My Super God QQ

Chapter 427: 5 old thieves with both offense and defense?

In a simple but not shabby study...

Grandpa Zhu sat on the chair of the Red Ewha Taishi, took out a thin book, and handed it to Li Qing: "Look at this!"

This book looks a bit old, very thin, almost ten pages, yellow hard paper.

Li Qing was a little unclear, but didn't ask. After coming directly, he looked at the cover of the book and wrote five golden characters: "Yan Huang Shou Long Di"!

Lifting the cover, Li Qing looked carefully.

Grandpa Zhu was very satisfied because of Li Qing's arrogance and impatience, nodded, and personally soaked a packet of Jin Junmei there.

The tea smelled and filled Li Qing's nose.

However, Li Qing was not affected, and his mind was completely immersed in the cover.

A little shocked!

In this book, the biggest dragon vein of China is actually recorded.

According to legend, the dragon's veins continue, and the blood of China spreads far.

Not only that, this Yanhuangshoulongdi is a big formation formed by heaven and earth!

"I know that when you come, your mind will be restless, and you only want to eradicate them. Rarely, at this time, you can still stabilize and show a concentration that is incompatible with your age. It is really unbearable!" Grandpa Zhu said. And handed a cup of tea to Li Qing.

In this way, Li Qing knew that he was going to speak, picked up the tea cup, and slowly tasted the sweet and yellow tea.

"Those who want to frame you are hiding there now! Unless you have the ability to get inside, they won't have a life worry."

"Who are they?!"

Li Qing did not expect that these guys were bachelors, and had already found a way out.

I wanted to come because I was afraid that I would kill them when I rushed to Kyoto in a rage, so that they have no reaction time? ! It's normal to find such a way back this morning.

"Five families, Huang family, Yue family, Li Qing, Zeng family, Jiang family!" Mr. Zhu came down one by one.

"Why didn't the old man persuade me to cooperate with them and compromise?!"

"Is it persuasive?" Mr. Zhu took a sip of tea and held it in his mouth. After enjoying it, he smiled.

Li Qing shook his head.

"Haha, that's right. Actually, from a personal point of view, I hope you can get rid of the moths in these countries. However, as Tang Yanyan, that is, your grandfather, I want to ask you, you really Are you ready to break with the country?"

"Why must there be a break? This matter, I stand on the ground!" Although Li Qing had been mentally prepared for a long time, he still couldn't help it.

"Fangmin is better than Fangchuan! Unless you can have more people than you, otherwise you will be burdened with infamy and cannot be washed. The most powerful sword in the world is not a sword or a gun, but Mouth!" he took a deep breath and explained.

"Got it~" Li Qing nodded.

"It is imperative that I think that if you don't cooperate with them, there are two things to do."

"Sir, please."

Anxiety appeared in Master Zhu’s eyes, saying, “One, they have invited a peerless strongman with the Yanhuang token. It is said that it is a fairy in the upper realm. If you can’t match it, you still have to avoid its front. Second , That is this formation, it is really difficult to break, even if you want to break, do not destroy this formation, after all, this is the root of our Chinese nation~"

Li Qing pondered for a long time and nodded: "I promise you! I might as well tell you that the fairy in the upper realm they invited was just my familiarity."


Grandpa Zhu suddenly froze there.

For a long time, he suddenly burst into laughter, the louder the louder the louder, and finally he coughed when he couldn't control it.

Li Qing was busy crossing his true energy, so he only slowed down.

"He who is a sinner can live, but he can't live a sinner..." He sighed: "If I knew it earlier, why use the precious opportunity of the Yanhuang token again! They are really sinners, sinners~"

Grandpa Zhu has been sighing for a long time.

Li Qing did not disturb him, but studied the method.

At the same time, he was also thinking, if the formation can't be broken, wouldn't it be cheaper to let them get away with it?

Hey, still careless!

I thought I knew the messenger of the lower realm, but I didn't think there was a variable!

In view of this lesson, Li Qing learned well in his mind once, and he can no longer treat everything as a number in his palm.

ten minutes later……

There was a knock on the door outside.

It turned out that Tang Yanyan saw that there was no sound in it, so she came in to look worried.


Li Qing gave her a soothing look.

Tang Yanyan was relieved, seeing Grandpa did not chase her, he was reluctant to walk, walked to the side to make tea for the two in good faith.

Looking at his granddaughter and Li Qing with joy, Grandpa Zhu kept secretly nodding satisfied.

"A Qing!"

"Yes, old man!"

"Are you worried that the formation cannot be broken? Or are you worried that the formation will be destroyed by you directly?"

"Uh, dissatisfaction, you said, I'm worried about the destruction of the formation, and at the same time destroy the dragon vein of China!" Li Qingshi said honestly.


When UFO is present, he is not afraid that the burst cannot be broken. On the contrary, he has always had a good intention in his heart, that is, he cannot destroy the dragon root of Huaxia. After all, the blood flowing on him is also the blood of Yan Huang's descendants.

Well, without UFO destruction, this is a difficult thing.

"Otherwise, just let them go?"

Father Zhu asked tentatively.

"No! These people have bullied me. If I don’t do anything, they will continue to bully you. You don’t know what my family is now destroyed, the company is also destroyed... Yes, I may It’s a big business, don’t care about that, but it’s my thing after all! Since they dare to stretch their claws over and want to grab my stuff, then I must cut off their claws!” Li Qing said at the end, forehead Qingjin jumped to the ground.

It's so deceiving!

That is to say, his strength is strong. Otherwise, if he is replaced by an ordinary person, he is afraid that he will be directly jailed by these guys. !

Not to mention, they also used the Yanhuang token to kill themselves, this hatred cannot be erased!

"Maybe, I thought of a way~"

Grandpa Zhu's eyes flashed a wise light.

"any solution?"

"As long as I haven't seen you, I have been worried about you..." Speaking of which, Grandpa Zhu looked at Tang Yanyan: "Worried about you, I don't know how to deal with it! But since you said you know the messenger of the lower realm, this Things, there is a good way to break the turn."

"what do you mean?"

"Aren't they hiding inside and letting you cast a mouse?"


"Originally I thought about breaking their food and their water... but now they don't need it, because you know the guardian of the lower realm, why not, let's come to a counter-counter among 36 measures?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Li Qing immediately reacted and laughed.

Ginger is still old and spicy!


There is a dragon vein in China, coming from Kunlun and traveling to Kyoto.

The dragon vein of Kyoto was called the dragon of Beichen in ancient times. The dragon head is here, and its tail is not in the Bohai Sea.

According to the test of the outsiders, this dragon head should be in the ancient imperial city. However, Li Qing has read this book to know that the most important place of the dragon's veins is the dragon's inverse scale.

In other words, dragon scales are the key to guarding the dragon veins.

And this dragon scale is in the Rouhuai Mountain in Kyoto!

Rouhuaishan originally had a resort village, but just five days ago, the troops forcibly moved all the merchants and people here out of military secrets and became a forbidden area on the grounds of military secrets.

Now, around Rouhuai Mountain, it is a state of strict security with three steps and one post, and five steps and one whistle.

On a hill, in a villa...

Five elderly people are sitting here, tasting tea leisurely, waiting for good news.

"Have you got all the information about the intelligent robot?"

"Yes, old Jiang!"

In addition to the five elderly people, there are also middle-aged people, holding documents and pens and waiting respectfully on the side.

"Have you hurriedly asked our people to parse these technical data? But don't let the fairy kill him afterwards, and the data will follow him in disappointment!" Old Jiang, the thinnest old man, worried.

"Subordinates immediately relayed the news!"

Middle-aged people quickly Well, let us five people all cooperate, we must first clarify this matter, don't beat the chicken, let the chicken and eggs be crushed! "Lao Jiang.

"Brother Jiang, I think this kind of thing should be left to them to worry about, what are you worried about, come here, play chess and other good news!"

"Somewhat uncomfortable! It seems like something is going to happen."

"Fuck your motherfucker! Don't talk nonsense, with the fairy, and this great dragon veins, we are all invincible, what to worry about!"

"That's right, we can be called an offensive and defensive essential, and it's okay! Come and come and drink tea, and don't hurt yourself. Who doesn't know that Huang is a cautious character, ha ha ha!"

"Hey, I just don't feel at ease!"

"Did you regret it! If you want to eat such a big cake, you have to take such a big risk. Now regret it, why did you go?"

"It's uncomfortable, maybe the weather is a bit boring!"

"Okay, okay, don't be noisy! Quiet!"

A group of elderly people said that they almost quarreled, and some people came out to persuade them, and this calmed down again.

Among the five elderly people, except for the head of the Huang family, the heads of the other four households all sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

In their view, immortals are dealing with Li Qing outside. No matter what, they will guard them too, afraid of a wool!

In fact it is!

Even if Huang Lao was worried, he could not think of a reason why they might fail.

So, just wait like this, and wait for the big cake to fall on their heads. At that time, they firmly believe that their five families will become the most powerful family in China!

There are even people secretly calculating, after possessing the resources of intelligent robots, I don’t know how many years later, if they rely on that huge influence and financial resources, they can stand on their own...

Think about it!

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