My Super God QQ

Chapter 584: Warsong

There were too many wars in ancient China, and there were too many to count.

Among them, there are countless classic wars with fewer wins than many, that is, these wars have produced countless war songs.

The war song is used to boost morale. Not to mention, this kind of war song will cause resonance in the human body, and touch on the soul, making people more forgetful of death in battle.

When Li Qing looked at her, a war song appeared in his mind.

"You're fun!" Finally, the little girl said, her curious eyes full of curiosity.

"Uh, if you grow up, it might be fun..." Li Qing quipped back. Joke, as a big man, how can you let a woman, no, a girl said that fun, Li Qing of course to get back to the scene.

"So, since you are stubborn, fight!"

The little girl flashed the cold light in her eyes. With her delicate jade fingers, she gently lifted the blood blade as thin as a cicada's wing and placed it next to her small mouth, playing again.

The music started at first, melodious to all directions.

The monster seems to feel everything, everything is there, his eyes are instantly red, his nose is constantly breathing out, and a claw keeps holding the ground, seeming to rush out.

Even this crude gas has gathered and formed a small storm, hovering in the air, one can imagine how terrifying their number is.

"Everyone is ready to fight!"

Seeing this, Li Xingzhu looked dignified and roared loudly.


The music she played suddenly turned into a high, sharp voice.


The blood turtle roared, a gust of wind kept circling in his mouth, and then there was a ray of light, which shot like a blood column towards the spark fortress.

This roar started a full-scale war!

Immediately, countless monsters went crazy, and turned into a beast tide, swelled like a tsunami, and rushed to the Fortress of Starfire.


The magic weapon on the fortress has been fired.

Skyfire meteorite, a blaze of fire falling from the sky, each blaze can explode dozens of monsters, splashing into the four directions, leaving a pit of tens of meters.

Extreme ice roaring, it's ice hockey, as big as a basketball. But when it exploded, it was all frozen into ice in a hundred meters, and some were directly broken into pieces.

The spirit stone cannon is directly something like a gunfire. This is the most magical weapon in the fortress of star fire, and it also deals with huge monsters.

Every cannon shot, even a monster as tall as a building, will be directly broken into pieces.


The monster has been attacked by a round of spells before reaching the wall.

This makes the momentum of the animal tide stagnate, but it can only be so, because some of the magic weapons of defending the city have to exchange energy stones, and some have to gather heaven and earth aura again, so their forward rush There are 100 meters.

After they rushed out of a hundred meters, many magic weapons of the fortifications once again showed their power. The sky above the star fortress was bright, and various spells were like storms. They were overwhelmed, and they were directly overturned or sprayed out.

Round after round!

again and again!

They are getting closer and closer.

Finally, they had rushed beyond the walls of the storm stronghold.

"Kill! Capture the thief first thief!"

Lord Li Xing took the stars and elders with a roar and rushed out of the city.

They are ready to capture the little girl. I believe that as long as the little girl catches the hand, then, in this war, the monster will be defeated.

"carry on……"

Hedingtian said to Li Qing with an encouraging tone.

Li Qing understands that he is letting him continue to sing!

Immediately, Li Qing switched modes and sang a new song!

"On this turbulent battlefield, the Storm Boys debut! The roar of victory over the fire, the whole world is noisy! The signal of the fiery smoke, the era of self-cultivation is coming, the blood is fighting against the current, the chariot is hot, and the warriors are unstoppable. ...The battle is our stubbornness, I want to control my power, publicize my momentum, and watch this dragon battle in the wild! Thousands of **** warriors in this battlefield, all the way forward..."

High and **** voice from his mouth

-----Note to netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. :

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Roaring out, Li Qing's neck had raised roots.

A wonderful feeling is shrouded in the entire Star Fortress!

Not to mention the walls, inside the fortress, even if some ordinary people in the city listened to this song, their whole bodies were boiling with blood, and there was an endless fighting spirit in their hearts.


Countless people roared, and all the soldiers on the fortress lost their cowardice, and rushed towards the monsters with the sword or knife in their hands.

At this point, some monsters have jumped on the city walls!

Because the walls of the Star Fortress are very high, they are similar to piles and piled up, so that the monsters behind can rush to the wall.

Immediately, the two sides were fighting like an explosion.

The more Li Qing sings, the more excited all human beings are, and the fighting power is also constantly rising...

There seems to be an infinite will between heaven and earth, which is added to them, as if a set of auxiliary auras makes their strength several times better than usual and peak state.

"Wow wow wow wow!"

Sledgehammer is the most affected.

He didn't even realize that after hearing this song, his huge body was actually raised a full half a meter.

It is no exaggeration that some kind of blood or potential in his body was completely awakened. Picking up the two giant hammers is like the most terrifying weapon of war. It is like being plowed, and it has opened up a series of blood paths. .

"Kill kill kill..."

Countless human innocence, the eyes have become blood red blood red ground.

Such is the case with Wei Chishuo, following behind the sledgehammer, chopping off those monsters that have not yet completely died.

Flying Monkey, Gongsun Festival... are beside the attendants.

As for Chen Jia?

I don't know when he was standing in front of Li Qing. Some monster beasts flying down from the sky would be resisted by him.

In fact, not only Chen Jia, but also many cultivators, gathered at the edge of Li Qing.

They are all superior in intelligence, and understand that Li Qing has become one of the important factors on the battlefield to win. It is not even exaggerated. His role is more useful than the arrival of a star owner in person.

At the same time, many of them are voluntary.

Because of Li Qing's reason, their realm of strength has broken through or soared. They came with a heart of gratitude, and some have a respectful and grateful look in their eyes.

Li Qing did not notice them!

He found that his realm was vaguely about to break through the foundation period and go further up, but it seemed to be a piece of paper separated by no other poke.

He did not believe in evil, he gritted his teeth, and continued to sing, one by one!

Roaring loudly and silently, he continued blessing with real energy, which made the singing more and more loud and more and more agitated.

Later, even if the star owners and the star elders were affected, their strength has actually increased a lot.

"I really want to go up and kill for a while!"

In the fortress, in a bunker tower guarding the magic weapon of the city, a young man looked at the distance, his hands were clenched tightly, and his eyes were full of war.

"Okay, younger brother, the role we played here is no worse than playing in person, so, still good, continue..." said another young man, lifting the front cover of the crystal cannon down and changing it again. Into a new top grade spirit stone.

"I know, but I feel I can't control myself anymore..." The young man waved his fists, and his forehead was covered with hot sweat because of the excitement.

"I am the same, but for the sake of the fortress and the last line of defense of humanity, we can only stick to it and hold it! In fact, you can look at the monsters killed by us, this feeling is also very good!

In the fortress, in some houses...

"Dad, I'm gone. Although I'm not an official garrison, I have to help!"

"Wait a minute! Although your father is not strong, he is just building a foundation and can help defend the city!"

I don’t know when the gate of the storm stronghold has been broken by the monster...

The whole body was full of blood and blood, and the composers who took the war to the sky were killed!

Recommend the ticket to walk around and immediately leave the single dog!

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