My Super God QQ

Chapter 514: Not convinced! Complain!

It looks a little ordinary, really like ordinary grass, however, if you look closely, you will find that when it swings and swings, there will be a starry flash in the grass.

This is the fairy medicine "Continued Demon Grass".

Through it, many elixirs can be refined, and the most famous one is the "blood vein dan".

The meaning of "Blood Vessel Pill" is that some spirit beasts or people who have broken their blood lineage will inherit and reproduce it after serving this pill.

Even the most common "Broken Jade Pill" produced by refining can connect people with limbs, viscera, and viscera. It is a must-have medicine for those who are seriously injured.

"Put you in the jade box, you can't run now! Hahaha..."

Li Qing stuffed it into it.

The jade box gradually exhaled the cold, freezing it to prevent the drug's volatilization and dissipation. It may be that the temperature is low, and within ten seconds, it will be quiet, as if falling into hibernation.

In this way, Li Qing appeared on Skull Island again and sent it back to the Hall of Herbal Medicine.

Herbal Medicine Hall...

When Li Qing appeared, Lin Guanshi's mouth suddenly became uncontrollable, with a contemptuous and yin-yang whisper in his eyes: "Yo, this is not the medicine that hasn't been collected in a few days, should you break the record, Li Qing?"

Li Qing sneered, he was almost used to the sarcasm and sarcasm of this guy, and it was as bad as a crow. One day, Lin Lin did not speak, but Li Qing would feel strange.

Upon hearing the sharp and high words of Lin Guanshi, a lot of female disciples in the temple gathered their eyes.

"Li Qing? He is the shameless guy you often say?"

A female disciple asked curiously.

In addition to her, there are still a few days who have not come to pick medicine, or the new female disciples are unknown.

Immediately, someone introduced Li Qing's "ambition" with implied jealousy and mockery.

Unlike at the beginning, most of them no longer simply looked down on Li Qing, but were jealous. They did not believe that Li Qing could break the record, so he used his mouth to vent this kind of jealousy.

Listening to these words, Li Qing's heart is blocked!

Yeah, it's all such irritable stuff!

"Trouble you, help me to record, this is a fairy medicine!"

So Li Qing patted the jade box on the table vigorously, overshadowing everyone's discussion.

In this way, the hall was a little quieter.

"Oh~ The harvest was good this time, and Zhubao medicine was also picked!" Lin Guanshi was slightly shocked, but said on the surface that he was pretending to be calm.

"Sorry, it seems like a fairy medicine, you heard it wrong!"

"Ah! Immortal medicine?"

Lin Guanshi suddenly stunned, unbelievably stared at the huge, looking into the jade box, his eyes wide open as if to fill the world.

However, what she saw was a small black grass.

This small grass looks like the one commonly seen on the roadside, except that it is black.

She was surprised and suspicious, and she laughed when she saw this.

"I said, Li Qing, Li Qing, I have always been very optimistic about you. Why? I've been watching most of the month's time. I'm afraid I can't break the record, so I want to use the weed fish to mix beads? I'm sorry, I'm not old dizzy, even I’m willing to help you. The people who check the records above can’t get through it!"

"Please take a good look at the troubles!" Li Qing said coldly.

He began to wonder if this guy intentionally treated his fairy medicine as weeds.

"I already know...Forget it, who knows to take those elixir out of this medicine collection hall, will it be discovered, or not risked as well!"

Such thoughts flashed in Li Qing's heart.


He had also thought about taking this fairy grass as his own, but he didn't want to take risks first. Who knows, is there any magic weapon like monitoring in the gate of this medicine collection hall.

"He said take a good look?! Is this really a fairy medicine?" Lin Guanshi saw Li Qing so confident, and he was shaken in his heart, and searched the clue of this fairy medicine again in his mind.

For stewardship, their essential skill is the type of elixir.

ten minutes later……

Searching for fruitless, she was angry, feeling that Li Qing was playing with her, her eyebrows were slightly raised, and she shouted loudly: "This is obviously a weed! Li Qing, you are playing me, you are deceiving the governor, don’t you? Do you know that this is a serious sin in Star Alliance?!"


In an instant, Li Qing was ashamed to see her thunderously drinking.

He checked this medicine, it is indeed fairy grass!

Li Qing was in a state of ignorance, but the entire hall was coaxed together.

"Dare to be too fat! How dare you use weeds to trick things?"

"Weed, poof, laugh to me! This little brother is really creative!"

"Haha, just use Zhubao medicine to cheat, and maybe get through the tricks, and actually use weeds, I really don't know how to evaluate him! Silly~ Unfortunately, he looks pretty handsome."

"In other words, this is also a good way! Fish eyes are mixed, maybe it will pass!"

"Then the elixir you have never seen is possible unless you find the elixir classic!"

"Yes, this is a routine, a conspiracy!"

"Oh, is the fairy medicine so good? It's really eye-opening today!"


For a time, everyone in the hall looked at Li Qing with contempt, ridiculous or funny.

Seeing this woman is really angry, her expression does not seem to be fake, Li Qing thought: "Does it say that after a long period of time, this celestial monster grass is no longer the level of fairy medicine, then why did the classics write Yes? No, no, it must be because there is no record in the elixir book of this medicine collection hall! Yes, it must be so!"

Li Qingsi explained this quickly: "Lin Guanshi, I didn't lie to you, this medicine is really fairy grass! Could it be that we have forgotten the record in the Xingmeng elixir classics?"

"If it's really a fairy grass, why is there no record, ridiculous! Just take a weed, just want to cheat a record to break, how could it be so easy!"

"Tamad, have you seen..." Li Qing was also angry, and was a little bit speechless: "Have you ever seen such a strong weed? Have you opened the jade box a little and feel it?" ?"

Lin Guanshi opened the jade box suspiciously.

Not to mention, she really felt the strong smell of the medicine. The medicine was a bit bitter, but it smelled refreshing.

"But, I really haven't seen this kind of fairy medicine in the classics!" She still didn't believe it.

"In the classics of Star Alliance, you dare to guarantee that all the fairy medicines are really recorded?!"

"Eight, eight and nine are not separated from ten!" she said, but the tone was full of deep self-confidence.

"Yes, you will say that eight or nine are inseparable, then please help me to find out whether this herbal medicine is a fairy medicine!"

"Where am I going to check! Well, anyway, this herbal medicine is not recorded, so it is treated as a superb elixir!" Lin Guanshi originally didn't like Li Qing very much.

She is preparing to use this to retaliate Li Qing's disrespect for her!

If it was changed to someone else, she might even apply to it and ask a master medicine refiner to take a look. But Li Qing, hehe, can only be sorry.

"No!" Li Qing shouted: "This is definitely more than the ultimate elixir level!"

"Treasure medicine? Haha, sorry, who left the classics undocumented, I can only give you the location of the superb elixir! Don't say, I still feel more!"


Li Qing's forehead and blue muscles burst, which was a double rib fire, rushing from the abdomen to the lungs, to the brain, and angered the crown!

This is a fairy medicine that he spent a lot of energy and only a lot of brain cells died!

For this, how much time he spent and how many times he was beaten!

how can!

How can I succumb to her YIN prestige and be taken away as a super medicine!

He is not reconciled!

But what if you are not reconciled?

The other party is in charge of this project, Li Qing really has nowhere to go.

"Let, let, let me trouble you, let me let it go..."

Seeing that Lin Guanshi was going to send Li Qing away with the definition of superb elixir, suddenly, there was a girl from the teleportation array, entered the medicine collection hall, and went to the medicine identification department.

The girl looked beautiful and held a pill box in her hand. With a look of excitement, Li Qing felt very familiar.

"For Lin Guanshi, I picked up a treasure medicine, Azure Po Lin!"

"Ah, really?"

Lin Guanshi said in surprise: "Hurry and show me!"

The girl opened the jade box and a lotus flower appeared like a jade.

It has nine petals, and each leaf has a cyan color. Apart from the leaves floating, the cyan color among the leaves actually moves, which is extremely beautiful.

"Sure enough, it's Celestine Po Lin! Okay, let me write it down for you..." Lin Guanshi was overjoyed and put Li Qing's fairy medicine aside for the young girl. When Li Qing couldn't help but sneered, "I see it, this is the treasure medicine, I am afraid that this appearance can be turned into a fairy medicine in a few hundred years! Your medicine is said to be a fairy medicine, it is simply It insulted the word Xian Yao."

"Wow! It's beautiful!"

"It really looks good!"

"This is what a fairy medicine should look like, This Li Qing is so interesting, actually take a strain of black grass to overcharge."

For a time, the female disciples in the entire temple were attracted by the treasure medicine.

Looking at this treasure medicine, they also subconsciously compared Li Qing's Continuing Demon Grass.

That kind of feeling, that tone is like saying, hello, Li Qing, if you see it, this might be a fairy medicine, just forget about your broken grass!

The sharp contrast between the two is obvious.

Li Qing was so speechless!

He hates dying bureaucracy!

"No, I can't let this be a big loss. Li Qing can eat everything, but I can't lose! Since this forest manager wants to overwhelm people, I will sue her!" Li Qing was angry, thinking of Star Alliance Of Zhongzao.

As long as there are grievances or opinions on the Star Alliance's agency personnel, you can complain there.

Yes, complain to her!

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