My Super God QQ

Chapter 276: Apologize immediately

That look, that movement, was simply neat, and it could be seen that it should be the top soldier in the army.

It should also be, otherwise the order will not be implemented so quickly and rigorously.

"You, you dare to beat me!"

Yan Xiaoji was angry, and struggling to rush to Li Qing, but the next second, the soldier shouted: "No rudeness to the head!"


Yan Xiaoji was slapped again and slumped straight on the floor, the expression was shocked and angry, just like the deep girl resentment in that kind of bitter drama.

"Just hit you how to drop? I told you, if you dare to compare, you must kill you alive!" Li Qing laughed, and somehow returned the word Bibi, and I felt a lot out of my heart. Angry.

"Yes, kill!"

Teacher Ning interjected.

For this man, she has long felt that it is not a good thing, especially when she comes in, she speaks badly and is best killed.

"You wait for me, wait..."

He was almost crying and howling.

"Aren't I waiting here? Are you blind!" Li Qing laughed and scolded. He even spread his hands and leaned on the sofa to make him sit more comfortably.

Master Ning smiled, too, and covered her mouth with a trembling smile.

Just now, when Li Qing came, Ning Shishi didn't come over because it was not long enough to get along, so he didn't know Li Qing very well, so it was not too close. But now, she thinks that Li Qing is still quite funny, approachable, not a bit of a racket.

Perhaps it was the noise below, which disturbed the above!

Finally, Yan Xiaoji's grandpa walked downstairs.

"You guys, what are you doing!"

Looking at the wolf book full of houses and the miserable state of his grandson, he shivered with anger and stared at his eyes.

I was shocked, but I had seen the big scene.

"Don't do it! Didn't you call 110, let someone come to catch me? Come on, look at it!" Li Qing smiled strangely.

This really looks weird.

The person who called the police was beaten, even 110 was beaten, and Li Qing sat on the sofa well, his face relaxed.

"I think, what do you want?"

The old man also realized that something was wrong, and finally picked up his straight eyes and stared at Li Qingdao.

"How are you doing?" Li Qing pondered for a while: "Well, I didn't get hurt anyway, you can get the electricity from our house, and give me another new sports car!"

"You are so delusional!"

The old man hadn't answered yet, Yan Xiaoji had jumped up, howling like a cat stepped on the tail.

He is really angry!

Isn’t this bullying?

It's not that he instigated Li Qing to drive a sports car to hit his door!

Even if it was a loss, it would be a repair, and a new one would have to be replaced. You know that he doesn’t even have a sports car.

But he never thought about it. If he hadn't reasoned well, how could things develop like this.

"Young man, do you know the background behind the old man?" The old man waved his hand, beckoning Ji Xiaoyan to be quiet, and then, sullenly.

"Is the Li family? Isn't that the Li family? Er, Kyoto Li family, I don't know very well, but once, the Kyoto family was stepped on by two or three families within a day! I want to come, Li Qingye Let’s not drop it!"


The old man laughed.

"Young man, bragging can't be like this!"


He thinks Li Qing is bragging.

What can be called a family in Kyoto, which is not the strongest family in China? As for him, such a wet baby, he couldn't believe it.

"Boy, you bragging to heaven!"

Yan Xiaoji also echoed.

Seeing that they still didn't believe it, Li Qing finally decided what, and shook his head indifferently with a smile: "Come, bring my clothes, I will try to fit them. Teacher, you turn your head!"

Immediately, he took a military green uniform from the soldier and wore it.

At first, wearing pants and clothes did not make people feel anything, but when Li Qing took out the epaulettes from the inside packing bag, the old man's eyes widened.

He rubbed his eyes hard.

It seems unbelievable, but look at it again, it is still the epaulet-representing a major five-pointed star of the major general.

Not to mention him, even the two police officers were stunned, and then went crazy, shouting: "Major General!"

In this way, all the people were shocked to know that Li Qing was really a major general in China.

How is it possible?

How old is this man at this age?

Old people often pay attention to political affairs, and have never heard of it. There is such a young major general in China!

"Who the **** are you? Which family?" The old man clenched his teeth secretly, his eyes more dignified, and he was extremely alert.

"Me? I am a flat-headed person. Otherwise, why would I live next door..."


"If you don't believe me, ask these two soldier brothers!" Li Qing said, looking at the two soldiers.

The two soldiers were here, and I must have gotten a little information, so the soldier close to Li Qing paid a courtesy: "Headman! You are not from Kyoto!"


"That's impossible, you Major General will definitely have a fake! And, even if you are a Major General... I..." The old man seemed to have to explain his strong background.

Suddenly, there was a noisy door opening and footsteps outside.

A group of people rushed into the door.

Except for the two headed in casual clothes, the latter are wearing a police uniform from the Public Security Bureau.


A police officer who had just been beaten saw the person who came in and found that one of them was his boss.

"Chen Ju, and Secretary Pang!"

The old man also recognized the person, one was the police chief and the other was the leader of Xiamen City, surprised.

However, the visitor ignored him directly, and all walked up to Li Qing, who led the way: "Hello, as a parent official in this city, I did not manage the legal order here. It is my fault, if you have If you are not satisfied, please tell me, I will help you deal with..."

At this time, the old man really wants to ask, are you crazy? Is it necessary?

But just after listening to it, he suddenly sweated out the entire forehead, and his body fell like a cold cellar for thousands of years.

"Master Zhu asked me to come. He said that if you are not is better to let the country deal with it, so as not to make it difficult for him, I hope you can understand him..."


The old man suddenly guessed that Mr. Zhu was probably the one who stood tall.

Not to mention, the old man asked to bring the words, with a hint of plea.


Who is this boy in front of him? ! Why is there such a monstrous power that even the old man has to make three points?

The first son’s son?

Not right!

That's not necessary!

He couldn't guess Li Qing's identity, but he knew he must have stabbed a big thorn, or a big thorn.

The old man panicked!

Ji Xiaoyan also panicked!

The old man thought about whether to make a phone call to his son, the son-in-law of the Li family.

Unexpectedly, his relatives, his father-in-law's father-in-law, also entered the mobile phone.

"Hello! Hello, dear family!" He squeezed a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Is it Ji Ji?"

He squeezed out a laugh and made his voice as calm as possible, but there was a coldness over there, and there was even a fire!

"Yes, yes..." At this point, he wanted to say that the set was close and was interrupted.

"Did you provoke a young man, please apologize to him!"

As if struck by lightning, the old man stood on the spot.


He had just thought of asking for help from the Li family. Li Jiaran first called in and asked him to apologize to the boy!


He only felt that it was dim and dark in front of his eyes, and he was spinning around, his head sounded loudly, and he passed out.


It's a new week, and Li Qing is here to ask all your righteous fathers to vote for free! No more rewards, only free recommendation tickets, monthly tickets...

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