Early the next morning, Xiao Fan was woken up by the ringing of his cell phone.

He picked it up and saw that it was Liu Shasha's call.

When this woman had a video with him yesterday, she seduced him all night, and now she's calling him again.

It really made him speechless. This kind of seeing, but not being able to eat is really very uncomfortable.

"Dad, the sun is drying your buttocks. Get up soon. By the way, Dad, aren't your sheets wet?"

After the call was connected, her charming voice came from the microphone.

"My dear daughter, just try to find something, don't give Dad a chance, or you won't be able to get out of bed."

"Hee hee, then I also want you to have a chance, Dad. It's a pity that I won't meet with Dad. Bye bye."

Xiao Fan is speechless, this woman is really arrogant, but he really can't help it, people don't want it, and he can't use force.

Looking at the brother who just stood up, he shook his head helplessly, preparing to take a shower first.

At this time, the phone rang again. I picked it up and saw that it was a video sent by Liu Shasha.

A video replay from last night.

Xiao Fan, who was already on fire, was shocked by the explosion after seeing this video.

No way, he could only prepare to take a cold shower.

But just as he stood up, he suddenly heard footsteps.

He was the only one in the house, how could there be footsteps, unless it was someone else.

"Fan, I brought you breakfast."

The door was quickly pushed open, and Yu Shuwen walked into the room with a smile on her face.

Today, she is dressed very simply, with a T-shirt on the upper body and a pleated skirt on the lower body, sandals on her feet, and shiny nail polish on her toes, which looks very fresh.

"Put down the breakfast first, come here." Seeing Yu Shuwen, Xiao Fan found something to save his life.

Yu Shuwen blinked, looked at Xiao Fan's stomach, and understood what it meant.

So he put the breakfast aside, walked over quickly, and then squatted on the ground.

At eleven o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Fan was sitting in the living room and swiping Douyin.

Yu Shuwen was busy in the kitchen in a nightgown.

After eating, Xiao Fan was sitting on the sofa, while Yu Shuwen was lying in his arms.

"I'll wait for something. If you don't go back to school, just stay at home alone."

Eating grapes, Xiao Fan said in a vague voice.

"Fan, can you take me, I'm so boring by myself."

Yu Shuwen put her arms around Xiao Fan's neck and said pitifully.

"When you see other women, are you sure you will follow me?" Xiao Fan said with a smile.

Yu Shuwen's face changed, the last thing she wanted to face was this problem, but there was no way to escape this kind of problem.

"I'll listen to you, do whatever you want me to do." Yu Shuwen pursed her lips and said softly.

"Aren't you angry? The woman I met was very beautiful, and we have a good relationship."

Xiao Fan continued to stimulate her to see if she would get angry.

"It's normal to have good friends, so what's the point of being angry." Yu Shuwen said.

"Very good, then I'm leaving. If you have something to do, call me."

Xiao Fan smiled, this answer is not bad, he will have many women in the future, so those who can stay by his side must accept her.

Yu Shuwen was lying on the sofa and watched Xiao Fan leave. After the door was closed, her face showed an unhappy look.

This man is really too bad, he has to stimulate her,

Next time, she must take revenge and let him know it hurts.

Just when Shu Wen was thinking about how to get revenge on Xiao Fan, her cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked it up and saw that he was calling from home, so he quickly connected the phone.

"Hey, Mom, why did you call me, what's the matter at home?"

"Xiaowen, it's like this. Mom will go to your place in a while. You can help Mom find a cheaper house and rent it out."

The microphone should send out a very gentle voice.

"Mom, are you coming to work in Hangcheng? Will Dad come?"

Hearing this, Yu Shuwen was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly.

"How can your father's institution come here? I'm here alone. I'll find a job first, and take a look at the old problems."

"Oh, then let me take a look. If there is a house with a good location, rent it first."

"It doesn't have to be a good location. A place with a good location in a big city is expensive, but a cheaper place will do."

"How can this be done~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If I let you live in a bad place, Dad will definitely blame me."

"What you said, your dad can't bear to blame you. By the way, are you okay in school, have you talked about your boyfriend?"

"Mom, what are you talking about? University must be based on studies." Yu Shuwen's face flushed.

If the mother knew that her daughter was kneeling on the ground,,,,

She couldn't imagine if her mother would explode with anger.

"You're already in college, so it's okay to fall in love, but keep your eyes open and don't look for a man with no future."

"Don't worry, your daughter's eyesight can't be bad. I don't look down on ordinary people."

Speaking of this, Yu Shuwen couldn't help touching the sofa under her body, this man is not ordinary.

"I also said that I didn't fall in love. Listening to your tone, this man is not ordinary. He is very talented, or is he very rich?"

The mother's tone was a little sarcastic.

"Mom, how can you trick me, really," Yu Shuwen also reacted at this time, and her face couldn't help turning red.

"Hahaha, dear daughter, come and tell Mom, how have you and that man gotten to that point? Have you had a relationship?"

Mother smiled and then asked in a low voice.

"That's so fast, we just met."

Yu Shuwen was helpless. She could only say that she had just met. As for the relationship, she would definitely not say anything.

"That's good, girls should keep themselves clean, and don't explain themselves easily."

"I know, well, I still have something to do, so let's hang up first."

Hanging up the phone, Yu Shuwen looked worried, if her mother came, she would definitely want to see Xiao Fan.

But in the relationship between the two, she doesn't dominate the relationship, so what should I do?

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