My Super God QQ

Chapter 546: Wishful

The anti-piracy chapter is revised after ten minutes If you can't see the normal chapter, you can go to the genuine website! There is no way, the big tiger will really starve to death, even if you don’t subscribe, even if you don’t give me a recommendation ticket, this makes me really feel bitter about how to explain to the site editor, please forgive me!

"Hang him!"

"Teach him to be a man!"

"Take all his **** out, it won't work out, he's tight!"

"This kind of arrogant people, do not fight, what kind of system!"

"If Lao Tzu is on the side, this turtle grandson must be killed!"

"kill him……"

"Brother Li Qing..." There was such a barrage in the crowd. The name of this water friend was "Di Di".

However, soon, she was submerged in the barrage, as if the water drops fell into the sea, not very eye-catching.

Li Qing did not pay attention to their barrage, he has been carefully paying attention to the middle-aged man.

The insidious meaning on his face made Li Qing wonder if he was tinkering with secret calculations. However, think about it, this ring is also the fairest part of Star Nest, so refute these ideas, then it is a good idea Lesson his son.

"Li Qing, Earthman, Feijian "Nameless"..."

Li Qing said softly.

This is the rule of the ring. Apart from humans and weapons, you can no longer use other magic weapons such as poison weapon.

This method is to alert Wang Tong and his father. This is in the ring of the heavens. I hope you will not engage in tricks.

Wang Tong couldn't hear this, and sneered and said: "It turns out to be the inferiors from the lower realm. It's no wonder that you don't understand the rules. Today I will let you inferiors know what blood-like rules are."

Wang Tong’s father heard Li Qing’s alertness, but said nothing, still staring at Li Qing with the snake-like triangular eyes, with a smile in his eyes.

At the end, the water friends in the live broadcast room coaxed again.

"Why did he say that our fairy master is inferior?"

"Netherworld? It's the inferior people? What do I mean and why do I punish his eighteen generations?"

"Damn, actually look down on our lower realm, no, earthlings!"

"I have a history of thousands of years in China, and heroes come out in large numbers. Is it true that people in the realm world are incomparable?"

"Thousands of years may be better than others to cultivate the real world, but the heroes are true in life. Let's ask the anchor later, what do they mean by inferior people!"

"Okay, but it's really annoying. I feel like I have become a countryman. I went to the city and was despised with colored eyes. This feeling made me panic!"

"I'm **** fucking!"

The temperaments were scolded anxiously, and those with a bit of a castle in their hearts were thinking about why people in the realm world would say that they are in the lower realm, that is, people on earth are inferior.

Of course, spraying is indispensable everywhere, always calling for quality.

This has caused a group of people to scold those sprays, saying that others regard themselves as waiting for others, what quality do they talk about, and how is this different from animals talking about quality? The words are not rough.

"Wang Tong, Xingchao people, wishful sticks, made of ten thousand-year-old meteorite, stretchable ruyi stone, plus the three most rare metals, forged in seven, seventy-nine days!"

After ridicule, Wang Tong took out his weapon from the storage bracelet. It was a black stick with gold hoops in the upper, middle and lower sections, and said with pride.

As long as Wang Tong thought that he was almost stepped on that day, he wanted to compare with Li Qing.

In his life experience, he is inferior, not comparable to the person born in his own star nest.

Weapon, the opponent's flying sword is nameless, but his stick has a long history.

As a dude, he naturally has to be better than the other in every way. In his view, this is the most effective way to combat the other.

"Stop talking nonsense, start fighting!"

As soon as Li Qingfei's sword was thrown, he would directly control Feijian to humiliate him.

"I didn't bring a weapon that day. Today, I will let you taste that taste too!" Wang Tong's eyes glowed with confidence, and the stick continued to rotate between his hands, dancing like a mirror. .


Feijian was knocked to the other side immediately.

Taking advantage of this time, he did not drag his clothes and carry the water, the stick was clenched with both hands, and he pointed Li Qing with the tip of the stick.


The stick actually became longer, hit Li Qing's abdomen, and let him fly directly for four or five meters.

This time, it was extremely fast, saying that I didn't feel anything, even if I saw it, I didn't feel anything. However, Li Qing was like a shot in his stomach, and there was almost a kind of severe pain that penetrated my heart.

Looking at his belly, there was already a black mark, and Li Qing could not help but spit out two blood, his eyes full of surprise.

It's so weird, who would have thought that this Wang Tong actually has such a stick that can grow long and short.

Isn't that what Wu Wukong's wishful gold hoop can do? When was this thing so common in the realm of truth? A scum also has such a magic weapon? !

In the live broadcast room, the bullet bar stopped all at once.

Looking at Wang Tong, everyone felt incredible, only felt that he had been deceived by his playful look.

It turned out that he was so powerful!

No no no!

What Li Qing and everyone do not know is that, in fact, the weapon in Wang Tong's hands is not only a weapon, but also a weapon with an increase and self-explosive power.

If you really want to grade, it is an excellent magic weapon level.

Not to mention that it is not amazing, it is also mixed with a fixed energy stone, which can store true gas in it, even if it is owned by him in the gas refining period with a little true gas, it can become very powerful.


Retractable Ruyi Stone!

Energy stone!

These two weapons materials of the self-cultivation realm, among all geniuses and earth treasures, are also treasures of leverage.

Li Qing was not careless this time, but was still attacked. Fortunately, this time it will not cause serious injuries. Li Qing believes that as long as he pays attention, there will be no more problems.

Of course, he looked at the wishful stick, and he was a little bit jealous. It would be nice if he had such a weapon.

"How about, don't you feel surprised? Hahaha, hick, I tell you, this is the treasure that our ancestors have passed down, and how can you, the hick, understand?" Wang Tong said with a laugh. Come and relax indefinitely.

It turned out to be a magic weapon passed down from ancestors.

Hearing this, his father raised his head and smiled proudly at the edge of the ring.

He was thinking, where does a inferior person know what it means to want to kill Li Qing, and it takes minutes...

"Oh, it's just relying on the waste of the ancestor Shangyin. What's so proud? If you were born in the home of ordinary people, it would be better! Well, don't listen to you, compare, come on, this is the enemy of this stick. , I want to return you immediately!"

Li Qing's situation is a bit worse now.

There is very little left in the body because of the use of Bliss Triple Sky.

Plus hit this stick again!

"So, you can't use your strength now, you can only make a coincidence!" Li Qing thought, and immediately had an idea.


Li Qing is not a brainstorm, he must be suppressed with strength, as long as he can get him, Li Qing can use any means.

Then, instead of using various means other than humans and weapons, Li Qing thought of the qq system.

Just right, Li Qing likes this stick...

So, he stopped suddenly and asked the referee: "Hello, senior, if you take the opponent's weapon on the ring, can you own it?"

"No, unless you are gambling and there are bets, then you can!"

The referee shook his head and answered seriously.

A bit of disappointment flashed in Li Qing's eyes.

" actually want me to stick it? Yes, as long as you can take it away, then, what can I do for you? I know you haven’t seen good things in this country. It's original..." Wang Tong laughed, doing all kinds of humiliation to Li Qing.

"To bet?"

Li Qing was disappointed and turned into hope, and he was overjoyed.


Wang Tong was a bit stunned by the change in his emotions, but he said everything. When riding a tiger, he couldn’t say no, he couldn’t beat his face? Not to mention, he has absolute confidence...

"it is good……"

He can only promise.

"Before that, can it be replaced by gambling now?" Li Qing quickly asked the referee.

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