My Super God QQ

Chapter 479: Racing bird

Even if they haven't entered the "Land of the Green Dragon", they have heard their great reputation in the Star Nest City.

According to rumors, there was once a green dragon who gained the Tao here, soared away, leaving his sense of Taoism and Longwei here, and some people said that the Dragon tribe likes shiny things and has hidden treasures.

Gain insights from the Tao, which can be used by humans to participate.

Longwei can increase the spirit beast.

Not to mention, it is said that giant treasures are hidden.

Anyway, whether people or spirit beasts enter the "Blue Dragon Land", they will get the supreme benefit, so that many people listen to it and their eyes shine.

"Okay, the reward is like this, everything depends on your luck~"

Coach Chen smiled casually and took the lead into the palace.

A group of team members looked at Li Qing with envy and jealousy, but only wished to replace it.

"It's annoying! Why, he can, I can't!"

"Who makes you nobody better? Besides, you don’t know the rules of Star Alliance, you have that qualification, then Star Alliance will tilt all kinds of resources and rewards to you, if you are not worth it, then sorry , You are a cannon fodder in Star Alliance, or leave early!"

"Yeah! We can only work hard, but there is still a chance. Isn't it a high contribution point, can we also redeem a chance to enter?"

"That's too high. I'm going there, so high that you can't exchange it! Don't dream, it's still daytime..."

"How many contribution points can I exchange?"

"one million!"

"It's fake?! You are not an official disciple and have not yet entered the Contribution Points Hall. It is impossible for you to see the points redemption form."

"I look at the standings! The three world list, the highest score of the three lists now is one million points, I have heard that he has been in, so it is absolutely not worth one million to enter. of."

"One million? God, think about it, we are really poor enough."

"How do you think that the list of one million people came from? It's not fortunate that you got a fruit tree of the old **** and handed it to Star Alliance. If you have that luck, it's not impossible to be the first. ."

"The fruit tree of the non-old **** is the main material for refining the non-old **** pill?"

"Yes! I heard that all the pharmacists in Xingmeng have already gone to study how to refining the immortal elixir that has long been lost."

"Hey, what are you talking about? Why are you so far away, aren't we jealous of waiting for the kid?" A voice said awkwardly.

Li Qing walked in front, hearing these words behind, he couldn't help but laugh.

But then, he also developed a strong interest in the land of the green dragon.

"Is it really that good? Well, then I must seize this opportunity and go in and take a look!" Li Qing clenched his fists and said to himself.

After entering the hall, Li Qing saw the scene inside.

A place with no holes in the sky, it was obviously a palace outside. However, upon entering, it was found to be a huge open space.

There are various gambling items in it.

On the table, on the ground, in the sky.

On the table, of course, the dice and the like, the ground is a variety of fighting games, the sky...

As soon as he saw the sky, Li Qing was a bit guilty. Someone was racing.

Like racing cars, they compare speed.

A total of ten people rode ten flying birds, and their clothes were all marked with signs, number one two to ten.

Let everyone bet faster than anyone else, and whoever reaches the finish line first will win the game.

Ten flying birds are all different.

There are red-crowned cranes, white-browed eagles, griffins...

Next to it, a magic weapon blooms like a mirror, showing the entire map here.

It can be seen that it was artificially created here, even the peaks, which is a big deal.

In their open space, there are eight huge peaks all around. The goal of these riders is to circle these eight peaks three times and then return to the original place. There are lights indicating that they cannot foul over the line.

"God, is this the Temple of Heavenly Gamble?"

Some players shouted in surprise.

"What is the Temple of Heaven?"

"It is rumored that this is the "Sumiya" made by one of the most powerful formation masters of the Star Alliance, that is, Xiaodongtian. In addition, you see that the mountains were transplanted by him with the formation method, and they are basically the same size. This In addition to researching the formation method, the positional mage also likes to gamble. With the support and permission of the Star Alliance, such a gambling hall has been established, which means that as long as you want to gamble, bet on the sky and the land, this place can be satisfied. For you."

"It turns out that this is the Temple of Heavenly Gambling! It seems that the Star Alliance's Supreme Master, the Star Lord, once gambling with the King of Monsters on the seventh continent of our cultivation world, and later lost this continent to them. "

"Star Lord? King of Monsters?"

Li Qing was a little unclear, so listen carefully.

Finally, listening to their explanations, Li Qing realized that there are two strongest forces in this cultivation realm, one is a human being and the other is a demon, and racial wars will be launched from time to time.

As for the star owner, it is called by the retired ally.

On the bright side, the lord is the biggest, but there are many star owners behind the lord. If the strongest in the star alliance is the lord, then, in fact, the strongest should be those who retreat and ignore The stars of the world.

Because as an ally, there are countless affairs of all sizes to worry about, so you can't specialize in cultivation. Then, they will retreat, stay behind the scenes and concentrate on cultivation, and only major events about the Star Alliance will take part.

"It turns out that behind the leader, there is such a big person as the star leader!"

Li Qing wrote down this piece of information.

"In addition, it turns out that there are monsters in this world. It is no wonder that Uncle Tiande always said that humans want to unite and so on. It must have been said for monsters. The starting point for the creation and integration of Xingmeng must also be to unite all humans. , Against those monsters together."

Li Qing thought about it, and recalled the city of Fengmo.

It seems that the origin of the demon city at that time was also to fight against the monsters.

Could it be said that this world, this universe, and the monsters are also a force that is hugely unimaginable?

Isn't human being the spirit of all things?

Li Qing had too many problems that could not be solved. Finally, coach Chen didn't recover until he asked them to bet.

"Betting! In this scene, pay attention to whether a person can enter the land of the Blue Dragon, a person will be eliminated from our squad, that is, eliminated from the Star Alliance..." Coach Chen said facelessly, as if it were a robot Like completing the task.

To be honest, it is Li Qing who can make him curious, and his heart is not calm. You know, he has been called a "faceless man" by the players he has taken.

Faceless people are people who have no expression.

"How to choose?"

Li Qing looked at the ten riders and carefully observed their status.

Ten is indifferent, nervous, and confident.

Looking at those spirit beasts, the state is even more invisible. If you look at the surface, all are full of energy,

"I can't see it! If there is information and someone who knows them is there, just ask for it..." Li Qing thought angrily.

"Ten minutes before the game, it will start, you step up time to observe~"

On the court, a host said.

This made Li Qing's heart faintly anxious.

"Oh, let's see if QQ has any functions!"

Li Qing opened QQ.

That is, when he opened QQ, he suddenly remembered something, and his eyes lit up.

"Yes, how come I didn't expect this, maybe it's useful!"

(End of this chapter)

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