My Super God QQ

Chapter 359: attract! Loyal man

"Lili" is a flight attendant.

The family is not good, but she is honored to be an air hostess by her hard work and beauty.

Since becoming a flight attendant, she often watches idol dramas and wonders whether she will catch up with a gold rich handsome guy. By then, she can also become a princess and live a happy life.

Lili is very picky!

No matter who gets into her eyes, she will be screened, and as long as there are occasional shortcomings, she will be ruthlessly eliminated.

But today, as soon as she saw Li Qing, her eyes straightened, and she just felt that God's arrangement was finally equal to her real life.


A look at the clothes on the body is a famous brand, custom made by hand.


At a young age, he is a major general, and his future is limitless.


His colleagues are so handsome, the little ones are secretly screaming, as if climaxing with excitement.

"It's mine!"

So, she decided to shoot this time, no longer hesitating, she must strike thunder and quickly get the handsome guy.

"Mine! I am young, you all have to let me, I never asked you, this time, you let me!" In the stewardess's lounge, a girl called.

"Xizhi, you are still young. Look, your sister is 27 years old. I don't have any serious objects yet. Look, I usually take care of you, or let me know! "A relatively old woman who looks very **** and almost wants to squeeze out both balls."

"I know that everyone is not easy, and I want to find a Ruyi Langjun. In my opinion, don't destroy our sister's feelings, fair competition, how?" People are blind.

Lili decided to come out and say a word, no more contention, fearing that by the time, there is no chance.

He coughed twice to make everyone notice her, and she said with a gesture of concern to everyone: "Well, otherwise it will be fair! Let's take turns, how? One by one, my last one!"

Why the last one?

Because she is confident in herself, and she is still very full. Didn't she all say that the good show is coming?

She didn't believe it, and she would lose to these fairies with her perseverance!

"Even if I don't fight for this job, I have to win him!" She gave her a breath and made a lot of determination.

Although, it may be expelled.

Thinking of the handsome and explosive image in her mind, she felt willing, even if it was for love, fight it!

The plan of making handsome guys began to take effect.

The first three colleagues all failed.

An accident also happened. The flight attendant serving the ordinary cabin actually wanted to grab a piece of soup, which made her a little angry. You know, VIP First Class is not something they can serve.

She waited patiently and waited for them to fail, showing a triumphant look, and finally appeared.

"Just use this!"

She took the cat feces coffee she couldn't usually make and made a very fragrant cup of coffee.

In this way, she trimmed her posture and walked forward with the cup of coffee.

"Honorable sir, would you like to have a cup of coffee?"


The stewardesses in the front are all relying on the usual routines. This time, she must have some novel moves to be able to win!

When she handed out the coffee, she was a little scared, and she was very excited, because the closer she was to him, the more she was shocked by his handsomeness. In particular, he was born with a very strong aura. Under the aura of the aura, she had only one thought, that is, to please me, master!

Li Qing frowned, looking at the trembling hands. Although it trembles tremendously, it still firmly reaches the coffee.

After chatting with Bai Xiaotian for a few words, he also felt that his tongue was a little dry, plus the coffee seemed really fragrant, he took it and smiled politely and said, "Thank you!"

After receiving Li Qing's gratitude, she felt that her heart was about to explode, beating at a speed and going straight to a hundred paces per hour!

She wanted to speak, but she couldn't control her speech, and she was suffocating nervously.

"Any thing else?"

Of course Li Qing didn't know that it was brewed out of her coffee beans. After a while, she was curious when she saw that she was still standing.

"Uh, no no no!"

In this way, Lili only reacted, and quickly turned around and left.

Due to tension, he almost stumbled.

It was at this time that she finally knew her colleague, why did she not make a surprise move, not unexpectedly, but would be affected by the gas place as soon as she went up, she couldn't do it herself!

Although she always called herself, she became a benevolence if she didn't succeed.

But then, she didn't have the courage to play again, and then went closer...

I can only watch the flight continue to fly towards the target over time.

"Flying past?" Li Qing laughed: "It's a real waste of energy to fly past, and if it really flew past, what would happen there would be very dangerous."

"Oh~" Bai Xiaotian scratched his head embarrassedly: "Let you laugh, I thought you could fly directly with a flying sword, no need to take a flight."

"My Master once said that in the cultivation world, we must keep our body and true energy in the best condition every moment, otherwise, we might regret it when the danger comes down!" Li Qing remembered the memory of the sword, a serious one The ground flickered.

"Well, even though I haven't been there, I can imagine it!" Bai Xiaotian thought deeply, and didn't detect anything wrong.

"By the way, you said you counted me again, before thinking about coming to me, can I ask, what did you count!" Li Qing asked curiously.

"I saw a green cloud in front of your eyes, pointing directly at the sky of nine days, I can't see the end..."

"Oh? Really? Is there any?"

"It seems that there is a unicorn, and there are some weird icons. I am not afraid of you jokes. Those icons are a to say, a bit like the QQ icons we play!" Speaking of which, he seemed afraid of Li Qing misunderstanding and swearing Generally speaking: "Actually, I don't know why I see these icons, maybe it's because you and I have known them in the predecessor. Bring out some cause and effect in it, which I saw..."

Bai Xiaotian said this!

Li Qing suddenly froze on the spot as if he was struck by lightning.

Originally, he still didn't believe what Bai Xiaotian could calculate, and this kind of fortune-telling, Li Qing can also imagine that they generally pick good things, and the bad ones will shut their mouths.

But he really counts to Kirin, which is really great!

His Qilin Zhiren Qingyun recipe has never been disclosed to outsiders!

Not to mention, the QQ icon behind!

Li Qing set off huge waves in his heart, and finally believed that these fortune tellers were indeed against the sky, and this could be counted.

"After seeing those icons, I vomited blood and my life was reduced by five years. Senior, don’t look. I look young now. This is because I controlled it with mystery. If my mystery is broken Then, it will immediately become a middle-aged person." Bai Xiaotian did not see Li Qing's eccentricity, and continued to talk there, trying to convince Li Qing of his words.


After a while, Li Qing spit out these two words.

Can't you believe it?

The unicorn is calculated, and the QQ icon is also calculated!

If it is really so powerful, it is also a good thing to accept him as a younger brother, because it is enough to see that he is a talent.

"Then did you calculate anything in the end?"

"No, but before, I have counted a scene, that is, a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops came to meet!"

"Are you talking about me?"

"Yes! So, I want to be one of the thousands of troops!" Speaking of which, Bai Xiaotian was excited.

In the realm of comprehension, he can have such a powerful force. He believes that if Li Qing can bring himself, he will be brilliant.

"Really so powerful?"

Li Qing was a little unbelieving, and he wasn't the kind of person who liked the faction. However, he couldn't help but imagine what kind of scene it was.

Thousands of troops!

This is such a majestic thing that makes all men bloody!

Arriving at the destination, when sending Li Qing off the plane, all the empty sisters stared at Li Qing.

Only Li Qing sent a note of Li Qing, he lost all the courage and turned to escape.


This is what she did with all her strength.

After doing all this, she found that she had a new idea, as if she could be satisfied in this way.

No matter whether he will contact himself or not, whether he thinks of herself or not, she has courageously and gave her full efforts, then, it will be worthless in this life, and the soul spirit has been greatly sublimated...

Li Qing didn't know that he had caused so many commotions. After taking the, he was a little stunned and followed Bai Xiaotian on a buggy.

This is arranged by Bai Xiaotian.

It is conceivable that there is a man who can not predict the prophet, how comfortable life should be, and can exercise less heart!

Sitting in the car, the two chatted again.

"Are you really not taking the test? Know this time, as long as you have a good qualification, you can also go to the real world without a teacher?"

"No!" Bai Xiaotian said firmly: "I counted, even if I can enter, the future road will not follow you stronger!"

That firm look was like being a faithful old servant after following Li Qing for decades.

"Okay!" Li Qing nodded. Only when he wrote down this friendship in his heart, he could teach him after copying the cultivation practice.

It is also time to think about how to upgrade QQ! Li Qing thought silently, otherwise, more and more people around him, he can cultivate, but can not teach others, is also a very blue and tangled thing.

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