My Super God QQ

Chapter 548: Obligation to demon...beast

"Damn, damn, it's abominable!"

Watching his son lying on the bed, he was in a coma. When he closed his eyes, there were still unwilling tears in his eyes, and Wang Tong's father burst into thunder.

The green muscles of his forehead burst like a dragon, and his fists are like steel, and his face is red because of his anger.

"Master Qiqi, do you need to scrub the young master!"

At this moment, a trembling maid asked.


Wang Tong's father squeezed such a word out of his teeth.


The maid hurried forward and began to scrub Wang Tong's hands and feet with a towel that had been soaked.


Probably because of shaking hands, the maidservant accidentally touched Wang Tong's wound, making him groan, and there was pain on his face.

Frightened, this maidservant quickly knelt down and was at a loss.

"It's okay, go on!"

Wang Tong's father, with more anger in his eyes, said.

The more this is, the more fearful the maidservant is, and after a while, the wound is rubbed again.

In this way, Wang Tong's father couldn't bear it anymore, and pulled the maidservant and kicked it out of the door.


The maid screamed and smashed the wooden door directly.

"Come here, please invite my brother-in-law!"

"Yes!" A guard responded outside.

After half a tea time, a middle-aged man in a white robe of Confucianism was invited.

"Brother Jing, what is Tonger?" He frowned.

Wang Tong’s father, Wang Jingdao, also said: “Due to fighting against others, it was a new disciple from the lower realm, but he had mortal magic.”

"That hatred is over?" The middle-aged man in white robe frowned deeper and asked.


"I know what Brother Jing wants to say. Now that I have natal magical powers, I will surely go out to sea in the future, and I will take care of my head! My boss is in charge of the newcomer. I will try my best to let the kid die outside. "" Hanguang said in the eyes of the middle-aged man in the white robe.

"Then there is work for you! And his body, there are my Wang family ancestors wishing well."

"no problem!"


Li Qing does not know the dark place, and someone has already stared at himself.

But even though he knew, he wouldn't care, because, he thought that the enmity with Wang Tong was impossible to solve, then, some wind and rain should come and cover it with an umbrella.

One night after returning home, the next day, he was called by coach Chen.

Not only Li Qing, but everyone in their team.

"Li Qing, are you busy with your business?"

Coach Chen seemed to have something to say, and Li Qing came again for a few days, which made him very unhappy.

In fact, in Li Qing's opinion, unless there is a hard task, he doesn't want to come here, because Coach Chen can teach them the skills, not as good as the third floor of Li Qing qqn bookstore.

However, after seeing Coach Chen a little unhappy, he thought that in the future he would still come to report more and give Coach Chen a face.

"Sorry, coach!"

He didn't find a reason to admit his mistakes directly, which made Coach Chen feel much more comfortable.

Seeing everyone in the team looking at themselves, Coach Chen said: "Okay, today, calling you to come, there is something about voluntary service!"

"What is compulsory service?"

Asked the young man in the team.

"Since Xingchao recruits you newcomers, it will naturally be responsible to you and also grant you cultivation resources. Of course, with the resources, you also need to do something for Xingchao. This is a mandatory rule..."

When Coach Chen talked about this, Li Qing found that Joey had been making eyes on herself, and his face was full of joy.

"what's up?"

He asked quietly.

"Bet, didn't you win that set by picking medicine? I will give you dividends!" she said with a grin.

"You're welcome, you won it yourself!"

"I just want to share your points!"

"it is good!"

Coach Li Qing saw Chen Chen came over and dared not whisper anymore, he could only agree.

And what coach Chen said, Li Qing also listened to his ears.

What he said is that everyone who enters the star's nest must complete a task, that is, kill the monster, regardless of the level of the monster, it must bring back the ears of one hundred monsters.

Originally, it didn't take long for their team to enter the Star Nest. It was not their turn. Only when the newcomers were about to become full members, they would be assigned. But this time, Coach Chen didn't understand why he sent the order index to him.

Very unreasonable!

However, he is just an ordinary star officer, but he can't protest, but can't help it.

"Every hundred monsters, nothing!"

Upon hearing this, a young man smiled confidently.

"Yes! I think I have killed more than thirty heads recently, ha ha ha, and it is not an ordinary monster!"

These are to kill monster monsters in order to earn contribution points.

In their view, this is nothing.

The one who hasn't killed the monster is a little uneasy in his heart. I don't know why he assigned such a task all at once.

Li Qing felt nothing.

Kill, kill, there is something, and he just wants to see how the monster is like. He wants to see how people and the monsters fight for survival in the cultivation world.

This is a big war, an endless war.

Thinking that there must be a spectacular battle scene, Li Qing even had a little blood to try.

"Coach Chen, is there a record for killing monsters?"

Li Qing suddenly asked about it.

Coach Chen was stunned for a while, then laughed and said to Li Qing with his eyes looking at the newborn calf and not afraid of tigers: "Don't think about this, depending on your current strength, it is impossible to break this record."

"How to say?"

Joey bulged his cheeks disobediently and asked cutely.

In front of her, Li Qing could have been worshipped dead recently, breaking two records in a row, and both said a little bit of worship.

"You can kill monsters of a continent alone, think again!"

Coach Chen finished this, not to mention again.

Li Qing also shut up.

A continent!

Li Qing organized his thoughts in his mind. The size of the realm is so large that the area of ​​a continent is not much smaller than the total area of ​​the earth. To kill a monster of the earth, where does Li Qing come from?

Of course, beyond the shock, he also looked forward to that kind of scene very much, imagining how powerful and majestic he would be if he had one day.


"Give you three days, and three days later reported that for your little life's sake, I hope that in these three days, you will find more life-saving things!" Coach Chen ordered.

Everyone should be, so dispersed.

"Li Qing, come with me!"

Coach Li shouted just as Li Qing turned around.

So, he was called to the office again.

"What are you busy with these days?"

Coach Chen also knows that he cares a lot about Li Qing, but Li Qing has high hopes in his heart! He didn't want Li Qing to do anything right, and spent all day earning contribution points, but wasted his cultivation.

"Uh, cultivation!"

Li Qing had found an excuse long ago and distributed his true energy all around him.

In this way, Coach Chen found that his strength had been promoted two levels.

Eight floors during the foundation period!

The newcomer's disciples have this strength, that is simply the phoenix scales!

Coach Chen was surprised by Li Qing for a time, and there was nowhere for a long time.

"Demons! In just a few days, they actually rose to the eighth floor, even some geniuses can't do it!"

At this time, Li Qing no longer thought that Li Qing would waste his studies, so Li Qingduo found something to save his life, and drove him out.

"Keep your life?"

Li Qing pondered these two words.

"It seems that it's dangerous to kill the monsters! But everyone in the squad can do it, why can't he..." Li Qing didn't mind, and went straight to his mansion.

Back to the house, Jie Yu is still busy with decoration.

Li Qing couldn't help much, so he went to the third floor of qq book city and continued to practice with the best spirit stone.

In addition to practicing will also broadcast live.

With each live broadcast, popularity continues to rise...

It was also during the fifth live broadcast that he finally saw Yan Di's barrage.

Between the two realms!

Actually being able to contact his own woman, Li Qingzhen has a sense of unreality like in a dream.

At the moment, he was excited and asked about his mother's condition.

Recommend the ticket, don’t dare not forget to beg...

(End of this chapter)

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