My Super God QQ

Chapter 474: Balloon attack?

"My name is Chen Yang, isn't Li Qing?" Standing in front of Li Qing, his eyes were higher than the top: "Earth people, right?"


Li Qing was expressionless.

"Inferior, isn't it?"

Li Qing didn't reply, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Now, I will teach you the truth, that is, the inferior people have come to us to cultivate the realm, even if you used to be a dragon, now you have to turn me into a worm, lying down!"

After he finished speaking, he waved his right hand, and there was a lot of wind.

A small tornado, roughly the size of a bowl, formed around him constantly around him.

This tornado is not ordinary wind, it seems to be mixed with cold cold light, as if it is composed of countless small blades, as long as the ground sand and gravel it touches are all broken into pieces.

Seeing this, many players looked at him in surprise and fear.

The young man who was familiar with him smiled bitterly: "This guy, he is a trick at first, it is really cruel!" Then, he shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

What about Li Qing?

He just shook his head and smiled and summoned the Mirage Fairy.

"this is……"

Seeing Li Qing also has spirit beasts, Joey was surprised because she and her own spirit beasts seemed to be crazy after seeing each other’s spirit beasts, constantly grinning their teeth and rushing towards each other, if not Joey. Stop it, it will definitely rush out.

"Let him calm down!"

Li Qing spoke to the Mirage Fairy, and passed her thoughts in her mind.

The next second...

The tornado in Chen Yang's hand threw at Li Qing, and Li Qing was directly shaved and smashed all over his clothes. There were blood everywhere, kneeling on the ground to beg for mercy.


Chen Yang laughed and laughed proudly.

Seeing his strength is so strong, Coach Chen appreciated him very much, so he became the captain.

When he became the captain, he became even more powerful. As long as none of the players dare not listen to him, even in the team, Joey, who has long coveted him, has been secretly sending Qiu Bo to him.

He also hinted several times, and finally, in a remote place where no one was, he hugged the little cute and kissed her mouth.

At first, she was constantly struggling and screaming, but after a while he was submissive under his masculinity and let him play.

He began to take off his clothes and take off himself while kissing, but when he was about to take off his pants, Suddenly, Joey kicked him on the stomach and kicked him out seven or eight meters...

Countless people laughed and spread it to their ears.

At this time, when the scene changed, he actually found himself back on the test field several days ago, and his entire body had been stripped off, and his opponent who had already kneeled to admit defeat, Li Qing was sneering at himself.

That's all, the players around him changed from awe to a playful laugh.


"Too funny, is he crazy!"

"Hahaha, actually there, continually posing, twisting his waist and stabbing forward!"

"Is he stabbing the ground?"

"Actually poke the earth, poke the realm, I wipe, he is to sharpen our realm, so big heart!"



Endless laughter.

Laughter that seemed to break the sky.

All this made Chen Yang startled and angry. In the end, he really couldn't stand the humiliation and rushed to Li Qing.

However, before he rushed to Li Qing's front, his head was dizzy, his body strength was lost, and a force hit his stomach, kicking him directly out.

This is not playing yet, Li Qing rushed over and kicked back.

In this way, kicking around, as if playing football, until the coach Chen Qing let Li Qing stop, he stopped.

"This is the price for you to say bad things about the earth!" Li Qing squatted and whispered softly beside him.

Immediately, he was so angry that he didn't know how to react, and he fainted. He didn't know if he was beaten, or was faint, or pretended to be faint.

"Hold it down, shameful stuff!"

Coach Chen shook his head and asked him to carry him down.

In this way, Li Qingcai took a cold look at the thin young man and continued to study the synthetic function.

"Otherwise, if you have time to find a place where you can buy a spirit beast, if you can get a dragon and a phoenix, you can't use it, you can sell it!" Li Qing gave birth to such a man who can make a fortune. Thoughts.


Isn't there a beast master in the cultivation world?

Well, he is definitely comparable to the beast master, the strongest BUG exists.

The competition is going on...

In the third round of competition, Li Qing found out that there were already four left on the field.

One is the young man who is thin and tall, and the other is Joey, and finally a black and black dwarf. This guy has a thick face, just like the one just farmed, and his forehead is covered with sweat, The facial features look unremarkable. But that's it, he can fight to the present, enough to make Li Qing feel that he is never as simple as it looks.

Lottery decision!

Li Qing got red, and Joey was blue.

In this way, Li Qing knew that he and Joey would definitely not be able to touch this game.

He wanted to teach the thin, tall boy.

Maybe God heard Li Qing's idea!

The final result, Li Qing really confronted the young man.

"Your spirit beast is a spirit beast that will make people fall into the illusion?" The teenager stood in the center of the ring and asked Li Qing.

Li Qing nodded and didn't even bother to talk to him.

"You are very good, but it is difficult to win. However, in this round, I will not lose to you. My name is Zeng Po, remember my name, because in the future, I will be an object that you can't surpass! "Zeng Po, that is, this thin, tall boy, proud and authentic, slightly raised his face.

"Where are the silly kids?"

Li Qing couldn't help but take it. There are so many such stupid goods, all of them are indelible, and their eyes are higher than the top.

That's enough, there are still so many.

In fact, what Li Qing does not know is that according to this personality, a sociologist once did a study. As long as it is young, eight out of ten are of this arrogant personality.

This character is called young and vigorous!

Eight out of ten teenagers can be so. Only when they have eaten too many lessons and hardships can they recognize the cruelty and territy of this world and be cautious.

"You gave it, don't think that your spirit beast is useful to me, do you know what this is?" He took out a jade sign: "This is my grandfather, a sign sent to me by a bodybuilder, with It will save me from spiritual control! Hahaha..."

Li Qing listened and suddenly recalled Duan Yue, as if he had such a thing too!

Because of physical training, in general, they will only cultivate their bodies and make themselves extremely powerful, but this neglects the exercise of the spirit and the consciousness.

Is it really useful?

Li Qing is also not sure.

Seeing Li Qing not speaking, the other party thought he was afraid, and immediately shot: "Remember, my name is Zeng Po! I will be your nightmare!" Immediately, he smiled evilly: "Come on, let you know my strength , The power of God is upon me!"

He yelled into the sky, and then his mouth seemed to absorb something in the air.


Yes, in a weird situation, he actually sucked into the aura of the void.

At first, some aura was sucked in, and finally, it seemed to become a whale, and with this absorption, his stomach swelled and became bigger and bigger!

In the end, he was obviously a thin man and was swollen into a fat man.

His face was rounded, and his limbs were fat. The most prominent thing was his stomach, which was twice as big as his entire body.

He turned into a ball!

"It seems that you know that I only played badly, and then I deliberately became like this! I have to say, you guys are really good! I'm a little bit reluctant to kick you..." Li Qing was dumb first, then big laugh.

Angrily angry with this "ball", his mouth spit forward.

As if a balloon deflated, he slammed into Li Qing like lightning.

So fast!

Like electric flint!

Li Qing Xin Nian controlled, letting the Phantom Demon Jiao control him with the illusion. Sure enough, in the next second, it made a squeaky sound, as if saying to Li Qing that it was powerless.

"Maybe it's too small!" Li Qingdao wanted to avoid it!

But the ball, no, this guy actually breathed out again, doubled his speed, and hit Li Qing.

Li Qing stretched out his hand to stop it, but felt like a mortal was hit by a car, his hand could not be stopped!


Li Qing couldn't stop this huge force, and the whole person was knocked to the ground for ten meters, and fell to the ground.

"Wipe your uncle, what kind of attack!" Li Qingqiang endured the pain, however, just standing up, his chest was hit, that is, the internal organs were tumbling.

Can't help it anymore, Li Qing felt a sweet smell in her throat and vomited blood.

"Say you can't do it!" He The voice is very unpleasant: "The inferior is the inferior, I have never seen such a peculiar attack method! Let me tell you, don't think Only you are the best Daojie, and me too!

"It's your uncle!"

Li Qing burst into anger.

"You can't take me? The fists and feet have no effect on my attack. Obediently surrender on your knees!" He said proudly.

"Who told you that I only have fists?"

"Uh?" He puzzled.

Then he was shocked, because Li Qing pulled out a sword slowly from his brow...


Ask for a recommendation ticket... Thank you for the encouragement of the old dream of the empty city, and thank you for cheering on the book review, even if you don’t use money, but this intention is really very good, and I am deeply moved!

(End of this chapter)

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