My Super God QQ

Chapter 506: Meet Dao Feng

"Don't be bragging? This cowhide can be blown away!"

"What kind of person is that elder star, joke, I don't believe it, he can know!"

"Braggs don't make drafts!"

"The big guys care about you? It's ridiculous!"

The teammates who were not far behind Li Qing whispered, some did not believe it, and some were jealous, so they chose not to believe it. Anyway, they did not believe Li Qing could know a star elder.

They are more willing to believe that Li Qing is looking for a card for himself and giving himself a face.

"Then there is no way. Originally, I wanted to ask you if Dragon Scale could sell it to me! However, I didn't expect you to be so generous and send it away as soon as you shot, hey~" Dao Feng looked sad.

When Li Qing heard it, he knew he had misunderstood it.

"Hehe~ Brother may not know, when I entered the star's nest, I was almost turned upside down and caught in the star prison. It was the elder who saved me. The grace of dripping water, when Yongquan reported, a dragon scale was worth it. What!" Li Qing explained with a smile, otherwise, I didn't know that I thought Li Qing wanted to hug someone's thighs.

Dao Feng was stunned before he could understand it, because he misunderstood others. Along with it, Li Qingsheng had a good impression and laughed.

"Indeed, people have to know that Entu Bao, you can give away such treasures as dragon scales, okay, I recognize you friend, ha ha ha..."

Li Qing nodded.

Don’t make a smile when you reach out!

Everyone said this, Li Qing can only clenched his fists and said: "Brother Dao Feng was willing to lend me the animal storage bag, I had already regarded Brother Dao Feng as a friend. Just sorry, I haven't been a beast master assistant , So our bet cannot be settled yet..."

Dao Feng seemed to have forgotten about it, and he only patted his head when he heard it: "If you don't say, I'll forget it! Hahaha, since we are friends now, even if we gamble!"

"No, I still believe that I can use the dragon ant to make something out!" Li Qing said seriously.

"Okay, okay!"

Dao Feng nodded with a smile.

"No, Li Qing, did you catch the dragon ant and come back, do you want to use the dragon ant to refine it?" Coach Chen couldn't help but insert it.

"Yes, coach."

"I know that the dragon ant has a little blood left by the green dragon, but that is only a little, not to mention that the dragon ant is so small, it can't make much trouble, many beastmasters have failed! Hey, you Don’t worry about it. With this exercise, you can practice as much as possible!” Coach Chen persuaded.

"Coach, thank you for your persuasion, but I still believe I can!" Li Qing insisted on his own thoughts.

"Why not go to heaven, ha ha ha!"

"Dragon ant, I have heard that he actually wants to do things that the beastmaster can't do. I said this guy is so confident. Where did he come from..."

"Arrogant, hehe~"

"The ignorant are fearless!"

Li Qing's teammates talked coldly.

Li Qing was used to this, so he didn't say anything.

But Dao Feng has been listening to them squeaking in the back, it can't stand it!


Suddenly, a strong coercive pressure from Dao Feng rushed to the past, scaring them tremblingly and afraid to speak again.

"Brother Feng Dao doesn't need to be angry. People's mouths grow on others. I just want to say that I will prove my actions!" Li Qing's eyes exuded strong confidence.


Having a super QQ and not confident yet, it would be better to go home and farm.

"Good, hahaha!"

Dao Feng laughed.

He appreciates Li Qing more and more, but Coach Chen is still full of doubts. He always feels that Li Qing cares about those who are deserted. But turning to think about it, Li Qing's current identity brand, with more than 70,000 contribution points, is suddenly speechless.

"Let's go and drink with me, as if I met your friend and celebrate that I won another opponent who wants to challenge me!"

Dao Feng invited Li Qingdao.

"it is good!"

Li Qing nodded.

No need to ask, Coach Chen directly approved, let Li Qing go first.

He also hoped that Li Qing would be good. Naturally, Li Qing could deliver this kind of motivated genius.

Finally, Li Qing looked around the room and saw that Joey seemed to want to go too, looking like she was looking forward to her.

In this way, Li Qing and Dao Feng left, leaving behind a lot of envious jealous eyes.

That is, when Dao Feng left, they began to think again.

"I don't know what luck he's gone, I can actually know the top ten masters!"

"That is, it seems that the masters of the earth list don't have much vision when they actually make friends with others!"

"Hey, but, after making such a master, someone in the Xingmeng is covering it! Change to me, I want it too!"

"What are you talking about, will you chat!"

Coach Chen was also annoying to listen, and simply didn't explain anything, let them disperse.

So, he left.

"Li Qing, it seems that this kid has excellent luck and good luck! This kid has a limitless future!" Coach Chen thought so while walking.


There are still many taverns in the city, and the decoration is very high-end.

Along the way, Joey apparently still admires the top ten of this list of masters, constantly looking at Dao Feng curiously, but he dare not talk to him.

Because Dao Feng's murderousness is too heavy!

Joey on the ground didn't dare to talk nonsense, as if he would be killed if he said the wrong thing.

Instead, Li Qing and Dao Feng had a great conversation.

It is understood that Li Qing knows Dao Feng's character and is also that kind of heroic. However, this is only for his friends, if it is cruel to others.

In the tavern...

After a bunch of good dishes and wine, three people drank.

"Brother Dao Feng, please!"

Li Qing picked up the cup and respected it first.

Younger than others, and lower in strength than the other party, of course it must be like this.

"Don't call me brother again, in the future, just call your brother!" Dao Feng pretended to be angry.

"Then I'm respectful and obedient, brother!"

"Good, ha ha ha! Come, drink!"

The two drank together.

Dao Feng was also curious about which elder Li Qing knew, until Li Qing mentioned Hedingtian.

Suddenly, Dao Feng couldn't help but exclaim.

It seems that Hedingtian's strength is also well-known in Xingmeng, but he just went out for many years, which is a bit faint, but Dao Feng admires Hedingtian very much, so when Li Qing must take him Listen to the teachings of this old senior.

Li Qing nodded: "If there is a chance, I will take my brother with me!"


The three were drinking and eating vegetables, and Li Qing didn't leave the city until very late.

This time, Li Qing was not stupid. He directly replaced his individual with a colorful mask and walked out of the city gate to avoid trouble.

Be careful not to overdo it!

Not to mention Li Qinggang went out with a different appearance and saw someone guarding the gate.

These people will carefully look at each one that came out, Li Qing quietly glanced at the sheepskin roll on their hands.

Sure enough, the person on the picture is him!

It seems that Zilong is still in trouble with him!

Li Qing is also convinced, how can he get such a perverted pervert, once he can't block people, he still has to block.

It's just that Li Qing doesn't know that this is a trivial matter. Now Zilong's main goal is to find a long-haired woman, but he is destined to work hard!

"By the way, if there is time tomorrow, go to the Refiners Association to see! However, the goal should still be on the medicine collection. The record of the medicine collection is one month, three high-level elixir, two treasures, There is a fairy’s harder than a fairy medicine, and the rest should be fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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