My Super God QQ

Chapter 365: 0 Lower Cold Mountain

"I have never practiced, I am an ordinary person, OK!"

Jin Yangxian blushed a little, but the most unbearable thing for him was that he was said to be no good and said soft-foot shrimp.

"Anyway, you're behind!"

"You are not too!"



The two actually quarreled in the heavy rain at this time.

It wasn't until Li Qing couldn't bear it, he sipped "quietly", grabbed them, jumped over a stone, and landed on the road again.

The mudslides are getting faster and faster, more and more rapid...

Even occasionally, trees and weeds are washed down, even in the woods. If the weeds are entangled, it is absolutely troublesome. Of course, the most terrible thing is still the big mountain stone, rushing at a speed of eighty speeds, not to mention Li Qing, even if you rub them a little, you may bring Li Qing upside down and roll into the mudslide.

In that way, the only result is death.

"Li Xianren, you can't go on like this!" Hu Lei ran out of breath, his face pale and bluish.

Maybe he is guessing that he is not familiar with Li Qing yet, and he may not be able to get a helping hand. Therefore, he has been running desperately, even if he is bitter and tired, he still insists on not giving up.

"I know not, but there is no way!"

In fact, Li Qing had thought of a wonderful way, that is to bring them all into QQ Book City.

But think about it, or forget it.

Because Hu Lei is not familiar enough, let alone, Li Qing suspects that someone must be watching him. If it is discovered, Li Qing is absolutely secret.

"Then otherwise, what else is there?"

Li Qing pondered, and suddenly, from the afterglow of his eyes, he saw Bai Xiaotian.

Bai Xiaotian has been quiet since he went up the mountain, and he doesn't know what he is thinking about.

"Xiaotian, what are you doing?"

"No, as soon as I got up, I realized that the exercises I practiced seemed to be a strange sign."

"What signs?"

"It seems to run autonomously all of a sudden, not only that, but also faster and faster... This feeling, as if the practice I practiced, fits the space environment here very well."

"Just fit!" Li Qing asked for this sentence.


"You count, where are we going to be safer..."

Li Qing said this, Bai Xiaotian immediately understood.

As Li Qing said, some debris flows are large and some are small, so if you can calculate a safer route, it is really a very important thing.

"Good!" Bai Xiaotian nodded solemnly.

It's about his own life, of course, he must try his best.

"Well, you can see if you can walk. If there is a situation, I will take care of you!" Li Qingdao said.


Bai Xiaotian said, and took out a piece of tortoiseshell from the backpack behind him.

Tortoiseshell occasionally has a missing corner, but at the top it is as bright as new. It is strange that such a bright tortoiseshell can be seen in the naked eye, but it can feel its simplicity, as if it has passed through time and space, coming from a barren ancient.

"Good thing!"

Although Li Qing is not familiar with this, he can still see at a glance that this thing is absolutely extraordinary.

Bai Xiaotian didn't reply, he covered the tortoiseshell with his hands on his tortoiseshell, and said something.

"Tortoise calculates, Yin and Yang stars..."

With the nagging, there are stars appearing on the tortoiseshell, and with the growth of time, the stars are more vigorous, the number becomes more and more, jumping up and down continuously, or forming a look like a pattern, one by one on Baixiaotian In front of you.

Occasionally, it will take turns, and occasionally change and replace, just visually, it will be extremely beautiful!

"Be careful!"

Seeing that he was in Baba, a two-meter-diameter boulder rolled down. Li Qing shouted and sacrificed Feijian.

Silver light soared past, the boulder was divided into two halves, and Bai Xiaotian, who was reminded, shrank from his body and skipped.

Fortunately, there is a flying sword, Li Qing thought, otherwise, looking at the big sticks on both sides, he really couldn't pull his hand...

Next, there are several times...

It was Li Qing who shot and then relied on Bai Xiaotian to avoid the past.

at last……

Bai Xiaotian figured out what he was doing and pointed his way.


After he figured it out, Li Qing didn't say anything, so he turned and ran to the right.

This place was originally covered with weeds and dwarf trees, but it is now covered by mudslides.

They rushed past with their amazing bouncing and explosive power, not to mention that Li Qing's current strength was already like a monster before he was washed down.

Imagine that the debris flow is one or two meters high. If ordinary people really can't rush out, they can only be covered up and turned into dead bodies. Only those who are self-cultivators, relying on body style and true energy, can hide.

It just hides, because people have wrong steps and horses have stumbled, otherwise Li Qing will not let Bai Xiaotian choose a way of life.

When such a road was chosen, Li Qing and they immediately discovered that there was really less debris flow washed down from above.


"A bit interesting!"

The messenger of the upper realm sighed.

At this point, what Li Qing did not know was that the Messenger of the Upper Realm had come up with a magic weapon.

It is a round mirror with a diameter of three meters, which is in the shape of an eight diamond. As long as it is the intention of the messenger of the upper realm, the mirror will show their images.

At this point, Li Qing and their appearance are shown above.

Jie Yu saw a lot less debris flow on the road they took, and he was relieved. The beautiful eyes were full of surprises.

"Master messenger, is this cheating!" Chi Rongzi said troublesomely.

On the side, Chi Hei Zi is also an unfair look, it seems to be unfair for other disciples, but in fact, he is jealous in his heart, does not want to make Li Qing feel good to them.

"It's not enough to say that they can have this kind of situation, but also rely on their own abilities. Besides, that the disciple who took the test is still in the gas refining period, then there is no such saying..." Young woman said.

Originally, several others who wanted to support Chi Yuanzi turned around and nodded.

"Yes, or Hua Daoyou is right! Hahaha..." Duan Yue's uncle had wanted to speak, but he seemed to be stupid, and he quickly echoed.

"Huh, a foundation period also needs a gas refining period to help, you can still laugh, I really don't know how your vision is so bad!"

Seeing that this would not work, Chi Yuanzi talked about Li Qinglai again.

"What's wrong, he brought four people on his body. Didn't you see Yo?" Duan Yue's uncle shouted with angry eyes.

"So, those four..."

He wanted to say that if they counted like this, Murong Qingcheng was cheating, but suddenly they noticed a few bad eyes and came back quickly.

These bad eyes, including the young woman in the secret star palace, the elders of the ugly master, and the more terrifying are the messengers of the lower realm, how dare he talk nonsense.

"Anyway, I think this guy will definitely not I bet that even if he can go up the mountain, the road foundation he built will certainly not be dripping!"

Daoji refers to the state at the time of foundation, another nickname.

"Betting? Well, then I will bet with you!" Duan Yue's Uncle Shi was angry, and shouted.

"What bet?"

Chi Yuanzi originally said the same thing, but now, he can't do it without gambling, or he will not lose his face.

"How about a magic bet?"

Magic weapon, that is also a rare and precious item in the cultivation world.

For a time, almost everyone was moved except for the Nether Messenger.

"Okay, what about betting with you! If he has good qualifications, I will give you my Chilian crown!"

"I don't want your broken things, I want your red scale heart mirror!" Duan Yue's teacher uncle said.

"What about you? Know that the protective magic weapon is more precious than the attack type. Don't fool me with your weapons!"

"I got a cloud boot last time, why don't you give it away!" Duan Yue's uncle said.


The two immediately made a gambling contract, and the messenger of the lower realm testified.

The mudslide flowed for about half an hour like a waterfall, and finally stopped, but just after stopping, hail came down from the sky.


Looking at this situation, Li Qing couldn't help but say nothing.

The hail is white, and some are blue, some are snowball-shaped, and some are cone-shaped.

Li Qing can only raise the Feijian sacrifice and spin around to block these hailstones.

The temperature dropped to minus one hundred degrees...

In less than ten minutes, the entire mountain was frozen!

Really, even the stones are frozen, the oxygen starts to thin...

The most terrible thing is that the mountain roads will start to stick to people. It is the feeling that the ice is extremely extreme and will be stuck when it comes to it.

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