My Super God QQ

Chapter 483: Whale swallowing

"How is it decided?"

After coming out, Joey asked.

"Decided, I will also go to collect medicine!"


Joey was a little surprised, widening his lovely eyes.

"what's wrong?"

"No, it's okay for you to take medicine, but are you afraid of being laughed at?"

"Hahaha, I never live for the eyes of others. Besides, I didn't go for simple medicine, I ran away to break records."

"Break record? You must be kidding!"

Joey said, and couldn't help laughing.


Li Qing said seriously.

"Okay, okay, I believe you!"

Joey shook his head before he believed that Li Qing could break the record!

You know, that record can’t be broken easily.

"You will believe it!"

Li Qing showed a confident, victory gesture.

"Do you know who ranks first? How much medicine did he take?"

"Huh? Others can do it, I certainly do!"

"He picked three high-level elixir, two treasure medicines, and one fairy medicine! Within a month!"

"What makes this medicine different?"

"Low-level elixir, intermediate elixir, high-level elixir, treasure elixir, fairy elixir...if I go up again, I don't know."

"As long as it is under the same conditions, I absolutely don't believe I can lose to them. Not only is it medicine, but I have to break other records. Because, after reading it, it seems that if I only break records, I can earn the most contribution points. "

"Okay, then I will see how super you are... giggling~"

Joey thought Li Qing was teasing her and turned her back.

However, she is not clear, Li Qing is telling the truth.

"Right, so late, can you still see the record-breaking steles?"

"Yes, anyone in the public place like Qianbeilin can watch it, and anyone can watch it at any time."

"Then let's go and see!"

Joey and Li Qing kept asking for directions and finally asked where Qianbeilin was.

This is a vast open space with many huge stone monuments. These stone monuments are not made of anything. The whole body is black. The words on it can still emit a faint golden light at night.

Li Qing looked at them one by one.

What is "speed first person" and "power first person" This is the foremost stone tablet. The further back, the smaller the record on the stone tablet.

Li Qing actually saw a stone tablet that read "The best person to eat first."

Nima, the most edible, can also be ranked.

For this kind of thing, Li Qing just wanted to say "nmmp" to express his surprise.

"Are you surprised?" Suddenly, a female disciple came over, about twenty-six or sixty years old, and said with a smile: "Do you need me to explain the history here?"

Li Qing looked at Joey.

Joey said: "This sister, I'm sorry, we are new to the Star Alliance, there is no star stone, no broken star stone~"

Upon hearing this, Li Qing, who was flexible in his head, immediately realized its meaning.

It seems that these people are similar to the existence of a tour guide. If you let her lead a tour or tell a story, it is a reward. If it is inconvenient to transfer the contribution points to her, then you need to reward her with stars or broken stars.

"It's okay, anyway, it's almost midnight, and I'm bored to chat with you."

Then they heard the woman talk about the history of Qianbeilin.

"Originally, there are only a few record-breaking stone tablets. The first is strength, and the second is strength, speed... Later, I don’t know which leader’s suggestion, there will be other records. The leader said, we humans will It needs continuous improvement to be able to completely eliminate those monsters and become the true masters of the realm, and creativity and hard work are absolutely indispensable."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment: "At that time, many elders of the stars also had strong opposition from the powerful star owners, thinking that this was ridiculous. However, the next day, they received instructions from the previous world and said to go according to the words of the leader. To do so, to say such a thing can lead to a genius who has completely terminated these monsters of the cultivation world."

"It seems to be telling legendary stories~ There is still a world?" Joey said in surprise.

"I don’t know what happened to the upper realm, but rumored that after the upper realm was instructed, it said that the person would break many records when he appeared, and the Star Alliance would also be led by him in the end, except for the realm. All monsters and beasts, let human beings be free from the oppression and cruelty of monsters and beasts."

"Behind, it's been thousands and thousands of years. That person didn't show up, and he was gradually forgotten."

"Then why do you remember?" Li Qing was curious.

"Hahaha, we are doing this job, of course, we must try to find some topics to serve tourists!

"Is it possible that this rumor was made up by your professional predecessors?!" Li Qing suddenly thought of this.

This made the woman stunned for a moment, and she smiled dumbly: "After you say that, I doubt it myself, is there really such a genius."

"It must be, ha ha ha..."

It was quite a joke to see this woman, and Joey also laughed.

I just smiled and smiled, somehow, but in my mind Li Qing said that he would break many records!

So weird...


The next day, Coach Chen brought everyone together again.

"Now, I will teach you a set of exercises, which all newcomers must learn!"

With that said, he took out a pile of jades.

"Now, you take turns to record the contents of this jade slip!"

After the distribution, he explained again: "This is called whale swallowing!"

Li Qing put the jade jade on his forehead and immediately knew what the exercise was for.

Actually, it's a technique that allows them to use various foods to obtain energy after they have practiced. That is to say, if they can't reach the valley-cutting period now, they need to eat with various things from their bodies to obtain energy to ensure themselves Undying exercises.

"Do you have any questions?" After all the students checked, Coach Chen asked aloud: "Some say as much as possible!"

" As long as we enter the valley-breaking period, can we not eat food? Is it useful to practice this method?"

"Yes, we still have Pigudan!"

"Waste time!"


A lot of players are puzzled.

Coach Chen shook his head: "All are short-sighted, self-righteous guys!"

"As a self-cultivator, a fighting monk, the battlefield he experienced is constantly changing and unpredictable. Maybe you will say that if you enter Pigudan, you can absorb the spirit of heaven and earth to maintain yourself, right? However, have you ever thought that there are no auras in many places in the cultivation realm, then, when you encounter them and are trapped in that kind of place, will you wait for death? Did Pi Gudan finish eating? Continue to wait for death?"

Coach Chen shouted.

Suddenly, the players who had just suspected were ashamed.

Indeed, people are arrogant.

Things that I haven't seen in general, will be a big deal, and I am very sure to say "does not exist"!

Such as the earth, ghosts, immortals, ufo or something, because they have not seen it with their own eyes, they do not believe it.

For this kind of person, Li Qing scoffs, the universe is so big, why the earth has life, there is no other planet.

"Okay, now the task that I have issued to you is this. Ten days later, I will check your progress. If the time is up, the Star Alliance will be eliminated!"

Eliminated again?

Li Qing was a little surprised, as was the other players.

Didn’t you say that the official Xingmeng disciples?

However, Coach Chen did not say that no one dared to question.

"Okay, Li Qing, you go out. I will take you to the land of the Green Dragon to receive the reward you deserve!"


Li Qing was overjoyed and responded quickly.

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