My Super God QQ

Chapter 685: Sword escape

"I'm here~"


Li Qing turned on the movie function of the QQ system and pressed to shoot.

At present, every movement of Li Xingzhu's disciples presents a 360-degree angle of view, which was completely photographed by Li Qing.


Not to mention, Master Li Xing also asked Adai to explain the secret of this sword escape technique.

"Combine the heart with the sword, stand the line between the foot and the head, the heart is also the sword, the sword is also human..." He preached slowly, only to see the sword slowly float to In front of him, then, he was very natural, as if he was used to walking, just stepped on his right foot and stepped on the sword.

Feijian rose into the sky, and his hands began to pick up the dharma.

"Knitting with hands, printing all shapes, can control the airflow around you, and even let the airflow be separated by you in advance..."

Sure enough, after seeing the seal in his hands, Li Qing seemed to have formed invisible gas masks all over his body. The invisible is invisible, but the gas mask is shaped. If viewed from a scientific perspective, it is Use this gas mask to fly wherever you want.

Just like a car, Feijian always has to brake and make another sharp turn. Then, this gas mask will become a wall, and it will stop itself by pressing against the atmosphere in front.

Then when turning, turn the hood into a fan shape again, twist the body to fan to the side, and change the direction of the body shape...

If you want to retreat, this is probably the most difficult. Then, the air mask printed in your hand will become two pairs of wings, and the virtual air pressure in front will be fanned to achieve the retreat effect.

In addition to skills and exercises, this requires a lot of proficiency.

It's like this wing flapping into the void, if you are not sure, then you will get yourself in trouble.

At this time, Adai and his brothers and sisters, with a smile in their eyes, just wanted to see Li Qing's joke.

Who makes him so arrogant, can remember it once.

"Okay, it's your turn~"

Lord Li Xing sees all this in his eyes, would he not know what it means to be his own disciples, but he feels that Li Qing still needs to be sharpened and can not be too proud, so it is good to let him suffer a loss of.

"Yes, Master!"

Li Qing also stepped on his own flying sword, opened the QQ movie, and followed the movements inside, knotting his handprints one by one.

"There are a total of 366 revolutions in the handprint. I don't believe he can remember it all at once!" Adai smiled disdainfully.

At the beginning, when Bishop Li Xing taught him, it took him two months to write down.

The other two, even if the fat man also spent a month and a half, of course, also not used to Li Qing.

"Get up!"

The seal on Li Qing's hand slowly changed.

At first, it was very slow. Almost every seal was muddy and slowly mixed out.

This awkwardness and slowness made all four people present want to laugh, but they were surprised that although Li Qing was slow, all his fingerprints could be pinched out.

One, ten, fifty...

The handprints were a bit rough at the beginning, plus Li Qing’s strength was in the heartbeat period, it would seem a bit confusing to use the air mask, but Li Qing was still determined, making progress step by step...

"Master, he's a little slow~" Adai lightly smiled, his eyes full of ridicule: "Speed, accuracy, nothing, except for this sequence change, it's almost nothing."

"Well, this exercise seems to be simple. If we have some of the tips we have passed on, we can't really understand the true meaning of it! Master, the famous apprentice you received, there is nothing outstanding except for the memory. "The fat disciple laughed like fat.

"I think the master's vision has always been very good, that is, this little teacher is arrogant, and the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers." Bell, the female disciple said.

"Do you know why I accepted him as a registered disciple?" Lord Li Xing said lightly, expressionless.

"The qualifications are definitely not as good as ours~" Xiang Chuan is very proud.

"Uh, the master's disciples should not just casually, of course, have to check the pass ~" Adai thought for a moment, thinking carefully.

"Is there any reason?" the bell asked.

Immediately, Lord Li Xing glanced at the bell with praise: "Yes! You two, guessed wrong, but it is not that his qualifications are not good. He has natural supernatural powers, and he is a darling of the heavens. How can he not be qualified. It is a master. , Not qualified..."

not qualified? !

All three of his disciples were stunned, thinking that they had heard the wrong ears?

You know, their masters, but the star master ranks in the top five in terms of combat power. If this is not enough, then... no no no, it is definitely impossible.

"Master, you are kidding~" Adai smiled reluctantly, he did not admit that his master was not qualified.

"Master, you are a joke, not funny, I don't believe it!" Xiang Chuan shook his head.

But the bell thought about it again, and suddenly whispered, "Could it be that he also has a master?"

"Right, so say, two of you, don’t enter into your own inertial thinking when thinking about some issues...Always think about things from your perspective, not from the perspective of others, which is different from ordinary people. What's the difference that will make you suffer a lot in the future! People, first of all, must know how to doubt themselves, and constantly think about something from the perspective of others, in order to make your insight stronger..."

Lord Li Xing said a lot.

Just when Adai couldn't help but ask, what is the sacred place of Li Qing's master, Lord Li Xing only spoke.

"His master is an immortal! Maybe you don't believe it. The last time the Star Fortress nearly fell, the last is his master's hand..."


Suddenly they suddenly took a breath.

They have also heard of that war and fought terribly. The disciples in the Star Alliance have been killed or injured in countless numbers. Even the first-, second-, and third-level disciples died a lot. However, they did not know that this was the hand of the fairy, and they thought it was a powerful hand of Xingmeng.

It turned out to be like this!

Well, at this point, the master is really right, even if the master is even more powerful, he is still incomparable to the fairy.

No wonder, the master wants to accept him as a registered disciple...


After marveling for a while, they remembered Li Qing.

"His handprints..." Bell first discovered that the cherry mouth opened wide in surprise: "He seemed to remember everything!"

"Memory is okay, I am fucking, monster..." Xiang Chu also whispered.

Only Adai had a trace of jealousy in his eyes that was difficult to detect: "What's the use of good memory, if the perception is not So, what is said is also white blind..."

Is Li Qing's perception bad?

Do not!

Master Li Xing doesn't think so at least.

Because, he found that Li Qing slowly squinted his eyes, as if he was feeling something, which could be a lack of understanding.

So, he didn't bother, let Li Qing practice as much as he could.

One hour passed, two hours, three hours...

Lord Li Xing didn't speak, and the three disciples naturally dared not say anything.

As a result, Li Qing himself has been constantly practicing sword escape.

From the beginning to draw the gourd like this, to slowly discover the mystery of it, and then, he kept observing...

In this way, he is constantly improving...

The speed of progress is of course appalling!

With images of others, Li Qing feels the difference and difference between himself and Adai almost every second, so he is constantly improving...

In the past, his sword escape has been able to transform several afterimages.

Two days passed...

Three days...

Every day, there is almost a big improvement.

By the fifth day, Li Qing's sword escape technique was no longer taking shape, but it was almost catching up with Adai.

This made Adai's forehead sweat hot, and he was very panicked...


After leaving the star nest, Jie Yu has been following his master "Ye Niang".

There was fear in her heart, how to go the road in front of her, what bumpy roads she would encounter.

There are also concerns about Li Qing.

Bai Xiaotian stayed in the hotel temporarily, and he continued to apologize for the assassin's affairs...

In the past five days, he has vomited thousands of blood, and his hair is half white. However, thinking of Li Qing's crisis this time, he still ignores his life and continues!

(End of this chapter)

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