My Super God QQ

Chapter 309: The monks gathered and waited for the remains to open

"Feng Niang!"

"Yes, Chief!"

"This time, the country needs you!"

"Yes! I once promised that the old man would return to the country while the master was staying. Even now, the old man is no longer there, but the promise is still counted!"

"Well, the country needs you to go to Youxiong Village in Quanzhou City. I will send someone to take you by helicopter!"

"My task?"

"Explore a remnant left by ancient times. At that time, you can save half of what you get, and half contribute to the country. The most important thing is to find out whether there are exercises, and also prevent other countries' high-level forces from getting what is inside. Assuming that there is a conflict, the latter one shall prevail, that is our Huaxia thing, how can it not be revealed abroad!"


Hanging up the phone, the woman who has always been **** and seductive shuts her storefront and heads to the airport, where a special plane is waiting for her.


United States of America...

"Starry, this time led by you, five people, is there any problem!"

"No problem, President, I will definitely bring the treasures of the yellow monkeys back to our country for research! Under my power, they will cry with tears..."

"Don't care!"




"Emperor of the Emperor, our nine-leaf school, will certainly not disgrace the mission, please rest assured!"

"Um, are all nine leaves out?"

"No, we have decided to send out three. If we want to have a treasure, we will be able to catch it."

"Well, go! I am waiting for your good news in the Imperial Palace!"

In addition to these two countries, there are also wizards in South Africa, the head of Thailand, the British Dark Council and the Light Church, sending a large number of people to rush to China.

To this end, China has also pre-judged and set strict investigations, and set up a large number of people in the international airports of various cities to check to prevent these people from entering the territory. However, there are policies at the top, and countermeasures at the bottom. They still exert their magical powers, not only got off the plane, but also rushed to Quanzhou.


There is Bear Village...

Another day passed...

Some people gathered at the entrance of the village, looking at the distance.

"Isn't the group owner saying that the breath will be gone in just one day, can I enter it at that time? Why hasn't it gone yet!"

"I'm afraid it's difficult, now it's clearly noon. However, the mountain range is still shrouded in darkness, as if separated by heaven and man, looking at **** in the world, it doesn't look right, it's too evil!"

"Hey, don't go if you are afraid, wait here obediently!"

"Afraid of a woolen thread, my monks are walking against the sky, just go forward bravely, and retreat if you don't. It's too unpleasant to say this to you!"

"Shut up! Noisy shouts!"

Suddenly, a strong and powerful man holding a silver axe said impatiently.

Many monks were attracted to look at it with dissatisfaction, but after discovering who the man was, he quietly withdrew his dissatisfied gaze.

Because this man is a nether monk they can't afford.


This man came yesterday and was unobtrusive when he first arrived. At most, he looked at him curiously.

Afterwards, he seemed to ask something, and the monk here was not bad.

The monk had about eight layers of strength in the gas refining period, but he was hacked to death by the strong man without resistance. Even if the monk took out a defensive weapon shield, the shield was also damaged. Divided into two.

On the spot, everyone was scared!

It was not until the Flying Swordsmen they knew came out of the village and greeted him that these monks realized that this was a powerful monk in the foundation period from the real world.

In addition to this strong man, there were several monks who had never seen before.

This time, no one dared to provoke a monk I had never seen before, because they were afraid that what they provoke was an unknown nether monk who would be killed by others directly.

"Brother, does your master know that the ruins that are about to be born are treasure land or fierce land?"

Duan Yue looked at it for a while, and then returned to the back of the village. At this time, the pavilion was occupied by them.

Hearing this, Liu Changqing also looked at Li Qing curiously.

"To be honest, my master hasn't appeared recently, and I can't get in touch. When I met him last time, he seemed to be going to the sea, but he didn't come back since he wanted to!" The lies come open.

He said directly that he hadn't seen his master in a long time, and he wasn't afraid of others guessing.

And this is his firm belief and determination, so that people never doubt Li Qing's words are false.

"Hey, those powerful predecessors are generally Shenlong seeing each other, hahaha, maybe you are just one of his apprentices if you are a little friend..." The ugly man suddenly laughed.

He also came, yes, came with the golden sheep fairy.

However, Jin Yangxian is now a little restrained, because yesterday Duan Yue took the axe and chopped off someone, which caused him great shock.

You know, in his world, this is a legal society! However, he was staring at a guy, died dead, no one dared to investigate, how can he calm down.

With his character, he immediately decided that he would rather be a turtle with a reduced head than to stick out his head, so that he could cut off his head.

"I see what kind of group leader you are, the technique of divination is not very good, why don't you invite the fairy of the Mysterious Star Palace to divination?" A monk sitting in the distance suddenly said.

The monk had a pale face, wearing a hat, wearing a common cloth, and holding a fishing rod.

This person, Li Qing didn't know anymore, but from him, Li Qing could feel its unparalleled strength. Obviously sitting there gave him a strong intuition.

"The Beihai old man has won the prize. This place is different from the realm of truth. The laws of heaven and earth are different from each other. The little girl really can't see anything from the astrology, or it should be said that the sky machine has been disturbed here, even if I am stronger I can’t see it on the first floor!"

A masked woman in black said.

She was the woman that Miss Sister wanted to follow.

Only this time, Murong Fengrou wasn't around. I didn't know that it was this masked black woman who worried about Murong Fengrou's safety before she brought her. Still, Murong Fengrou had been tested and could not become her disciple.

"It seems that this ancient ruin is not simple, but it can lead to this heavenly plane being shrouded and undetectable..."

"Oh, let's be content! To know the first few times, they came down here, but did not encounter such a good thing." Liu Changqing said.

"Yes! If there is such a treasure land in the cultivation realm, it would never be ours. It is now, hehehe..." A middle-aged man with a bit of sturdiness and a little short length exposed sharp beast teeth and grinned grimly. .

Yes, it's animal teeth!

Listening to Liu Changqing quietly telling Li Qing that this guy seems to be the demon cult, in addition to refining the power of the demon beast to himself, the whole person can also become a demon beast.

These six monks are the monks who came down from the upper realm.

Originally, it was seven, but when Li Qing killed two, it became five.


So how are there still six now?

It turned out that the guy who exposed his beast's teeth turned into a monster with his own abilities, and was brought down by the Beihai old man in a monster storage bag.


It was a hole.

Although this is also a bit dangerous, it is not without holes.

Not to mention, listening to the Beihai old man explained that the guy was seriously injured and his breath was very weak before he could be brought down.


At first, when these two came, they looked so tall, even Li Qing didn't like it. But after hearing that Li Qing slaughtered the two foundation monks who came down together, they were all curious and respected Li Qing.

"Demon wolf, don't you want to kill a lot, then, if the messenger of the lower realm is attracted, he sees that you actually stole down, there is absolutely no chance of being spared!" , Warned.

"Relax, old man, you are my elder brother, I don’t think about my own I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you! I won’t kill them all, and monopolize that treasure of the remains... However, if they find me in trouble, don’t blame me for swallowing them one by one!” With that, a grin appeared in his eyes.

It seems that if it is not afraid of the messenger of the lower realm, I am afraid that this guy's character is really the kind of indiscriminate killing of the innocent. In that way, the monk who may enter the ruins will be killed by his hegemony.

"Seniors, you are in the realm, and you are well-informed. Can I ask you something?"

Suddenly Li Qing thought of the skeleton black robe.

"Brother, you have something to ask!" Duan Yue said loudly: "They don't give you face, they just don't give me face!"

The monks looked at Li Qing and all nodded.

Even the demon wolf glanced at Duan Yue with dissatisfaction, and finally nodded.

Because, some of them are not afraid of Duan Yue, but they want to give a little face to the powerful person behind Li Qing.

They can give the power of taking off the sword, they think they can not afford, this is what they think.

"This time, you came down from the realm of truth, seven, no, eight, right? Why, not long ago, I met two monks who seemed to be the foundation period, one was the demons, and the other Is it a monster with skeletons?" Li Qing asked, as he organized the language.

He didn't understand very much. He clearly heard that there were seven. As a result, he met more than seven monks during the foundation period this time.

"Mozong? There are skeletons?" Liu Changqing took the ruler and patted his left hand, as if thinking.

"Uh, old decay, but only brought down the demon wolf, not others!"

"Yeah, this group seems to be only us, and the messenger of the lower realm didn't say that he would still bring people down?"

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