My Super Hero Development System

: One hundred and six, the routine of heroes saving beauty

After swearing hard, Mu Qianqian opened the chat interface with Xiao Fan, hesitated for a few seconds, and then sent a message.

"Brother, are you free now?"

Xiao Fan is watching a play in the live broadcast room, and there are still a few minutes before the end of the pk, so he is not in a hurry.

Originally, I wanted to watch it for a while, and then I would send charcoal in the snow to strengthen my dominance over Mu Qianqian.

But Mu Qianqian took the initiative to send a message, he couldn't pretend he couldn't see it, he could guess what Mu Qianqian's state was at the moment.

So, after thinking for a few seconds, I replied to such a message.

"It's a meeting, what's the matter?"

"Are you in a meeting?" Seeing Xiao Fan's reply, Mu Qianqian bit her lip and hesitated.

The editor's message replied: "Actually, there is nothing to do, just ask."

When Xiao Fan saw the news, he couldn't help but smile. He is really a sensible child. Since he is so sensible, he must have a lot of routines.

"Have you run into trouble? I think your tone is a bit wrong."

Mu Qianqian was very moved. When she was wronged, someone comforted her from behind. She really couldn't help but want to cry.

Originally, she planned to fight by herself, but Xiao Fan's gentleness made her mentality a little broken, so she couldn't help but tell the story.

"Brother, someone bullied me. He wanted to do dirty things. I rejected him, so he would find someone to trick me."

Mu Qianqian's tears almost fell out while typing. The grievance was extreme, and there were people who cared. It was really hard to control her emotions.

"It's a little troublesome, the meeting I'm holding now is very important, and I can't leave for a while." Xiao Fan sent a message with a smile.

"It's okay, my brother's company is important. I can handle it myself. You should have a good meeting."

Mu Qianqian was not angry, she knew very well that a meeting like Xiao Fan was really important.

It is very good that he can care about himself. After all, the relationship between the two is currently only a transaction.

Under such circumstances, he could care about himself, she was very moved, and the others really didn't expect anything.

Up to now, she is ready to give up PK, and it is impossible for her to say that such a pleasure is impossible, so it can only be done like that.

Just when she was about to hang up pk, all of a sudden the live broadcast room became super hot, causing her pk value to skyrocket.

[Large shield machine presents the anchor super rocket*10]

[Large shield machine presents the anchor super rocket*10]

[Large shield machine presents the anchor super rocket*10]

A group of ten super-fires sent three groups in a row, a total of thirty super-rockets, which instantly made her pk value overtake.

Mu Qianqian was stunned by so many super-fires, and then the tears flowed uncontrollably. She was really touched.

My brother is in a meeting, but he finds time to help her, which is really good to her.

Women are very emotional creatures, so the routine of heroes saving beauty is really easy to use.

Xiao Fan held the phone and looked at Mu Qianqian in the live broadcast room, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly.

He may not have feelings, but it is better for a woman to have feelings for herself. With the blessing of feelings, she will feel much more comfortable at that time.

Xiao Fan has tried many women, and there is a big gap between those who have emotional foundations and those who have no emotional foundations. The key is to be attentive.

So he is very willing to use some means, which can make his experience better.

Of course, this method is not used by every woman, only the excellent women he thinks can be raised for a long time will use it.

"Hahaha, eldest brother Qianqian is here, it's really a good show to watch now."

"A war between two emperors, I don't know which one will lose, I'm really looking forward to it."

"It's really unbelievable to have 30 super-fires as soon as you make a move. Is this the fighting power of the eldest brother?"

"Look, the other party's anchor is dumbfounded, and the smile on his face has froze."

"For making such excessive demands, you will suffer the consequences now, hahaha."


In the live broadcast room, the audience watching the play was very happy with the barrage.

At this moment, Mu Qianqian's opponent, Leng Tian, ​​was really uncomfortable, and he had the chance to win.

I didn't expect the other party to kill such a big brother. If she loses, then she has nothing to say.

Of course she didn't want to say that, so she immediately sent a message to her eldest brother.

"Brother, the opponent struggled for a while, hurry up and raise, or you will lose."

"I know, you can just wait."

The emperor replied to the message immediately and began to give her gifts.

Soon, the Leng Sweet live broadcast room became super hot, and it was approaching thirty at an extremely fast speed.

On the other hand, Xiao Fan, who had been waiting for a long time, continued to give the reward unhurriedly. He did not believe that the other party had more shark fins than him.

If it is only in terms of assets, Xiao Fan thinks that he does not have a lot, but he really has a lot of shark fins, and he won a lot of shark fins by lottery.

The PK battle between the two caused quite a stir on the entire platform. Lu Yixuan, who was broadcasting live, was attracted by the constantly appearing super-hot notifications.

When she saw the familiar id constantly floating by in the live broadcast room, her face was a little ugly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

If she only saw Xiao Fan's id, she would be used to it, but what she just saw was her best friend.

Her good best friend and Xiao Fan's id appeared together, and the two actually hooked up, which made her unable to accept it.

A woman wants her best friend to be better, but not better than herself.

A man you don't want can't be with your best friend. This is what most women think, and Lu Yixuan is no exception.

So when she found out that the two had a bad deal, boundless anger immediately rose in her heart.

She didn't care about her live broadcast anymore. She took out her mobile phone and opened the live broadcast app, and entered the live broadcast room of her best friend.

When she saw that it was indeed Xiao Fan who kept giving rewards, she couldn't help but punch her on the table.

"Mu Qianqian, you are really a swordsman, and you are going to seduce my man. You clearly promised me."

Looking at Lu Yixuan at this moment, she can't wait to tear Mu Qianqian apart.

Every time Xiao Fan gave a gift, she felt a little more uncomfortable.

But no one cares about her feelings at the moment.

At this moment, Mu Qianqian was extremely happy in her heart, because in the end, she won the PK.

When Xiao Fan gave out the 50th Chaohuo, the other party was not following him, and the cold and sweet gift stayed at the 40th Chaohuo.

The gap between the two of them is ten super hot, and the time is almost here.

Leng Tian was already dumbfounded at this moment. She really didn't expect that Mu Qianqian's eldest brother was so powerful that he would be tough with her emperor.

Moreover, his emperor was obviously unable to beat him, there was only one minute left, and his eldest brother was not rewarding.

This made her a little regretful, knowing that the punishment proposed would not be so excessive.

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