My Super God QQ

Chapter 278: The Immortal Relationship between Jinyangxian and Wanglin

"Hey~ Hey..."

At this moment, a cry came suddenly from behind Wang Lin.

He turned around, and a fat man was moving up from the bottom step by step. The wide figure really worried people, if they fell to the ground, would they roll directly to the foot of the mountain.


The fat man was very excited, and it seemed that no one was climbing.

Wang Lin’s eyes were gathered on his hand, and the fat man also had a wooden sign in his right hand. Suddenly, Wang Lin knew that the fat man was the same as his own.

"Have you heard the sign?"

"Hahaha, I just wanted to ask you! It seems that we are all the same! If it is really possible to be a fairy, we will be brothers in the future! How old are you, I am seventeen, Nanhe..." The fat man is very talkative. Suddenly provoke the river, so many questions were asked.

"I'm almost as big as you! In other words, how did you get this brand?" Wang Lin asked.

"It just fell from the sky, and it broke my glass directly. If I pick it up and hear the sound, I'm afraid I will throw it out with cursing. What about you?"

Wang Lin secretly said, this fat man is so lucky! The surface is silent, and a story is also made.

"Let's be a companion? I don't know how long it will take to climb to the mountain. In the wilderness, I am afraid that there will be snakes and wolves everywhere." Speaking of which, the fat man's neck shrank.


The sun has been gradually covered by dark clouds, and the whole mountain has become a bit cool, especially in the densely wooded areas. It is a little scary to blow the wind to make a "sparse" sound. In the evening, this situation may be even more dramatic.


Wang Lin has no opinion. Anyway, he also has a wooden sign, so it's a way to find a companion on the road! Exactly, this fat man crawled so slowly, making him quite fulfilled.

"I came from Jianjiang."

"Oh, it's quite far, but my hometown is also far away. My hometown is Dongguan City."

"Dongguan, wow, that's the legendary man's paradise! Good fellow, you are so happy!" As soon as he said this, Wang Lin's eyes were shining, very envious.

When he had no money, he fantasized about going there. When he had money, the place began to be severely beaten. This has almost become Wang Lin's regret.

"It seems to be the same person! Haha, I've been there once. The taste is not too beautiful. I have turned the water, and my back hurts for a few days before I got up." The fat man blew his cow, looking proud. .

"Is it so powerful? Not to mention how old you are, let alone two visits at most, how could you have a backache, you guys really love bragging."

"Hey, hey..."

The fat man was a little embarrassed, but he was still very thick-skinned. Then he discussed this knowledge with Wang Lin.

With the companion, the mountain seems to be less tired to climb, but the mountain is really high, and it seems that the sky is almost dark, they have not seen the top of the mountain.


The mountain road is really slippery, there is sand and stone, a careless, fat man fell to the ground.

"Are you all right?" Wang Lin cared.

This is the case with men, and they may become good friends because of a sentence or two.

After the two exchanged views on women, they have really become friends, almost talking about nothing.

"It's okay!"

The fat man was about to stand up, and suddenly he heard howling wolves.


The legs were soft, the fat man fell to the ground again, his face pale as paper.

"Is there really a wolf?"

Wang Lin's calf was also trembling, and the whole person was shaking, very obvious.

Because, as a city, who really encountered a wolf? This will kill people!


There was another wolf howling, not knowing if it was near, or another wolf.

At the moment, Wang Lin pulled his leg and ran.

"Hey, hey, help me, brother..." The fat man was almost crying, and cried quickly.

Wang Lin was so scared that he just wanted to run on his own, but when he heard the brother, Li Qing's smiling face flashed in his mind, he paused, and hurried back to help him up.

"Hurry up! I suspect there are more than wolves here, but many..."



The two were frightened, and they didn't know where they came from. They ran up again.

This night, it was their most dangerous life.

First they were almost chased by wolves, and they saw poisonous snakes, or seven or eight. That's all. They also saw monkeys, throwing stones at them with a grin.

There are countless poisonous insects in the mountains.

The fat man did not know what bite the insect, and his whole back was swollen, just like a hunched old man.

However, despite the danger they had evaded, the sky was gradually getting brighter again, and they still did not see the top of the mountain...


"Old man, don't you follow me, okay? Seriously, I feel that my pick-up girl can't help you!" Jin Yangxian looked at the old man in a robe in tears.

It's been two days, and the old man has followed himself.

Wherever Jin Yangxian went, he followed him, even if he drove it, Cyclonus, but after a while, he would meet again.

It's no use hiding in the house, he is just waiting for the rabbit.

This situation made Jin Yangxian feel like he was going crazy.

"I don't care, why can't you teach others, you can't teach me!" The old man shook his head stubbornly, his voice was unpleasant, and his voice was harsh and harsh.

"However, the others are at least as good as you are. How old are you, old man, not just your age, you punk..." Speaking of which, he dared not describe it straightforwardly. Because yesterday, because he was so troubled, he found two or three hooligans to try to scare the old man.

As a result, the old man was not scared away, but the hooligan was so scared that he yelled and fleeed.

At this point, he knew that this old man might be a bit of a practice, not to be confused.

"I'm so crazy, born, my parents gave me what plastic surgery you said, I absolutely disagree. Anyway, you must come up with a way for me to chase a girl..." The old man, In fact, the ugly man said unreasonably.

"Shenchen concubine can't do wow..." Jin Yangxian cried all.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. Again, as long as things are successful, then I will accept you as my disciple and take you out of this world to enjoy the glory and wealth."

"But the problem is, I don't want to die yet!" Jin Yangxian always thought he was crazy, leaving this world, it is impossible for him to die, he doesn't want to die, and there are many girls waiting for him to save it!

"Boy, my patience is limited. I'll ask you again at the end. Are you willing?"

"Old man..."

"Yes, just teach, don't want, I don't need to keep you in this world, and mutilate those good girls!" Speaking of which, his voice suddenly froze, and there was a killing in his eyes.

The murderous intention shrouded Jin Yangxian's body. In an instant, Jin Yangxian only felt that the whole person could hardly breathe. The air was solidified, and he couldn't even move it.

Ten seconds~

Twenty seconds~

Thirty seconds later, Jin Yangxian felt that he might actually die here. Under fear, he couldn't help it anymore, begging for mercy: "Okay, I agree, I teach, I teach!"

So, that strange feeling disappeared.

"Hum, toast without eating, punishment and sprinkling! You are such a soft bone, no wonder you can only cheat those little girls."

"Hey, old man, no, those little girls weren't cheated by me. They already knew how I was, that's what you want on both sides!" Jin Yangxian was aggrieved.

"No need to say more, make a plan for me!"

"That old man, how old is the girl you want to chase? Also, what is her family background? What constellation?"

"What is the constellation? Don't tell me what I don't have. The girl is 108 years old and has an orphan with a family background..."

One hundred and eight years old!

"My mother!" Jin Yangxian almost scared without passing.

"Old man, are you kidding me?"

"Look at me like this, are you kidding me?" The old man glared, and there was another murderous appearance. Jin Yangxian quickly asked for mercy before he took it back.

"Well, at the age of 108, do you know what hobbies she has?"

"Cultivation, kill people!"

"Uh, when I didn't ask, how do you usually communicate with her in words?"

"I haven't seen her in almost ten years!"

Jin Yangxian is almost crazy. He has taught the girl picking technique to many people, but he has never seen it so difficult to handle.

"Okay! What about her personality?"

"It's a bit cold. I grew up in the school with her since I was a child. Later, she was taken as an apprentice by a more powerful person, and she has been less since I contacted." Speaking of which, there was a flash in the eyes of the ugly man sad.

He hated, if not that time, I am afraid he has got what he wants now, but it is to separate the two places and make their feelings weaker and weaker.

"Another affectionate person who was hurt mercilessly! Affectionately lost to long-time companion, but long-time companion could not match the forgetfulness of time and distance!" Jin Yangxian shook his head because many people were like He didn't dare to pay too much affection, and he always indulged in flowers.

"Let's talk about those that are useless, one by one, now tell me the plan now!"

"Well, okay, then you go buy a book with me now, teach you to talk, and go!" Jin Yangxian was also infatuated by the old man. He was moved by a little, and his mind flashed a bright light.

"Oh? Still talking!"

"Yes, this is basic skills. If you learn basic skills well, then you can do more with less."

"Well, if you teach really well, then I will give you unimaginable benefits."

"Just ask the old man to let me go..." Jin Yangxian smiled bitterly.

As everyone knows, Wang Lin was desperately looking for the fairy edge, but for the golden sheep fairy, the fairy edge came to the door automatically and did not know how to seize the opportunity.

This is the difference between people!

Luck is very important!

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