My Super God QQ

Chapter 300: Repeated indemnity

Suddenly, the young man covered his face with a very tangled look.


That's too much face.

No apology?

You will also be beaten, but also no face.

Just when he was tangled, the fat old man slaps in vain. The young man was unprepared, and was immediately knocked down by the fan, lying on the ground.


In this way, the fat old man glared at him indignantly, and embarrassedly fisted to Li Qing Road: "Daoyou, I'm sorry, these two evil barriers are too ignorant, you just look at their young age, Rao Get them!"


Li Qing really wanted to say that they look bigger than me!

But okay!

Li Qing saw that the fat old man was so sincere in reaching his hand that it was not easy to make a smile on his face, so he waved it and signaled it.


The old man in the head saw Li Qing's contemptuous behavior and was so angry that he had to say something, but he had been pulled by the two old men and pulled back into the village.

"You two, get me back!"

While pulling their big brother, the fat old man shouted.

At this time, the young men and women no longer have the arrogance to be talented, just like the **** of the defeat, they can only obediently bow their heads and follow in.

five minutes later……

The biggest house in the village...

"What's the matter with the two of you? I usually hurt Xiaolei more than me. Why are you like this today? Are you crazy?" As soon as they returned to the house, their boss was furious and jumped.

"Brother, we can't afford this young man!"

Their third child, the fat old man said.

"Yeah, brother, let's hold our breath!" Their third son also persuaded.

"Why don't you bother? The three of us are all on the 9th floor of the gas refining period. What if he has a flying sword? Fighting with us is like sending the flying sword to the door!"

"No, brother, do you know who he is?"

"Who?" The old man straightened with rage and shouted: "Is it true that he is the emperor? I can't provoke it?"

"Although not, it's almost the same. Brother, do you remember what Bai Xiaosheng told us yesterday? He should be the one!" The fat old man lowered his voice, indicating that his brother also whispered.

"Which one?"

"Feijian... Brother, have you forgotten? The new Taoist who joined the group!" The fat Taoist reminded again, starting from the Feijian: "Feijian, Nether Monk, the power behind..."

Finally, their eldest brother remembered something, his eyes straightened, and then he took a deep breath.

"He, the one with the strength of the refining period, but the anti-killing star who built the base period? Has the powerful one behind him?"

"According to his age, and that flying sword, I think it's true! Now, our group should be the first to know that the ruins will appear, and that Shaxing has a flying sword, still in the group, you said it was not him, yet Who could it be?"

"Boss, fortunately I went early, otherwise, hey, I am afraid the consequences are hard to imagine!"

Listening to this, their eldest brother no longer complained, his stomach full of smoke disappeared, and was replaced with fear.


In their minds, Li Qing had the terrible existence of killing two Nether Monks during the refining period!

Not to mention, there are still people behind!

If they really meet Li Qing, even if they win Li Qing, they will surely die if they provoke the people behind him.

This is almost beyond doubt!


In order to prevent Li Qing from being jealous, the fat old man thought about it and shouted again.

"Three grandpas!"

The girl walked in grievously.

"Go back! Otherwise, after more instructors come, depending on your temperament, I don't know how much trouble you have to cause."

"But grandpa, don't you say let me come and see if a female monk can look at me so that I can get in under the door?" Xiao Lei panicked and hurriedly shouted.

The exercises that her three grandpas practiced are not suitable for Xiaolei. Therefore, Xiaolei came here this time just to see if some female monks could accept her.

But it seemed impossible. The three old men did not let her stay. Not only that, but even her brother was driven away.

Even if Xiao Lei was crying and crying to help, it was useless, and was ruthlessly blasted away, for nothing else, fearing that they might cause trouble.

When Xiaolei walked out of the village again, she felt regretful.

Although they had resentment against Li Qing in their hearts, they did not dare to show it. They left the village in drove with their car like a snake.


"Chief, those nasty guys are gone!"

"Oh, I see!"

Li Qing turned the branch in his hand and roasted the turtle dove seriously, but didn't care.

In his mind, this is just an episode. It's just that he was a little puzzled. I don't know why they were so arrogant in front, but they confessed wrong in the back, which is a bit strange.

But if he couldn't figure it out, he didn't even think about it. This is his habit.

Since the head did not want to pursue, A Kun and they did not dare to say anything, they could only take the barbecue seriously.

After another hour...

Another car entered the village.

Driving is an acquaintance of Li Qing, a little owed.

Behind is Ding Shishan and an old man who looks about sixty years old.

The old man looked very thin, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind, and the outline of his face was not like a human, but more like a skull.

"Hahaha, little friend~ You really are here!"

When Ding Shishan got off the bus, he saw Li Qing and hurried up to say hello.

"Senior good!"

Xiaoyin also hurriedly came over and bowed to salute, her eyes full of fanatical worship.

It was the emaciated old man who followed him, his expression a little weird, but he followed him.

"Senior, you are quite fast, haha..." Li Qing smiled, his relationship with Dingshishan people is good, this person is very particular.

"I just didn't expect such a coincidence, you are here... yes, I will introduce it to you, this is the boneless layman in our group!"

Bone Lay?

As soon as Li Qing heard these four words, he immediately frowned deeply and an uncomfortable feeling came to his mind.

He remembered that when he first entered the group, he was almost kicked out of the group by the bone-bearing layman.

There is also the constant provocation of the boneless lay men.

So he squinted at the boneless lay man.

With this squint, the murderousness came out immediately, and the old skinny old man shivered and his back was slightly cold.

"What are you stupid about doing there?" Ding Shishan shouted.

The old man quickly took three steps and made two steps, stepped forward, and stooped against Li Qing.

"Hello, Taoist Li Qing, I used to offend many people. I blame me for not knowing Taishan. In order to express my apologies, this is a gift from me. I also hope that your adults don't count the villains..."

Seriously, Li Qing thought about finding him in trouble. Who knows, he would give himself such a look when he met?

Suddenly, he thought of something.

It is very likely that the priests of the bones are looking for the Dingshishan people, let him talk about it, and apologize to Li Qing.

As for why he counseled? In addition to Li Qing killing the monks during the foundation period, the unprecedented "power" behind him is definitely the key.

But Li Qing is a little unhappy!

Seeing Li Qing's silence, the Dingshishan people were a little anxious, but they didn't dare to lay monks also panicked!

The air suddenly fell silent...

The atmosphere in them even noticed A Kun and they immediately stopped what was in their hands and followed silence.

five minutes……

Li Qing was silent for five minutes.

In these five minutes, the cold sweat behind the bone-bearing housemates soaked his back.

In the end, Li Qingcai asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

He decided, let's take a look at the courtesy. If the other party just sent something he wanted, then let him go.

if not?

So sorry!

As soon as he met, he would say "goodbye" to the boneless priest...

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