  Gu Yuehuan didn't plan to talk to him anymore, and now continued to knit sweater angrily.

  Now it’s knitting for a baby, and I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, so the wool we knit is red, and red is a good color. It is also festive to wear during the Chinese New Year, mainly red clothes, which can be worn by both boys and girls, and prepare to buy a set of clothes and scarves.

  (end of this chapter)

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