My Super God QQ

Chapter 530: Surprise from the live broadcast system

Tie Puzi was ready to apply oil on the soles of his feet, and the thief looked around, and walked out, fearing that he might be discovered.

The more so, the more striking he is.

At least, Li Qing noticed this funny scene.

"Tie Puzi, where are you going!"

Suddenly, Li Qing shouted loudly, and the old voice rang throughout the audience, overshadowing the half-spirited rhetoric that was rushing for the auction.

The scene was quiet.


Tiepu may be too nervous, causing his legs to be soft, and when he is scared, he hooks to the foot chair and falls to the ground.

By the time he got up again, that face was already stained with half of the dust, which was extremely embarrassing.


"Wow haha……"


His embarrassment caused a big laugh.

Everyone was pointing at him, so embarrassed that Tiepuzi almost didn't directly hit the ground with his head, to see if he could get in.

"Me, where do I go..."

He said furiously, originally wanting to say where I am going to deal with your fart, however, thinking of the legend, his heart shivered and he did not dare to speak.

That's how people are!

What I think of is the most horrible thing.

It's a bit difficult to ride a tiger! How to do? !

"Master Tie Puzi, are you going to the toilet?" Fortunately, Hua Hanrong said at the moment.

He nodded hurriedly and ran to the toilet.

So, it took Hua Banrong an apology to Li Qing's Box No. 3, looking for understanding.

Li Qing understands that this is the other party pleading with him, letting go of the iron puppets, thinking about the young woman of this surname as being favored by herself and giving her the VIP token, Li Qing smiled and said nothing.

To be honest, Tie Puzi really hates it, but he also cracked his face. Presumably, his reputation has also been defeated today, so it doesn’t matter if he is killed or not, let alone The original love.

After the laughter, the auction continued.

"The next auction is a panacea named "Bu Lao Xian Dan". Although it does not have the reputation of "Bu Lao Shen Pill", it can also be used for a life of 120 years. The base price is 1,000 stars! There should be no less than ten star stones."

Immortal pill is obviously much easier to use than dazzling red face pill, the price is naturally many times more expensive.

Li Qing was overjoyed and didn't want to lose the dazzling beauty, but it was another kind of immortality.

This time, he is bound to win.

"I gave out one thousand and one hundred stars!"

"One thousand and two hundred!"

"Two thousand pieces!" Li Qing said directly.

Two thousand pieces came out, and everyone paused and did not bid any more.

It wasn’t long before someone shouted, "Two hundred and one hundred!"

"Two thousand five hundred!"

Li Qingyijia is another four hundred stars.

Maybe it was because of Li Qingcai's rudeness, or maybe he didn't dare to offend the 10,000-year-old monster, and no one bid.

So, Li Qing easily won this immortal in the eyes of everyone.

Hua Hanhuan's eyes flashed with surprise, although it is a pity, but think about this unpredictable predecessor also added a lot of color to the auction, no longer think about it.

"Congratulations to VIP No. 3 in the box is an immortal."

After Li Qing obtained this elixir, someone else sent him up.

The bottle containing the fairy pill is a white bottle of condensed fat. When the wooden stopper is opened, a scent that is a bit like a person participating in the fragrance of flowers rushes into the nose.

"It has been out for so long, my mother must like this gift..."

Li Qing thought.

"Okay, next, the auction is a blind potion, Buddha's Heart Lotus Seed!"

Li Qing must also have access to this thing.

So, he spent another 2,000 stars, that is, two million contribution points, and took it down. The process was quite smooth, and there was no accident.

Fortunately, it would be ten thousand years of Heng Bing to sell the stele, otherwise, Li Qing's original net worth was not enough to buy these.

Looking at a bottle of immortality and a jade box, Li Qing was relieved.

Mother's illness finally fell, leaving a big rock in his heart.

The auction is still going on, Li Qing did not expect that Wanbaozhai is so powerful, actually an auction can have so many commodities.

More than one hundred pieces? Still going on.

"Next, a star stone was auctioned. This star stone was excavated from an old pit on the ancient battlefield. Everyone knows that the star stone in the old pit is of the best quality. Items, so now is the time to fight luck. The starting piece of this star stone is a thousand star stones, and the price increase must not be less than 100 star stones at a time."

Xing Yuanshi?

Li Qing was stunned, recalling the information of Xing Yuanshi, which was obvious.

Speaking of this, the original stone is a bit like the original stone sold in Yunnan, China, except for the original stone sold in Yunnan. After the "dissolving stone", it is generally trying to guess how big the jade in it is. It's still jade or ordinary jade.

The star stone here may contain star stone or spirit stone. According to rumors, there may also be elixir or magic weapon.

Why are there fairy medicines and magic weapons?

Because the ancient battlefield is a very old, but legendary battlefield, the battlefield here is hundreds of thousands of years, there are people fighting in this battle.

Some people and people, some people and monsters, and all kinds of lives have been killed here.

When a person dies, things on the body will naturally fall, so after many years of wind and rain, and geological changes, it may change to the ground or be enclosed in ore.

Of course, it is only possible. Most of the Xingyuan stones are still star and spirit stones.

"What a big star stone! Can't there be a big star stone in it?"

"If it's a big piece, it will be developed!"

"It's really big, and I'm all tall! My God, won't it be deceiving?"

"If there are too many stars and stones, then this price is not impossible!"


Everyone on the VIP seat whispered.

To avoid suspicion, Hua Banrong had to explain: "This star stone has been identified by a professional star stone expert, and the mined star stone has at least a fist size. As for other things, he dare not dare determine……"

Li Qing looked at the original stone, which is as high as one!

so big!

In the outer layer, you can clearly see the unique star burst of the star stone, otherwise, it is a gray stone layer.

It’s so big that it’s not as big as a fist. It must be that the appraiser is afraid of appraisal and is afraid to overestimate.

"I didn't expect this cultivation realm, there is also the saying of Jie Shi, it's really good. I thought, at the beginning, I also watched the anchor live broadcast on the earth to go to Jie Shi, after the green..."


Live broadcast!

Li Qing suddenly thought of broadcasting this thing.

In particular, he remembered qq live.

Immediately, he wanted to open a QQ live broadcast, try to use the qq mobile phone to broadcast the strange auction in front of him.

As for whether it will cause a sensation?

who cares!

Li Qing didn't have that interest.

"Hello, welcome the host to enter the QQ live broadcast function..."

As soon as Li Qing entered, he was prompted by the qq system.

Then Li Qing discovered that there are additional functions beside this function.

"Oh my God……"

Looking at these functions, Li Qing's eyes grew bigger and bigger.

This is also the first time he knows that the live broadcast can still play like this.

If you already know what panda to play, just play the live broadcast of the system.


Li Qing started this live broadcast for the first time, and also thought that QQ live broadcast had never been used before. It was a huge surprise.

Additional function, the first item: "popularity".

If the popularity reaches "one million", you can exchange for "one thousand" merit value, which can be used to exchange goods in qq mall.

If the popularity reaches "10 million", the value of "ten thousand" merits can be exchanged

If the popularity reaches "100 million", it will be worth 100,000 merits.

If the popularity reaches "1 billion", one million merit points can be exchanged.

"Why is it possible for you to get merit value when you watch the live broadcast? My live broadcast is helpful to them?" Li Qing thought very puzzled. The intention of this qq system was very puzzling.

It is worth merit, if there is one million, Li Qing thinks of the future smart city!

The second item is "gift".

Li Qing’s gift renminbi, as long as it reaches one million yuan, can be exchanged for a hundred merit values.

At this point, Li Qing was very angry and almost didn't want to watch it again.

Only 10 million for a star, how many gifts can people who watch live broadcast give?

The third item...

The third item is to ask for a recommendation. Hahaha, remember to read the vote afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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