My Super God QQ

Chapter 587: Tragic, protecting Li Qing's human wall

Li Qing's singing stopped, her eyes were flushed, and tears fell silently.

His heart hurts!

Seeing someone die for himself, his heart was sorely pained, he wanted to cry wildly, scream, and let the monster come out!

However, his reason is to suppress him so hard that he can only continue to sing and continue to do his utmost for this battle of human survival.

Never before, Li Qing wants to become stronger!

As a result, his singing became louder and more heated, as if to break through the clouds!

In the end, he even shouted, even if his throat was hoarse, even if blood had flowed from his nose, even if his throat was about to tear...


The monster appeared again silently, slashing towards Wei Chishuo.

This righteousness is the head of Wei Chishuo who always only thinks of his brothers. Li Qing had a good impression of him at first, because he could endure hardships for his brothers, and he could also save for the newly-recognized Li Qing. Not much money to invite him to dinner.

Looking at the sickle that seemed to protrude from hell, and cut it towards Wei Chishuo, Li Qing's heart all raised his throat.

He was afraid, he was really afraid!

He is not afraid of dying himself, but he can’t stand his new brother, he dies before him!

Fortunately, at this moment, Hedingtian appeared and was shot down directly from the sky, so he simply used his back to block the front of the knife.


A spark spattered, and his back was directly chopped and flew out.

Wei Chishuo escaped.

However, the blow seemed to be unfinished. The mantis-like monster had just disappeared, and the claws of the blood-stained bat in the sky had grabbed Li Qing's head.

The claws were sharp, as if cast with the most precious **** iron in the world...

Ten meters, five meters, one meter!

Li Qing felt that the hair on his back had been raised like a needle, and the feeling of death had never been so close.


Yu Chishuo evaded a blow, his eyes widened sharply, but he jumped hard and blocked his back on top of Li Qing with his back.

The claws penetrated his abdomen...


Wei Chishuo vomited a lot of blood in his mouth and fell to Li Qing's feet.

At this moment, time seemed to pause.

Li Qing's heart also completely suffocated, he really can't bear such heartache!

One, two, three places all died for himself, he really can't bear such a heavy affection!

"Ah, brother--"

The sledgehammer flew, but it was too late to catch Yu Chishuo.

Chen Jia was crying like a child. He crawled directly to Wei Chishuo's edge. Rejuvenating the pill was like putting money on Wei Chishuo's mouth.

He stuffed a few, and Yu Chishuo's mouth would spout a few with blood.

"Brother, don't you say yes, are you going to take us with you? Woo~"

"You also said that you would take us to Xingyu Peak to see the most beautiful night sky, and that you would take us to taste all the food of the cultivation world, but you are reluctant to spend money and give us the cultivation resources, big brother, big brother, woo ..."

The sledgehammer was crying and howling on the side, squeezing his fist and hammering the ground: "You can't eat words..."

Looking at this scene, the live broadcast was speechless.

There is no barrage, and the barrage stops there.

Everyone seemed to feel the tightness of their chests because of the grief and loyalty in front of them.

In the castle of the future island...

All the girls were originally afraid of Li Qing being hurt. Someone could stand in front of them. They were still very happy, proving that their man's popularity was really good.

But when one died and the other was dying again, they were crying with pear flowers and rain.

"Why, why did they attack our castle..." Yan Di cried, saying, "Can't we live together peacefully?"

The people on the side listened, shook their heads, and the tears could not stop.

"It's so uncomfortable, why, I don't know them, but I can't help crying for them all the time..." Teacher Ning sobbed.

"Both good children..."

Zhang Min also cried.

There are many people crying on the earth.

Nothing else, just for these human warriors, for their protection of their homeland, they gave their lives, for brothers, for the sake of righteousness, they blocked Li Qing one knife after another.

"Kill me, there are thousands of me..."

A water friend finally made a barrage in the live broadcast room.

That's it, the barrage started to beat.

"For humanity!"

"For our homeland!"

"For our loved ones and friends, ah, it's so uncomfortable..."

"My tears can't stop, what to do, it's so touching, this kind of arrogant brother, wow, speechless..."

Wei Chishuo was seriously injured and was almost dead. Today, Li Qing is standing with only three people left.

At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed to the side.

He is only seventeen!

A childish look!

Li Qing didn't know how he appeared here. Then, after he appeared, he pulled out his sword and laid it in front of him, looking like he wanted to block the sword for Li Qing.

The purple mantis monster reappears.


His sword and body were cut in half again.

In this way, he appeared, and even had to say two words to the hero in his mind in the future, and he had fallen.

Li Qing didn't even know what his name was. How old was he and who was at home, so he fell down.

When he was dying, he looked at Li Qing with admiration and pain in his eyes, and finally the picture was frozen.

He fell and came two more!

Do not!

There are more than two, a group of people who do not know where to come from, are all in front of Li Qing.

Li Qing was surrounded by a wall of people.

Everyone is willing to use his own body and his life to block Li Qing's side.

The purple mantis demon seems to have a high level of intelligence. For this reason, it is angry, and when it strikes again, it is no longer a knife, but a two or three knife.

In this way, a personal figure in front of Li Qing collapsed helplessly.

However, there is no gap in this wall. More and more integrators appear in front of him, standing beside him, dedicating his life.

"Why are you guys, and why are you bitter!"

Li Qing was crying. He only felt that his throat was too uncomfortable. He was almost speechless and his chest was blocked.

He really doesn't want this!

However, he knows that if he is not here and does not sing loudly, more people will die under the mouth of the monster.

He wanted to ask Master Li Xing to help, even to be a star master, even if the elders of the stars came to help, but he looked around and was all in a bitter battle.

Master Li Xing confronted the little girl and the blood turtle.

The little girl's body suddenly appeared and disappeared, making it very difficult to attack. The blood turtle was extremely frightening. On the contrary, they were still at a disadvantage.

Hedingtian and the blood bats in the sky are quite similar, but The white crane under his perennial seat has been stained with blood.

The elder Ng was pale, but he was still resisting the monster that was going to climb up below.

The high-end combat power has been restricted, Li Qing can't even call a helper!

He could only keep his eyes open, his eyes covered with tears, watching all this with water mist, watching the lives of him being taken away by the ruthless purple sickle for himself.

one night!

Li Qing sang the war song all night!

The fighting continued until three or four in the morning, and I don't know when, the teleportation array of the Star Fortress came with a large number of comprehension warriors.

Fortunately, there are them, because when the people are finally exhausted, there are too many monsters and beasts, and they can never be killed. It is this batch of fresh troops that made the tide of monsters and beasts that had to hit the city walls back out again.

After hearing about the possibility of falling into the Star Fortress, more and more people, some of them organized by the Star Alliance, and some of them came from all directions.

People from the Secret Palace are here!

Murong Fengluan and Su Xiaoxiao were among the ranks.

Apart from them, the golden sheep fairy and ugly man, Dingshishan people, they also came!

And Lu Jiandao, Duan Yue, Liu Changqing...

As long as you are in the realm of cultivation, except for Jie Yu and Bai Xiaotian, everyone who knows Li Qing also comes.

It is about the survival of mankind. At this moment, there is no point of interest.

That is, as soon as they reached the Star Fortress, they heard a familiar voice.

"This voice seems to be Brother Li Qing?"

Murong Fengrou immediately felt strange and surprised for a while.

"It's him, brother Li Qing!"

Su Xiaoxiao shivered with excitement.


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