My Super God QQ

Chapter 544: Bliss 7 reappears

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"Master fairy, where are you going? It seems like you are in the daytime?"

Asked a water friend.

Immortal master, I don’t know who called it first. Later, more and more people followed this name, and even became a habit.

"I went to the Zhutian ring to participate in the contest..." Li Qing replied: "The Zhutian ring is a ring with its own space, and the relationship is..."

Li Qing explained to all the water friends while looking at the road signs.

There are still many teleportation arrays leading to the Zhutian Ring. Li Qing is looking for the nearest one.

I heard that Li Qing was going to the ring, and the mood in the entire live broadcast room rose again.


"Is this about to fight?"

"It is often heard that immortals fight, and mortals suffer. It seems that this time I was really lucky to see immortals fight!"

"Hahaha, great, I have to call my brother to watch the fairy fight!"

Many people cheered, but only a few sent out bullets to express their concern.

Just like a man named "Miao Miao", he expressed great worry and did not want to see Li Qing injured.

"Don't go, it's very dangerous, Master Xian..." a female water friend named "Princess Xiaoyin" also called.

At first, just a few female friends called out, and more female friends jumped out later, unanimously persuading Li Qing not to go to the ring and do dangerous things.

"So there are so many female friends in the live broadcast room?"

"Hi, sisters~ How are you, also call the fairy master, we will be brothers and sisters in the future, hahaha, where are you all?"

Li Qing looked at these sisters and Fachun's male friends, and smiled bitterly.

It felt warm to the concerns expressed by those female friends.

"Thank you, thank you for your concern to someone Li, but, this is cultivation, it is not enough to want to fight without fighting. Don’t think that cultivation is cultivation of immortals, and the fairy can carefree. In fact, the fairy also has disputes with Fighting." Li Qing explained.

"In the cultivation world, in addition to humans, there are various creatures that stand opposite to humans, such as monsters and beasts. Therefore, it is also very dangerous to complete the journey of cultivation!"

"So this is ah?"

"My God, I thought that cultivation of immortals would be carefree. It turned out that I also wanted to fight people. I was afraid of death..."

"Afraid of wool, as long as you have enough strength to go out, you don't have to be afraid, just like playing a game. You have accumulated enough strength, and then go out to brush monsters, no...."

While discussing, Li Qing entered the teleportation array.

In the process of Li Qing's transmission, he got stuck for a while, and then, in the scene of the live broadcast room, an incomparably vast playing field appeared.

"Wow, what a big, big ring?"

"This is ten times bigger than our football field?"

"It seems a lot of people, this voice is a bit noisy!"

"My God, this house is so big, are you afraid of falling?"

"Isn't the dwelling of the fairy people what we mortals can think of, don't take the scientific one to explain what!"

"Looking at such a big house, I have no waves in my heart, and I even have the urge to swell..."

"You're the house, too, and the wind is down!"

At this time, because it was morning, there was no one on the big ring, Li Qing went directly to the small ring, found the referee, and explained that his intention was to accept the challenge from Shi Gang.

"Okay, is this time?"

The referee was also impressed with Li Qing. After all, there are very few newcomers who challenge that high ranking. The most important thing is that he won the battle casually in both games.

Wait ten minutes...

When Shi Gang arrives, he obviously wakes up, his eyes drowsy.


Until I saw Li Qing, my eyes suddenly lighted up and I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

Li Qing is puzzled.

"I laugh because I am happy, because, today I have to let you know what it means to insult yourself!"

"Oh, is it? Then, I will wait and see!"

Seeing Shi Gang, the water friends in the broadcast room also knew that this is Li Qing’s opponent today.

So everyone cheered for Li Biao.

"Relax, with more than 1 million of you cheering, I certainly can't lose!" Li Qing blinked his left eye and showed a confident smile in the live broadcast room.

Another wave of screams from female fans.

"It's so handsome, anchor, I want to give you a monkey!"

"Master fairy, people want to love your teachers and students!"

"Master, let Tu'er make elephants for you. They have round buttocks, they are peach shaped..."

The bold love of the female water friends is to make those male water friends envious and jealous.

Li Qing did not pay attention to these, at this time, he had already entered the ring at the referee's signal.

"and many more!"

Just when the referee signaled to start, Li Qing suddenly shouted.

"How? Do you want to ask me for mercy, or admit defeat?" Shi Gang asked suspiciously.

"No, I want you to introduce yourself again!" Li Qingwei smiled.

Now, he is broadcasting live, of course, he has to do his best for the effect of the live broadcast, you know, this is also a good opportunity to earn merit.

He also thought that through this battle, more people would feel the different places of his live broadcast, knowing the power after the cultivation.


Shi Gang was a little angry, but thinking of this as a rule on the ring, he could only speak reluctantly.

"Shi Gang, Shuangyangzhou people! My pair of axes is named "Dragon Axe", which can increase the degree of increase in spells..."

"Li Qing, Earthman, Feijian "Nameless"..."

"Well, inferior people, I remember, today, I will let you inferior people know that I am amazing!"

Shi Gang said, seeing the referee's signal, he waved his double axe.


The ground of the ring protrudes several feet one meter high, like a thorny stone.

In the live room...

At first, all the water friends didn't understand what is meant by "inferior people", so a lot of people played barrage, and asked what was the situation, which was a bit angry.

But to wait for more, I was shocked by the situation in front of me.

"Quickly, is this a spell?"

"I wiped it, suddenly came this way, and if I got the following, wouldn't my chicken break!"

"Are you okay, you are a man, if you give the old lady a bit, my God, wouldn't I go directly to heaven..."

Uh, it turns out that there are not only female water friends but also female drivers in the live broadcast room.



"Don't barrage, watch carefully, look carefully!"

When he waved his axe, Li Qing's heart burst into darkness, and when he felt the abnormal shape of his aura, he jumped suddenly.

So The stone thorn protrudes under his feet, and his flying sword also appears at the same time, shooting at Shi Gang.

"Useless, I have already thought about ways to restrain your flying sword!"

When Shi Gang saw this, he wasn't surprised and surprised, only to see that he actually crossed the axe, and then when the flying sword was about to stab, he used the lower ends of the two axes to buckle directly.

Artists are bold!

If he moves a little slower, if there is no lock, the sword will be accepted in the chest. However, it seems that he is also a battle-hardened trick, and actually locked the flying sword.

"Now, you have no weapons? Hahaha..."

Shi Gang laughed proudly in heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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