My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 1093: I'm the father of the child, so it's okay to see the child

  Chapter 1093 I am the father of the child, is it okay to see the child?

  Gu Yuehuan was furious when she heard this, she had never seen such a disgusting man, these bad guys talked so much.

  She was so sick that she was about to throw up.

  Really, if she can't control herself from getting angry, because there is a baby in her belly, she really wants to slap him.

Jiang Lu was even angrier when she heard Ji Hui scolding Gu Yuehuan, scolding him could scold Gu Yuehuan, absolutely not, if it wasn't for Yuehuan, she wouldn't be able to live so well now, so he lost his temper and pushed him away, wanting him to leave Take me away, "Get out of here, get out of here, you have nothing to say. The two of us are divorced now, and the divorce belongs to me. If you come to me again, I will report to the police. It's justified."

Ji Hui just refused to leave, and now it's up to who has the thick skin, he said to Jiang Lu: "Jiang Lu, it is said that a one-night couple is a hundred days of kindness, you can't be so cruel now, I know I was sorry for you before, but Why don't I just change it? If I change it now, if you don't forgive me, that's your problem. Let's talk about the two of us. Although we are divorced, I am still the father of the child. I see that there is no problem with the child. Why not? Let me and the child?"

"Didn't you see the child? It's been a while since school ended. Didn't you see the child? Now that I've seen the child for you, what else do you have to say? Don't you like your daughter? Don't you like your son? Isn't it? Aren't you going to give birth to a son? Then you should find another woman to discuss with you, and don't pester my daughter here." Jiang Lu blushed angrily and roared.

Ji Hui carried out his own shamelessness, looked at her with a smile and said, "Jiang Lu, I know, you are resenting me for being sorry for you and doing those things to you, so you hold a grudge and refuse to accept it. Forgive me. I know that the reason why you do this is because you like me so much. You must still like me now, otherwise you would be willing to drive me away. I know I was wrong, so can you forgive me, the two of us Let’s make up. In this way, the child will call your mother and my father in the future, and I don’t have to be like a turtle grandson, thinking about coming to see the child all day long. How nice is this, right?”

  Li Hui really can't stand this dog man anymore. Hearing what he said, he swung his fist angrily and directly hit him in the face.

  Ji Hui is just a flicker, he has not done any exercise for so many years, and his body is fat. After being punched, he fell to the ground like this, screaming in pain.

  Ji Hui was punched and fell to the ground. Li Hui didn't intend to let him go and wanted to kill him at all, so now he hit him hard in the face with his fist, pressing him to the ground and beating him.

  Ji Hui wanted to refute, but his body couldn't beat him at all, and now he was beaten on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

   Later, Gu Yuehuan persuaded Jiang Lu, for fear that he would beat someone to death. If he beat someone to death, his next life would be finished. It was hard to persuade him.

  Ji Hui narrowly escaped death, managed to hide and left quickly.

  While running, he warned Li Hui: "You wait, you wait for me now, I will go to Bao Gongan now, I will arrest you, you violent maniac!"

   Li Hui was already extremely angry, and now he wanted to rush forward and give him a few more slaps.

Seeing his violent appearance, Jiang Lu was so **** off by him, and now she said helplessly, "Li Hui! You are really crazy, why did you hit her? She just deliberately **** you off. Beat him, he is going to report to the police, what if something happens to you? Can't you restrain yourself? Do you have to beat him? Look at you now, you just say what to do, this man is simply crazy. "

  (end of this chapter)

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