My Super God QQ

Chapter 398: Dig out the faucet

Merit value!

After upgrading from the qq system to the sun, it is what Li Qing needs most.

It's just that, apart from doing good deeds, Li Qing has no idea how to earn it.

Well, when I discovered this in front of me, I was just picking it up!

That is to say, the golden breath of the entire village swept over to Li Qing.

Very majestic, as if coming from a gust of wind, then entered Li Qing's body and entered the qq system.

five minutes later……

Until the golden yellow breath above this village gradually faded, the qq system reminded that it got 1200 merit points.

Definitely a surprise!

You know, Li Qing only upgraded 1000 qq systems to 1000 merit points. Then, this is equivalent to picking up an upgrade of the qq system.

The original merit value also changed from 6800 to 8000.

The golden and yellow qi was thin, and he couldn't absorb anything. Li Qing went to the source and saw Lili on the road, which was the girl's car rescued on the highway.

At this time, her face was wronged and angry.

Going further, there is a woman about 33 years old, a few villagers and a few guys who look a little bit like arguing about something.

"That house was escorted to us by your husband, and you want to return it? Impossible!"

"Isn't this someone's niece bringing money to pay you back? Everyone is from the village, but you don't look down when you look up!" An old man who seemed to be a little respected in the village and stood in front of the villagers said slowly.

"Old things, you don't have to sell old things according to the old ones. Now it is not the revolutionary period, we have to listen to you. I said, they want to repay the principal, it is impossible, it has been five years, and the interest will be given to us at least. Half a million!" A rogue, about thirty years old, with a naked upper body, said uncomfortably.

"Five times! You are loan sharks, you know? If I went to town to sue you, you would be taken away by the police."

"You are just a village head, count as a bird cadre, don't use this set to crush me, when we wrote clearly in white and black letters, it was calculated according to this!"

The village chief sighed and sighed again and again, "Well, no matter what, you can let the two mothers and daughters stay outside and stay overnight in other villagers' homes. Isn't this the way? If the interest is different, let's talk about it another day. Does anyone have a place to stay?"

"Hehe~ It was their rich niece who came back, right? It seemed to be a stewardess, who made a lot of money? Also, live together. At first, I let Jie Jie live together. She ran out with her girl... "" When the rogue leader said this, he frowned at his brother, and suddenly they laughed.

"Ethical humiliation, unpopular!"

The old village head shook his head and sighed.

"Don't chew on any text, anyway, I will put it here today, why not live together, or don't live anyway, why this house has become mine, and I won't let me live!" The rogue leader is impatient typical.

"I call the police!"

I was so angry that I picked up my phone.

"Report, you are reporting it, ha ha ha, how many times Jie Jie reported, it is not the same, there is a debt, I am a legal citizen, not to be bullied!"

When Lili heard this, and looked at the other person's fearlessness, his hands were stalemate in mid-air, and he could no longer dial.


She knows that the law is like this. Today, the laws of China are almost sound, but still have too many loopholes.

The other party has owed notes and fingerprints, and ordinary civilian police really can't take him.

"It's this little girl, it's pretty, do you want to be everywhere?" The rogue leader suddenly walked away: "Look at us, many young people, I'm a little bit older, but don't I still have brothers? !"

A group of rogue little ruffians all laughed, very arrogant.

Seeing this, Li Qing understood the situation.

Obviously, the separated relatives owed a lot of money and mortgaged the house to others. No, they took the money and paid back to them. Finally, the money was not enough. The debts of the people were profitable. The money owed was already this money. Many times.


Li Qing walked out. He couldn't stand it anymore. He also looked at Lili. He wondered if she said that there were treasures in her house. Did she want to help her solve this trouble?

"who are you?"

"Limited to you within half a minute, disappeared before my eyes!" Li Qing said coldly.

Now, Li Qing is more and more determined, even if he just killed a scumbag on the highway, he does not care.

"Oh, who is this? Is this sister Jie's concubine, or the girl brought by this girl, is the hero saving the beauty? This is to say, are you afraid?" The rogue leader smiled and turned to ask his companions .

"Oh, I'm so scared!"

"He won't beat us? He beat us a lot by himself, which is amazing!"

His companions yelled, his expression very exaggerated, like a treasure.


Li Qing waved his slap, but he directly flew the rogue leader five meters away.

At five meters, he finally hit the wall directly. When it fell, he couldn't speak with pain.

"Beat our boss? Brothers!"

The other hooligan ruffians angered and rushed over with evil spirits, however, Li Qing each slaps and all fanned them.

Some of them hit the wall directly, several bones were broken, and some fell somewhere, and could no longer stand.

The most serious one is a guy who will attack Li Qing with a knife. His eyes are full of fierceness. He is slapped directly by Li Qing's slap and turned his head away. He only hangs in one breath and has left. Not far away.

At this time, when they looked at Li Qing again, they were as if they were seeing a demon, and they were so scared that their faces turned blue.

"Beating, beating!" someone shouted in the distance.

Li Qing smiled coldly and walked to Lili: "Come on, follow me!"

"This this……"

She wanted to say how to do it, but felt that Qing Qing's body exuded a grievance, and she dared not say more, and took him to her hometown.

"Is that your home or is it?"

Li Qing didn't feel any anger, and asked.

"That's my grandfather's home. Later, my uncle did not scramble. He was a bad gambler, so he mortgaged the old house and the land certificate to them. Poor my little aunt and cousin..." Said, Lili's eyes It became red.

"Uh huh!"

Li Qing no longer has the urge to go about business, so he no longer speaks.

"They, they won't be okay, if you call the police..." Lili was worried, but halfway through, she remembered that she was inertial thinking, the other party was a fairy, and how could she be afraid of the police.

In this way, she took Li Qing to the ancestral house.

When he came here, Li Qing was basically able to make sure that the treasure used by the fairy in her mouth should be something that exudes merit.

This is indeed a baby.

"I looked for it, I forgot, where did my aunt put that thing, bad, I don't know if it was found by those bad guys!"

Li Qing had to let her go to her young aunt again.

Ten minutes later, Lili hurried again, but said that her little aunt had ran away and dared not come to see Li Qing.

I want to think of Li Qing as a murderer who does not blink.

Li Qing was drunk. He killed a bad guy. How could he be scared?

"Then did she tell you, where is the thing?"

"No, she said she didn't know!"


Li Qing was too depressed to speak.


He looked at Lili looking over there, and he could only find it by himself.

Half an hour later, the police arrived.

Li Qing directly took out the major general’s certificate. The police could not control it, but could only leave, saying that it would be notified to deal with it.

Li Qingcai no matter how they deal with it, he will not believe it, he takes the rationale, who else can endure himself? !

Even if the country has secret weapons, he is not ignorant of the Nether Messenger, and the Nether Messenger still owes him three favors!

But, this baby is really hard to find!

Li Qing, they almost turned this room and couldn't find it!

At this time, it was almost dark.

Lili was so hungry that she had a stomachache, saying that she had a bad stomach. Li Qing could only take out Pi Gu Dan to let her eat.

During this period, Lili was of course excited and groaning all the time.

This is an elixir!

In her life, she was fortunate enough to pay the elixir, which is absolutely something she could not In the evening, she continued to look for...

Finally at night, Lili's aunt came back with the little girl.

The injury of the little girl is getting better. I heard that the barefoot doctors in the village have seen it and removed all the scars.

I don't know if Lili told her or what happened. Now, she is not so scared, but she still looks at Li Qing's face carefully.

"Auntie, where are the things?"

"Do you want to give him that thing?"

"Uh, auntie, when Grandpa left, he said that if he encounters an immortal, he will give it to him to form an immortal relationship so that our family can get better. Don't you want to..."

"I know that it was the fairy who saved us. Of course I would not be reluctant, just..."

"Relax!" Li Qing looked at this pretty woman: "I will give you a sum of money!"

In this way, the woman's eyebrows danced and pretended to quit.

After a while, the woman took the iron grip, dug the ground three feet, and dug out a brass like a faucet.

The mouth of this faucet is being continually exuded from it.


Li Qing looked at the dragon head in surprise.

"Can't dig anymore!" Lili's aunt suddenly shouted.


In this way, the shovel can no longer dig down. It seems that the soil underneath has solidified into a solid stone, so it can't be beaten.


Li Qing went into battle personally, pulling hard, without moving the bronze.

"Is there a way to fix it?"

Now, Li Qing wants to get this thing, so that he can earn a lot of merit, he will study it patiently.

Brothers and sisters, do you recommend tickets in your hand, soared, woo...

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