My Super God QQ

Chapter 444: arrangement

The strong in the heart period is really extraordinary!

Feeling an unspeakable heart palpitation that made people breathless, Li Qing cried secretly and quickly retreated.

He is considered good, at least the strong in the foundation period, like those in the gas refining period, he can't bear the coercion at all, and his soul can't help shaking.


Many people couldn't stand the coercion, and they were so scared that they sat down on the ground.

Only those who were followed by elders immediately protected them with their own coercion.

"Want to escape?"

Seeing that Li Qing was about to retreat, the captain came to Li Qing in front of him as if he was in shape.

high speed!

Almost like electro-optical flint, his figure turned into a flare, his palms printed on Li Qing's chest.

Li Qing's nerves have reacted, but his body wants to avoid being too late. Seeing this, this palm will be hit...

Finally, Tiande shot.

Far away, his right hand waved.

The invisible spirit turned into a whip and pumped towards the palm.

So, before his palm hit Li Qing, he was already drawn and retracted.


He swept all around, his eyes full of vigilance.


Tiande came out.

"It's Senior Tiande!" His pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Because he knew that Tiande's strength was Jindan period, which he could not compete with at all. If he wants to manage it, he really can't help it.

"Senior Tiande, what do you intend to do? It seems to intervene like this, isn't it?"

But despite this, he couldn't flinch and asked.

"Of course I don't know well, but let me handle this matter! Isn't it refuting the matter?"

"Yes, it's a refute!"

"Well, I will explain to him!"


The captain was helpless.

The other party said so, he can still do it, even if he lost face today, there is no way. Because the opponent is stronger than him.

Since there was no way to take Li Qing, he had to look at his three captains, flashing cold light in his eyes.

The three captains were so scared that they felt cold and wondered what kind of punishment they would receive.

"Waste! Even a person from the lower realm can't deal with it, what use do you want?" said, he reached out and waved.

The giant palm of the flame slapped on them in vain, flew them out, and burned the flame all over, enjoying the burning pain.


"Team, spare us this time!"

They fell to the ground and kept begging for mercy, crying in pain and crying like a mother.

It wasn't until a long time that they were almost burned, and they no longer had the strength to scream. The team then waved again and put away the flames.

"Good and precise control!"

Li Qing secretly said.

He also has Chi Yan palm and can emit such a large flame, however, he is still unable to catch such a handsome control ability.

"Li Qing, right?"

In the end, the team looked at Li Qing, deeply authentic, with a slight threat in his tone.


Li Qing responded.

"When the time comes, I will let the three unskilled captains practice and challenge you again. I hope you will accept their challenge when the time comes."

"No question!"

Li Qing smiled heartily and responded.

If the other party can practice, can't he? He is not afraid of these three guys.

Singles, even if Li Qing's state is lower than the opponent, he is not afraid of the opponent.


Tiande walked to Li Qing's edge.


Li Qing responded quickly.

So, Li Qing, Jie Yu, Lu Jiandao, and a bunch of loose repairs followed Tiande.

Hu Lei followed them.

Jin Yangxian followed the ugly man.

Su Xiaoxiao and Murong Fengrou followed the young woman named Hua.

Part ways!

Although they have their own disappointments in their hearts, however, as early as in the lower bound, they knew that this was the case in the end.

"Brother, wait for me to make a fairy, then come to you again!"

Jin Yangxian called Li Qing from afar.

As soon as the words were finished, he was slapped on the ground with a slap from the ugly man: "You lost my face!"

The ugly man flushed his face, still to be beaten again, but was held down by his uncle, and severely warned that without his permission, if the ugly man hits the golden sheep fairy again, he will beat the ugly man.

That ugly man was crying without tears.

Originally, he just wanted to find someone to teach him to pick up girls. Who knows that the spirit root of Jinyangxian is so good, they all climbed on his head like a small ancestor, and they had to offer...

"Hey~" Helpless, he could only sigh and dared not teach Jin Yangxian anymore.

"Brother, wait for me! One day, I can still protect you again, and will not let you be bullied!" Murong Feng Rou left without looking back, following the people in the secret star palace, but she was I swear firmly in my heart.

Su Xiaoxiao is no different.

After today's events, Su Xiaoxiao also hated that she was not capable enough. If she had only come up because of Li Qing before, then now she has a large part of her beliefs that have become stronger.

"You just wait two days here, I will take Li Qing to a place, and I will come back and take you to plow the Sky Sword Pie!"

Coming to this nearby town, Tiande arranged Jie Yu and Lu Jiandao into a small inn.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Tiande, can I not plow the sky sword faction?"

Suddenly, Jie Yudao.


"The juniors know that their talent in the sword is not enough, so I want to join another school, I wonder if it is possible?!"

Li Qing has heard that Jie Yu's talent for swords is really poor.

So, he quickly opened his mouth and said: "Uncle Tiande, my sister Yujie really has no talent in this sword, or let her choose the martial arts herself?"

"Oh, otherwise, how about going to Star Alliance?"

"Do you want to join Xingmeng? But don't Xingmeng need people with excellent qualifications to join?" Li Qing didn't understand it. At the beginning, Tiande didn't say that people who wanted the best Daojie could join!

"I said that it is a disciple, but it is not limited to maidservants!"

"Maidservant? Ah?"

As a human on earth, Li Qing certainly knows what maid means, but I have never thought that I can have my maid one day.

"Well, as long as you can pass the test and become a disciple of Xingmeng, then you can have a maid of honor and join Xingmeng."

"Okay! Just Jieyu sister, do you agree?" Li Qing asked Jieyu, he always asked Jieyu to agree.

"Uncle Tiande, can the maid of cultivating have resources for cultivating?"

Jie Yu asked.

"Yes, as long as you perform well, or if he can divide your contribution to you, you can also exchange all cultivation resources in the Star Alliance, including spirit stones, elixir, spiritual food, exercises, magic weapons... Anyway, as long as you have a contribution point, he can get it and you can get it!"

It turned out that in Xingmeng, each disciple will have a maidservant quota.

The disciples are also graded.

The higher the disciple, the more slaves that can be brought into the Star Alliance.

In addition, the residences of the disciples in the Star Alliance are also very particular.

According to the amount of Reiki, divide the disciple's residence into good or bad.

Where there is more Reiki, of course, the better the living conditions, and this is also redeemed by contributing points and levels.


After listening to Li Qing, there is only one concept, that is, the contribution points in Xingmeng are equivalent to RMB, and you need to use the contribution points to buy anything.

Jie Yu thought about it for a while, and agreed. Anyway, it was just a maid's name, which was not very pleasant. As for the rest, it is really no different from joining Star Alliance.

"So, if you say that you perform well, can you make Jie Yu also a disciple?"

Suddenly, Li Qing asked.

He wouldn't let Jie Yu keep the name of a slave-servant. In that way, he couldn't bear it, he felt distressed.

"Yes, as long as you can make a huge contribution, then you can also let her become a disciple."

"As for you..." Tiande turned his head to look at those casual repairers: "You have to make other arrangements."

Seeing the pleading look of Ding Shishan people, Li Qing asked Tiande: "Uncle Tiande, what will they do?"

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