My Super God QQ

Chapter 270: Don't talk, kiss me!

"It's about the magic circle that enters the realm of truth! I once heard that the messenger of the lower realm said that every mortal world would have such a magic circle, and China should have it too!" Liu Changqing pondered for a while.


"The one who sent us down from the realm of truth." Duan Yue explained.

"Oh~" Li Qing's brain opened wide: "In this way, shouldn't there be a messenger called the upper realm who manages the mortal to cultivate the real world?"

"There should be!" Liu Changqing nodded.

"Where is this magic circle? Seniors know?" Li Qing asked, and suddenly a flash came through his mind.

That's what he got from others. Among them, in addition to the middle grade spirit stone, there is this tantric cult of ghosts, and an ancient teleportation map.

Immediately, he looked for it, and took out the residual map of the ancient teleportation array.

Liu Changqing wanted to shake his head, but suddenly his eyes were attracted.

"This picture..." His eyes brightened.


"It seems that when we go down into the mundane world, we also use such a circle, but what you recorded in this picture is a corner of the circle." Duan Yuedao.

"Well, it's such a picture, but your picture is more powerful. It turned out to be a diagram of the magic circle!" Liu Changqing said this, and his tone was a little envious. This is a kind of ancient teleportation array. If you are in the realm, if you take it out for auction, you can definitely get a high price.

He was a little touched, but thinking of the power that Li Qing was standing behind, he could only press back this greedy desire.

After all, this is the territory of others!

He didn't want to die in this mundane world. If he really died here, he would be afraid to show jokes to his fellow siblings.

The cultivator is dying in the mortal world, which is like a dead dragon in a pigsty. Yes, people in the cultivating world look down on the mortal world. Li Qing's appearance made him feel that he should be low-key.

"Then, can I find out the upper teleportation array arranged in this mundane world from this picture?"

This is what Li Qing wants to do.

"Impossible, there is no point of any connection! However, when I was in this mundane world, I once studied the records of this world in detail. I don’t know the ancient things, but from the "scaly claws" in the record However, it can be found that the phalanx exists in the territory of China."

"Ancient Chinese territory in ancient times?" Li Qing wondered how big China was at that time.

Because in every period, China's territory will expand or shrink. If the specific time limit cannot be known, then it is very likely that the upper teleportation array will also be in the neighboring country territory.

Li Qing scratched his head and thought about it, he didn't ask again.

But he heard a lot of information from the other party's words, including this mundane world.

"Senior, are there many places similar to this vulgar world?"

According to the scientific basis, the earth is the only place in the universe where humans exist. Of course, he does not believe it. He is just curious. Will there be other planets?

"Yes! The Buddhists have words. There are 3,000 small worlds. Together, it is a big world! Among them, these 3,000 small worlds are all separated from the big world."

"So much?" Li Qing was a little dumbfounded in surprise: "So, is that big world the real world?"

"Yes, in the view of our self-cultivators, it is the realm of self-cultivation, and in the eyes of other creatures, it is another realm..."

"Is there no unified name?"

"Yes, it's called Pangu Continent!"

"Is the Pangu legend true?" Li Qing asked puzzled.

"I don't know very well, this kind of legend, although there are many circles, even the realm, but I can't be sure whether it is true!" As a rigorous scholar, Liu Changqing's answer is this.

After all, I haven’t seen it, so I’m not sure if it’s true or not.

"Oh~" Li Qing nodded: "What about the cultivation resources on the Pangu continent?"

On the earth, due to the thinness and exhaustion of Aura, there are almost no resources for cultivation.

"Innumerable, almost inexhaustible, as long as you have a certain strength, then this cultivation resource is absolutely inexhaustible!" Duan Yue ha ha laughed.

Li Qing listened, his eyes lit up.

So, if you really want to cultivate into immortality, have unfettered freedom, and are not coerced by time, you really have to go to the cultivation world, otherwise on the earth... Needless to say, people in the cultivation group will know that they want to cultivate How hard it is.

It seems that there is no group of friends in the cultivation group who are above the foundation period. With this, you can see how bad the earth is in terms of Reiki.

Seemingly knowing what Li Qing thought, Liu Changqing smiled.

"This kind of vulgar world is generally called the land of exile. Even if we are now monks in the foundation period, if we don’t go back to the real world, if we work hard, our strength will continue to decline. The spirit here is too little. , The air is full of various exhaust gases."


Although people are a bit angry to compare the earth to a "land of exile", this is the case, and Li Qing has nothing to say.

After eating and drinking in the hotel overnight, Li Qing was separated from them the next day.

In the difference, Li Qing also sent them three mobile phones, so as to contact. They did not shy away, they stayed.

In this regard, Duan Yue was very happy, because Li Qing still remembered his things, so he left.

"There will be a date!"

Liu Changqing clenched his fists.

Li Qing returned the gift.

In this way, divide things.

"In the future, during the battle, you must remember to put away your mobile phone!" Li Qing made up a card and bought a mobile phone.

Otherwise, it is really too much trouble to replenish the card to buy a mobile phone every time.

"No, I don't have a QQ mobile phone, it seems that the mobile phone is not easy to break!" Thinking about this, Li Qing went directly to the plane and went to find Xia Mo Can Yue. This mobile phone seems to be still in the factory.

Along the way...

When Li Qing came to the factory in Fuzhou, it was no longer as quiet as it used to be, and it was replaced by incomparable excitement.

Just at the door of the factory, Li Qing saw countless luxury cars.

According to Xia Mo Canyue sent to pick up his female secretary, these are all to see and talk about business, apart from Chinese people, there are more foreign businessmen.

They want to obtain the distributor's agency rights to sell this suspension motorcycle.

"Huh, isn't that Director Li?"

Suddenly, someone shouted, Li Qing looked over there, it was a Chinese with three blonde foreigners, Li Qing heard this and quickly flashed people.

He wanted to make money, but he really didn't want to waste time on business.

"Come back? I really don't know what you are doing all day long, what are you doing!" Xia Mo's office, Li Qing stepped in and got such a complaint.

Li Qing smiled bitterly.

"Uh, of course I am busy with my own affairs."

"Then do you know to what extent our business has developed now?"

Li Qing shook his head, he really wanted to say, I just came back to get the phone, but seeing her sullen expression, Li Qing was really afraid that if he said this, Xia Mo would be violently thunderous.

"You don't really feel distressed about your shopkeeper. Now, as soon as our product is released, the country's manufacturers have already ordered a million vehicles to go out!"

"one million?"

Even if Li Qing knew that suspended motorcycles were easy to sell, he never expected to be able to sell to this extent.

"How much does that car cost?" Li Qing asked, thinking about it.

"Five thousand!"

"50 million is left over 1 million?" Li Qing froze, as if it was 50 billion.

Fifty billion yuan!

Li Qing dare not imagine this number.

Even if he is rich now, 50 billion is an astronomical figure for him.

"Yes! However, in the case of a deposit, we only charge a thousand each, so it should have made 10 billion now!"

"Then did you recover the money you invested in the previous period?" Li Qing asked. He didn't want to take advantage of Xia Mo's broken moon. He knew that there were factories and technicians for the materials used to make the suspension motorcycle. It costs money.

"Yes, I invested about one billion, now there are nine billion!"

Ninety billion!

Li Qing immediately remembered that he was in qq Every time he learned a practice, it would cost 100 million yuan. At that time, I felt 100 million was really a lot, but now, it seems that there is no shortage!

"It seems that I have taken the right path and used it!" Li Qing admired himself in his heart.

If it weren't for this suspension motorcycle, even if there were any more exercises in the qq bookstore, it could only be seen and not touched!

"Give me a billion for my bank card? Don't look at me like that, I'm useful, really useful!"

"Well, you are the big boss anyway, you have the final say!"

"In addition, I don't have much time to manage. If you don't have something to discuss, I think I will just dig Lin Chengxing over!"

Xia Mo Canyue thought for a while and nodded: "This is a good idea. I heard that Lin Chengxing can't let go of his hands in the Jieshi Group. It would be nice if he were to be the helm."

"I believe in his business talent, but this man at the helm still allows you to do well."

"Hahaha, I don't want to be too busy, you are a little conscience!" Xia Mo Can Yue said of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in her beautiful eyes, and the inexplicable flash came to Li Qing.

Suddenly opened his hand and hugged Li Qing.

Gentle and warm jade embraced, Li Qing was a little stunned!

However, thinking that she had done things very close to her, Li Qing felt that this behavior seemed normal, and hugged her with both hands.

Li Qing didn't know what to say and opened his mouth.

"Don't talk, kiss me!" She closed her eyes, her eyelashes were trembling, and her beautiful face was already flying with double cheeks.

Looking at this beautiful look, Li Qing was also reluctant to refuse, and bowed her head to kiss.

So fragrant, so sweet!

In particular, holding her soft and warm body, Li Qing began to be hardened...

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