My Super God QQ

Chapter 406: Above UFO

In the study...

Xia Mo Can Yue held Li Qing's arm and asked softly, "Do you really want to buy ufo? Where can I buy it?"

She always thinks that Li Qing is joking, otherwise, even if there is a ufo in this world, it is impossible to buy it!

"It's true!" Li Qing said seriously, "How can I lie to you!"

"Okay, then take me to buy!"

Xia Mo Can Yue shook Li Qing's arm coquettishly, with a stern attitude.

"Uh, this can't buy ufo under a large audience, you have to find a place to hide!"

Li Qing thought for a while.

This is the first time he is ready to buy something in the qq mall, so he has to consider many aspects.

First, what will the system do after the purchase.

The second point, what if I don’t know how to operate it after I buy it?

The third point is that ufo will always arouse everyone's eyes and ears. If he drives up, will it cause public opinion and turmoil?

"Then I don't care~ I just want to go~"

Xia Mo Can Yue said coquettishly, this is the first time in her life to spoil someone other than her parents, but it feels very good, very happy.

"Aren't you going to compare with them?" Li Qing thought for a while and said, "I don't want you to quarrel because of this!"

"No, I've thought about it for a long time. Since I like you, I will consider it wholeheartedly for you. You may not know that this is the case for me, who is better than others and will be considered by others! "Xia Mo Can Yue looked at Li Qingdao with love.

"Well~ That's good~" Li Qing kissed her forehead. "Good boy, you will stay at home for a while. When you come back, how about letting you be her passenger first?"

"The first one? Okay~"

Xia Mo Can Yue still didn't want to make Li Qing unhappy. In the end, he could only be wronged.

"Don't feel wronged, you look like this, I look uncomfortable!"

"Good!" Xia Mo Can Yue squeezed out her smile as much as possible: "Then go, I'll wait for you at home!"

Li Qing walked up to the rooftop. He was going to find a remote and uninhabited place. After going up to the rooftop, he found that Jin Yangxian was sitting there in a daze, and the ugly man did not know where to go.

"Brother Jin, what are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about my whole life!"

"Hey, isn't life not over yet?"

"Yeah, so I plan my life."

Li Qing is really rare to see Jin Yangxian so serious, he is very interested and said: "So what do you plan to come out?"

"Yes!" Jin Yangxian said solemnly: "I have planned, and when I am too old to be able to move, I want to soak at least one fairy in a month, so that I can live up to my own life. "

Suddenly, Li Qing smiled bitterly.

"It's boring! Every day I see you are picking up girls, but I can only sit silly here, I really feel like a chicken!"

"Uh, otherwise I'll take you to the whole fun stuff?" Li Qing suddenly thought of taking him with him, even if he knew ufo, it didn't matter, let alone his own brother.

"Fun stuff? No, no, I just think beautiful women are fun... I don't want those hanging wires. You said beautiful women are not fun. They just want to play games, hey!"

"I promise to be more fun than beautiful women, at least, you will think so for a while!" Li Qing said with a smile.

"Really?" Seeing Li Qing said a little mysteriously, he was tempted again, said.

"Don't lie to you, promise!"

Li Qing took the golden sheep immortal and flew away from Xiamen directly.

He was looking for a remote place, and Xiamen was a small island, Li Qing thought to see if there were any unmanned island nearby.

In the end, when he was about to leave Xiamen, he found an uninhabited bird, about a hundred acres, which should be enough.

Thinking of getting a UFO spaceship, Li Qing was still a little nervous and excited.

As long as it’s a boy, who hasn’t longed for it since childhood, to get such a spaceship that can soar in the sky blue sky, not to mention, with a little high technology, it really makes people want to have fun. .

"Is there anything fun... Feijian is quite fun. If one day, I can fly the sword, and every day I meet a favorite girl, I will take her to the sky for a turn, and let her dedicate herself to me immediately. ~"Thinking about music, Jin Yangxian couldn't help but wryly laughed: "Ha ha ha, it's beautiful enough to think about it, hey, no way, my chicken is going to burst!"

"I said, you chicken, think about it all day, sooner or later I think you burst!" Li Qing said helplessly: "Can't you be serious? Let your chicken take a vacation or something?"

"No!" Jin Yangxian Yizheng said eloquently: "The earth does not explode, the chickens are not on holiday! I want to dedicate my warmth to our country, no, all the beauties of the whole earth, feed them chicken soup..."

"Okay, okay! Now, I am going to tell you that I got a ufo and I want to ask you to help me see it!"

"What, ufo? Charged, remote control? Will it fly? Uh, won't you be so boring?"

Li Qing ignored him and put his mind into the qq mall in the qq system.

In the second column of the mall, the first item is a spaceship similar to ufo.

Ten billion!

The dark silver appearance is very cool.


Li Qing's mobile phone sounded a reminder of text messages.

Then, the system is being processed, as if the goods are being released.

"Hey, what fun are you saying? Take it out and show it to your brother? What fun is there on this island? Er, I said you wouldn’t want to take me here, just throw it here, this Isn’t it fun, or what are your intentions against me, I tell you, I treat you as a brother, don’t you want to sleep with me..."

Jin Yangxian was talking nonsense beside him.

Li Qing is paying attention to the system.

About a minute later, the system heard the message: "Please ask the host, in what form do you need this ufo to appear? According to the system observation, you can choose whether it is in the air, on the ground, or underground, in the water?"

"Can it still be like this?"

Li Qing's heart is happy, that's best.

"In the water!"

"Yes, thank you for your master's purchase! After a minute, you can let it fly out to meet you automatically, and the master must get in touch with Zhinao and master authentication as soon as possible."


Li Qing looked at the sea like this.

"Hey, Li Qing, look, there is a whale in the water? Hey, is there a whale coming? My God, there is such a big whale?"

"Ha ha……"

"What are you laughing? Let's the tail of the whale accidentally shoots on the shore, we will finish it!"

"Don't panic!"

Li Qing smiled, waved his hand, his thoughts moved slightly, a huge UFO slowly surfaced.

It covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square meters. Well, it's as big as the first floor of a big shopping mall. It doesn't know what metal it is. It looks very cool.

The shape of the hat, there are six gun barrels protruding diagonally from the center point.

After spraying a large amount of white aerosol, it continuously climbed up high!

Finally, it flew over the heads of the two and shot a beam of light to cover them.

Change of sight!

Li Qing has come to an operation room of about 100 square meters.

The ground is made of silver metal, with a streamlined feel and reflecting light.

Surrounded by colorful screens, the outside scene is reflected.

The top is a white light top, with natural white light, it looks very soft and comfortable.

In front of the two, there is something similar to the human head, perhaps, it is called Zhinao.

"Please host to bind!"

Jin Yangxian was still in a daze, Li Qing had already gone forward, and placed his hand on the top of his brain as prompted.

The binding is successful!

"God! My brother, what you said is true!"

Jin Yangxian roared exaggeratedly, as if venting the stormy waves in his heart.

"Oh, when did I lie to you?"

"Hey, what's going on here? Where did you find it? Also, I want to see if there is another operating room? Is there a weapon that can attack people? Wow, I really want to see that we are driving this thing and entering The city, which caused everyone to scream..." He was so excited that he was maddening.

Genius remembers the site address for one second:. Apex Biquge mobile phone reading URL:

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