My Super God QQ

Chapter 503: Heaven and Earth 3


In the end, Li Qing can only give himself a reluctant explanation, that is, the strength improvement caused by his physical and mental pleasure.

It was a bit shameful, but there was no other reason.

"It's dawn, do you want to train?"

One night, Jie Yu was tossed and broken. When he woke up, he felt soft all over, and his bones were all broken, lazy, but worried about authenticity.

"Yes indeed!"

Li Qing photographed his head before thinking of it. He didn't go to training yesterday, and he didn't know if he would be scolded by Coach Chen.

He hurried back to the city, Li Qing saw Joey in the dormitory building.

"Where did you go, why didn't you come to training? You don't know, Coach Chen is so angry, and he still uses the phonetic note to contact you, you didn't answer it!"

Li Qing remembered that after stabbing himself, he had been on the third floor of QQ Book City yesterday.

It seems that the role of diacritical marks cannot be transmitted to the QQ system.

"What happened then?"

Li Qing was a little flustered and asked quickly.

"He said that when you come back, you have to make you eat ten trees as a punishment!"



"dare you laugh!"

"Fool you!"

Joey laughed more like a belly.

In this way, Li Qing realized that he was amused by this girl and shook her head after a bitter smile.

"Did the coach say anything?"

"I didn't say, I don't know if it was the reason for your absence. I didn't say anything or did anything yesterday, so let's dissolve it!" After she finished, she looked at Li Qing with envy.

Obviously, she knew that Li Qing was favored by Coach Chen.

Correct! Isn’t this the key training?

Actually, because Li Qing was not there, he wouldn't train, just look at Leopard, and one can see that he valued Li Qing enough.

"Oh, that's good~"

"Let's get together, the time is coming!"

Li Qing nodded, and the two returned to the training ground together.


"Today, I want to take you to a place!"

On the playground, Coach Chen glanced at the audience and finally saw Li Qing, glaring at him and preaching.

"Coach, where are you going?"

A member of the team asked.

"There are three rankings in the world!"

"Heaven and Earth?"

Some unknown team members wondered.

And the players who knew it were all plain, and they wanted to come to see the three rankings.


Li Qing has heard about it too, but he is too busy. He hasn’t been to know about picking medicine.

"Yes, the three rankings of Heaven, Earth and People. Only if you get on that list can you be regarded as the elite strength of our Star Alliance and the pride of our Star Alliance. Therefore, I hope that every new disciple I teach will be able to board. These three lists, no matter now or later. In that way, I will be proud of you!"

"Now, let's go!"

Coach Chen took the squad and set off for that place.

The "three list of heaven, earth and people" is said to be the most important place of Xingmeng.

Because, here is the evidence of the star alliance talents, it is also a kind of proof, a kind of glory.

As long as they are disciples in the Star League, no one does not want to be on this list, and the disciples who are on this list are also desperately climbing up.


Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second!

Everyone wants to leave a name on it!

Then, they must work hard to cultivate, otherwise one day they might be squeezed out of the list.

The location of the Three Rankings, located below the **** tower, proves that it is the "foundation of the **** tower", which means that with these talents, you can hold the **** tower and hold the meaning of the Star Alliance.

"so high……"

Li Qing also came to this place for the first time.

In fact, it is now that they are formal disciples before they can enter this place.

Looking at the tower towering into the clouds and not seeing the top, Li Qing couldn't help but marvel.

Compared to this tower, what is the Shanghai Tower in Huaxia? The Dubai Tower is almost weakly exploded.

The Burj Khalifa, or Burj Khalifa, is only more than 800 meters, but the height of the tower is far beyond.

There are even rumors that as long as you walk to the top of the tower, you can reach out and grab the stars. Of course, this is a folk joke, Li Qing knows what the stars are.

"Oh my God!"

"My God, it's so high, just climbing upstairs can exhaust people!"

"All the way up, this tower will not reach the upper realm, has the immortal world gone?"

"Is there air on it?"

All the young people in the team were amazed and issued various questions.

"Okay, the words of the God Pagoda, you are not qualified to go up, maybe one of you, for hundreds of years, or even a lifetime is not qualified to go up, so, let's come to see the three lists of Heaven and Earth people!" Coach Chen mercilessly attacked Road.

As he said, only the person with a certain identity can go up in this **** tower.

Well, you are in the Star Alliance, and you are in a high position, and you are entitled to the Star Alliance.

Well, you are a genius disciple, you can enter the tenth in the ranking, otherwise others want to enter, can not.

The three lists of heaven, earth and people are carved on the first floor wall of the tower.

The wall is about 80 meters high, with a total of 300 names and place names engraved!

In other words, each list has only one hundred.

Three lists, surrounding all the walls on the first floor.

The name on the list above is gleaming with gold, which gives Li Qing the feeling that the wall is not made of stone, but an LED screen.


Li Qing actually saw the name change on it. After one disappeared, the other name immediately replaced him in the original position.

As soon as the list changed, some disciples on the side watching at the same time would exclaim from time to time.

Most of these disciples are bored, come here to play, casual, and some are obviously instructed by someone. When they see some name change, they will change their face, and leave in a hurry. They should be the younger disciples of some world disciples.

"Shan Huxiong actually made the top 30!"

"Dan Huxiong's terrifying strength was actually beaten down by Huang Mu, my God!"

"Isn't Huangmu just in the 50s last time?"

"It must be thick and thin!"

"It's not impossible to have a great adventure and increase your strength!"

These disciples commented with envy and awe in their eyes. It is conceivable that most of the disciples who stay here every day cannot make it to the list, to see the lively.

Every time the name changes, there will be a heated discussion.

Each name change may also symbolize the future development trend of Xingmeng.

"This list is made by Xingmeng's most important magic weapon, named Zhutian Xingchen Change! It has countless operator magic weapons, as long as the magic weapon is transmitted to this, it will immediately change!" Coach Chen detailed for everyone Explain in detail.

"If you want to be on this leaderboard, you have to enter the game to compete in the heavens! There, besides being able to participate in the game, you can also bet, and you can also be noticed by many elders in the stars. Many of the elders in the League have generally existed for hundreds of thousands of years in the world. The cultivation resources they possess are beyond your imagination. As soon as you are accepted as a disciple, your strength will advance by leaps and bounds, and most of the disciples who enter the rankings, They all come here for this."

"Do you know the number of existing disciples in Xingmeng?"

Coach Chen explained at this point, and asked again.

All the players shook their heads one after another.

"Not just two hundred and three hundred thousand..." On the side, there was a lively third-class star who saw that these disciples were obviously newcomers, and they were also brought by the coach. They felt they would intervene when it was fun.

"To shut up!"

Coach Chen shouted.

He just remembered something, shut up, and looked awkward.


The new coach is actually in the Star League, although the level is not high, but it has a special status.

Because they have the task of training "newcomers" in Star League, as long as they are the disciples of Star League, many of them are brought out by these coaches, so these disciples may have deep feelings with these coaches.

Who knows, have they taken the top ten talented disciples of the leaderboard?

In that case, offending these coaches is equivalent to offending the arrogance of those days, with terrible consequences.

Not to mention, Xingmeng also has a clearly stipulated law, and all Xingmeng disciples must not interfere with the teaching of newcomers, otherwise they will be severely punished.

Seeing him shut up, Coach Chen continued to explain.

"A cultivation,000 small worlds, a total of 233,333!"

so many people?

Li Qing was shocked.

How many people are there on earth?

There are more than 200 million disciples in Xingmeng, which is terrifying.

It is no wonder that Xingmeng can dominate the entire cultivation world. With so many disciples, it means that the Xingmeng has huge beasts and how horrible the inside is. How can those Xiaozongmen be comparable?

Of course, Li Qing thought again afterwards.

It is not terrifying to have more than two hundred million people from three thousand small worlds.

The most horrible thing is that these people on the rankings actually surpassed 200 million people, stood out and became the elite among the elites.

You know, it is difficult to enter Star Alliance.

That requires excellent spiritual roots or Dao Ji to enter, that is, genius, and these people on the rankings can be called geniuses among geniuses.

"As long as you can be on this list, it is enough to prove your value, your glory, the glory of your hometown!"

"Coach, who is in front of the name?"

Li Qing asked Coach Chen.

"That's the hometown of the disciples on the leaderboard!"

Li Qing took a closer look and it was true.

Most of the names on the nine continents of the realm are written on it. Occasionally, a different place name can be seen.

It's just that the names of these areas are very, very few. Only by looking carefully can they be seen, and they are all ranked very low.

Now, Li Qing knows that they are probably all from the lower bound.

Looking at this scene, Li Qing thought of something and couldn't help but also raised an ambition.

That is, "One day, I will also put my name and the name of the earth on the top of this list!"


At that time, no one knew the earth, and no one dared to say that he was inferior!

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