My Super God QQ

Chapter 536: Finally, you're done, live broadcast

Li Qing is not a person who gave up lightly, otherwise, he might have been stabbed to death by a small scar in the school toilet.

"If you are not assured, you can take the magic weapon or contract that can bind the oath..." Li Qing has also heard of such things in some novels.

"Styx blood contract? That's expensive..."

Sure enough!

Li Qing thought: "How expensive?"

"About ten thousand stars!"

Ten thousand stars, that is ten million contribution points!

Astronomical figures!

Li Qing was shocked on the spot.

"Uh, I don't have so many stars!" Li Qing said distressedly.

"Your Wannian Hengbing appraisal is like this!" Hua Banrong said with certainty.

"Ha ha ha, it turns out that your purpose is still my piece of everlasting ice!" Li Qing froze, and then laughed: "OK, then what do you say?"

"The Stygian Blood Contract is priced at 10,000 star stones, and your ten thousand years of Hengbing will continue to be auctioned. At that time, if the price is higher than 10,000 star stones, I will return the extra star stones. To you."


Li Qing agreed.

But, just after he agreed, he remembered a new question.

That is, if he sells Wannian Hengbing, then where can he buy the void spirit stone?

Reluctantly, Li Qing could only make an excuse and ran to the toilet, and then cut a slap-shaped piece of Wannian Hengbing to sell to Han Banrong.

"Ah, you still, still... there is another piece!"

Hua Hanrong opened her mouth as big as the mouth of the box, and she froze at once, then she swallowed two or three saliva, as if it was dry in her throat, and it was full of excitement.

"Yes, I just got two pieces at the beginning. In this case, can your Void Spirit Stone sell me?"

"OK!" Immediately, she asked the next man to bring the Stygian Blood Contract: "You go to the shopkeeper and take out the Stygian Blood Contract."


Because this Stygian blood contract is very precious, it may be difficult to find the place to save it, and it will be sent after about ten minutes.

This is something like a scroll of sheepskin. It looks very old, with a long-lasting taste.

"The Styx is a river that runs through the three realms of the heavens, the earth and the earth, and it is used as a blood contract. As long as you have blood and soul on your body, you will be limited by it. Now, senior, please take it and swear it with blood! "She slowly opened the scroll.

There was light blooming in the scroll, which became brighter and brighter as it opened.

"Senior, you are dripping blood in quickly, you can't fully unfold, otherwise, with my strength, I'm afraid you will be hurt!" She was almost closed by the light piercing her eyes, nervous and authentic.

"it is good!"

Li Qing did not dare to neglect, dripping the blood of his fingertips on the scroll, and muttered in a low voice: "I swear here, I will never reveal the things about Wanbaozhai and the Void Spirit Stone, otherwise, if the sky strikes, it will not die. !"

Suddenly, as soon as the blood dripped, the scroll was hidden by the red light, slowly dimming again, and gradually disappearing.

Seeing this, Hua Banrong and Li Qing were relieved at the same time.

"Okay, can you tell me about the void spirit stone now?" Li Qing asked anxiously.

"Do you need an ultra-long-distance teleportation matrix, or just the void spirit stone?"

"Ah, do you guys still sell?"

"Of course, a complete set of magic circle can sell a higher price. However, you are afraid that the money is not enough!" Hua Banrong said: "Because the void spirit stone is really too scarce, only the ancient battlefield can be found, then Coupled with the strict control of Xingmeng, almost no one dared to sell it. To put it bluntly, the entire Star Nest, I am afraid that we, Wanbaozhai, have such strength to make it into a telematrix."

"how much is it?"

"One hundred thousand star stones!"

One hundred thousand star stones!

Exchanged for contribution points is 100 million.

Li Qing finally knows why some people said that the list of people was not the real rich list, because he did not see such a rich person on the rich list!

Then, there is only one possibility, that is, most people have no money, and all the contribution points are replaced with star stones.

In fact, Li Qing himself does not know what 100 million contribution points represent! I am afraid that in the entire Star Alliance, only those powerful people in the realm of the realm can have it, such as the elders of the Star Alliance or the star owners...

"I think about it! How to make money!"

Li Qing has a headache.

He didn't mean to take out the whole piece of Everlasting Ice.

However, things are rare, and if he takes out the whole piece of ice for ten thousand years, he is afraid that he will lose half of his value.

"Let you sell things first! I think about it!"

Li Qing finally said so.

"Okay, this is the receipt we gave you. Please receive it. At that time, do you want to go to the auction to see the price of Wannian Hengbing you sold?"

"No, I believe you!"

"Okay, the stone tablet you sold was 7,000 star stones. The magic weapon and elixir you bought and the material are 5,500 star stones. You still have 1,500 star stones here. The deduction fee is more than 1,200. There are also musical notes. If it is sold, I will notify you to pick up the Star Stone."

Hearing this, Li Qing was secretly happy.

Knowledge is power and wealth!

Recognizing the money sold by the stele, I didn't expect to buy all the orders he had here.

So, he took these stars and receipts and left. When he left, two pieces of ten thousand years old ice were placed there.

Today, Li Qing's net worth has more than 3,200 stars.

More than 3,200, converted into contribution points, Li Qing also has 3.2 million contribution points.


"Uncle Zhengdong, I have taken the Buddha's Heart Lotus Seed."

As soon as Li Qing left the auction house, he directly found Tian Dan Shi Zhengdong.

"You really found it?" Zheng Dong didn't expect Li Qing to find it so quickly: "Okay, give me ten days, and I will give you the Elixir!"

Li Qing promised to see that he was still busy, so he left his home and returned to his home.

Once back, Jie Yu was busy decorating his house.

Li Qing told her what she had to do, and Jie Yuxi was all at ease: "Can the antidote be done so quickly?"


Li Qing said happily that although the process was too cumbersome and tiring, but finally everything was about to be completed.

"Will you connect them then?"

"Uh, I'll talk about it later! In addition, I have one more thing, I want to discuss with you!"

"You said~"

Looking at the little man in front of him, Jie Yu's beautiful eyes are all satisfied, this is his own man!

It has only been a long time since I came to the realm, and it may have been more than a month. So many things have been done, and my heels have been deeply rooted in the realm.

What she didn't know is that if Li Qing had a qq system, there would be no way to accomplish so many things.

"Indeed, you have considered it well. If you take out Wannian Hengbing all at once, the price will definitely be greatly reduced. However, the aunt's illness can't be delayed..."

"Yes! This is really annoying!"

The mother's illness is the most important.

"Otherwise, sell it!" Jie Yu suggested: "Thousands of gold are scattered and come back, talent is the most important."

"it is good!"

Li Qing thought out and took out the notes,

Through the phonetic notes, Li Qing told the story that he had a huge piece of Heng Bing for thousands of years.

Hua Banrong was silent there for a long time, and was obviously frightened by Li Qing's generosity. It took about ten seconds before he dumbly returned the word "Oh."

According to Hua Banrong to discuss with Li Qing.

Li Qing told her the She said that if 10,000 years of Hengbing could be sold in batches, it would be possible to sell more than 300,000 star stones after a long time, and if it was necessary once If it is sex, it may be more than one hundred thousand stars.

In other words, enough to change their teleportation circle.


Li Qing immediately agreed.

"Okay, by then, I will ask the headquarters to send the teleportation team. This may take a month. I wonder if you can wait?"

"A month? Why does it take so long?"

"Because our headquarters is relatively far away, in order to prevent the transmission array from being stolen and stealing those treasures, so..."

Well, Li Qing understood this when he heard this. He must be right when he had difficulties. He could only agree.

Soon after a month, only wait.

After doing this, Li Qing finally let go of something.

Following behind Jie Yu, watching her decorate the house for about two or three hours, suddenly he remembered another important thing.

It is to broadcast live, to cultivate the earth to cultivate people.

Yes, at this time, Huaxia's time is almost eight o'clock!

Li Qing immediately opened the live broadcast.


A few hours ago, Huaxia...

The story of Li Qingkai's live broadcast has already spread all over the internet, and is still spreading out in his life.

There are news reports that this is a scam.

There is also news that this will become a national cultivation and change the earth!

Anyway, as soon as I surfed the Internet, people were discussing this "Comprehensive Live Broadcasting Room".

It was so hot that it exploded soon!

Seeking recommendation tickets! Free recommendation tickets, and monthly tickets, do any brothers send monthly tickets this month? Give it to Li Qing, when you get on the bus and buy a ticket, okay, hey, lick and ask for shamelessly~

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