My Super God QQ

Chapter 306: Buddha sound, harmony, promotion


Li Qing felt that the **** smell went straight into his brain, and he had to rush out of the facial features. It was this blood that made Li Qing feel that he swallowed not the essence, but the human flesh.

Eat human flesh?


Li Qing's mind came up with such a thought, and it was really tempting. It can be seen that the guy in front of him is proud and looking at himself "as if looking at the dead". Li Qing's unconvincing fire is rushing up, just forbearing Live in discomfort and swallow in the belly.

"I won't die!"

He roared and roared in his heart.

That is, after swallowing the essence of life, a miracle happened, the pain in the blood hole in his chest was quickly relieved, and the power that was constantly venting and disappearing was recovering.

"What kind of elixir is this? So magical?"

The man in black robe seemed to feel something, surprisingly.

Li Qing responded with a sneer.

"You want to laugh when you die?"

No response, the black robe looked at Li Qing, his eyes full of pity.

"Come on! If Lao Tzu is afraid of you, you are not your Lao Tzu!" Li Qing shouted angrily.

"Jin Jie, my Lao Tzu was killed by me early..." He smiled strangely: "Yes, then I will send you this second Lao Tzu, go on the road!"


Li Qing is very vigilantly prepared.

Now, his huge wound seems to have stopped the blood, and is recovering quickly.

"Death that makes you irresistible, come on! Huang Quan's horror howl..."

He spoke, raised his head, and howl with his neck.


It's unpleasant to hear the harsh sound, once again piercing the world.

Howling sounds again in Li Qing's mind, followed by hallucinations, a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and howlings of all ghosts...

"No, I can't go on like this!"

Li Qing thought about it, let Feijian continue to surround himself, flying tightly, to prevent him from sneaking in, and quickly tune out the QQ system.

As early as Fang, he thought of a way to crack the opponent's move.

"QQ system, QQ music..."

He diligently focused on the spirit and entered QQ music, he would release the song and sing by himself.

Originally, he wanted to sing "Men are self-improving", but maybe it was his own will in his life. He just entered QQ music and actually saw the recommendation above.

"Ling Buddha Pure World Song!"

When the moment came, Li Qing opened his mouth and sang the song.


Because this guy looked at it, it was not a good thing, like a ghost, and such filthy things naturally feared Buddha and light most.

Spiritual Buddha Pure World Song, it was ten years ago, a monk who was passed down to the world by the Buddha.

Ten years ago, the monk was only eight years old!

At a young age, it is possible to compose this handed down song!

At that time, almost all the believers who heard the song shed tears.

Li Qing was also a little impressed. The reason why he knew it was from the news.

It seems that the Buddha's reincarnated monk was singing in a Buddhist square in Tibet. As soon as he sang a few words, the countless countless Buddhist believers knelt down and buried their heads deeply on the ground , Bowing to him fanatically.

It stands to reason that Li Qing doesn't believe in Buddhism much, and believes in herself more. However, when I heard it, my heart was touched, silent and silent, and I heard tears in my eyes unconsciously.

Later, after the singing was over, I suddenly awakened to awareness.

At that time, the incident was too loud, sensational China, and even spread to the whole world.

Many scientists even suspect that this song is a magic sound that affects people and should not be listened to.

Others say that this song, with its huge Buddhist power, can persuade people to do good, but it is a good thing and cannot be restricted.

Anyway, it spread vigorously, according to legend...

The hardest and hardest people cry!

The criminal was crying!

Some people even said that when they heard this song, some cows also cried!

All of the above thoughts flashed Li Qing's thoughts in an instant.

Singing voice has come out from his mouth: "Buddha in the heart, love is boundless! Heart is in the Buddha, and love is unharmed! The Buddha's light illuminates people's hearts, people's hearts are towards the Buddha, people are at ease! Prajna and your heart..."

With Li Qing's singing, something magical happened.

As if the most clear stream in the world filled Li Qing's mind, the howling and crying of the ghosts slowly subsided, suppressed by the magnificent and grand Buddha sound.

The **** sea of ​​the corpse mountain was also covered by countless blooming flowers and trees, and countless beautiful and lovely creatures were born. With the sun shining, all the bleak and cold atmosphere disappeared, which is clearly the trend of a perfect world...

If this is the case, then, when Li Qing sings this Buddhist song, the more he sings, the more affectionate he becomes.

His mouth no longer sings.

Instead, a lot of golden lotus flew out of it, constantly growing larger, filling this world.

Even, faintly, this golden lotus illuminates the world and illuminates everything.

This golden light illuminates the black robe in front of him.

At this point, he showed a skull-like face, which was clearly a monster with only a pair of eyes, no, ghost.

And that shimmering light seemed to be extremely hot. After shouting at this guy, he screamed, and the whole person jumped up, struggling to twist his figure, as if to melt it.


The howl turned into a scream of sorrow.

Not to mention him, even the "Wang Lin" that he had tossed aside seemed to be burned, woke up from a coma, and screamed.

"It hurts me, wow, what the hell!"

It really hurts!

Wang Lin only felt as if he was burned to the parcel, and his body was sorely burned, not to mention that all his internal organs and organs were not in the body, but exposed to the air and the golden Buddha light.

In pain, he saw Li Qing and was completely dumbfounded.

Because, he saw the golden light shining all over Li Qing's body, and behind him, a golden shadow appeared.

The shadow was holding a zen stick, and its head was round and light, as if there was a sun behind it, and a very solemn and solemn breath of light radiated to the whole world.

"No, no, you can't be a disciple of Buddhism... Ah-wait for me!"

The black robe screamed with a trembling voice and fear, and he seemed to see death. Then, he glanced at Wang Lin reluctantly, swaying the whole body of black robe, as if a huge bat was flying into the sky. Started, with his tail caught, and fled.

The sound of Buddha is indistinct, flooding the world!

The aura of peace has also continuously poured into the mind of the creator, Li Qing.

Li Qing's mind actually received a strange power, which was stored in his mind, that is, this power touched his mind, his mind was extremely peaceful and peaceful.


As a result, Li Qing found that the bottleneck of Kirin Zhiren Qingyun Jue that he could not break through for a long time finally broke through.

From the first floor, to the second floor!

This breakthrough, sudden change.

There are huge whirlwinds around Li Qing's body. These whirlwinds seem to be taking Li Qing as the center, constantly swirling the spirit of this world, and quickly sweeping into his body.

As the heaven and earth spirits continue to infuse, there is an immense amount of power that emerges from the meridians that are expanding and expanding rapidly, and is constantly expanding, more and more, more and more full...

Because of this, Li Qing saw that the other party had fled and did not chase.

Because Wang Lin is still there, then, he let this powerful feeling spread all over his body, getting stronger and stronger, and more and more aura.

The sound of the Buddha stopped slowly, but the whirlwind was getting bigger and bigger.

From two meters in height, it slowly changes to three meters, as if Tianzhu is going to connect to the sky, and then from three meters to four meters, continuously upward.

He is frantically searching for the heaven and earth aura here...

Li Qing feels that his strength has also increased a lot, and has continuously broken through from the eighth floor of the gas refining period.

Break through to the 9th floor of the gas refining period...

It broke through to the tenth floor of the gas refining period...

Then comes the gas refining period...

Among them, whether it is the influence of the Buddha sound or the Qilin to Ren Qingyun tactics, Li Qing has no way to study.

The spirit of heaven and earth continuously poured into this place, Li Qing didn't notice the ground, and the ground was shaking slightly, as if there would be some ancient behemoth under the ground about to break away from the ground and suppress it.

Li Qing's mind was completely immersed in his realm.

Ten floors!

Now, Li Qing feels that his strength is extremely powerful.

Let's talk about facial features first!

His five senses were even stronger, and he could hear far and far away, and if he looked at it, the ants on a small tree outside the other mountain could be clearly seen.

Words of power!

Thinking about this, Li Qing tried to punch the ground with a punch.


A fissure of tens of meters was blasted directly from the ground.

Turning his fist into a palm knife again, Li Qing cut down a tree, and a violent eruption of anger broke out. This tree, which was more than four meters high, was directly shattered and smashed, breaking the waist and flying away.

Only in this way did Li Qing discover Wang Lin and rushed past.

"Wang Lin, how are you? Are you okay?"

He looked anxiously at Wang what do you say? Brother, I am really going to be a ghost this time. Hey, in the future, you must take care of me if my parents say..." Wang Lin bit his face bitterly and lifted the black covering himself. robe.

As soon as he opened it, Li Qing was dumbfounded.

What he saw was not Wang Lin's body, but a skeletal skeleton with a green dot, and an organ tied with a strange thread. That was Wang Lin's organ.

A strange odor emanated from his body.

How to describe this smell?

It's a bit like the smell of corpses, and it seems like something smells...

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that Li Qing doesn’t know what to do now...


How can this save Wang Lin?

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