My Super God QQ

Chapter 571: Meet the Demon Squad

Throughout China's ancient times, every city affected by warfare will be like this, and the whole city is immersed in sorrow or blood.

There is sadness and seriousness, and naturally there is blood.

Li Qing saw such a group of young people. They were also disciples of the Star Alliance. They had no rank, but they came with a whole body of blood to prepare to contribute their own strength.

As they walked, they were stern and angry.

Even if they are discussing, it is all about the idea of ​​serving the country with blood. No, it's not right. It shouldn't serve the country, but for humanity.

"Youngest, you said we are going to the logistics department to help, or are we on the front line? Keeping the city walls?"

"How long will it take us to defend the city wall? It's the front line if we want to fight! It's not impossible to be responsible for logistics, but the boys are born to be loyal to the country, not to mention throwing their heads and blood for our humanity! "

"Yes, **** those **** monsters. At first, my father was killed by monsters!"

"Poor my mother and my younger sister were killed by the monsters. This hatred is not common, and my king, Zheyun, will kill them upside down!"

"Which one of our team is not in a hatred with the monsters! Well, everyone will say a few words, I think the way to retaliate them is to save yourself and kill more monsters. "A young man, about thirty-four or five years old, is very steady.

This young man may be the captain of the squad. As soon as the words came out, everyone else took a natural look.

Li Qing thought that this team was very interesting, so he walked over to say something, "Good brothers~"


Seeing Li Qing as a young man, they all turned their heads curiously, staring at Li Qing.

"Under Li Qing, I would like to ask, are you going to kill monsters on the front line?" Li Qing clenched his fists, signaling that he was not malicious.

"Wei Chishuo!" Their captain also clenched his fists: "Yes, we are all going to kill monsters, is it you, brother?"

"Well, when I first entered the Star Alliance, and wanted to kill the monsters, if I was not familiar with this, I would like to ask for advice. Is it convenient?"

"Hahaha, as long as all those who came to kill the monsters are brothers, no need to be polite, come and go together!" Wei Chishuo laughed heartily.

Wei Chishuo, his face very dark, black as charcoal, and very strong, holding two long mace in his hands.

Li Qing has rarely seen such weapons. When he thought about it, it seemed to be Qin Qiong in ancient times, and Di Renjie had called it, but he was not very clear about other things.

The "cape" has a quadrangular shape and is also a sharp weapon. As long as it pokes into a person's body, it will cause massive blood collapse and blood flow.

Looking at his other four teammates, the weapons are also of such great lethality.

There is a mace, a knife, a spear, an axe, and even a sledgehammer. It should be a pumpkin hammer, which looks like a pumpkin, and it is very brave. And this weapon is also a very strong young man, two meters long, like a giant, with bulging muscles on his body, very extraordinary.

"Brother, who are you?"

As he walked towards the direction of the city wall, Wei Chishuo asked, Li Qing was still a stranger, so he had to investigate clearly.

"I'm from the lower realm, earthman, 25 years old this year, the foundation period is complete..." Regarding age, Li Qing on the third floor of QQ Book City, he forgot how many years old, fortunately, he is the foundation period, the lifespan is not The mortal can't see how big he is.

Li Qing originally thought, would these people think they were inferior?

But who thought, Wei Chishuo smiled and said: "Okay, very good, it really is fate! We are also from the lower bound, all five are!"

Li Qing listened to it, touched inexplicably in his heart.

But I didn't think about it. All five of them came from the lower realm, and a feeling of being as if they met a fellow man came to my heart.

People of the same origin naturally share common topics.

So, they talked about the people of the cultivation world. Many people are arrogant and arrogant. As long as they are from the lower realm, they will look down on them.

That is, people who are the lower realm, they will come together and work together to become brothers.

"No, Brother Yu Chi, aren't you from the lower realm? How did I hear about the monsters just now?"

"There are monsters everywhere, but it's just a matter of strength and weakness, it's impossible, your earth?" At this time, they were surprised, watching Li Qing as if doubting something, his face was unbelievable. .

"Ah, everywhere?"

Li Qing is a little inexplicable.


If it is everywhere, why is the earth gone, kidding? Is it necessary to say that there is too little aura on the earth, and there are few natural materials and treasures, so the monsters and beasts look down upon them?

In fact, it is not impossible!

Li Qing thought about the environment on earth, the air is so bad, maybe in the eyes of the monster, is it really not a good place? !

Thinking about this, Li Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"It seems that the earth where you are, brother, is a blessed place! Anyway, according to the people from the lower realm I know, their hometowns have been attacked by monsters and beasts, almost people are not talking about life and suffering!" , Wei Chishuo shook his head, with memories and pain.

"Brother, since you don't have monsters in your hometown, why would you want to come to the side of Starfire to kill monsters?" the strongest and tallest boy buzzed curiously.

Although he is the strongest in the team, however, his face is childish, at first glance, he is the youngest, and he looks a little sloppy.

"Uh, for all of us humans, contribute!" Li Qing smiled.

He couldn’t say that he was live broadcast. They were all passionate youths who contributed to human beings. Naturally, he had to say so.

"Okay, this is a good idea. Wait until the battlefield, I will protect you with a sledgehammer!"

It turned out that he was called a sledgehammer, but it was as his name suggests.

Feeling his kindness, Li Qing nodded seriously.

In this way, a group of young men from the lower realm got together.

"Li Qing, do you want to go to the front with us, or go to the logistics? Or the city walls?"

"Where you go, I'll go where I go~"

After chatting for a while, Li Qing felt that they were getting along very well. They were all temperamental people who were loyal to each other and smiled.

"But the front line is very dangerous, don't look at us, we are not stars, in fact, our strength is not worse than Xingzi, it's all a heartbeat~" Wei Chishuo smiled and smiled proudly in his eyes, but did not underestimate Li Qing, but I think Li Qing is a little weak, so a handsome person may not be as strong.

"I will promise not to drag everyone back!"

They are all disciples in the emotional period. Li Qing is the foundation period, and it is indeed not good to compare with them. But Li Qing has his own self-confidence and will never drag them down.

"Both friends and brothers, don't say anything that will not drag you down!" Wei Chishuo pretended to be unhappy.

Li Qing smiled and did not speak.

"Brother, I am hungry!"

Suddenly, the sledgehammer spoke wrongly.

"Then we find a place to eat together, it can be regarded as celebrating multiple friends~" Wei Chishuo thought about it.

There was a restaurant not far away, and they walked in.

"It's also fate to get acquainted with everyone. For this meal, let the younger brother please~" Li Qing said to them.

"No, no, no, they are brothers. We have a lot of people, and of course I invite them!" Wei Chishuo shook his head and refused.

Li Qing still wanted to fight, but watching Wei Chishuo's eyes widened, and wanted to be angry, he had to accept with a wry smile.

"Just whatever you want today! Brother Li Qing is also destined, please, please!"

Wei Chishuo took the menu to Li Qing.

Li Qing was also polite, and ordered a lot of food, as long as he hadn't eaten, he would order one.

For example, what kind of golden antelope meat and what kind of ancient hedgehog horn are mostly ingredients cut from the demon. On the one hand, if it is eaten, it will be beneficial to the human body, and on the other hand, it will taste good.

Seeing Li Qing really welcome, Wei Chishuo was also happy and smiled.

There is a thin boy among Unpleasant flashes in his eyes, but he didn't speak, but Li Qing's eyes changed, and he seemed to be thinking that this guy is really not an outsider.

This is obviously a gentleman's heart, but to be honest, it is normal. There are many people who take advantage of the other party's treats, eat and eat, and are not polite, er, use the Internet to say If you don’t have a B number in your heart, you don’t know how to be polite.

Li Qing naturally did not care, smiled, and after ordering excuses to go to the toilet, went to buy the bill.

When there is wine and meat, Li Qing eats and drinks with them.

After drinking the wine like this, everyone was more familiar, almost already a brother, but the thin teenager was not very comfortable, and had been staring at Li Qing from time to time.

"What's wrong, Xiaojia?"

The young man's name was Chen Jia. After understanding, it was the best brain in their squad. He usually made suggestions and thoughts and was an indispensable part of the team.

"It's okay~"

Chen Jia shook his head, but Li Qing gave a glance at an angle that no one could see.

Wei Chishuo was righteous, sledgehammer brave, Chen Jiacongmin, and the other two were more ordinary. One of them was a whistle, the nickname was the flying monkey, and the other was the Gongsun Festival. It was Confucianism to see how to dress up.

These are the five members of the Slayer Team.

"Brother, I'm still hungry..."

After eating and drinking, the sledgehammer touched his stomach and said pitifully.

A bit of embarrassment flashed in Yu Chishuo's eyes, but he still raised his head and said: "Primary two, come and have some food!"

It was Li Qing who had just ordered food. After the second child came up, he was also clever. He thought Li Qing shot the atmosphere and handed the menu up again.

Li Qing ordered some good wine and good food again.

Wei Chishuo hesitated and struggled with what he wanted to say, but he was embarrassed to say it.

Chen Jia was angry, and caught the case: "Hey! You are enough!"

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