My Super Hero Development System

Chapter 41: , the quantum superposition of women

After returning home, Xiao Fan sat in the living room and played Douyin.

Yu Shuwen, on the other hand, went to the kitchen very consciously to wash the fruit.

After she liked the fruit, she sat next to Xiao Fan with the fruit.

Picked up a grape, peeled it off with white fingers, and put it into Xiao Fan's mouth.

At the same time, he looked at the screen, but after seeing the young lady dancing on the screen.

She said, "How can a girl's legs be so long? This special effect of long legs is too long."

Hearing this, Xiao Fan put down his phone and looked at Yu Shuwen's legs.

Compared with the legs that can be seen and touched on the screen, here are a pair of long legs that can be touched at will.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Yu Shuwen blushed and asked in a low voice with her head lowered.

Xiao Fan stretched out his hand to lie on the sofa, smiled and said in her ear, "Since you said that the leg was fake, let me take a look at yours."

"It's not like you haven't measured my legs, they must be longer than most girls." Yu Shuwen whispered.

"Then I want to take a look." Xiao Fan hugged her waist from behind, with a malicious smile on his face.

"Fan, it's still broad daylight, no **** is allowed." Yu Shuwen turned her head and said delicately.

Xiao Fan put his head on her neck and said with a smile, "It's daydreaming, let's have a good dream."

Two hours later, the two of them walked out of the bathroom with flushed faces. After entering the living room, Xiao Fan found a clean place to lie down.

Yu Shuwen, on the other hand, started to pack up some of the things she had just left on the sofa, looking like she was thrifty and housekeeping.

After cleaning up for ten minutes, Yu Shuwen was tired and sweating profusely, and Yu Shuwen finally cleaned up the sofa.

After finishing, she came to Xiao Fan and sat down, "Fan, what do you want to eat at night? I'll buy it for you."

"Let's buy it, I'm not very picky eaters." Xiao Fan, who entered the sage mode, replied casually.

"Oh." Yu Shuwen nodded, dragged her tired body to change her clothes, and went downstairs to buy groceries.

She didn't have any temper in the whole process. She was the goddess who stood above the school and the dream lover of many men.

At this moment, he seems to have a very good temper. Not only did he not complain, but he took the initiative to buy vegetables and cook.

At around six o'clock in the evening, Yu Shuwen prepared the meal and asked Xiao Fan, who was playing games, to eat.

After eating, she took the initiative to clean up the tableware and chopsticks. After washing the dishes, she came to Xiao Fan with the fruit again.

Xiao Fan was playing games, so he completely ignored her.

Yu Shuwen didn't get angry about this, but silently peeled the grapes and fed them into Xiao Fan's mouth.

Every woman has a mode of being a good wife and a good mother, but this mode is only turned on for those who have the conditions.

Don't look at Yu Shuwen's obedience to Xiao Fan now, as long as she goes back to school, she is still a goddess above and above.

She still has many suitors, but of course she doesn't care about those suitors.

In the past, maybe when I was in a good mood, I could find someone to tease and play with, but now it is definitely not possible.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Fan, who was tired from playing, went to take a bath, and by this time the water was ready.

After taking a bath, Xiao Fan fell asleep very comfortably, holding the soft Yu Shuwen. Living like this is what most men dream of.

The next day, early in the morning.

Xiao Fan felt that it was a little difficult for him to breathe. He opened his eyes and saw that his face was being held down by something heavy.

He quickly moved his head away, making his breathing much easier.

Raised his head to wake himself up a little, then he looked at Yu Shuwen who was beside him.

At this moment, Yu Shuwen is still sleeping, and the pajamas on her body are very messy because of the time of the night.

In the morning, a man is most energetic, and at this time there is a delicate beauty beside him.

Of course Xiao Fan couldn't help it, so he smiled and went back to the bed.

A few minutes later, Yu Shuwen, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened her eyes.

"Fan, why didn't you wake me up? You really scared me to death. I dreamed because I was going to die."

After waking up, Yu Shuwen breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a low voice.

"It's all the same." Xiao Fan kissed her lips.

After an hour of precious exchange, Xiao Fan lay down and put on his clothes and continued to rest, while Yu Shuwen got up and went back to school.

Taking a taxi, Yu Shuwen came to the school gate to get off, and then walked towards the dormitory. She has a class today, so she has to prepare.

But before she could reach the door of the dormitory, a boy stopped her on the way.

"Shan Xiaoyun, what's the matter with you?" Yu Shuwen frowned when she saw the boy who stopped her.

"Xiaowen, what did I do wrong? You want to break up with me?" Shan Xiaoyun asked pitifully with a haggard face.

Hearing this, Yu Shuwen took a step back and then said, "I've never been with you before, so how can you break up?"

"But, you and I go to the library, eat together, and watch movies together, all your classmates know."

Shan Xiaoyun's face was very ugly.

"Going to the library is for studying, eating together for convenience, watching a movie together because I am ashamed to reject Yu Shuwen took a step back and said, "I repeat, we have never been together. "

"Are you afraid that your current boyfriend will misunderstand, so you want to clear up your relationship with me?"

Shan Xiaoyun clenched his fists tightly, his face angry, but he did not dare to speak loudly.

"Who told you that I have a boyfriend, I just want to study hard, so don't pester me."

Yu Shuwen shook her head, it was impossible for her to tell this fool about the matter with Xiao Fan.

"You think I'm a fool, since that day, you ignored me. It must be that man."

Hearing this, Yu Shuwen blinked and said with a smile, "You say yes, but I didn't admit it anyway."

"Xiaowen, please, don't ignore me, okay?" Seeing Shuwen's attitude, Shan Xiaoyun pleaded softly.

"You are begging me. You were like that, and you wanted to hit me." Yu Shuwen shook her head and said:

"I didn't expect you to be such a person. I just ignored you and you became angry. I really misjudged you."

"No, how could I be willing to hit you, I just wanted to hit myself, Xiaowen, don't get me wrong."

Shan Xiaoyun said quickly, with a look of fear on his face.

"Why do you do this? I said a long time ago that we can't be together. I despise you."

Yu Shuwen didn't want to talk nonsense, so she avoided the other party and continued to walk towards the dormitory.

"Xiaowen," Shan Xiaoyun, unwilling, wants to keep her.

"Following me, I'm angry." Yu Shuwen said coldly.

Shan Xiaoyun stopped for a moment, he didn't dare to disobey Shu Wen's words, it was already engraved in his bones.

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