My Sweet and Charming Wife

Chapter 1013: My baby will be fine

  Chapter 1013 My baby will be fine

Zhaodi nodded when she heard this, and saw that he separated the quilts of the two people. Originally, the two were husband and wife, and it was normal to cover a quilt, but he separated the quilts of the two people. Also gave her a quilt.

   Zhaodi felt a little uncomfortable seeing this scene.

Jiang Dahe also specially explained to her: "My original quilt was covered by one person, because it is not good for me to cover the quilt with two people, because the weather is cold and the house is burning fire, so the degree of warmth is not very good. .So I brought you another old quilt, lest you will freeze the two of us, let's cover it separately."

  The place they live in is a rental house, and there is no such heating equipment, so they can only burn the fire by themselves.

   Warm up the surroundings.

  Although Zhaodi was treated like this, she also understood that she might not be used to it because she was just married, so she didn't say anything.

   Say yes, and it's over.

   Just as she was lying down, Jiang Dahe suddenly turned around, with his back facing her, and just fell asleep on his side.

  Zhao Di said that it is impossible for her not to feel cold, and her heart has long been shaken by his actions.

  She doesn't smell bad, why do you treat her like this?

  She is married to him now, they are husband and wife, if they don't want to touch her, why did they marry her in the first place, why did they agree to marry her? Wouldn't it be better if he didn't do anything.

   Zhaodi felt very uncomfortable thinking about it like this. She was afraid of being seen by him, so she turned her back and lay on her side.

   Tears flowed down accidentally, she wiped them away, not to let herself cry.


  Gu Yuehuan packed her things at night, looking at the big bags and small bags, she really couldn't do anything about it, it's really because the baby in her stomach hasn't come out yet, these things can't fit anymore.

   This baby is really lucky, so many things?

  Su Yiyou told her that she bought it by herself, but she knew more or less, it couldn't be that she bought it alone, and it was also given by Jiang Luyou.

  But I didn’t want to expose it, so I accepted it, and now I have a room full of the baby’s things.

  Because the baby in the other room already has a lot of things, and I can't put them down, so I can only take them back to the room.

She was packing up her things now, when suddenly there was a swishing sound from behind, Gu Yuewei's voice asked her sarcastically: "Yo, my good sister, there are so many things in your room. They are all babies My God, the baby hasn’t even been born yet, so what if the baby is accidentally miscarried and gone? If the baby is stillborn and dies, these things will all have to be wasted. "

  This man speaks so viciously.

  Gu Yuehuan became angry when she heard this voice, which mother can bear these words, but this man is so mean-spirited that he cursed the baby in her belly to die young.

  Gu Yue happily put down her things, then turned and stared at her, "Shut up, didn't you brush your teeth and go out today? The baby in your belly died, and my baby will be fine."

  Gu Yuewei just saw so many things in her room, which was a little tasteless, and she thought why it was so unfair to be pregnant. She was pregnant so many people loved her and bought her so many things.

   As for myself, I have nothing.

  She just felt it was unfair, so she twisted everything, and couldn't help saying these words, cursing that the baby in her stomach was gone. She really hoped that her curse would work and that her baby would die so that it would be fair for the two of them.

  (end of this chapter)

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