My Super God QQ

Chapter 380: Save the field

The atmosphere is a bit depressed...

Faced with the magic weapon about to explode, no one's heart is relaxed.

"Brother, why don't we run?" Jin Yangxian panicked and asked with a gulp.

"Can't run! The messenger of the lower realm has spoken, no one can run, otherwise, whoever has to die!" Shou Weng sighed, his face still so ugly.

In such a sentence, all the ideas of escaping from this place were completely eliminated.

"I went to see!"

Li Qing said that he wanted to see if he could help, and he couldn't sit still, even if he could save some people.


If you save people, you can also use your merits to upgrade your QQ system.

Maybe I could upgrade my QQ system if I went up hundreds or thousands of points.

"No, A Qing, don't go, you are all hurt like this, don't succeed!" Murong Qingcheng pulled his face down, as if the elder sister was reprimanding the younger brother.

"Yes! The injuries on your body are so heavy, there is no hospital here, what should I do..." Su Xiaoxiao thought about it, his eyes were red, and he almost didn't cry.

"Brother, they are right. Your injury is not light now, so don't mix that muddy water..." Jie Yu also said nervously.

A large number of people persuaded Li Qing to have a headache.

In the end, he said "Relax, just look at", and dragged his wounded body and walked over.

Big husband, do something and do something!

If these people can be rescued, it would be a good deed. If not, Li Qing would not force it.


Seeing Li Qing's body covered with blood, he went there, and many of the disciples who took the test were a little ignorant.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know! Does he have a way?"

"It's all hurt so much, and we have to join in the fun, hey, you said we'll wait, will the death law be miserable!"

"That wouldn't be possible. If the explosion was too powerful, we would all be grayed out and we wouldn't feel pain."

"Poor I will never see my girlfriend again, woo..."

"Mommy, crying Nimabi, I still have a wife and children, but for the sake of cultivating immortals, they abandoned their mothers and daughters, and now think about it..." said a young man about 28 years old, with a sore throat and binocular eyes. Tears, can't talk anymore.

"Why is this... woo~"

"It's hard to get here from the bottom of the mountain, but it is still the case. I am not reconciled, no!"

Due to the appearance of Li Qing, their emotions are even worse. Some think of their loved ones whispering whispered, and some people die here unwillingly, starting to be a little hysterical...

The atmosphere was full of sadness and despair.

Li Qing walked forward slowly, close to Xiantian Bagua Xiantianchi...

At this time, all the flames above the pool were white and blue flames with a higher temperature than red.

"White-blue flame"!

Li Qing knows that this means that the temperature has reached as high as 1500 degrees Celsius, let alone the tip of the white-blue flame, and the sky blue with a higher temperature.

If all of them exploded, it might actually burn the mountain directly into magma.

It's really scary!

Li Qing thought about it. Fortunately, it was not this kind of flame that exploded on himself. If this flame, he absolutely turned the water and hung up.

With the five fingers of the lower realm messenger flying, carrying the aura of true energy, he controls a jade plate with a yin and yang picture in his hand. In this way, the flame seems to be suppressed, but it is only limited to this, but it cannot be weakened. Go on.

He glanced at everyone.

After thinking about it, she went to the young woman with the surname Hua.


"Well, you didn't die? Okay..." The young woman with the surname stunned for a moment. It seemed that in her words, Li Qing was supposed to die.

She did not know that Li Qing's body is definitely more than ten times stronger than the strong man who just built the base period.

"Yes, I would like to ask, can I help you?" Li Qing asked sincerely.

"Uh, people can't wait to hide far away, why do you still want to help?" The young woman Hua was puzzled and felt that Li Qing was a bit strange.

"Because instead of sitting and waiting to die, it's better to do something. Fate is like this. You don't have to toss about something. It's always like that! So, I chose to fight against fate..." Li Qingdao.

"It's really different from others. No wonder that Bai Xiaotian will be so optimistic about you... To be honest, I don't know how to help. We are standing here just to defend the terror impact that the explosion brought. I I’m not sure if I can stop it. If I can’t stop it, it’s death. Then, the explosion may last thousands of miles..."

"Thousands of miles?"

Li Qing thought about it, even if the place where they are now is in a remote mountain, if it really explodes thousands of miles, how much damage it will bring to the entire planet.

Needless to say, humans and animals killed by the explosion will even bring a huge earthquake to the earthquake.

Then, by the time, there were countless deaths and injuries.

"Don't you believe it is so powerful? Haha, I didn't believe it. Until the messenger said, the energy of this magic weapon has been connected to an underground spirit vein. When it explodes, the spirit in the underground spirit vein will also instantaneously. Explode together for fuel, I believe it!"

"Underground spirit veins?"

"Well, some people are called Lingmai, it seems that you are something commonly known as dragon veins, some dragon veins have nothing to show, and some dragon veins carry spiritual energy..."

"Can I help?" Li Qing asked.

"Get out of here! What can you do for a little foundation, don't bother us..." Chi Laozi shouted suddenly.

His mood is really bad now.

I felt that this trip was so unlucky. First, I was punched, and then I lost a magic weapon. Even if it was, I was still in danger.

Irritated, anxious, his heart began to be messed up, and the facial features on his face began to grieve...

This is very terrible for the strong in the heart period.

Because the stress period is about calming down, and the most frightening thing is the invasion of the mind demons. If there is a mind demons in this state, it will definitely die!

"Equatorial Friends! Don't move your heart, be quiet!"

An old man next to him suddenly violently, as if drinking like a stick, so he was scared, and a lot of sweat beads suddenly appeared on his face.

Immediately, he glanced at Li Qing again.

"Boy, even if you are a top grade Daojie, don't be so casual, retreat a little farther and don't disturb us!" An old Tao also said.

"Yes, walk away, walk away, a little annoying!"

"Get back!"

They were in a bad mood. Li Qing came in this way, and it really made them irritable, just a curse.

"Fuck your uncle!"

Li Qing is also unhappy. She came here kindly to help, but she received such treatment.

However, if you think about it, it seems that they are in a normal state of mind in this situation. After all, the strong man in the heart period, who can afford to see a strong man who just built the foundation, this is also normal in a society with respect for strength.

Li Qing stopped ignoring them, remembering those who didn't listen well to his tone, and walked to the messenger of the lower realm.

"Master Messenger..."


The messenger of the lower realm is worthy of being a strong man, and his mentality has stabilized a lot.

"I would like to ask what's going on? If you still have a little leisure time, can you tell me, maybe I have a solution, I still have some good things that my master gave me..."

"Your master?"

The previous words, he skipped them completely, but these three words made him doubtful.

No wonder Daojineng is so good, it seems that it is not a loose repair, but a master! So, someone who can train Li Qing to have such a terrible spirit, and still have a good Daoji foundation, immediately let him put the psychological position of "Master Li Qing" at in the same position.

"Yes!" Li Qing came out again with a lie, and said nonsense: "Although my master often does not see people, he has sent me some life-saving things..."

"Okay, let me tell you now that one core of this magic weapon is about to be burned. If that core is burned, this magic weapon will explode and connect to the spiritual veins below the ground to produce a big explosion. In that case, more than this A piece of topography and landform will change, and I am also worried that this Kunlun Mountain will produce unpredictable changes that will destroy this world."

If you ask the young woman of flowers to make Li Qing feel terrible, then the message from the messenger of the lower realm seems even more terrifying.

Explosion of the Spirit Vessels, will Kunlun Mountain change? Destroy this world?

Could it be that there are even more terrifying and lethal "bombs" hidden in the Kunlun Mountains?

It seems that there are still many unknown secrets in the earth, and the legend is not groundless.

"Good!" Li Qing thought it was useless to think so much, just said: "I will help seniors find a way!"

"If you can come up with a way to solve this accident, I owe you three favors! As long as I can do it, I will never quit! Also, I will find face for you who just scolded you! "

Perhaps there is really no way to do it. The messenger of the lower realm believes Li Qinglai more than others.

Perhaps it is Li Qing’s master, give him a little confidence!


Li Qing nodded.

He began to think of a way, and through the guidance of the nether messenger, he saw an octagonal crystal in the pool.

According to the messenger of the lower realm, there was a terrible formation hidden in the crystal, which he could not suppress when it exploded, and it has been damaged by almost half now.

So, what should I do?

Li Qing racked his brains and began to find a way.

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